Valid, but I think most going into MAG understand that they'll be in for an investment initially.
No sarcasm, I totally agree. My point was that alot of teams get "stuck" trying to shoot/snipe S.V.E.R down from their A and B, and that just won't work. They'll just heal up and continue their target practice.Palmer_v1 said:Sarcasm?
This game is about a lot more than just individual shooting skills.
Loudninja said:1UP: MAG Review A-
jorma said:I think both the IGN and the 1up reviews are fair even though they reach very different conclusions. I wonder if these different conclusions might be attributable to 1up obviously rolling a SVER character while IGN did not.
Corran Horn said::lol :lol
Just beat sver in domination...this feels so weird
Billen said:Interesting idea, that. Pretty obvious that a new player, be it a reviewer or not, playing for themselves would have a completely different story depending on what side they went for.
J-Rzez said:Take out the AA guns for airstrikes. Mortars, well, fix your mortars.
I'm noticing a different Valor now. I honestly believe that the good SVER players are going Valor, or even Raven to prove a point or something.
andycapps said:For me, this is the closest thing I've played to a PC shooter on a console ever.
Click said:That game was such bullshit.
We held down our quadrant easily and so did most of the other platoons.
But because C was held for most of the game, they won.
We probably should have went over there to help C but I was too lazy / tired to try.
I think a great strategy would be to bring 2 or 3 platoons and completely overwhelm 1 quadrant of the map, then hold a letter or 2 for the entire match. This strategy would guarantee a victory almost everytime for the attacking team. Problem is, trying to get 2 platoons to do this would be near impossible.
tcs_vdub said:Hey all I've pretty much have had it with MW2......So being a long time SOCOM player I decided to pick up MAG, Glad I did!! I'm just looking for a clan who really wants to play, Like I do....Strategy! I'm in the central time zone and play after 7 PMish if your looking for a member im your dude! Just send me a request on the PSN make sure you put something about MAG in the comments. My PSN ID is : Coop. The original Coop... not Coop1 or Coop1974 Just the first Coop on the PSN!
tcs_vdub said:Hey all I've pretty much have had it with MW2......So being a long time SOCOM player I decided to pick up MAG, Glad I did!! I'm just looking for a clan who really wants to play, Like I do....Strategy! I'm in the central time zone and play after 7 PMish if your looking for a member im your dude! Just send me a request on the PSN make sure you put something about MAG in the comments. My PSN ID is : Coop. The original Coop... not Coop1 or Coop1974 Just the first Coop on the PSN!
commish said:Using assault rifle, my k:d ratio was probably 1:2 at best, and I'd get about 200 to 250 points a game in domination.
Switching to the light machine gun, my k:d is about 3:1 and I get about 500 to 750 points per game.
I love mag, but the weapon balance is pretty bad. Using an assault rifle is foolhardy when the lmg's are so amazing.
It isn't as pronounced as many make it out to be. The only real issue with the SVER domination map is the single area that has several bunkers lined up with attackers essentially running into a firing squad or shooting gallery (as pictured in the comic). But that's not the entire map and half of the team is in a different area. One that is easily destroyed if you can get 1 or 2 APCs up to the gate and then move quickly to the AAA. As we saw yesterday, a couple matches had Raven and Valor not even send their troops to the first area and simply crushed us.Wes said:Well I've played 5 games so far today. 4 against SVER of course due to the population. Been locked out in each of them.
Do SVER really think there's not much of a map layout difference, particularly around their bunkers, between their domination map and Raven's?
TheFallen said:It isn't as pronounced as many make it out to be. The only real issue with the SVER domination map is the single area that has several bunkers lined up with attackers essentially running into a firing squad or shooting gallery
BattleMonkey said:Problem with rifles, while more accurate overall, is the game massive size. Theres just not enough bullets in the rifles to deal with volume of enemies :lol
Whenever I use the rifle I get a couple kills and need a reload but usually get murdered or have to run the hell away while with LMG you can just keep going Rambo and score ton of kills.
Wes said:SVER had all our bunkers and towers down by 25minute mark. FML.
BattleMonkey said:Problem with rifles, while more accurate overall, is the game massive size. Theres just not enough bullets in the rifles to deal with volume of enemies
Wes said:I know one thing annoying about the Raven domination map: the anti-air being on the ship. Unlike SVER's maps (to my experience) a squad can run directly to the AA without having to go directly through/past a bunker.
Fixed1979 said:The LMG/medic combo is crazy, that's what makes me want to switch the most. But I'm going to stick to my guns and ride it out.
sk3tch said:This is what I roll...insane. LMG + reflex scope + foregrip, medic + improved resuscitation + improved healing.
Fixed1979 said:What's the cost to equip the second LMG?
Fixed1979 said:What's the cost to equip the second LMG?
sk3tch said:5 points, it's the last tier. Great site for planning (it's in the OP, too) - I am plenty happy with the default LMG for now. I will go for stability upgrades, etc. with the default LMG.
Is the PSK MG worth the 5 points, folks? Or use the stock RTK-74 (S.V.E.R.)?
BattleMonkey said:Has anyone gotten the grenade launcher on a rifle? I've never seen anyone use one, wondering if it is even worth the trouble.
Lince said:I agree with the somewhat low review scores, playing with a full GAF squad turns the game into a solid 8.5 for me (-1.5 for framerate and lag issues on Domination) but most players are going solo or just roll with a couple of friends... for them the MAG experience can be quite frustrating. For instance, some of my Spanish friends are complaining that the squad/platoon leaders and OICs are always issuing orders in English and they barely understand them (not that they can't speak English, but the English language and accent we learn/get used at school is not what we usually hear through our headsets, British academic English FTW) so they stick by the default FRAGO all the time or just go the boring lone wolf path. MAG is a game where communication is key, but when you're being put in a squad full of US players and you don't understand or speak English fluent enough what can you do? I'm always cursing the medic that run past me without trying to heal me or that guy not doing the job he's supposed to do to help the squad... but the question is, does he understand me? or more importantly, is my English good enough for him to understand me? clearly not.
Also, MAG servers are in the US so we Europeans got the ping disadvantage... what we have here is a hardcore FPS specially designed for the English-speaking community with no option for regional matchmaking. I'm really enjoying it with my GAFe friends and it's my favorite online shooter second to KZ2... but at the same time I understand why my University friends are going back to MW2 or other games. MW2 PS3 version is the top selling game after so many weeks, MAG was #3 last week but this week is sadly #24 and going down.
Violater said:So you say you don't enjoy my sweet Jamaican accent
wud said:just bought the game to get away from MW2 issues
la la la im not listening
Lince said:I agree with the somewhat low review scores, playing with a full GAF squad turns the game into a solid 8.5 for me (-1.5 for framerate and lag issues on Domination) but most players are going solo or just roll with a couple of friends... for them the MAG experience can be quite frustrating. For instance, some of my Spanish friends are complaining that the squad/platoon leaders and OICs are always issuing orders in English and they barely understand them (not that they can't speak English, but the English language and accent we learn/get used at school is not what we usually hear through our headsets, British academic English FTW) so they stick by the default FRAGO all the time or just go the boring lone wolf path. MAG is a game where communication is key, but when you're being put in a squad full of US players and you don't understand or speak English fluent enough what can you do? I'm always cursing the medic that run past me without trying to heal me or that guy not doing the job he's supposed to do to help the squad... but the question is, does he understand me? or more importantly, is my English good enough for him to understand me? clearly not.
Also, MAG servers are in the US so we Europeans got the ping disadvantage... what we have here is a hardcore FPS specially designed for the English-speaking community with no option for regional matchmaking. I'm really enjoying it with my GAFe friends and it's my favorite online shooter second to KZ2... but at the same time I understand why my University friends are going back to MW2 or other games. MW2 PS3 version is the top selling game after so many weeks, MAG was #3 last week but this week is sadly #24 and going down.
Lince said:I agree with the somewhat low review scores, playing with a full GAF squad turns the game into a solid 8.5 for me (-1.5 for framerate and lag issues on Domination) but most players are going solo or just roll with a couple of friends... for them the MAG experience can be quite frustrating. For instance, some of my Spanish friends are complaining that the squad/platoon leaders and OICs are always issuing orders in English and they barely understand them (not that they can't speak English, but the English language and accent we learn/get used at school is not what we usually hear through our headsets, British academic English FTW) so they stick by the default FRAGO all the time or just go the boring lone wolf path. MAG is a game where communication is key, but when you're being put in a squad full of US players and you don't understand or speak English fluent enough what can you do? I'm always cursing the medic that run past me without trying to heal me or that guy not doing the job he's supposed to do to help the squad... but the question is, does he understand me? or more importantly, is my English good enough for him to understand me? clearly not.
Lince said:MAG is leagues better than MW2 in every imaginable way, are you joining SVER?
Lince said:MAG is leagues better than MW2 in every imaginable way, are you joining SVER?
Bamelin said:*snip tons of good info*
The regular LMG in my opinion is *almost* as good as the PSK (as good with attachments), weighs less which allows for more versatiliy, and perhaps most importantly the regular LMG is nto going to cost you 5 precious skill points.
Spend the 5 points on the 2nd tier rocket launcher. It's far more important (especially on SVER maps) and not enough Raven carry it.
wud said:Don't think I'll be joining in NeoGAF games yet, going back to uni in 2-weeks and MY GIRLFRIEND is coming to stay next week, so im going to be PS3-less for a good couple of months![]()