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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


Corran Horn said:
So I guess my PS3 is busted? After about 1 minute of being on it turns off and flashes red light (overheat) even though its in an open area.

Oh no!!!! Sorry Corran, I had that happen to me too... I fixed my ps3 with the guide on YouTube, it worked then borked again .. Happened a couple times and finally had to go buy a new slim..

Hope you get it worked out bro, really love playing with ya...

Oh and for everyone playing today with me sorry I was botching and moaning so much today, I really love this game but there's only so much bullshit I can take.

Fuck everything sver, I don't give a flying shit what anyone says, this game will go to shit if they don't fix this bullshit.

Their maps are bullshit, so are their guns. 2 shots from an LMG 200 yards out.. And I'm dead..
I drop a whole clip into a mofo and he turns around and 2 shot kills me...

Anyone saying it's just valor and raven has the less skilled players can F off


Bajan32, I feel for you man. My sympathies, I know what you are talking about with this SVER bullshittery. It's like they're making up for not having a single player component in the game by putting difficulty levels in the multi-player. As we all know SVER is easy mode, while Raven people earn their chest hair. :D


TheFatOne said:
J-Rzez this is some pure bullshit. You know the both acquisition and domination SVER maps are ridiculous.

Honestly man, I don't think so. I think there are weak points for every map. On domination, myself and some other gaffers were in this really shitty bunker where Valor would nuke our turret in seconds, then pincer us, as they can run right across the pipes and have a high ground advantage. There's weak and strong points to every map I believe. Some of Valors and Ravens bunker placements can harsh too, others are a walk in the park.

When we play with bad players, we got worked so fast it wasn't even funny. When the rest of the squads are up to snuff, we're competitive. This works for every PMC, this works for any game other than MAG.

I honestly think, should say know, that if our squad was Valor or Raven, we'd be just as successful. Our squad is full of great players who work together really, really well. I'm not sure when these "issues" appeared, as in the other earlier phases of beta when I was with Raven and Valor we didn't have these lop-sided issues. We were split pretty evenly through and through.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I know there's only one way I'm going to convince myself that it's just a skill thing, and I think it's the only way I'll get any enjoyment out of the game.

So as of now, I'm retiring my Raven player for a week, Starting up SVER and seeing if I notice much difference, if it's a skill thing at least I'll win a few matches before giving up on MAG, if it's a balance thing at least I'll win a few matches before giving up on MAG.


omfg most epic SVER domination defense ever. 5 more seconds and we would have lost. One of the most epic games I've ever played in. Holy shit.
Just got my first purple heart ribbon. While playing with SVER GAF no less.

Why the hell did you guys just abandon the burnoff tower/bunker? I turned around and everyone had run off across the map somewhere. We got fucking rolled from there.

FFObsessed said:
omfg most epic SVER domination defense ever. 5 more seconds and we would have lost. One of the most epic games I've ever played in. Holy shit.

Epic in that we were like the worst platoon on our side? They held E & F almost the entire time.

Inanna said:

What's with that guy barely ever aiming down the sight? Don't get me wrong they won pretty quick though.


PedroLumpy said:
Why the hell did you guys just abandon the burnoff tower/bunker? I turned around and everyone had run off across the map somewhere. We got fucking rolled from there.

Epic in that we were like the worst platoon on our side? They held E & F almost the entire time.

Err yeh. We're not the whole platoon, we were a 6 man GAF squad. The fact we managed to come back from that god awful situation with only a few seconds to spare was indeed epic. I myself managed to re-capture F 3 times, then killed 8 guys in one burst of the LMG at the end. :lol We probably won it thanx to Lince joining the game as OIC and repairing the anti air battery.

Fucking amazing.

Oh, and we "abandoned" the burn off tower because they destroyed the AA battery and no one else was doing anything. That was FRAGO'd and more important.
I have just stooped to a new low in my gaming life.

We were playing the domination map against SVER where we defend and lost our bunkers in record time something like 2 min. Anyway were getting absolutely murdered and all of our bases are taken over. I spawn pissed as hell walk toward the front of the tanker and see literally probably something like 15-20 guys laying down and sniping! SNIPING!
I was so mad I team killed about 5 guys till they took me down.

Then the next game I got 850pts(My all time high YAY!) and it was one of the most enjoyable games ever.

Playing this game reminds me of when I dated this chick named Sabrina that was bipolar.
FFObsessed said:
Err yeh. We're not the whole platoon, we were a 6 man GAF squad. The fact we managed to come back from that god awful situation with only a few seconds to spare was indeed epic. I myself managed to re-capture F 3 times, then killed 8 guys in one burst of the LMG at the end. :lol We probably won it thanx to Lince joining the game as OIC and repairing the anti air battery.

Oh you know what I mean, the entire group of guys responsible for E and F. We blew chunks.

FFObsessed said:
Oh, and we "abandoned" the burn off tower because they destroyed the AA battery and no one else was doing anything. That was FRAGO'd and more important.

I think it was the mortars dude. But either way, I think the match showed it wasn't the right play.
I had to quit tonight because the play of the other players was so bad, I have sort of had enough. If I am not with ValorGaf I am going to start to quit liberally.

Alot of confusion, no mics and shit like that. I literally had to beg and plead "guys, I can't do this alone!" for help in Domination tonight with randoms. They had an APC parked right outside the door to F and no one would help take it out...it just sat there. This game is love hate to an extreme.

I think in maybe a month people will start to understand this is not team deathmatch a little better. I hope.
Anerythristic said:
I had to quit tonight because the play of the other players was so bad, I have sort of had enough. If I am not with ValorGaf I am going to start to quit liberally.

Alot of confusion, no mics and shit like that. I literally had to beg and plead "guys, I can't do this alone!" for help in Domination tonight with randoms. They had an APC parked right outside the door to F and no one would help take it out...it just sat there. This game is love hate to an extreme.

I think in maybe a month people will start to understand this is not team deathmatch a little better. I hope.

I feel your pain bro.


Not pure anymore!
PedroLumpy said:
What's with that guy barely ever aiming down the sight? Don't get me wrong they won pretty quick though.
I think he's one of the new guys, never seen him play with them before. Another good video I found off his channel. THIS bunker on Acquisition is a bitch to keep, it always goes down first but with a good squad it's hella fun! + You get tons more points. I always love spawning there.

Acq Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

This guy goes "yo" a lot. :lol


Madman said:
I'm surprised people are still claiming SVER doesn't have an advantage. They do. Let it go.

I'm surprised people are still bitching about SVER map advantage. Quit the game (or your faction). Let it go.


Chrange said:
Let me guess, you just don't feel like switching sides to prove that point?

Actually, we will change factions once everyone catches up and gets to 60. Me and J-Rzez are pretty much lapping most other players, not just in GAF.

Before you jump to conclusions or try to call J-Rzez out, maybe you should play with us a few times or watch him play. I mean, do you really think we're afraid to switch sides or something? LOL...


Click said:
I'm surprised people are still bitching about SVER map advantage. Quit the game (or your faction). Let it go.

Everybody should roll SVER or quit the game. I agree. Perfect solution.


It was good times playing with you RavenGAF, it's a shame that suck at calling out targets. Well I try to call them out, except I usually end up taking the target down afterwards...

And yes, sniping in this game is pretty fun, except don't expect high XP unless you are doing the FRAGO stuff.


Click said:
So is bitching non-stop.

In a game that can be patched to fix issues with it? Yeah, bitching actually can help. It's a far better alternative to everyone rolling SVER, thus killing the game, or just quitting the game, thus... again... killing the game.


venison crêpe
Vennt said:
Well, I know there's only one way I'm going to convince myself that it's just a skill thing, and I think it's the only way I'll get any enjoyment out of the game.

So as of now, I'm retiring my Raven player for a week, Starting up SVER and seeing if I notice much difference, if it's a skill thing at least I'll win a few matches before giving up on MAG, if it's a balance thing at least I'll win a few matches before giving up on MAG.

Noooooooooooooo :(
Vinci said:
In a game that can be patched to fix issues with it? Yeah, bitching actually can help. It's a far better alternative to everyone rolling SVER, thus killing the game, or just quitting the game, thus... again... killing the game.

Agreed. Its just beginner/easy mode through and through. Their top line weapons properly modded are now dropping people in only two to three hits, thats a fact, and has to be a bug rather than variable weapon stats. I game on 100 dollar headphones I can perfectly hear th (thwack,thwack) I drop and am surprised I don't see the headshot indicator.


Couple rough games with just Fixed and I, then a few more RavenGAF joined and we started rolling. I think we got 4 wins in a row.
andycapps said:
Couple rough games with just Fixed and I, then a few more RavenGAF joined and we started rolling. I think we got 4 wins in a row.

Had a good game with ya guys, sorry about the no communication thing, but at night I'm working out riding my bike while playing MAG so I don't wear the MIC as to not get it sweaty :lol


Checking my stats in the barracks menu shows I've played 11 hours and change... yet when you access my card via the clan menu, I'm up to 14. Will the three hours of "lost time" there just never count? If so, that would be unfortunate, because I received some sweet ribbons playing last night that aren't showing at the moment..


Vinci said:
In a game that can be patched to fix issues with it? Yeah, bitching actually can help. It's a far better alternative to everyone rolling SVER, thus killing the game, or just quitting the game, thus... again... killing the game.

Actually no, bitching does not help. Offering constructive criticisms can help, bitching constantly doesn't. Offering possible ideas and solutions can help, whining everday on a forum doesn't. Discussing possible tactics and strategies to try and figure out how to defeat SVER's defenses helps, joining Valor or Raven because it's not "easy mode," then bitching about it after the fact, doesn't.


Click said:
Actually no, bitching does not help. Offering constructive criticisms can help, bitching constantly doesn't. Offering possible ideas and solutions can help, whining everday on a forum doesn't. Discussing possible tactics and strategies to try and figure out how to defeat SVER's defenses helps, joining Valor or Raven because it's not "easy mode," then bitching about it after the fact, doesn't.

Actually, most of the bitching has been side-stepped by the whole 'rotate the maps' movement. That's not only a suggestion, it's something that should be done to extend the game's life.


Any Raven Officers playing right now? I am currently online and would like an invite.. PSN: KooPaL-

Thanks in Advance!


damn I'm at work, can't wait to get home and play....but I think this is taking too much of my time....at least in the evenings..


Go on a date or MAG
Go on a date, then Play MAG?
Play MAG and show up late for the Date...
or just Play MAG?

or maybe just, Play MAG till 12am.....go to some club till 2am......then play MAG till say 4am.....get 5hrs of sleep before work.
I've got some constructive ideas:

* Get rid of home maps, and allow each faction to attack and defend each map.
* Allow any faction to unlock any other faction's weapons by way of scavenging X weapons of that type from the battlefield.
* Put a bottom bar of icons under the mini-map that displays whether AA/Mortars/Sensors etc. are still available. At the very least provide this for leaders.
* Provide marked overheads of each map either on the MAG website, or within the game itself. Show these maps during the battle load screen, which should be several screens, showing each wave of objectives that need to be attacked/defended.
* Put a ping/connectivity meter in the game so we know just how good our connection is when playing those big matches.
* Expand the training mission, make it available offline, and allow us to test various builds /weapons within it.
* Auto-kick players for X team kills, or allow the victim to vote after each TK.
* Allow multiple character slots.
* Allow us to select our next loadout before respawning. Sometimes you end up with a second or two after dying before respawning and if you're quick enough to change your loadout you end up having to wait the full spawn period to get back into the battle.
* Provide detailed stats on the Shadow War, available in-game.
* Provide a detailed FAQ on the MAG website that details how each game mode works, each map asset, and explains the mechanics that govern the Shadow War.
* Change the explosive charge beeping sound to go quicker as the countdown progresses.
* Upgrade Valor and Raven maps to have SVER level of defensive measures, add more maps for free, and then make these ultra-defensible maps "capitals" of each Faction.

Those are just a few off the top of my head.


While the "rotate the maps" idea has merit, people made the same claims and suggestions to Blizzard about the WoW battlegrounds, but Blizzard never felt it was necessary and their game is still going strong years later. Early WoW was much like early MAG with SVER taking the role of the Horde. Blizzard continued to tune and adjust to the point where the balance may have shifted the other direction, but they never did open the maps for both factions and I'm glad they stuck to their guns.

A large part of me thinks that these imbalances are done on purpose with some of the intent being to create these types of back and forth exchanges between PMCs. There is now an intense rivalry growing that would probably not exist if everything were even. While I do hope they find a balance, I want the PMC's to retain their feel and so much of that comes from their territory. Hopefully they find a nice balance that keep all PMCs coming back for more.


Malvolio said:
While the "rotate the maps" idea has merit, people made the same claims and suggestions to Blizzard about the WoW battlegrounds, but Blizzard never felt it was necessary and their game is still going strong years later. Early WoW was much like early MAG with SVER taking the role of the Horde. Blizzard continued to tune and adjust to the point where the balance may have shifted the other direction, but they never did open the maps for both factions and I'm glad they stuck to their guns.

This the same Blizzard that has taken classes unique to one side and crossed them over to the other without fail? That was their way of balancing the two sides.
Malvolio said:
While the "rotate the maps" idea has merit, people made the same claims and suggestions to Blizzard about the WoW battlegrounds, but Blizzard never felt it was necessary and their game is still going strong years later. Early WoW was much like early MAG with SVER taking the role of the Horde. Blizzard continued to tune and adjust to the point where the balance may have shifted the other direction, but they never did open the maps for both factions and I'm glad they stuck to their guns.

Problem is, WoW did not depend on the battlegrounds, it was just a small portion of a large game. With MAG, the maps are basically the game. If it's upsetting players it basically is killing the complete reason to play the game. With WoW you had 11 million players and tons of shit too do, it wasn't going to make much difference what Blizzard did. MAG does not have that luxury.

The number of players playing is not going up, the PMC's are all gravitating towards the modes in which they win the most in which is just gonna cause queue problems and as others have said, people getting bored of the game since they play the same over and over again.

MAG does not have the luxury of player base, or time to let things alone if they keep going on in this manner.


Vinci said:
This the same Blizzard that has taken classes unique to one side and crossed them over to the other without fail? That was their way of balancing the two sides.

Shaman and Paladin were hardly the the only reasons for the imbalance. Regardless, they never opened the maps for each faction and I don't think MAG should either.


Malvolio said:
Shaman and Paladin were hardly the the only reasons for the imbalance. Regardless, they never opened the maps for each faction and I don't think MAG should either.

BM already pretty much covered this, but you have to keep in mind that MAG and WoW are totally different animals. The latter has genuine content that you can experience with or without other people present; the former doesn't. Any imbalance, particularly one that is perceived to exist right from the start, is very dangerous for a game that depends completely on community to provide its content. The reason I suggest rotating the maps is because (a) I think it would take away the argument that is massively derailing this game's potential and (b) I don't think MAG has the freedom to take its time here. BC2 comes out in early March.

They need to distill this game into the awesome it can be, and it needs to be done as soon as possible to kickstart the community and keep it rolling.


Vinci said:
BM already pretty much covered this, but you have to keep in mind that MAG and WoW are totally different animals. The latter has genuine content that you can experience with or without other people present; the former doesn't. Any imbalance, particularly one that is perceived to exist right from the start, is very dangerous for a game that depends completely on community to provide its content. The reason I suggest rotating the maps is because (a) I think it would take away the argument that is massively derailing this game's potential and (b) I don't think MAG has the freedom to take its time here. BC2 comes out in early March.

They need to distill this game into the awesome it can be, and it needs to be done as soon as possible to kickstart the community and keep it rolling.

I never said they should sit on their hands and pray things work themselves out. There are plenty of ways to balance beyond map rotation and are probably much easier to code too.


NullPointer said:
What do you have in mind?

Another rebalance on the weapons/armor is the easiest place to start. They all have enough stats that can be adjusted to create quite a dramatic change. Just have to keep making minor changes until a balance can be found.


Good wins tonight SVER GAF

Now I have 2 hours of sleep to look forward to :p

edit: why haz my awesome tag been removed? ;_;


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Nice games tonight, svergaf (i am tigerheli). Every domination, we blow through those bunkers like they aren't even there. I must have blew up 15 turrets with my rockets tonight.
Malvolio said:
Another rebalance on the weapons/armor is the easiest place to start. They all have enough stats that can be adjusted to create quite a dramatic change. Just have to keep making minor changes until a balance can be found.

The weapons are nearly identical, it's not going to make much difference. Winning in the game has never been about whose weapon was better, it always falls down to team failure to achieve objectives.

Only real tweaks they could do is make some modifications to maps, add some cover in some areas, move the bunkers around in spots, etc.


Malvolio said:
Another rebalance on the weapons/armor is the easiest place to start. They all have enough stats that can be adjusted to create quite a dramatic change. Just have to keep making minor changes until a balance can be found.

So you're saying that they would nerf SVER weaponry?
Malvolio said:
Another rebalance on the weapons/armor is the easiest place to start. They all have enough stats that can be adjusted to create quite a dramatic change. Just have to keep making minor changes until a balance can be found.
I honestly can't tell whether SVER has a weapons advantage or whether I just end up getting bad lag effects. In sabotage I don't notice much of a difference in weapon power, but in Dom matches I routinely have to nail someone with 10 shots to drop them, while I only see/feel one shot that ends up downing me. It doesn't always happen, but it does happen enough to make me wonder just how solid those servers are at handling the larger matchups. Along these lines I've also had fights with Raven where I'm positive I should've been dead, just getting peppered by some shots, only to turn around and drop them in a flat second.

But without a way to check my connection I've got no way of really knowing.
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