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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


I finally popped this game in last night for a couple hours and.... Wow, this game has a HUGE learning curve to it, huh?!

First impressions from a NOOB player:

- The iron sights (L1 button) are useless in the game unless you have a weak sniper rifle with the scope, and even then it's not an easy kill

- How many shots does it take to kill someone? Feels like R1 and R2

- OK, I know the retinal was right on your forehead, why am I not getting any credit for hitting it, $hitastic accuracy

- Rockets? Why? I hit a guy 3 times with rocket and he still didn't die, there is little to no area damage. Why bother adding them?

- Granades? WTF? why is a granade more powerful than a rocket? I played a couple Supression rounds last night and ended up going 1-14 in one of the matches because I couldn't get out of my spawn area. The other team just surrounded it and just kept throwing granades

- You can tell is was made by the same folks as Socom, because it has a 3PS feel to it. slow and deliberate....

- Team Kill/Damage... WTF some a$$hole kept sniping me from the base and lowering my health to 28 on purpose...

- Oh and speaking of sniping, is there a auto headshot option that you unlock later in the game? Seriously, is every shot a headshot?
Using the L1 button to zoom becomes far more useful once you add a dot sight or a scope to your weapon. Unless the enemy is wearing heavy armor, you should only need a few shots to kill someone. Aim for the head! The rockets are extremely useful for taking down turrets and destroying enemy vehicles. The low splash damage is probably there for balance reasons. I haven't played MAG lately, but I'm pretty sure snipers still have to rely on their own aiming skills.


oneHeero said:
Does the clan just steamroll in games? I got bored of doing that when we played as SVER. Or do they set up clan matches etc? I get bored once a game I feel like I have a grasp on it or if I'm not competing. I get bored playing in just random games unless with a group of ppl often. Gaf had slowly stopped for a while so I tried other games(new) and no clan matches or anything so I cameback here and there and it was really fun. But lack of competitive games or enough ppl to play with did it for me.

If this clan setsup matches or actually gets grouped against good ppl often, than I wouldnt mind rebuying the game. I always enjoyed it.

We usually do steamroll opposing teams. Picture SVER GAF in its glory days but a much more vicious steamroll. We usually red-line camp the opposing team but we've been trying to break that habit because that strategy loses games for us when we play against talented clans / teams.

However, we do get to play against at least 1 or 2 "top clans" of MAG every night via random encounters. Most of the time, we beat those "top clans," but sometimes we lose as well (usually because we're outnumbered or because our blue dots did nothing to help us).

We don't try and queue sync with the "top clans" because we tried that before and it's usually a hassle trying to set it up. One time, it took over an hour to set up a game with another clan from another PMC. We're just going to wait until Clan Deploy comes out to have clan battles. Right now, we're just recruiting, practicing, having fun, and trying out some strategies.

This an example of an epic game we played and won last night, against a few of the best Valor clans. Das-J was in that game too. :D

If you're interested, let me know Finest. I'm sure we can get you in.
I wish more talented SVER GAF members returned and joined us in our new clan.


Cornbread78 said:
I finally popped this game in last night for a couple hours and.... Wow, this game has a HUGE learning curve to it, huh?!

First impressions from a NOOB player:

- The iron sights (L1 button) are useless in the game unless you have a weak sniper rifle with the scope, and even then it's not an easy kill

- How many shots does it take to kill someone? Feels like R1 and R2

- OK, I know the retinal was right on your forehead, why am I not getting any credit for hitting it, $hitastic accuracy

- Rockets? Why? I hit a guy 3 times with rocket and he still didn't die, there is little to no area damage. Why bother adding them?

- Granades? WTF? why is a granade more powerful than a rocket? I played a couple Supression rounds last night and ended up going 1-14 in one of the matches because I couldn't get out of my spawn area. The other team just surrounded it and just kept throwing granades

- You can tell is was made by the same folks as Socom, because it has a 3PS feel to it. slow and deliberate....

- Team Kill/Damage... WTF some a$$hole kept sniping me from the base and lowering my health to 28 on purpose...

- Oh and speaking of sniping, is there a auto headshot option that you unlock later in the game? Seriously, is every shot a headshot?

First off, you're a completely new player trying to play a very complex FPS game that's already been out for almost 7 months. A lot of the playerbase are hardcore players that's been playing MAG since beta. It does have a steep learning curve but if you're dedicated to the game, you will eventually get good at it (unless you just suck at online shooters and/or have slow reaction time and shitty aim). It's well worth the time you invest too because this game can be extremely fun if you can look past the extremely frustrating experience you'll have from time to time.

- Most people upgrade their weapon(s) of choice with the red dot scope. Iron sights are decent, but if you want to be more precise with aiming, upgraded scopes are necessary.

- Once you get good at aiming, it doesn't take very long to drop someone. I usually shoot someone 3-4 times (1-2 seconds) with my Tier 2 Assault Rifle (AG-94) and they drop dead. If the latency is bad, it may take more bullets to kill people, especially if they're Japanese, lol. People also side-strafe, drop-shoot (prone and get up real fast), and wear heavy armor, so it can sometimes be difficult to kill other players. Oh yeah, I usually aim for the head. Headshots are the quickest and most efficient way to kill people, just like in most online shooters.

- What gun are you using? Were you moving, standing up, crouched, or proned? I ask this because there are many factors as to why your bullets aren't hitting your targets.

- RPGs are balanced to take out turrets and vehicles, not infantry. While they can still kill infantry, the damage has been decreased so that not everyone is running around with RPGs camping and shooting them everywhere. Once you've played this game long enough, you'll see that there's absolutely nothing wrong with how they implemented RPGs in MAG. If you want an explosive projectile to take out infantry with, use the grenade launcher attachment on the ARs. It'll take you a while to level up that high to unlock the n00btube, but once you do, they are USUALLY 1-hit kills.

- Grenades are meant to kill infantry and newbies. When you get enough skill points, invest them in Explosive Resistance and the 20 extra health upgrade. You'll die A LOT less often to grenade spammers. Oh yeah, try not to play Supression too much. It's OK to start in this game mode, but you should be playing Sabotage instead. Once you're comfortable, work your way up to Acquisition and eventually Domination.

- It's really not that slow of a game. If you want to and if you're good enough, MAG can become a twitch shooter. It's really the best of both worlds. I personally like to play tactically and "deliberately," but sometimes, I like to go into "BEAST mode," running and gunning, destroying everything in my path.

That's what's so great about MAG. You make this game what you want it to be. You can be a selfish kill-whore and not worry about the objectives and your team winning or losing. You can be a full-time medic or engineer, reviving / healing people or repairing blown up objects all the time, instead of killing people. You can be a sniper and not contribute much to the team. :lol Or you can mix all of the above and become a great team player that contributes to your team's win. It's really all up to you how you want to play MAG.

- There are always going to be assholes in online games. Not sure why you're really complaining about this because teamkilling is always going to be an issue in games that have it turned on. Zipper has already taken steps to lower the amount of damage a teammate does to each other. They've also completely gotten rid of knifing damage to teammates, as well as headshot damage. It was much, much worse before they made these changes.

- No, there's no auto-aim or auto-headshot feature like there is in most modern online shooters. You just got shot by a good and/or lucky sniper. Never stay still unless you're camping or laying prone, looking at your CNI screen. If you're stationary for too long you will eventually get killed (unless you're really well hidden or in the middle of nowhere).

Having said that, you shouldn't be running around everywhere, especially not as a newbie. You need the Advanced Stealth upgrade and if you enjoy running all the time, the Sensor Jammer device. Because people can see you as a red dot on their radar if you run around everywhere without these extremely important upgrades.

I understand the frustration new players have with MAG. But seriously, try not to complain so much and don't focus on the negatives. MAG is a great gaming experience and tons of fun once you get used to the game and get good at it. Oh yeah, and try to join a clan because playing alone sucks real bad.


is what constitutes a good game uhhh based on mic chat?

i hate it when no one talks

i have yet to get into a coordinated game and id like to eventually, game seems really good and ive heard great things when its done right

never felt like its been done right for me....

but only lvl 17 here so lol

edit: i need a claaaan! lol


Click said:
We usually red-line camp the opposing team .

Ehr... Sounds fun.

BTW: jumped back in after 4 months, and found out I got almost 3/4 of the medals ^^'
Game is fun as usual, except for the old "let's kick the TL even if he's FRAGOing correctly and trying to organize some kind of strategy" :\

Love the subtle additions in the interface, like the meter under the medals.


elohel said:
is what constitutes a good game uhhh based on mic chat?

i hate it when no one talks

i have yet to get into a coordinated game and id like to eventually, game seems really good and ive heard great things when its done right

never felt like its been done right for me....

but only lvl 17 here so lol

edit: i need a claaaan! lol

Voice chat is both good and bad. It's awesome when you're with good players communicating where enemies are rushing so you can stop their advancement before they overrun your team. But sometimes, it can get very annoying when you gotta listen to people blabber about stupid shit non-stop for hours at a time.

Just be patient with MAG and get to at least level 50 before you pass judgment on the game. Once you've unlocked a lot of the essential abilities and weapon upgrades, this game really starts to shine. Once you've joined with a good clan, that's when the addiction starts, lol.

I wish the GAF clans are still active. But like I've said, if you're a talented player, can use good teamwork and communication, have a 1.5 K/D or higher, let me know and I'll see if I can get you into R*S.

Varth said:
Ehr... Sounds fun.

BTW: jumped back in after 4 months, and found out I got almost 3/4 of the medals ^^'
Game is fun as usual, except for the old "let's kick the TL even if he's FRAGOing correctly and trying to organize some kind of strategy" :\

Love the subtle additions in the interface, like the meter under the medals.

It is fun... sometimes. But it eventually gets boring because the opposing team is too scared to come out from their spawn or half of them quit the game, so we're left with nobody to kill.

You must play for Valor. I have no clue why, but that PMC's "blue dots" (randoms) love to vote people with leadership positions out.... and also players that are doing really well. I suppose it's because of jealously and stupidity.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Ok, so patch 1.07 tomorrow.

A new “Happy Hour” Double XP bonus that’s applied to the first hour of any player’s gameplay session in a 24-hour period
Suppression will join Sabotage as a “Faction Neutral” gameplay mode, allowing any PMC to battle each other on any Suppression map!
Faster download and patching code that allows us to update MAG with more content and bigger file sizes in a speedier way
Updated versions of the Flores Basin (Raven) and Alyeska Terminus (Valor) Domination maps
New lighting effects for more attractive and realistic environments
Various fixes to address bugs or glitches to improve MAG’s overall performance

Woohoo! Suppression is now Faction Neutral!


Maybe Flores Basin and Alyeska Terminus will suck less for attackers now, though.
Das-J said:
Sorry - Things changed at the last minute, but it should be coming "soon" :(

Actually, the plan is for those elements to stack. So if you're playing during Happy Hour and you chose the Directives queue you'll be earning 4x XP for that first hour! :D

4x XP? :lol My Raven trip won't last for long it seems. Back to SVER after that it is. :lol


Brazil said:
Maybe Flores Basin and Alyeska Terminus will suck less for attackers now, though.

You mean for defenders...?

Raven's Domination map has been broken all these months, so I'm interested to see what Zipper has done to that map to make it more fair for defenders.

However, Valor's Dom. map is fine in my opinion. They just needed to add some road blocks at certain areas to "fix" this map. It's actually as tough, if not tougher to attack than SVER's Dom. map. That is, if you have a good team defending it. I hope Zipper didn't make Raven and Valor's Dom. maps overpowered with this upcoming patch....


You must play for Valor. I have no clue why, but that PMC's "blue dots" (randoms) love to vote people with leadership positions out.... and also players that are doing really well. I suppose it's because of jealously and stupidity.

SVER, actually. Left Valor for last hoping on something like this 4x to happen :D


New lighting effects for more attractive and realistic environments

what do yall think they mean by that?.... I still have the game and I can't wait to see if it looks more realistic.

not getting my hopes up too much, but just curious how much they could improve the looks through a patch.


Afrikan said:
what do yall think they mean by that?.... I still have the game and I can't wait to see if it looks more realistic.

not getting my hopes up too much, but just curious how much they could improve the looks through a patch.

Uh? Did I miss something? Linkety-link?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Click said:
You mean for defenders...?

Raven's Domination map has been broken all these months, so I'm interested to see what Zipper has done to that map to make it more fair for defenders.

However, Valor's Dom. map is fine in my opinion. They just needed to add some road blocks at certain areas to "fix" this map. It's actually as tough, if not tougher to attack than SVER's Dom. map. That is, if you have a good team defending it. I hope Zipper didn't make Raven and Valor's Dom. maps overpowered with this upcoming patch....
From my experience, Raven's map is awful for attackers, and Valor's quite a bit too. SVER's the easiest one.

Maybe I'm crazy, though. I don't know what's the consensus on the maps.

Varth said:
This is especially interesting, since it means there's more to come.
Hadn't noticed that. Good news indeed.


Just had some more awesome domination rounds with valor last night. This game has to be one of the best fps ever made. Tops killzone 2, tops cod mw2 and everything else out there.

I used to play warhawk a lot but ever since this came out my warhawk time has decreased significantly. Just like warhawk the team effort really makes it a different game specially when You're playing with a good team.

In one of the games we attacked sver and I was part of a super squad this time. Seemed like all the best valor guys were on one team. My squad started off by hitting the left most bunker. All 8 guys with solid voice comms and medics doing their jobs. Took out their bunkers one by one and then the anti air , moving to the burn off and then the cooling towers.

This is where things got really interesting. I'm sure we surprised them because we took our cooling tower too quickly but kept losing the other one. They called in another squad for that one cooling tower :lol so it was 16 v 8. We lost the match but it was a fun game full of team effort. Seems like we were fighting the best of sver as well.

This game like warhawk will def stand the test of time. I just hope zipper continues to support it.


TelemachusD said:
The few of us left playing joined the R*S clan; they're really good. I feel like I'm decent at MAG, but some of those dudes are on another level. You have to try out to get in though. You're bKak, right? I'm sure you'd make it. If you're on tonight I'll send you a friend invite.

That'd be me. For a month there it seemed like you and I were the only Sver-Gaf members playing. I look forward to joining you guys shortly.
Just got back into playing MAG the past few days.I put it on tonight updated to the latest patch but then this msg comes up. "cannot communicate with server. please update to the latest version. after I installed the update patch.

Any reason for this?


flipswitch said:
Just got back into playing MAG the past few days.I put it on tonight updated to the latest patch but then this msg comes up. "cannot communicate with server. please update to the latest version. after I installed the update patch.

Any reason for this?

I have the same thing. The actual game patch is probably not yet online.


fixuis said:
Just had some more awesome domination rounds with valor last night. This game has to be one of the best fps ever made. Tops killzone 2, tops cod mw2 and everything else out there.

You thought this while playing as Valour ?!?!?!?!

I would love to be on the drugs your taking right now.


XPE said:
You thought this while playing as Valour ?!?!?!?!

I would love to be on the drugs your taking right now.

Why is that so hard to believe? Valor has been kicking major ass lately, specially In domination. Or are you one of those people who just believes everything they read? Some people say valor sucks so you perceive it to be the truth and set your mind?

We can't all go sver now can we? Have stuck with valor since day 1 and wouldn't have it any other way.


Region 3 patch still isn't up yet, which is weird considering the patch was supposed to go live today august 12 th and it's almost 13th in region 3 countries.


Click said:
First off, you're a completely new player trying to play a very complex FPS game that's already been out for almost 7 months. A lot of the playerbase are hardcore players that's been playing MAG since beta. It does have a steep learning curve but if you're dedicated to the game, you will eventually get good at it (unless you just suck at online shooters and/or have slow reaction time and shitty aim). It's well worth the time you invest too because this game can be extremely fun if you can look past the extremely frustrating experience you'll have from time to time.

I understand the frustration new players have with MAG. But seriously, try not to complain so much and don't focus on the negatives. MAG is a great gaming experience and tons of fun once you get used to the game and get good at it. Oh yeah, and try to join a clan because playing alone sucks real bad.

- Pretty good feedback, so basically you have to suck for a little while until you get all the upgrades that everyone else has already.... ouch. I'll give it another shot for awhile over the weekend and see where it goes from there. I always look for opposite opinions and can usually find an answer somewhere in between. I just wish I was blown away straight away outside fo the usually camping crap so I could settle with it for awhile.

I wish the GAF clans are still active. But like I've said, if you're a talented player, can use good teamwork and communication, have a 1.5 K/D or higher, let me know and I'll see if I can get you into R*S.

- You mentioned playing with a clan, which I do, and have for a long time now. I noticed the above in a future post of yours. Honest question here, why the "Elitest" 1.5 k/d requirement? In competative gameplay KZ2, GBs, etc we have beat a few clans with k/ds twice that of ours at times and have found that the K/d in mission/objective based games is not a good indicator at all on a players skill level because of stat boosting and camping.


Cornbread78 said:
- Pretty good feedback, so basically you have to suck for a little while until you get all the upgrades that everyone else has already.... ouch. I'll give it another shot for awhile over the weekend and see where it goes from there. I always look for opposite opinions and can usually find an answer somewhere in between. I just wish I was blown away straight away outside fo the usually camping crap so I could settle with it for awhile.

Being an absolute beginner in MAG is definitely harder than many other games. Especially now, I guess. Focus on support roles while you get to know your surrounding and the flow of the match. It can be confusing as fuck in the beginning. Concentrate on your FRAGO objective, cure and/or repair while you defend it or attack, and don't try to power up 20 things at once.

EDIT: still no go for the server :(


fixuis said:
Why is that so hard to believe? Valor has been kicking major ass lately, specially In domination. Or are you one of those people who just believes everything they read? Some people say valor sucks so you perceive it to be the truth and set your mind?

We can't all go sver now can we? Have stuck with valor since day 1 and wouldn't have it any other way.

You dont play a lot of acquisition maps do you?


XPE said:
You dont play a lot of acquisition maps do you?

Nope not really. Sabotage and domination mostly but then again, that's like asking raven members you don't play a lot of sabo and dom maps do you?
Full patch notes are out (bolding is mine):
Patch v1.07
Available August 12, 2010 | 38MB (TPPS), 142MB (DLS)


* “Happy Hour” XP Bonus has been added to give players a 100% XP bonus for their first hour of gameplay every 24-hour period
* All “Suppression” mode maps can now be attacked by all PMCs
* All “Sabotage” mode maps can now be attacked or defended by all PMCs
* Added functionality that allows each game mode to have its own unique XP bonuses
* Fixed bug that would sometimes delay the proper initial spawn times.
* Repaired bug that sometimes inverted a player’s control scheme following a parachute drop
* Reduced helicopter settle time and significantly increased health to strengthen their use as a forward spawn point
* Slight increase to bunker turret damage vs. vehicles


* Shotgun overhaul with reduced maximum, effective and headshot ranges; small increase in magazine size, shot spread, and shoot speed following reload (12 Gauge Pump, Boudini 12 Gauge, T-195)
* Increased initial magazine count for Sub-Machine Guns, Assault Rifles, and Sniper Rifles
* Slight decrease in reload time for KP5 Sub-Machine gun
* Updated Light Machine Gun muzzle flash effect and increased reload time by 15% (MK46 Mod0, Apex 100, RTK-74)
* Increased reload time by 10% for Medium Machine Guns (KP45 MG, MK43 Mod 1, PKP MG)
* Slight decrease in crouch-fire spread for AK-74U Assault Rifle
* Minor increase in fire-spread for ATAC 2000 Assault Rifle
* Pistols are now held closer to the center of the screen (M9, F57, IZ-443)

Map – Alyeska Terminus

* Repaired glitch in which players could walk through the wall on into Vent Station F without destroying the gate
* Fixed bug that made snipers laying prone on the balcony of the “Great Wrangler Café” immune to damage
* Various collision and art fixes that prevent players from gaining access to areas that were not intended to be accessible

Map – Flores Basin Transfer

* Remapped all Objectives to more closely match other Domination missions
* Extended to roof cover for Objective buildings in Platoons 1 and 3
* Added cover to railing in Platoon 1 building for additional Defender-side protection
* Added additional roof panels to Objective buildings in Platoons 2 and 4
* Added roof cover to the Defender spawn exits
* Removed some cover located on top of the boats in Platoon 2 to improve AAA and bunker sightline
* Changed the access points leading onto the AAA boats in Platoon 2
* The flank route on the left side of Platoon 1 has been cut off
* Partially obstructed segments of the flank route on the right side of Platoon 1
* Added more sightline obstructions between the Objective building doors and the Defender spawn exits in Platoon 3
* Blocked the direct sightline at Objective B
* Added sight-line obstructions at Objective C and G buildings
* Reduced the number of access points that attackers have in all Objective buildings
* Repositioned Bravo bunker in Platoon 2 to eliminate long sightlines on multiple Attacker spawns
* Repositioned Delta bunker in Platoon 2 to improve AAA sightline and give Attackers better spawn protection
* Pulled back the tank traps in Platoon 1 to the Defender’s side of the bridge
* Various collision and art fixes that prevent players from gaining access to areas that were not intended to be accessible


* Added display to all game mode queues that show the current XP bonus attached to that queue
* Added countdown timer to Bleedout screen to show how many seconds are left before the player’s next PMC spawn wave begins
* Fixed display issue with “Sabotage” wherein the incorrect number of player dots were shown on the mode side-panel

Audio/ Visual

* Improved lightmapping effects for Alyeska Terminus and Flores Basin Transfer Domination maps
* Added “surface” sounds when driving vehicles to reflect what kind of terrain is being driven on


* Updated patching technology to allow for smaller patch sizes when updating maps
* Repaired crash bugs associated with spending too much time in the CNI or being killed via headshot while using it
* Fixed display issue that resulted in dead players appearing to “float” above the location in which they died
* Fixed bug that prevented Squad Leaders from receiving points for destroying enemy vehicles with air strikes
* Various localization updates


* Repaired bug that sometimes inverted a player’s control scheme following a parachute drop

Although I'm glad it's gone, I did always wish you'd get a medal for making it to C and planting while suffering from this bug.


fixuis said:
Why is that so hard to believe? Valor has been kicking major ass lately, specially In domination. Or are you one of those people who just believes everything they read? Some people say valor sucks so you perceive it to be the truth and set your mind?

We can't all go sver now can we? Have stuck with valor since day 1 and wouldn't have it any other way.

Valor has the best weapons by far and they also have good maps to defend.

The only major problem with Valor has always been their "blue dots." Every PMC has terrible "blue dots," but Valor's is the worst IMO. The random Valor kids you meet are some of the most retarded and annoying bunch in all of MAG. However, a lot of good players and clans have moved to Valor, so it's not a bad PMC to play for these days if you can stomach the various retards that are still present in the faction.

Cornbread78 said:
You mentioned playing with a clan, which I do, and have for a long time now. I noticed the above in a future post of yours. Honest question here, why the "Elitest" 1.5 k/d requirement? In competative gameplay KZ2, GBs, etc we have beat a few clans with k/ds twice that of ours at times and have found that the K/d in mission/objective based games is not a good indicator at all on a players skill level because of stat boosting and camping.

It's not elitism. Well, a little bit, but not really.

Even though K/D ratio doesn't matter all that much in a game like MAG, it's still a good indicator of how well you (generally speaking) can kill other players in the game. If you die too often, you're not contributing much to the battle except for feeding the opposing team kills, acting as bait or target practice, and also making our clan look bad.

1.5 K/D minimum is a requirement because R*S is a "top tier" clan. We have a few n00bs in the clan, but most of us are either above average players or straight-up "beasts." We compete with the best, so we need to recruit the best. 1.5 K/D is not very hard to achieve for any above average player.

I understand that most of GAF would be turned off by this. That's why I said that I wish the original GAF clans were still active, because GAF has never been about meeting requirements to join. Me, Telemachus, Prez, and icechai have stuck around with GAF for as long as we could... until nobody was playing anymore other than us. So we moved on.

Still, there were and probably still are some GAF'fers that are really good at MAG. If you think you're pretty good or really good, then come join us. You'll always have good players to play with and chat with (although sometimes there are some annoying people in this clan that won't shut up in squad chat, lol).


wasn't there already a bleedout counter? you just watch your teammates bleedout bars. or am i confused? i get that way easily.
Click said:
Even though K/D ratio doesn't matter all that much in a game like MAG, it's still a good indicator of how well you (generally speaking) can kill other players in the game. If you die too often, you're not contributing much to the battle except for dying a lot, and you also make our clan look bad.

but deaths matter even less in MAG compared to other non-TDM games, they don't count to any score for the match outcome and you are insta-raised as long as someone of your team is still alive.

on the contrary, sometimes reckless playstyle leading to your death is needed to break an enemy defense line for your teammates or to fulfill any task like bomb disarming etc.

in addition, basically all snipers have a good K/D ratio even if they don't participate for mission objectives.

even something like kills per hour would be a better stat to measure effectiveness of players.
legbone said:
wasn't there already a bleedout counter? you just watch your teammates bleedout bars. or am i confused? i get that way easily.
If you're downed but no one else on your squad is already in the spawn countdown, there's no way to tell when the next spawn is.


Servers have been down for 12 hours now...
It appears you're still on Raven though. The current XP bonuses should make getting back to SVER a quick grind (if anyone can ever play).


EDIT: Update on server situation:
Update from Jeremy (1:10pm): We've received another Sony update and their network teams are still in the midst of trying to solve their technical issues. No specific time yet regarding when this will be remedied -- but it remains top priority to have it done as soon as possible


I must be jinxed now. The first time things settle down and I have time to play this, "Cannot connect to server, please update version" comes up, yet I just downloaded and installed the patch. :(

K/DR can be very indicative of one's play style, especially once you take into their other stats as consideration of actual number of kills and deaths overall, mvp %, and so on. Think of it as your qualifications segment of your application to a job. It lets people know you're at least potentially qualified for the job, doesn't mean you're going to get it for sure or keep the job, that's what the interview and probationary periods are for.

Contrary to GAF belief, high K/DR doesn't mean they're not a team player, neither. :lol

If I can make sure I'd continue to play the game more, and have the time, I'd consider applying for said guild Click. Though they may shun me off with my 3.23k/dr. At least that's what the web leaderboards currently say my k/dr is. :D


So, was playing the gimpos but I am thinking about trying some SVER or Valor now. What say you, GAF, what waters are filled with the bossomiest of women?
J-Rzez said:
I must be jinxed now. The first time things settle down and I have time to play this, "Cannot connect to server, please update version" comes up, yet I just downloaded and installed the patch. :(
The server side of the patch is screwed up, and they're trying to fix it.


TelemachusD said:
Aww, what's so bad about SVER? This new patch should make Dom more balanced, and Sabo is already faction neutral.

If Dom is truly balanced then there is no prob I guess, as for Sabo I never really found that mode more than a warm up for Dom which to me is what the game is all about.


Would really love to see the old valor gaf in action. Must be a major technical issue. Servers have been down for almost half a day now. Wouldn't mind getting some xp in return.


TelemachusD said:
The server side of the patch is screwed up, and they're trying to fix it.

Ah, I just read your prior post.

So I take it everyone that plays actually downloaded the DLC pack? I have to do that, regardless if I keep playing, just to support Zipper on this project that deserves far more credit than it received.


Servers back up - but 548meg to download before you can get going again.......

Hopefully I'll be through the Valor hell soon and I can rejoin you fellas in Sver :D

Edit: Well they seem to have sorted the downloading speed out but the installing data part is still ridiculously slow - took longer than the damn download.
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