It's the laaaast midnight
Hang on
Does Kark's weird maths mean there's no such thing as majority tomorrow unless the evictee self votes?
Wait what, how does that work? and why?Correct
Wait what, how does that work? and why?
It's the laaaast midnight
Cue The Final Countdown
Wait what, how does that work? and why?
I don't understand the point of that though, to artificially extend the final day?
Maybe i'm just anxious to see how this ends now, but the idea of having to wait days for a result kinda sucks.
I don't understand the point of that though, to artificially extend the final day?
Maybe i'm just anxious to see how this ends now, but the idea of having to wait days for a result kinda sucks.
Karkador is fueled by our angst.
Hmm I hope it's safe to say this, but it at least makes it so someone can't be voted out immediately without being able to defend themselves.
Karkador is fueled by our angst.
Reading the Star Wars thread again for funsies.
I'm really excited to be in a full game next time, because every time I had to go back and re-read the thread to get a read on someone, I felt like my head was going to explode.
You have no idea what I have in store...I'm really excited to be in a full game next time, because every time I had to go back and re-read the thread to get a read on someone, I felt like my head was going to explode.
You have no idea what I have in store...
lmao!Razmos be like this atm
Thanks for the death thread for this awesome post
You are Bill!
You are aligned with Mafia
The game ends when you are killed, however, you cannot be killed by any means unless all other Mafia are dead, or unless you get assassinated by The Bride
You are The Bride!
You are aligned with Town
Once per game you have the ability to Kill Bill by targeting a player. If the player is not Bill, nothing happens, but if they are, you win the game. Choose wisely!
You are Hattori Hanzō!
You are aligned with Town
Once per game you have the ability to Bestow a sword on any player including yourself, allowing them to kill one target
You are Vernita Green, A.K.A Copperhead!
You are aligned with Mafia
Once per game, during the night phase, you can prep a Counter Attack that will kill anyone who tries to kill you, saving yourself.
You are Budd, A.K.A Sidewinder!
You are aligned with Mafia
Once per night you have the ability to Bury someone alive, preventing them from being killed or taking any actions. They will be back to normal by the next day, however.
You are Elle Driver, A.K.A California Mountain Snake!
You are aligned with Mafia
Once per night you can Poison a fellow player, preventing them from voting for the next 2 days
You are O-Ren Ishii, A.K.A Cottonmouth!
You are aligned with Mafia
Once per game you can Decapitate a player of your choice at any time
I have no intention of hosting a game haha, just spitballingI think I read the first one and stopped reading because keep that to yourself and host your own game Razmos! You don't want everyone knowing how your game will work.
The only role I read was good, though.
I'm always a fan of the 'can kill at any time' rolls.
I have no intention of hosting a game haha, just spitballing![]()
Ooh. I just had an idea. Mega Man Mafia.
Absorb the players' powers you kill. Don't kill an Ordinary!
I'm full of 'em. I'm just a terrible playerThat is amazing, too.
The new trailer for Gravity Falls reminds me that we still need a Gravity Falls Mafia.
*Trailer contains spoilers for Gravity Falls, although you probably won't get a lot of them if you've never watched the show. But here's a less spoilery trailer. You're welcome.
Call of Cthulhu?Posted this already in the dead message board.
I am also planing to a run a game. Maybe season 4 or 5?
I'd like to have a co-moderator. I am thinking of running a Call of Cthulhu based game an have already some ideas. Not much. So there is still a lot of planning to do.
Anyone interested to build and run this with me?
Call of Cthulhu?
I'd be down to co-mod. Assuming you're still looking for one of course.
Probably, either that or we'd do it via PM.
I can't believe I missed all these.The entire image is a reference to the MGSV trailer. 'The Fanta Stain'= The phantom Pain
Sips of the vader"= Sins of the father(name of the song in trailer)
Heck he even has the lyrics: Can't wash this blood off my vest = can't wash this blood off my hands.
Ditto. Jesus.I can't believe I missed all these.
I'd have no problem with a third pair of helping hands. And Call of Cthulhu is about tentacles. That's basically all you need to know.
Ghostbusters did it
That's what you don't want to happen as a Non-Cultist.
I'm slightly worried that so many people are co-modding. We do actually need a player base to play all these games, you know, and Karkador and MattyG are on hand for advice. You'll also have help from the mods of all the other games, like how Karkador and MattyG helped each other out. If we end up with 6-7 mods like there currently seems to be, we'd need something like 150-75 players to get good returns, and that seems unlikely.
I'm slightly worried that so many people are co-modding. We do actually need a player base to play all these games, you know, and Karkador and MattyG are on hand for advice.
I've played a lot of the Arkham board games at least, I just don't pay much attention to the fluff when I do.