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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


Palmer suggested the ability to lick yourself so you could hide the ability more so we added that.

The whole "don't mention your 3P" thing was added at the last second was dumb because it would have made it harder to heelturn. We were talking about loosing it a bit, but I just removed it altogether.

I really did not expect you to claim so early. You are really lucky town did not realize how much of a threat you could be. It should have been you getting turboed on day two.

I find it funny that ME, a scum, had to point it out to town :)


Also, Launch, I don't know where you got the idea that a watcher wouldn't see a switcher, but that's false. All actions happen at the same time unless there's a contradiction. It would defeat the purpose of having a watcher if they didn't see all non-ninja visitors.


I find it funny that ME, a scum, had to point it out to town :)

I was a little mad, I had my heel turn post all ready and everything that I even E-MAILED to myself so I would have access at work just in case and like a half hour before deadline, you killed it.


I was a little mad, I had my heel turn post all ready and everything that I even E-MAILED to myself so I would have access at work just in case and like a half hour before deadline, you killed it.

It was a last ditch effort, I was at 3 votes and had to come up with something! It almost worked too! That day end was quite a rush for me.

Btw, talking about being mad, I may have said some things regarding you in the Mafia chat after you attacked me that I now kinda regret. I was still in the rush of that end phase


Okay so, you guys have no idea how much I kept screaming at you from the depths of the dead thread :D. I must sound like an angry lunatic down there, sorry for that! I don't actually have anger issues!

But seriously, that was not the best town play ever, to say the least. The mafia made multiple fuckups during day 4 (killing Squid, both of those faily roleclaims), yet you almost talked yourselves out of killing roy during day 4 already :p. Sorry, had to vent.

In general the game was really fun to both play and the watch from the sidelines. I was really hoping for a doctor to be there to save during N2, but alas :(. Sorry Batsnacks, if I hadn't been hunting you like a madman during D1, I might not have died so early!

Congratz to Darryl and especially Sorian for the win. Neutral win is always pretty hard to do, but you succeeded admirably!

And Launch, I hope you have changed your opinions about D1 signifigance and reads now :p.

//Also thx for that mvp award Tim :). I was surprised a bit when I found out that my reads were actually correct... During D3 I would have gone to full-attack mode on my suspicious scum team, which would have been Blarg-Darryl combination.


It was a last ditch effort, I was at 3 votes and had to come up with something! It almost worked too! That day end was quite a rush for me.

Btw, talking about being mad, I may have said some things regarding you in the Mafia chat after you attacked me that I now kinda regret. I was still in the rush of that end phase

I'm reading spectator thread first and having a blast. I always know I'm going to read sad things in scum chat (and Mason chat apparently, looking at you Rats and Droplet :()


btw about the mason chat:

Cab asked for a link to the dead thread, and I made a new forum as a joke. We ended up using it as a mason chat for fun.

Also, I'd like to commend Cab, as I've never seen a miller get nk'd before. It takes a person getting pretty hard town-read by everyone to do that. Nice job, bud!


Congratz to Darryl and especially Sorian for the win. Neutral win is always pretty hard to do, but you succeeded admirably!

Hey, hey, HEY, me and fire also won! It says so in the flavor! I now have a lot of harry potter books!

I'm reading spectator thread first and having a blast. I always know I'm going to read sad things in scum chat (and Mason chat apparently, looking at you Rats and Droplet :()

You are going to like parts of our scum chat. There was a moment me and darryl seriously considered you having read only access to our chat. We actually started talking to you!


I think I had way too much fun editing the harry potter picture even though it was just a MS Paint hack-job.

And Cabby, I was really surprised how far you went to the game, since Miller roles tend to be basically walking timebombs until they are lynched. Sorry I always keep getting suspicious of you, no matter the game, it seems :D.


btw about the mason chat:

Cab asked for a link to the dead thread, and I made a new forum as a joke. We ended up using it as a mason chat for fun.

Also, I'd like to commend Cab, as I've never seen a miller get nk'd before. It takes a person getting pretty hard town-read by everyone to do that. Nice job, bud!

Cab was super town and we all knew it but I think Darryl was still trying to frame Launch :p


I told them to kill you! Change that to "this game would have been different if Town would have fucking listened to Kark"

My voice was too smooth.

survivor roles just became a policy lynch for Gafia, I don't think this will ever happen again


Cab was super town and we all knew it but I think Darryl was still trying to frame Launch :p

It was something to do with the fact that he was cowlicked. I didn't want Sorian removed from the game till the last bit and I never read Sorians claimed role all the way. Did he need a majority? Idk. But I knew the final bit was gonna be me Launch and Sorian and Sorian agreed to lick Launch.
Also, Launch, I don't know where you got the idea that a watcher wouldn't see a switcher, but that's false. All actions happen at the same time unless there's a contradiction. It would defeat the purpose of having a watcher if they didn't see all non-ninja visitors.

I never said that...?

I said, the watcher wouldn't be switched


err, yes he would?

the only thing up for debate is if he is made aware of the switch, which is up to the mods discretion

My results pm only said "Sorian and Fireblend visited your target". When I realised I might have seen Sorian instead, I decided to tiptoe around that and keep it a secret that my results pm didn't say "visited Ourobolus". I was pretty nervous at that point for accidentqlly bussing a switcher, but luckily that didn't happen.


My results pm only said "Sorian and Fireblend visited your target". When I realised I might have seen Sorian instead, I decided to tiptoe around that and keep it a secret that my results pm didn't say "visited Ourobolus". I was pretty nervous at that point for accidentqlly bussing a switcher, but luckily that didn't happen.

Dream team right here, falsifying evidence to kill Fire lel. I want me and Burb on a mafia team together one day.


Dream team right here, falsifying evidence to kill Fire lel. I want me and Burb on a mafia team together one day.

I was super nervous at D2 with you, me, fire, blarg and launch all claiming. I was thinking about what if we all were telling the truth. "Shitshitshit did I just out four town PR's at the same time"

And yes, falsifying evidence is the best :p. I did it though because I was pretty sure Fire was scum, and I didn't want to get off the hook.


I really think if fire had fought a little better he could have sold the switcher claim. I also think he should have claimed town JOAT since it would have been obvious he couldnt switch again


I really think if fire had fought a little better he could have sold the switcher claim. I also think he should have claimed town JOAT since it would have been obvious he couldnt switch again

I was all in, I was ready to produce any lie necessary to bury him. It made me laugh when you PM'd me to make sure I didn't need clarification on my role.

I'm just waiting

Seems to come out in November over here. Will check it out.

I'm not sure where you're located, but I think that might be the deluxe hardcover; the paperback has been out for awhile.

Also, a heads up to what you're getting into, Valiant is its own universe of suoerheroes. However, that story is standalone and a great entry point. I didn't know much when I read it and loved it to death.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So Darryl is officially the best GAFia scum player of all time, right?


True story:

A few months before the Wii's release, my friend and I decided to spend the night in front of a Toys R Us to preorder it. For some god forsaken reason the store decided to take preorders for the PS3 and Elmo on the same day. Even though we were fifth and sixth in line, when the manager came to open up the store he decided to split the line up based on what people wanted. But then didn't tell the workers this and let everyone in at the same time. So all the moms who showed up 15 minutes beforehand got the Wiis.

Fast forward a few months later, the Wii was releasing at midnight and we found a Walmart with some open slots. So we got in line again. This time it was much more organized and fun. A couple hours after we got there however, my friend had gone inside to get us some snacks while I held our spot. I had my headphones on playing a game on my DS, but even still I heard what sounded like someone throwing pebbles at a car's window. I looked up, trying to find the source, but didn't really see anything.

Not two minutes later, about ten cop cars came out of nowhere, lights flashing, sirens on. Apparently some jack asses had done a drive by using airsoft guns. Luckily no one was hurt. I had totally missed this, only hearing the pops of the gun. My friend returned, very confused. Walmart quickly moved everyone inside and arranged security to escort us back to our car after we got the Wiis.

I sold my Wii a few months later because lol waggle.


This isn't going to be me trying to appeal to you, but better than a "gotcha" at the end of the game.

Everything I've said up until now is true. However, once I found out about the role confusion, I figured the best way to sell it was to act like I'd really been screwed and that I was pissed off about it; it wasn't hard, I was a little agitated, I just needed to make it sound worse than it was. At that point, I was just letting it ride out like that, since hounding down Kark plus the outburst sold me as some overly aggressive guy, and I was thinking "well sounds good to me". I haven't been acting this way since around D4, though I suppose people have taken notice.

This isn't a testament to anything, but Tim messaged me about it (I mentioned this earlier in the thread) and asked if I wanted him to modkill me because I was acting so negatively and bringing down the mood. I told him no, I was trying to sell my outrage so that's why I was acting this way. I also apologized for calling him a bunch of names.

Also, not related to the above, but a little to my defense. I was the one who pointed out Roy was probably a mafia tracker and that his role lined up with mine very well. Can I get some points for that? lol

but, fuck me, right?
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