Matt Attack
I've never even seen Archer, but it sounds like I need to change that?
I've never even seen Archer, but it sounds like I need to change that?
Like, yesterday.I've never even seen Archer, but it sounds like I need to change that?
You guys are insane.
(i slept through all that. then work. only had caught up now.)
You guys. are. insane.
<3 I tried my best to kill you. I really did.
I tired harder. Trust me.
We're still doing that, right?
Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
Too much text to read through, I am kinda happy I was evicted lol.
Too much text to read through, I am kinda happy I was evicted lol.
I'm still alive you fucker!
...hopefully I will be tomorrow as well
Anyone else agreeing with me that we can never hand out the link of the dead message board to palmer? He would never forgive us if he sees all those posts about him.
Anyone else agreeing with me that we can never hand out the link of the dead message board to palmer? He would never forgive us if he sees all those posts about him.
Especially the thing about the Goat.
I'm still alive you fucker!
...hopefully I will be tomorrow as well
Especially the thing about the Goat.
He be jobbing tho
lol, what an incredibly specific GIF to respond with
Sometimes the GIFGod is benevolent.
Traube's C: Drive
>Barrylocke Hatemail
>Big ol Butts
>Definitely not Dicks
and I can only assume by Goat, you really mean I'm the GOAT Mafia player who hasn't made any epic mistakes this game.
Anyone changing their Star Wars avatar to something else before the game ends is a traitor.
Yamucha deserves better :c
Guy's like Goku's 3rd oldest friend or something
We should start a Mafia game where you are only allowed to post pics/gifs (containing no text obviously). Even the voting has to be done by posting pics.
We should start a Mafia game where you are only allowed to post pics/gifs (containing no text obviously). Even the voting has to be done by posting pics.
Stupid pic gets me every time...
We should start a Mafia game where you are only allowed to post pics/gifs (containing no text obviously). Even the voting has to be done by posting pics.
The mysteries of this image are one of the things I look forward to seeing in the Dead Thread.
The mysteries of this image are one of the things I look forward to seeing in the Dead Thread.
The mysteries of this image are one of the things I look forward to seeing in the Dead Thread.
The entire image is a reference to the MGSV trailer. 'The Fanta Stain'= The phantom PainNot sure whether to ask this here or in the Dead thread, but Blarg, is "Slurps that kill" a reference to the first trailer to Metal Gear Solid 5?
Because if so, you win the internet for today.
Another 24 hours until the night ends in the Animal Crossing game, is that really necessary with only 3 players left after tonight?
The waiting is killing me D:
The entire image is a reference to the MGSV trailer. 'The Fanta Stain'= The phantom Pain
Sips of the vader"= Sins of the father(name of the song in trailer)
Heck he even has the lyrics: Can't wash this blood off my vest = can't wash this blood off my hands.
The waiting is killing me D:
You're in the know now, snuggles. No popcorn gifs for you!Yeah! I have popcorn gifs to post, darn it!