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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


Not pure anymore!
Vennt said:
If people can do so without singling out individuals fair enough, but posts along the lines of "xxxx sucks and should just quit" are not something I'll tolerate, full stop.
I was just joking about Raven GAF. :( I'm one of Raven GAF, and I so do NOT suck!


Wes said:
Mind elaborating a bit more helpfully if you don't mind?

I mean you guys are all saying we're doing it wrong so I'm wondering if you'll be helpful enough to point out where you found it easy ot get through and so forth. Or by that picture are you saying that SVER are full of good players and we should just give up. Which contradicts what a lot of you have been saying recently; that a direct squad v squad doesn't matter at all.

I wasn't saying anything, it was just a bit of harmless banter :lol

And this "you guys" business needs to be directed elsewhere as I havn't commented at all on maps/skillz of the different PMCs or whatnot, I don't have an opinion on the matter nor do I really care.

Now in terms of that actual game, it's hard to determine the performance of one squad in a game of 128 people, as just a few of those other squads can cost you the whole game. Plus it was my first ever game as Squad Leader so I was trying to concentrate on not forgetting to select the FRAGO, as I get easily distracted :lol

But yeah, initially when I selected the bunker as the FRAGO, obviously I didn't know it was RAVEN GAF's bunker. It was only after Lince mentioned RAVEN GAF was in the game, and by the time I relised to bunker was actually yours we'd already taken it. :lol Now what was wrong with the defence? Well, you tell me you were in the squad. Either two things could have happened as far as I can see (over on my side.) Either your entire squad wasn't there to defend the bunker so you got outnumbered, or you guy's simply got outgunned by our squad very quickly. Either due to a difference in skill/equipment, or you weren't setup in a way to defend the bunker properly. If we are able to get right to the bunker before we encounter any resistance whatsoever than that is simply poor defending. You should be using the bunkers as the spawn point for defending the cooling towers anyway, so you should be spawning and pushing forward and us back. If we were able to capture the cooling tower then push you guys back to the bunker and take it straight away, or if we bypassed the cooling tower and went straight to the bunker without your squad realising then that was just good play by us. You'll have to tell me what you guys were doing at the time tho and how we were able to take your bunker so quickly.

Was the bunker FRAGO'd from the beginning? Bunkers should usually be FRAGO'd at the beginning of a domination. They're the spawn points with powerful turrets, without them you can't defend the cooling towers or the AA Battery and if they're taken quickly the other team will be damaging the control panels and winning the match very quickly.

Also, what are the k/d ratios of your squad members? During attacking as well as defending? How good are you guys at actual killing? Despite this being an objective based team shooter, killing is still the most important aspect.

Now, the overall RAVEN team (of 128 players) in that game was very poor, so you guys unfortunately had no chance of winning because of that. They put up very little resistance all over the map. We were able to move, as a squad, from bunker to bunker, blowing them up with barely any people defending them, then taking out the AA Battery with little effort even tho there was a bunch of guys camping there while prone. They died swiftly. Then onto the the main objectives where we captured H swiftly. We stayed at H, then as we weren't in any trouble of losing it I left the FRAGO there for the other guys to keep getting points and went on my merry way to G. With the help of another squad I planted at G and we held that with ease. When we started to lose H, I move back to that objective but the other guys had recaptured it before I even got back there, and then we never lost it again. We were able to get inside the compound and stay there with very little resistance, it's supposed to be hard to defend but we were able to defend it with ease while inside. When we blew open the doors, no one repaired them and we were able to kill everyone inside very easily, while barely dying ourselves.

Suggesting that (and to be clear I'm not saying you or anyone in RAVEN GAF is suggesting this on this particular occasion) losing that game was down to a badly designed map for defending would be bullshit. As I've played against RAVEN teams who put up excellent defences and have had games that went down to the last few seconds.

TheFatOne said:
So FFO once the bunkers are down how do you defend that map?

Unless the defending team is much better than the attacking team, the bunkers will be taken during every domination game eventually. The trick is to keep the attacking force at the bunkers and trying to take the cooling towers for as long as possible in order to minimise the time they have to take the control panels at the end. After that keeping the Anti Air Battery up as much as possible so they can't spawn in helicopters and as paratroopers keeping the time it takes for them to get back to the objectives at the longest possible. None of which RAVEN did in that game today and they lost accordingly.


I guess that ban warning was directed at me, as Cagen explained Lyulf is a long-time "friend" of GAFe, ever since our GAFe vs GAFa KZ2 clashes where he would rush with a grenade in his hands and suicide killing a couple of us each time :lol we've been calling each other things forever, the KZ2 thread is full of comments like this, from the classic "GAFe lag Kings" to "Worst Online FPS player". Sorry if the "just Lyulf" comment offended anyone or was against the terms of the forum.

Apart from that I'd love to see a "clan wars" system in MAG so we could organize a tournament between the different GAF factions, not for seeing "who's boss", but for learning from each other's strategies and team play flow.


venison crêpe
FFObsessed said:
And this "you guys" business needs to be directed elsewhere as I havn't commented at all on maps/skillz of the different PMCs or whatnot, I don't have an opinion on the matter nor do I really care.

Apologies for that. Heat of the moment talk had me fuming.


Not pure anymore!
Wes said:
It's been posted many times before.

Do you guys hear just squad chat through your headset, or do you pick up platoon and OIC stuff too? Maybe my settings are wrong somewhere.
OIC's can talk to everyone, but they have to select a different channel, can't remember what it's called right now...global something? Platoon leaders can only talk to payers in their own platoon, again, they have to change the default channel.


Mael said:
I meant to ask for nearly 2 weeks here...

Hello MAG/Killzone2Gaf,
I just got a ps3 with Killzone2, awesome game (I still don't understand the complaint over the controls, seems as shitty/good as any dual analog fps to me, then again I'm mostly a wii/pc gamer when it comes to fps).
So I was thinking, should I get MAG, wait for Battlefield 2 or go online with Killzone2 when I'm done with the campaign?
I'm partial to fps with vehicles and since I suck at aiming with 2 sticks I'm expecting to play a medic-type player anyway.

So help?

KZ2 is my favorite online shooter ever, it's amazing and seeing as you already have it, definitely try it. No reason not to.

MAG is excellent when playing in a squad of friends. If you've got people to play with, or want to play with GAF players then definitely get it.

BFBC2 Beta was also great and I'm getting it day 1, there's a demo coming out 2moro on the EU stores. I'm assuming it'll hit the US store as well so give it a try and decide.


Wes said:
Apologies for that. Heat of the moment talk had me fuming.

oh no worries Wes, I know you were just talking generally. I just wanted it to be clear I havn't gotten involved in the silly bickering. The assholish banter tho, now that's something I can get behind! :p


Lince said:
I guess that ban warning was directed at me, as Cagen explained Lyulf is a long-time "friend" of GAFe, ever since our GAFe vs GAFa KZ2 clashes where he would rush with a grenade in his hands and suicide killing a couple of us each time :lol we've been calling each other things forever, the KZ2 thread is full of comments like this, from the classic "GAFe lag Kings" to "Worst Online FPS player". Sorry if the "just Lyulf" comment offended anyone or was against the terms of the forum.

He also did the same within the team!

He threw a grenade at me while also knifed a few other teammates :lol

Apart from that I'd love to see a "clan wars" system in MAG so we could organize a tournament between the different GAF factions, not for seeing "who's boss", but for learning for each other's strategies and team play flow.

Aside from a few tweaks that need to be made, I agree that a "clan war" feature has to be added, not only that, but for better planning, a sandbox like Warhawk's should be added, or at the very least, an option for the squad leader to draw on top of a map (like how football and basketball plays are drawn), it would certainly help out more as there still many people that are not aware of the surroundings


Cagen said:
Fair point, controversy and light hearted "smack talk" is one thing, bickering is a whole other matter. Though I would like to point out that Lyulf (TheFatOne) is the GAF FPS community whipping boy and his avatar is very apt :lol.

True, I got carried away a bit earlier and shouldn't have.. so already apologized to Violater and hopefully no hard feelings. Anyway, will be on at about 6:45 EST tonight, so I'd like to play with as many of RavenGAF as possible!


venison crêpe
FFObsessed said:
You'll have to tell me what you guys were doing at the time tho and how we were able to take your bunker so quickly.

We usually give up on the cooling towers and try to focus solely on defending the bunker because in the past trying to do both spread us too thinly. I think 2/3 of us were up trying to defend the AAA gun because as soon as that goes down we will, without doubt, get steamrolled and it's really hard to get back to. The only way back up to it is either over an elevated highway where the enemy shoot down at us trying to run up it, or, runing up a set of ladders right next to your helicopter.

FFObsessed said:
Was the bunker FRAGO'd from the beginning? Bunkers should usually be FRAGO'd at the beginning of a domination. They're the spawn points with powerful turrets, without them you can't defend the cooling towers or the AA Battery and if they're taken quickly the other team will be damaging the control panels and winning the match very quickly.

We couldn't FRAGO anything because we'd been blocked by the jammer but yes we always put it on the Bunker or anything nearby that needs repairing and such. RavenGAF squad leaders are very good with FRAGO setting.

FFObsessed said:
Also, what are the k/d ratios of your squad members? During attacking as well as defending? How good are you guys at actual killing? Despite this being an objective based team shooter, killing is still the most important aspect.

Well it's hard to say for our domination defence maps as it gets ruined trying to reclaim the letters (and getting pounded with cluster bombs. Seriously, we have to time our runing out of the last spawn because we know we're about to get dropped on by a jet) and I don't check the score-screen during the game. I think the lowest I've seen someone is 0.5:1 k/d but by looking at their experience, it's usally rather high, and you can see they've filled the gap by keenly repairing or healing/reviving things. Most are around 1:1.

This is only on the Raven domination map defending and I see similiar on the SVER acquistion/domination attack maps (not map bashing here just pointing out where we do badly).

This isn't to say the squad doesn't know how to kill people. On our Sabotague and Acquistion defence map we're pretty darn good. I wont blow my own trumpet but most of the squad are 3:1, 4:1 here (not counting the turret boys with their 36:1 kpd).


I have a question regarding how you move as a squad. Do you set the objective and all make your own way there? Do you split into smaller groups? Do you stay as close to 8 people together as much as possible?


Great defensive domnation win raven gaf. It was only us actually doing shit.

The secret to defending domination is to fuck off the letters. Ravens map is a bitch, so it constantly requires people to get the bunkers and aa/mortar back up.

We won that game despite having the only bunkers up and were the only ones repairing the aa, it wouldn't have even been close had the southern aa bunkers got repaired/ someone repaired the bunker.

Also great attacking sver domination, even though we lost. We were the only platoon who caused any damage. The sver Dom map is the on that relies on the apc the most. If yo can get through and just blow shut up you ease the pressure on everyone else. I think that's why we might not have won that game. Once we got through we just attacked B when we should have gone and helped those who hadn't broken through.


is now taking requests
Lince said:
really? I didn't notice you were playing that game. To be honest that match was extremely boring for me since I was platoon leader and just "pulled a Click" by manning our bunker turret for the entire game (Platoon leader repairing bonus FTW). 37-0, my highest streak is 43 doing the same thing, shameful strategy I know, but it works and helps the team.

Oh, *that's* why i never managed to put a dent in that tower with my rockets :p
Also, you were a lot better with the turrent gun than the first guy.

Yeah, we were all targeting the bunker left to yours. Our left, your right. We was going to double team on the far left bunker but the squad that was supposed to take it never showed up (that i noticed) so we had a handful anyway. Too bad we didnt get to move on to your bunker.


FFObsessed said:
KZ2 is my favorite online shooter ever, it's amazing and seeing as you already have it, definitely try it. No reason not to.

I was kinda apprehensive of KZ2 seeing the complaints for the controls, but in the end I don't feel the difference to any other shooter so I guess I can adapt to it pretty well.
Amazing campaign though, there's no part I disliked so far

FFObsessed said:
MAG is excellent when playing in a squad of friends. If you've got people to play with, or want to play with GAF players then definitely get it.

That will be with GAF, my friends are not exactly into fps anyway -_-'

FFObsessed said:
BFBC2 Beta was also great and I'm getting it day 1, there's a demo coming out 2moro on the EU stores. I'm assuming it'll hit the US store as well so give it a try and decide.
O.O, THANK YOU for the info!

Damnit I had the Wii hook'd on the tv and now I pass the night playing KZ2....


Kowak said:
Great defensive domnation win raven gaf. It was only us actually doing shit.

The secret to defending domination is to fuck off the letters. Ravens map is a bitch, so it constantly requires people to get the bunkers and aa/mortar back up.

We won that game despite having the only bunkers up and were the only ones repairing the aa, it wouldn't have even been close had the southern aa bunkers got repaired/ someone repaired the bunker.

Also great attacking sver domination, even though we lost. We were the only platoon who caused any damage. The sver Dom map is the on that relies on the apc the most. If yo can get through and just blow shut up you ease the pressure on everyone else. I think that's why we might not have won that game. Once we got through we just attacked B when we should have gone and helped those who hadn't broken through.

Will you be on in 2 hours'ish?


andycapps said:
True, I got carried away a bit earlier and shouldn't have.. so already apologized to Violater and hopefully no hard feelings. Anyway, will be on at about 6:45 EST tonight, so I'd like to play with as many of RavenGAF as possible!

No apology needed man, I love the smack talk, makes the day go by at work faster :D
Just watch your back on the battlefield


Kowak said:
Great defensive domnation win raven gaf. It was only us actually doing shit.

The secret to defending domination is to fuck off the letters. Ravens map is a bitch, so it constantly requires people to get the bunkers and aa/mortar back up.

We won that game despite having the only bunkers up and were the only ones repairing the aa, it wouldn't have even been close had the southern aa bunkers got repaired/ someone repaired the bunker.

Man, that match was awesome, there was a point in which all the bunkers went down, then me and another dude got ours back up (I think this was on the last 10 mins), and from then on that bunker was defended while a couple of us were going back an forth fixing the other bunker, the roadblocks and the tripple a.

The match was so close that had it lasted a few more seconds, we would have lost :lol


jorma said:
Too bad we didnt get to move on to your bunker.

actually a couple of guys managed inside our bunker area when the game was about to end, the thing is I did plant two claymores by the fuel tank before getting on the turret :p


Not pure anymore!
FFObsessed said:
Surely you enjoyed your legendary suicide while assassination target during the Official Guerrilla Games Tournament final? :p
Never going to live THAT one down, am I? :p I thought most of you guys had already forgotten about it. I know I have. :D almost...


Violater said:
No apology needed man, I love the smack talk, makes the day go by at work faster :D
Just watch your back on the battlefield

:lol Haha I'd love to play SVER GAF sometime but I don't think I actually have yet. They need a function in there where we can schedule clan battles. The clan system is great, but it's missing that, and that seems to be pretty crucial.

And yeah, I love the smack talk too, but everyone was getting a little too carried away thinking that SVER is for babies and that Raven is for people that ride the short bus. :lol


Kowak said:
The sver Dom map is the on that relies on the apc the most. If yo can get through and just blow shut up you ease the pressure on everyone else.

if you really want to break through with the APCs get the Platoon leader inside one APC and a good driver/turret on the other, then order a couple of squads to clear the area from obvious anti-tank mines (throwing nades and RPGs) while providing support with smoke nades so turrets can't aim, then swiftly proceed to destroy the gates and get inside, you can have anti-aircraft batteries, mortars, motor pools and stuff destroyed in a couple of minutes. Chaos will ensue and bunkers will be left abandoned with engineers rushing to the back lines. That's how we were successfully beating SVER in that early closed beta.


Not pure anymore!
Lince said:
if you really want to break through with the APCs get the Platoon leader inside one APC and a good driver/turret on the other, then order a couple of squads to clear the area from obvious anti-tank mines (throwing nades and RPGs) while providing support with smoke nades so turrets can't aim, then swiftly proceed to destroy the gates and get inside, you can have anti-aircraft batteries, mortars, motor pools and stuff destroyed in a couple of minutes. Chaos will ensue and bunkers will be left abandoned with engineers rushing to the back lines. That's how we were successfully beating SVER in that early closed beta.
Can bunker turrets target people parachuting down? I remember one of the sides could do that on SVER map.

The best strategy is to have two or three platoons overwhelm the weakest side and hold down two objectives throughout the game. If only clans could fill out an entire platoon instead of just a squad of 8 people!


Inanna said:
Never going to live THAT one down, am I? :p I thought most of you guys had already forgotten about it. I know I have. :D almost...

I almost forgot about that :lol but I will always remember you for you sniping skills on Pyrrhus Rise <3

Inanna said:
Can bunker turrets target people parachuting down? I remember one of the sides could do that on SVER map.

don't know, but I've seen plenty of people driving vehicles from the motor pool to the "landing area" of the parachutes and taking out a bunch each time with their mounted guns :lol then driving away (I guess for repairing) and come back for the next wave since most parachutes just rush into the objectives and forget about the vehicles that were firing at them.

Inanna said:
The best strategy is to have two or three platoons overwhelm the weakest side and hold down two objectives throughout the game. If only clans could fill out an entire platoon instead of just a squad of 8 people!

yes but coordinating several platoons is hard with the language barrier and stuff, you'll find it easier to get at least two squads in your platoon to work together and rush the APCs inside (if you're the ones spawning with them at the start of the game, that is).


venison crêpe
Raven update: attacking SVER domination.

Not one cooling tower down or bunker down at the end of the game.
All sensors/AAA/mortars/doors remained up too.

I feel like I'm allowed to sigh a little after playing in games like that.


Not pure anymore!
Lince said:
I almost forgot about that :lol but I will always remember you for you sniping skills on Pyrrhus Rise <3
I like that map because it's kinda like that sniper level (my fav!) from KZ2 SP, I know you guys hated it! :p And now, I just can't stand sniping in MAG, so damn boring!
I am Raven Player and Domination is just impossible... the people on Raven don't seem to understand this Mode, or most of them just suck ^^ The Maps are a bit favorable for SVER / VALOR, but thats not the only problem here ... ;)

But on Acquisition, 6 Games today 6 Major Victories :D


Not pure anymore!
Lince said:
yes but coordinating several platoons is hard with the language barrier and stuff, you'll find it easier to get at least two squads in your platoon to work together and rush the APCs inside (if you're the ones spawning with them at the start of the game, that is).
True.. That's why I say, if only a clan could fill out an entire platoon, that would make it so much better.

SVER maps aren't unbeatable, but they look so overwhelming with the way their bunkers are placed (they can cover each other) and there's little to no cover. Sometimes you just don't have time to think about strategies. A little more cover would be useful, also make it impossible for bunkers to cover each other by placing trees/rocks or walls between them. That shouldn't be hard to patch?

As for defending, I dunno what's changed. I don't remember Raven being this bad at defending during closed beta. Maybe they tweaked it or something? I dunno..never been a huge fan of Domination and every time I played Domination, it was always attacking Valor 80% of the time, SVER 20%. Which reminds me, I LOVE attacking Valor Dom map! Their map is just perfect for both attacking and defending.
I always look at DOM starts this way: AA -> Bunkers -> Towers.

If the enemy takes the AA they will get the other two shortly. If they take the towers but you still have the bunkers you'll be get them back.

If you lose your AA chances are you'll lost the match, so to me that's target #1 and there should always be protection on it.
Played Acquisition today (SVER defending - Valor attacking) as a squad leader of a 5-man squad (I'm currently level 16). They penetrated our front line with ease and spearheaded the advance to capture one of our vehicles quite fast. We were left with like 10 minutes to defend the 2nd one. We fought bravely and managed to deliver a victory, but I must say, their commandos were really freaking great. They were sabotaging our mortars, scanners and AA batteries ALL THE TIME (although I got the "Kill 5 enemies with a single artillery barage trophy" :lol and did manage to kill quite many enemies with mortars/guided) and were really making our defense more than the usual "defend the front line/kill with turret" routine.

Finished with 37/4. It was awesome.


Wes said:
Raven update: attacking SVER domination.

Not one cooling tower down or bunker down at the end of the game.
All sensors/AAA/mortars/doors remained up too.

I feel like I'm allowed to sigh a little after playing in games like that.

Check this out:

Get in the APC. Take out the roadblock (use the APC's smoke canister). Drive through the roadblock. Then you can park next to the AA and gun down any SVER bastard who tries to defuse. This works especially well if you have a platoon leader driving: the APC auto-heals. Once their AAA goes down, their defenses fall apart. Precision drops on the bunkers, strafing runs decimate their front line. We were pushing into the pumps within a few minutes after the AAA blew up.

PS: Does anyone have a top-down image for SVER's domination map?


theBishop said:
Check this out:

Get in the APC. Take out the roadblock (use the APC's smoke canister). Drive through the roadblock. Then you can park next to the AA and gun down any SVER bastard who tries to defuse. This works especially well if you have a platoon leader driving: the APC auto-heals. Once their AAA goes down, their defenses fall apart. Precision drops on the bunkers, strafing runs decimate their front line. We were pushing into the pumps within a few minutes after the AAA blew up.

PS: Does anyone have a top-down image for SVER's domination map?

Want to play tonight? Little under an hour and I'll be on.


Neo Member
why do i get stuck at the spawn points and have the countdown happen 3 times?

other than the little glitches like that, this game is shit hot. love it, modern warfare 2 is not violating my PS3s drive ever again

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
so PS3 YLOD'ed :/
Trying to temp fix it here soon so i can backup/deactivate. Hope it works, otherwise no mag for me for awhile, MAG in drive too :(


venison crêpe
wud said:
why do i get stuck at the spawn points and have the countdown happen 3 times?

Sometimes the place you spawn at gets taken out and thus you have to join the spawn countdown queue for another place as a result. Chaining these two is actually a good way of pushing back the enemy.

Although what you mentioned could also be a bug :lol


Neo Member
Wes said:
Sometimes the place you spawn at gets taken out and thus you have to join the spawn countdown queue for another place as a result. Chaining these two is actually a good way of pushing back the enemy.

Although what you mentioned could also be a bug :lol

nah my controller locks up and you can't select a spawn or anything :lol quick google search reveals its a bug a lot of people are getting, ahh well. Usually sorts itself out!

Oh and story of the evening - me and a friend joined a game of Acquisition, we were attacking and I was squad leader. So I was setting up targets and trying to lead the team in together.

oh noooooo the rest of the team decideds they're going to camp and not go near any fucking objectives. After swearing down the headset at them for a while and telling them its not call of duty and no-one cares about KDR, i noticed a few votes to kick me :lol ran up to the spot (miles away from the objectives) where they were all lying down, knife knife knife. Three very angry messages followed. great fun


it really is always an honour to play with RavenGAF. we held down our little corner of the domination map once again while everyone else allowed themselves to get trapped.

that final sver dom was frustrating, we could have won that we got our bunker down, plus i dont know why it took so long for the AA to go down, the AA at e/f is usually the quickest to go down. the apc squads were just idiots.


Corran Horn said:
so PS3 YLOD'ed :/
Trying to temp fix it here soon so i can backup/deactivate. Hope it works, otherwise no mag for me for awhile, MAG in drive too :(

That sucks, best of luck getting a replacement!


andycapps said:
Will you be on in 2 hours'ish?

sadly not, got to be up for work early. might try and steal a few cheeky hours tomorrow night, have a quick sleep when i get home and then playt on through the night to play with american ravengaf.
Has this been posted?

MAG patch v1.01a (300kb):

MAG Patch v1.01a


* Resolved issue that caused banding and/or artifacts in the sky.


* Server performance enhancements with a focus on reducing lag issues.
* Lowered chances of encountering 5:5 errors
* Added additional statistics-focused servers
* Added additional servers for Japan.
* Reduces the amount of time after a game finishes before stats post to account.

I'm looking at that magtools.com site. While I appreciate what this guys trying to do, the numbers this guys got on the weapons seem somewhat questionable....

It certainly doesn't reflect my experiences in the game, can't find how he tested that stuff. Anywhere else that has some weapon stats?
Wes said:
Someone posted a good one of the Valor Sabotage map a couple of pages back I think.
I've seen that one before - and its the only one I've seen before. Its also wrong methinks.

Take a look at the area on the map and you'll see two tents rather than just one. That may have been an earlier version of the map.
got to lvl 50 today =D

10 more levels to go woot!!! still debating on my final 10 points and what to spend them on.

So far I purchased all the skills so to say that arent attachements (Health, resitance, explosives mastery, speed,knifing etc..)
In terms of equipment I took the LMG with all its stuff besides the Bi-pod as well as the SMG with a silencer (Lightweight Ninja class with Clays to get behind enemy lines and destroy assests =D)

Now Im on the wall about what to get next..not sure how effective gas resistance is, not sure if I should take the guided RPG...

Also does the reflex scope make the weapon more accurate or you more accurate? WHat if you wanted to use Iron sights to preserve weight, will the gun perform the same?
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