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Mafia |OT| When Death is on the Line

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date
That is a lot of long posts with lots of quotes. This may take a moment to digest.

Speaking of digesting, who wants to hit the breakfast buffet?


I'm going to have a busy weekend and may not be able to post much, so I'm going to throw out a few votes I'm okay with us.

Vote: Egruntz

I feel like he saw my name come up and decided to try and dogpile me(and others) to get a Tourist Lynched.

Vote: amirox

I don't like how silent he's gone, and his few posts haven't been particularly helpful.

Vote: Irfaanator

For all the reasons I've said previously, and more recently it's seemed like he avoided responding to accusations.


I'm going to have a busy weekend and may not be able to post much, so I'm going to throw out a few votes I'm okay with us.

Vote: Egruntz

I feel like he saw my name come up and decided to try and dogpile me(and others) to get a Tourist Lynched.

Vote: amirox

I don't like how silent he's gone, and his few posts haven't been particularly helpful.

Vote: Irfaanator

For all the reasons I've said previously, and more recently it's seemed like he avoided responding to accusations.
Pretty sure you can only vote 1 person.


Pretty sure you can only vote 1 person.

14. For your vote to count, it must be presented in the following format: VOTE: Crab, via use of the highlight tag. It must also be in an entirely separate line from any other text.
15. To remove a vote from a player, you must present in the following format: UNVOTE: Crab, via use of the highlight tag. It must also be in an entirely separate line from any other text.
16. It is not necessary to unvote before casting new vote for a different player; unvoting is simply to remove a vote without casting a new one.

Ah, it didn't explicitly say that, and I took these 3 lines to mean that you could have multiple votes in action. Now I realize that line 16's implication is that casting a new vote automatically cancels your previous votes without needing to specifically Unvote. I was reading it as allowing multiple votes. Sorry guys!

I'll stick to one vote then:

Vote: egruntz


lol what are you doing Palmer

I don't know! I feel like an idiot now cause it makes absolute sense, but so many things about this are already weird to me.

In person, it's not unusual for us to have someone get up for a smoke, or to take a piss, and just tell the group he's willing to Lynch X, Y, and Z, so the group can continue playing without them temporarily. Starting to make me wonder how well we follow the actual rules.


egruntz is getting a lot of votes quickly.

A few people have hunches and don't back them up, egruntz is backing up his hunches but that's a lot of attention to draw if you are mafia or townie.

One thing I don't like is that kalor was the first to pull for an inactive lynch day 1 and he is the first to vote egruntz. Seems like a person set on a kill, despite the fact he is not posting many suspicions/dicussions.

Timeasis, who are contenders for your vote after egruntz?

My vote right now is irfaanator.

One thing that really sticks out to me is post 262 and 263. He talks about the doctor role, assuming there is one, and states the mafia will kill a vocal person, then in the next post he states they will kill someone quiet. It almost seems like he is trying to misdirect the doctor role, again assuming there is one.

timeasis gave irfaanator a pass as good right before irfaanator attacked timeasis. Not to mention irfaanator has hunches on a lot of people. These hunches overlap with egruntz and others.
Determining irfaanator's role provides information on others too.


by determining irfaanator's role, i meant his alignment.

if he is mafia, it brings others in to question. if he is townie, some people i'm suspicious of won't seem as nefarious


irfaanator is my prime suspect too. Already explained it on the last page but I'm gonna write down my thoughts again later.


Timeasis, who are contenders for your vote after egruntz?
In order,

irfaanator - for his weirdness on the last couple of pages after being called out by Foshy
nin - for flip-flopping day one
Duress - just active enough, but with little to say. posts rub me the wrong way
tomak - lurking, quick to defend
I'm going to have a busy weekend and may not be able to post much, so I'm going to throw out a few votes I'm okay with us.

Vote: Egruntz

I feel like he saw my name come up and decided to try and dogpile me(and others) to get a Tourist Lynched.

Vote: amirox

I don't like how silent he's gone, and his few posts haven't been particularly helpful.

Vote: Irfaanator

For all the reasons I've said previously, and more recently it's seemed like he avoided responding to accusations.

Pretty sure you can only vote 1 person.

Sorry been busy to make a legit post on the thread. I will later tonight
alright I reread everything and lets see if I can address foshy's issue from before. So Foshy made this post

I noticed how Timeaisis has been pushing for the "leader" role now that Barry's gone and everyone has been pretty accepting of it.

Something stood out to me though.

Does he? Didn't look to me like he really said much. People called him suspicious and he didn't have much of an answer, all he did was agreeing with you and pointing the finger at nin and Palmer. Also, throwing 2 new names into the list just because. Considering your grudge on nin, whose actions were pretty consistent (all he wanted was to speed the game up), you let him go pretty easily. You've been pretty quick to suspect other people too.


Hmm I don't know. My gut says basic villager who feels like he's not important and doesn't have much to lose. If he had a classic town power role, he'd definitely try harder to defend himself. If he was mafia, probably too. Unless he's pulling some reverse psychology mindgames, which I guess isn't out of question either.

If we lynch him, worst case scenario is that he's really is a hunter (even though I doubt it). We don't have much solid evidence and it's more probable that he'd drag another townie to death with him rather than shooting a maf.

And if he's fool...well, ending the game on the second day would be pretty anticlimatic.

I think no lynch is still the safer and more reasonable option, until we hear from the cop. On the other hand, lynching would get things rolling, even if we kill a townie. It would give us an idea on who's trusting who, at least.

Timeasis said that was probably a tourist/townie based on my postings and Foshy had an issue with that. From what I can gather, Foshy has an issue because of an earlier Palmer_v1 post:

This post is part of why I don't suspect johnny. The logic makes sense to me. I think Irfaanator is high on my suspect list, particularly with how defensive he got after his name got brought up.

So Palmer_v1 thinks I am being defensive based on previous posts when my only two previous posts have been

alright I reread the thread, but yea in my opinion no lynch helps out the townsfolk the first day in the fact that we don't run the chance of killing one of our special folk. Hopefully the doctor if there is one, is saving himself and the cop hasn't died already. In terms of suspicions, I only get the shifty/trick knee acting up on nin1000. I echo timeasis earlier sentiment that there is something up with nin1000. I also got a slight shifty eye feel from palmer.

If we are dealing with inexperienced mafioso they'll single out the vocals every turn as mentioned earlier. That means that timeasis may die this night or foshy.

So my mafioso list right now is
amirox (maybe)

hmmm, I guess I gotta no lynch as well.


I'm still reading the thread and looking at what people are saying, but for me the first day is always the hardest. I'm going to have to reread the thread after the first kill to start making some initial judgements

In my mind I haven't been super defensive about myself in these posts. Maybe Palmer_v1 was reading too much into this/got me confused with someone else. I hope this answers your question Foshy and changes your opinion about my behaviour. I will say again that I do feel some mafioso are proactive which is why I'm still a slight bit hesitant to go with what timeasis is saying, but I am not throwing him under the bus. My suspicions still stand and after rereading I may also put Duress/Foshy in there now based on previous posts but not yet
Sorry, that's more than 2 previous posts. I do have other posts in the thread that did not seem pertinent to the accusations levied against me
Since we seem to be getting quite a few more concise suspicion lists I'll add mine, not in order yet as I'm not ready to vote.

egruntz - Pretty much because of all the action on page 8. In summary taking peoples posts out of context to criticise, the strange filler stuff and, mostly, his attitude towards our day one voting that I detail in post 397/8.

ifaanator - I posted a few days ago that I was suspicious of him, my initial thoughts were related to the no-lynch cluster of day one where he was a reluctant anomaly, not particularly strong but its a point I stand by.

Amir0x - was actively posting nothing useful in day one before vanishing. His post immediately following Barry's final words was interesting

Ultron87/MattyG/Rembrandt - Not suspicious but these seem to be the least active players.

I also think that at least one of the more regular posters will likely be Mafia I keep flipflopping on Timeaisis, Palmer and Foshy. I have no real reason why and its most likely just because they are posting quite a bit so there is more to analyse.


I guess I'll post my current suspicion list, the notes aren't the most detailed since I haven't been able to reread everything and write it down.

Likely mafia?

Amir0x - Hasn't posted much since d1. Didn't contributed much even when they have posted.
egruntz- They didn't stand out until their long post due to that being their first large contribution. Highlighted particular posts with "filler" but didn't highlight other ones.
Duress - Similar to Amir0x, most of their posts don't contain anything useful

Possibility they are mafia.

nin1000- Says they are excited for lynching on d1 but then says they want to see the game speed up and votes no lynch. Might be town, change my mind a lot regarding it.
Duress - Similar to Amir0x, most of their posts don't contain anything useful


Yeah, I haven't really been that active. There just hasn't felt like a ton of interesting stuff for me to say at any particular moment. I'd obviously hate to be accused of posting filler. :p

So let's go!

After a lot of though and looking over stuff again, in the entire thread the thing that stuck out to as oddest was Timeaisis' initial posts suggesting that we hang tomakasatnav.

Post 1: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=147250532&postcount=292
Post 2: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=147251591&postcount=293

Especially the second post feels real odd. Tom's posts are presented as if these are some damning evidence but they seem extremely benign.

The whole thing feels, to me, like an attempt by a Mafia member to just try and get an easy vote through on a townsperson that hasn't played much yet so there won't be much angst in taking them out.


Oh. A lot happened yesterday.

Just some of my thoughts.

The whole filler-stuff of egruntz also struck me as odd. Looks like he felt himself cornered and so he went full defense by trying to analyse way too much out of some posts.

I don't really see the problem with "filler" posts. Some small talk is okay in my book.

Kalor, Timeaisis and Palmer: Palmer did not really seem to be offended by egruntz's post. But Kalor and Timeaisis both start do defend him and then all three of them vote to lynch egruntz.

I am also curious about Amir0x, who has not posted anything after Barry got lynched.


Yeah, my bad for not being active. I had a busy week since school started. I'm definitely going to start participating a lot more. Since I've been inactive, I have no string opinions on any poster yet. I'll go through and read everything I miss and go from there, though.


So, egruntz smells scummy right now. Not only did he just post some really long analysis where he claims everyone is just writing filler, he's also analyzing everyone's phrasing to an extreme degree, which, in my mind, seems super forced.

Not gonna lie, egruntz looks like he's grasping at straws to accuse people because he knows he's the suspect in a few eyes:

- Palmer is an obvious pick for him to target because he's active and a couple people have suspected him, essentially jumping on a bandwagon
- tomak because people started calling him a martyr and is suspected by lots right now. again, bandwagon.
- johnny because johnny is active and a good player and had a little disagreement in the last couple pages

Just seems like he's
a) repeating what others have said about people, but magnifying it. E.g. "All you are saying is filler"
b) Twisting words to make it looks like someone's hiding something when there's no reason to suspect this. E.g. Asking a question about mafioso abilities means the person asking is mafioso

Furthermore, why isn't he calling out Duress for filler? Look at every single one of Duress' posts and you'll see they are mostly filler. But, apparently, those aren't suspicious in egruntz mind. Instead, it's random stuff Palmer says in between contributing good posts. My point being, there are plenty of people more deserving of being called out on writing "filler" on than Palmer and johnny, who definitely have contributed to the game. Maybe egruntz and Duress are both mafia? Long shot, and kind of layered logic, but worth bringing up.

Calling out filler on people who are contributing in between their contributions seems like a weird choice. Especially that instance where he calls filler on Palmer in the same post he votes no lynch...I mean...what?

That's not filler, that's commentary. He's still voting.

You beat me to it. I found it slightly odd that he was only opinionated about people that have already been sort of accused and he did that with virtually nothing to go on. To me, it seems like deflection to make it seem like he could be a valuable townie. Reading through the previous pages, I thought you or Foshy might be Mafia, but it's nothing but a hunch even though you two seem to contribute a lot more and seemingly have good judgment behind your posts. You two are good in my eyes.

Reading more I am actualy getting more suspicious, I'd quite like to hear egruntz justify his criticism of our day 1 play.

To put it in one place, since its spread over the last couple of pages he said:

Before criticising my choice to no lynch quickly on day 1 because:

Seems kind of a hypocritical attitude to take for someone who apparently always refuses to post on day 1.

I get that there were a lot of posts targetting you but you brushed off my first question about it with (the again pretty hypocritical):

and then didnt respond at all when I asked:

Very good post, especially the day 1 vote/no vote debate

If mafia can PM, it seems like they found the mafia with the most experience to come out and rile things up, maybe in an attempt to make us suspicious of some of our, in my eyes, more valuable townies. He's coming off kind of manipulative to me so far.

I might be sort of biased, but I don't think voting those that are inactive is the greatest idea. At least not anymore. It could have got the ball rolling, but I don't think inactivity is the best indicator of them being mafia or even town. Personally, I'll find those only voting somebody inactive as kind of suspicious right now, especially when there seems to be active posters more suspicious. Sorry if this is coming off muddled. It's 4:20 in the morning here and I have to type this off my phone.

Vote: Egruntz


Yeah, I haven't really been that active. There just hasn't felt like a ton of interesting stuff for me to say at any particular moment. I'd obviously hate to be accused of posting filler. :p

So let's go!

After a lot of though and looking over stuff again, in the entire thread the thing that stuck out to as oddest was Timeaisis' initial posts suggesting that we hang tomakasatnav.

Post 1: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=147250532&postcount=292
Post 2: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=147251591&postcount=293

Especially the second post feels real odd. Tom's posts are presented as if these are some damning evidence but they seem extremely benign.

The whole thing feels, to me, like an attempt by a Mafia member to just try and get an easy vote through on a townsperson that hasn't played much yet so there won't be much angst in taking them out.

Sorry for triple posting guys!

This is what made me suspicious of him, too. His statement in that second post rubbed me wrong. Nothing about the quoted posts seemed particularly odd to me. Even if he isn't mafia, I hope we don't let him develop a cult of personality and allow him to sway the game in a way he seems fit, although I think he did good with drawing out my vote. out of him and Foshy, he seems the more suspicious of the two


I do apologise for being much less active the past few days. I've had some weird thing going on where my eyes are really bloodshot and feel tired so I've been trying to cut down my time spent infront of a screen to as little as possible while packing my house ready to move next week.

I'll catch up with what I've missed later today and hopefully contribute some more.
Lots to go over.

I'll mainly start with egruntz in this post and come back to the others in a bit. I'm not ready to jump on lynching him just yet, but I am at the moment going to dismiss his suggestions (though, take it with a pinch of salt.. it's his list s summarised by Timeaisis)

Not gonna lie, egruntz looks like he's grasping at straws to accuse people because he knows he's the suspect in a few eyes:

- Palmer is an obvious pick for him to target because he's active and a couple people have suspected him, essentially jumping on a bandwagon
- tomak because people started calling him a martyr and is suspected by lots right now. again, bandwagon.
- johnny because johnny is active and a good player and had a little disagreement in the last couple pages

Just to point out this egruntz quote isn't a direct reply, just one including his criteria!

Don't even know how to respond to this since it's so baffling. Filler, scrupulosity, and spuriousness. These are not weird reasons. In fact, these practices tend to lead to scum more reliably than not. Whether or not you like the reasons is your own thing, but to claim that mentioning them is detrimental to town? Enough to warrant and immediate vote in retaliation on your end? That's certainly not leading us in the right direction.

By including me in his list, it's throwing me off. Is his radar off, since he claims this leads to scum more reliably than not? Am I the exception to the rule in that list? It's hard to tell but when you know a third is dead wrong, it's hard to follow.

I don't mind 'filler', talking to metagame etc. at all since I find the forum version inferior to in person group games, so that stuff is OK by me. For that reason, I don't particularly like his posts but playing the game differently isn't pushing me to lynch.

Don't want this to appear as if I'm mafia defending another mafia, but as I started off with, not enough for me to lynch but for now enough to not be influenced by his suspicions.

tomak - lurking, quick to defend

Without sounding like a broken record, my posting during the week will be mainly outside the 9-5 UK time. I can probably keep an eye on the thread if a vote is picking up steam, but depending on how work is going, not doing many longer replies.


Sorry for triple posting guys!

This is what made me suspicious of him, too. His statement in that second post rubbed me wrong. Nothing about the quoted posts seemed particularly odd to me. Even if he isn't mafia, I hope we don't let him develop a cult of personality and allow him to sway the game in a way he seems fit, although I think he did good with drawing out my vote. out of him and Foshy, he seems the more suspicious of the two

Fair criticism. I will say I may have been a little quick to jump on tomak. He's still a suspect for me, but much less so now than egruntz or irfaanator are.

Without sounding like a broken record, my posting during the week will be mainly outside the 9-5 UK time. I can probably keep an eye on the thread if a vote is picking up steam, but depending on how work is going, not doing many longer replies.

For the record, this was only in reference to your first exchange with me. I haven't had any reason to suspect you further since then.


Since its less than 24 Hours for the day to end , i will try to get over every comment that was made. I have been lurking the thread the last day but could not made up my mind. As there has not been anything in particular to go for. But i understand aswell the urge to do something as we have the power over the mafia right now.


Yeah I've been lurking too, I'm still at my original position, but I'll try and commit before too long.
We have until tomorrow right? Seems to be a lot of things up in the air.

The only votes we have are for egruntz and a single no vote.

I think we are going to learn something during this night phase. But the real question is are we going to learn something today?
So theres about 14 hours to go, I'm going to throw a vote in the mix incase I don't get another chance before 2pm tomorrow.

VOTE: egruntz

It's a weird one for me, I don't have that gut feeling that he's Mafia, yet at the same time theres just way to much about his posts that is slightly suspicious and very weird. If we don't lynch him today I think I'm going to continue to struggle throughout the game with trusting him.

Really he just said scrupulosity and spuriousness to many times.


Probably not gonna be able to make a post tomorrow, since I have an important appointment to get to and that will probably consume my entire day. Seems I'm gonna be lynched this Day phase, and that's...fine. To be honest it seems a lot of you don't really know how the game is played, but I shouldn't have expected gameplay on the caliber of mafiascum.net with so many newcomers I suppose.

johnnyquicknives is most probably Mafia.
Palmer is likely town. His reactions suggest newbtells rather than scumtells.
Timeasis has a high chance of being Mafia, but really only if johnny is Mafia.

VOTE: johnnyquicknives

I didn't have any reports.

GL;HF everyone.


To be honest it seems a lot of you don't really know how the game is played, but I shouldn't have expected gameplay on the caliber of mafiascum.net with so many newcomers I suppose.

Out of curiosity, what makes you suddenly say that? besides the point that you're probably going to die.


There is about 7 hours to go, which is my entire work day. I'm still swinging no lynch at the moment but egruntz seems to have lots of momentum


Vote: Irfaanator

I've decided to go back to my original suspicion.

Crab, can you post the vote counts since time is getting short?


Probably not gonna be able to make a post tomorrow, since I have an important appointment to get to and that will probably consume my entire day. Seems I'm gonna be lynched this Day phase, and that's...fine. To be honest it seems a lot of you don't really know how the game is played, but I shouldn't have expected gameplay on the caliber of mafiascum.net with so many newcomers I suppose.

Man, this is some bad sportsmanship. I don't care if we aren't playing at the esteemed level of "mafiascum.net"; I'm here to have fun. You don't need to be an expert at this game to enjoy it.

Speaking of 'expert play', I don't see how your deep analysis of "scumtells" is really moving the game forward at all. There are logical inferences that can be made from what people voted, who died, figuring out why they might have died, what some people learned during night phases, and who is making statements specifically for or against a player or a certain idea. I haven't seen any of that from you.

We're working with slightly educated gambles at this point. I wasn't convinced by any case you presented, because it felt like you were reaching to frame some fairly innocuous chatter into a suspicious context. But I also wasn't particularly convinced by the accusations against you; mostly because they felt reactionary against your comments. It was possible that you were just jumping the gun.

But now that you've shown yourself as some kind of too-cool-for-school Mafia expert, I'm finally convinced: let's not keep you around. Call it an educated gamble.

If you're really as high-level as you claim to be, then I have even more reason to fear that you're pulling a trick on us. If you're Town, then it's possible that we could use your game experience, but I fear your elitist attitude is going to spoil this experience for everyone.

We didn't lynch anyone yesterday, and only lost one person overnight. Good or bad, I think we have a little room to spare in the graveyard at this point.

Thanks for playing anyway,

VOTE: egruntz
egruntz is getting a lot of votes quickly.

A few people have hunches and don't back them up, egruntz is backing up his hunches but that's a lot of attention to draw if you are mafia or townie.

One thing I don't like is that kalor was the first to pull for an inactive lynch day 1 and he is the first to vote egruntz. Seems like a person set on a kill, despite the fact he is not posting many suspicions/dicussions.

Timeasis, who are contenders for your vote after egruntz?

My vote right now is irfaanator.

One thing that really sticks out to me is post 262 and 263. He talks about the doctor role, assuming there is one, and states the mafia will kill a vocal person, then in the next post he states they will kill someone quiet. It almost seems like he is trying to misdirect the doctor role, again assuming there is one.

timeasis gave irfaanator a pass as good right before irfaanator attacked timeasis. Not to mention irfaanator has hunches on a lot of people. These hunches overlap with egruntz and others.
Determining irfaanator's role provides information on others too.

on those two posts the first I was stating in terms of maybe how the mafioso will target people based on if they're experienced or not. How egruntz determined his list is way different than mine. Like I said mine are just hunches, I'm not overanalyzing everybody's post to see if they're making filler comments or not.


Quick round up so far

egruntz: 8 votes (kalor, timeaisis, palmer, rembrandt, johnnyquickknives, karkador, irfaanator, pants)
johnnyquickknives: 1 vote (egruntz)
no lynch: 1 vote (traube)


Sorry for not being active the last 2 days btw.

Man, this is some bad sportsmanship. I don't care if we aren't playing at the esteemed level of "mafiascum.net"; I'm here to have fun. You don't need to be an expert at this game to enjoy it.

Speaking of 'expert play', I don't see how your deep analysis of "scumtells" is really moving the game forward at all. There are logical inferences that can be made from what people voted, who died, figuring out why they might have died, what some people learned during night phases, and who is making statements specifically for or against a player or a certain idea. I haven't seen any of that from you.

We're working with slightly educated gambles at this point. I wasn't convinced by any case you presented, because it felt like you were reaching to frame some fairly innocuous chatter into a suspicious context. But I also wasn't particularly convinced by the accusations against you; mostly because they felt reactionary against your comments. It was possible that you were just jumping the gun.

But now that you've shown yourself as some kind of too-cool-for-school Mafia expert, I'm finally convinced: let's not keep you around. Call it an educated gamble.

If you're really as high-level as you claim to be, then I have even more reason to fear that you're pulling a trick on us. If you're Town, then it's possible that we could use your game experience, but I fear your elitist attitude is going to spoil this experience for everyone.

We didn't lynch anyone yesterday, and only lost one person overnight. Good or bad, I think we have a little room to spare in the graveyard at this point.

Thanks for playing anyway,

VOTE: egruntz
This is kinda where I'm at with egruntz too, after catching up with the last posts in this thread. That said, if he does end up being a townie, it's probably worth taking another look at his observations.


Vote: kalor

First to vote egruntz just seems too eager. His suspicions are shallow based mostly on lack of posting. Which makes them easy to sidestep later. I think he is blending.


Yeah, sorry but egruntz it is, sorry dude lots of people feel strongly about you.

VOTE: egruntz

For most townies a vote is the only power they have. Not sure how you intended, but it sounds like just joining the bandwagon.
I'm torn with voting egruntz.

One one hand, it seems like he is kinda playing on tilt, he's left a lot of questions open. These questions only make him look more suspicious.

Of course, the problem with that is that is that the fool, tanner, player who wants to die, will also play like this (if he is good).

By far he is the only player we are likely to kill tosay, which is good and bad. Good because it will give us information, bad because most of all of the power players are voting for him.

This means that either a lot of the power players are all town, or that the mafia is not so sad to kill egruntz.

It's a tough spot. With only a few hours to go, this may come down to the wire


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't doing this to follow the bandwagon but I've not really noticed anything with anyone else that I could sit there and say I want to vote for them for it. I've been trying to follow the game, but I'm in the middle of moving house so I've got a lot on my mind so it makes it hard to follow every post and I'm not even sure there's enough people to sway vote anyone else anyway with the amount of time left.

VOTE: egruntz


For most townies a vote is the only power they have. Not sure how you intended, but it sounds like just joining the bandwagon.

Yes, I am joining the bandwagon. As I said many times before I'm leaning towards no lynch, but I'm willing to play ball if there are people who feel strongly about it.


i dont know , i can understand that egruntz made some comments that did not shine a good light on him, but he did not say something that was in my pov something to let him lynched. Since it does not really matter what i vote and i dont want to be acussed of just being part of the swarm, i decided not to vote. This is not because i dont want to be agains my own group, its more about me not being sure.


Being all aggro and "eh, you're all noobs anyway" seems like the worst strategy for a mafia member ever since it is bound to draw ire from everyone, so I don't think I'll vote for him for that reason. Unless that is exactly what he expects us to think. Whatever. He is probably dead anyway.

I don't really want to kill anyone else and time is basically up, so I'm going going to vote no lunch to have something on the record. I think we've gotten some info from how people voted here whether or not we actually kill someone.

Vote: No Lynch

El Topo

I'm not at all convinced egruntz is mafia. That said, I think not lynching anyone (while potentially better) is just not all that entertaining and more importantly I think we can gain valuable information if we lynch him.

I think it would be best though if players were more active though. It's more fun and interaction is pretty much the only information we can get.

VOTE: egruntz
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