Okay so, you guys have no idea how much I kept screaming at you from the depths of the dead thread

. I must sound like an angry lunatic down there, sorry for that! I don't actually have anger issues!
But seriously, that was not the best town play ever, to say the least. The mafia made multiple fuckups during day 4 (killing Squid, both of those faily roleclaims), yet you almost talked yourselves out of killing roy during day 4 already

. Sorry, had to vent.
In general the game was really fun to both play and the watch from the sidelines. I was really hoping for a doctor to be there to save during N2, but alas

. Sorry Batsnacks, if I hadn't been hunting you like a madman during D1, I might not have died so early!
Congratz to Darryl and especially Sorian for the win. Neutral win is always pretty hard to do, but you succeeded admirably!
And Launch, I hope you have changed your opinions about D1 signifigance and reads now

//Also thx for that mvp award Tim

. I was surprised a bit when I found out that my reads were actually correct... During D3 I would have gone to full-attack mode on my suspicious scum team, which would have been Blarg-Darryl combination.