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Magazines in america should offer this! (alternate game case =covers)


Ran by this while looking over the Narutimet Hero 2 forum on gamefaqs.

Alternate game case covers in vjump!


It's a nice choice for collectors or if the original sucked. Not to mention it's cheap and official. I just placed an order for the issue of vjump that includes the Sasuke cover (The original is great too, and not sure where to find the issue that has the kyuubi cover)


This is the first time I've seen it in Jump, but there's another mag that used to do this a lot. I think it was ThePlayStation. They had alternative FFX covers in there before.


Also a fun side note. Nintendo Dream used to have stickers for the GC game cases for almost every game. (Since it's usally blank on the side) I managed to score the FF:CC one, but at one point they stopped, and released one final blank set for future use.


rollin' in the gutter
That's sweet as hell. Something US mags should adopt ASAP. They would get a nice boost in sales for popular games.
It would be the greatest fucking thing ever for U.S. mags if they had polls on the worst boxarts every month (or so) where they'd offer up a different much better looking version the following month or two. Talk about anticipation of the new issue hitting stands. Sales would get a serious boost, I'd imagine.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Mr_Furious said:
It would be the greatest fucking thing ever for U.S. mags if they had polls on the worst boxarts every month (or so) where they'd offer up a different much better looking version the following month or two. Talk about anticipation of the new issue hitting stands. Sales would get a serious boost, I'd imagine.
Protip: Companies probably wouldn't like it very much if you called their boxart the worst.

Still, this is a fine idea. Maybe OPM can do it.


rollin' in the gutter
Mr_Furious said:
It would be the greatest fucking thing ever for U.S. mags if they had polls on the worst boxarts every month (or so) where they'd offer up a different much better looking version the following month or two. Talk about anticipation of the new issue hitting stands. Sales would get a serious boost, I'd imagine.

Great idea. EGM i know you have editors here. MAKE IT HAPPEN :D
Those are really cool, though not sure if I'd swap them over the original NH2 boxart.

Another cool thing that Japanese gaming magazines do is memory card stickers; Big sheets of them with all sorts of new popular games on them.
fennec fox said:
Protip: Companies probably wouldn't like it very much if you called their boxart the worst.
It's not my job to "candycoat" the truth on these forums :D It would be the mag's job to do such a thing to the various publishers. Just have an online contest for the 'most wanted' boxart or some shit. I don't care how it happens, JUST MAKE IT HAPPEN! :D
bjork said:
PSM used to do stickers for awhile iirc
Yup, they sure did. They'd swap from the memory card stickers to the custom PS lid stickers and offered both from time to time. I preferred the memory card stickers myself and still have a couple sheets of them around here somewhere.
I'm so crazy about this idea, I'd actually buy multiple issues of the same mag if there were different boxarts being offered the same month. How's that for silly. I'd go for that much easier than the 3 or 5 or 40 different (collectible) magazine covers :p


works for Gamestop (lol)
Alternate game covers would be an awesome idea. Especially if it means replacing my ugly ICO box art with the Japanese cover art
Even if this weren't achievable on a monthly basis, it could still be bi-monthly or even quarterly but the possibilities are definitely worthwhile.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Damn, that would be awesome. I REALLY hope some magazine does this, or at least can get a publisher on board for it. They have all those color posters and ads, why not go for alternate covers?


Well, it's *kinda* like this, but PS2 Growlanser Generations will be the first game (to my knowledge) to offer a reversible DVD case coversheet (i.e. the package art). Essentially, you're getting two complete box covers and if you don't like the "standard" one (the one you see online and in the ads for Growlanser Generations), you can flip it to one no one has ever seen yet that I personally think is cooler.

Hopefully other US pubs will pick up on the idea because I've always thought that space on the back of the coversheet was wasted, and this will give gamers something they always want: choice.


On a similar note, the new Japan budget releases of MGS2 Sons of Liberty and MGS2 Substance offer reversible covers AND luxury cardboard slip cases. Makes me tempted to buy them.
vireland said:
Well, it's *kinda* like this, but PS2 Growlanser Generations will be the first game (to my knowledge) to offer a reversible DVD case coversheet (i.e. the package art). Essentially, you're getting two complete box covers and if you don't like the "standard" one (the one you see online and in the ads for Growlanser Generations), you can flip it to one no one has ever seen yet that I personally think is cooler.

Hopefully other US pubs will pick up on the idea because I've always thought that space on the back of the coversheet was wasted, and this will give gamers something they always want: choice.
That's pretty damn cool news to me. You wouldn't happen to have pics of it would you?


I should start practicing and making my own PS2 covers cause the ones we have here are mostly awful.


That's pretty damn cool news to me. You wouldn't happen to have pics of it would you?

Probably won't make it public until the game's released. We've kept the fact that we're even doing it on the down-low so people can be surprised when they get the game. I figured that since the game's almost out and this thread is really similar, I'd at least mention it.

I really do want other US pubs to do it, too! I'd love to have a choice of covers on all my US games!


You do remember how fast news spreads because of GAF right Vic? It'll be all over the place when you wake up in the morning ;).


You do remember how fast news spreads because of GAF right Vic? It'll be all over the place when you wake up in the morning ;).

Heh, yeah. Growlanser Generations and Halo2 will be duking it out for the PR spotlight tomorrow. :)

We're going to keep the art a secret, but since we're so close to shipping the game, I didn't see a problem with mentioning that it will be reversable. Collectors, especially, should dig it.


Hah, it'll be posted somewhere. Although you're right, it might be lost in the Halo 2 shuffle tommorrow. Never doubt the power of GAF though, I remember when Kitsune's ramblings convinced everyone that Suikoden 3 was good. -_-


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
vireland said:
Well, it's *kinda* like this, but PS2 Growlanser Generations will be the first game (to my knowledge) to offer a reversible DVD case coversheet (i.e. the package art). Essentially, you're getting two complete box covers and if you don't like the "standard" one (the one you see online and in the ads for Growlanser Generations), you can flip it to one no one has ever seen yet that I personally think is cooler.

Hopefully other US pubs will pick up on the idea because I've always thought that space on the back of the coversheet was wasted, and this will give gamers something they always want: choice.

That is pretty cool. Rygar: The Legendary Adventure did something sorta like that. There is a holographic insert that can be used as another cover. I've never used it though.

Thanks for the heads up on the Growlanser Generations cover, I might have never found that out otherwise.
vireland said:
I really do want other US pubs to do it, too! I'd love to have a choice of covers on all my US games!
Considering how many crappy b/w manuals accompany most games nowadays in the U.S., I highly doubt most publishers would consider such an idea (i.e. they're cheapasses) :-\ That's why I'm so excited at the possibility of a magazine offering variant covers. I wish more companies would consider doing what you're doing though.
Reversible covers would be nice. A few American distributors of Japanese animation DVDs have done it, and it would be nice to see this trend flow into games.

Alternative cover art in magazines would be neat too, but I wonder if enough people in the average reader base would care to make it worth it for the magazine publisher?


Uncle Dukey said:
Reversible covers would be nice. A few American distributors of Japanese animation DVDs have done it, and it would be nice to see this trend flow into games.

Alternative cover art in magazines would be neat too, but I wonder if enough people in the average reader base would care to make it worth it for the magazine publisher?

Indeed! Geneon, Bandai and ADV have been practicing this lately.


Considering how many crappy b/w manuals accompany most games nowadays in the U.S.

It IS better than it was just 5-6 years ago. There are many more color manuals than there were at the beginning of the PS' lifespan. There's actually a premium tier of titles, packaging-wise, that didn't exist before. My hope is that those are the titles that will adopt the dual-sided game case sheets. It has to start somewhere.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
vireland said:
It IS better than it was just 5-6 years ago. There are many more color manuals than there were at the beginning of the PS' lifespan. There's actually a premium tier of titles, packaging-wise, that didn't exist before. My hope is that those are the titles that will adopt the dual-sided game case sheets. It has to start somewhere.

B/W or Color isn't the problem... lack of useful text on the controls and how to play the actual game IS IMO.


B/W or Color isn't the problem... lack of useful text on the controls and how to play the actual game IS IMO.

Silly! That information is part of the official strategy guides now! How's Prima gonna sell you one of their crappy guides if they don't have at least one thing in it you really need (i.e., the correct controls). You're so naive...


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
DarienA said:
B/W or Color isn't the problem... lack of useful text on the controls and how to play the actual game IS IMO.

would you like to save 5 dollars on a strategy guide for the game you are purchasing today?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
vireland said:
Silly! That information is part of the official strategy guides now! How's Prima gonna sell you one of their crappy guides if they don't have at least one thing in it you really need (i.e., the correct controls). You're so naive...

levious said:
would you like to save 5 dollars on a strategy guide for the game you are purchasing today?

I am screaming at my desk here in the office... SCREAMING..... on the inside... tears are pouring down my face as I'm trying to keep the laughter in(quiet office). :lol :lol :lol
Jonnyram said:
This is the first time I've seen it in Jump, but there's another mag that used to do this a lot. I think it was ThePlayStation. They had alternative FFX covers in there before.

Sorry for second post, but is there a possibility that you actually have the FFX covers and would be so kind to scan them for me?


Jonnyram said:
This is the first time I've seen it in Jump, but there's another mag that used to do this a lot. I think it was ThePlayStation. They had alternative FFX covers in there before.

They had a new one called "The Play" (which covers PSP and PS/PS2), the recent issues all have alternate covers (DMC, FFX-2, Shadow Hearts II, DISGAEA, ICO, Toto to isshou, Wild Arms Alter Code F, Popolo Crisis).

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I like this idea. But there are some problems with it:

1. It would probably only be 1 cover a month. 12 covers a year. That might be a good amount but....

2. If magazines were to do this, I doubt they would resist the temptation to stick with games that actually have poor cover art. Most of the covers they would choose would be for popular games (many of which already have good enough covers). So if they included for example, a MGS3 cover, it would be a waste (at least to me) because it already has good art. So now you've gone from 12...to somewhat less than 12.

3. Then of course there is the issue of actually owning the game. With 3 systems out there now it is becoming difficult (I'm speaking for most people and not myself) to keep up with every release and if you don't even own the console that the game belongs to...well then thats even fewer covers that you can actually use. So now you've gone from somewhat less than 12 to like 3-4 at best for the average person...which is still better than nothing...but its so few that some might ask "why even bother".

IMO, what I would like to see, is perhaps a subscription service where you pay like $30 (for each system) a year and they send you 10 alternate covers each month for each system you signed up for. They could have maybe 3 covers a month devoted to games that were released that month and the other 7 would be for older games (since there are so many of them). I'd sign up for something like that in a second.


JC10001 said:
I like this idea. But there are some problems with it:

1. It would probably only be 1 cover a month. 12 covers a year. That might be a good amount but....

The "The Play" that I mentioned is a bi-weekly, the recent ones has 4 covers per issue. But not for those with bad covers, just alternate covers.
I think a good a solution would be the have them online as high resolution files (300 dpi) so you can print them yourselves.
JC10001 said:
I like this idea. But there are some problems with it:

1. It would probably only be 1 cover a month. 12 covers a year. That might be a good amount but....

2. If magazines were to do this, I doubt they would resist the temptation to stick with games that actually have poor cover art. Most of the covers they would choose would be for popular games (many of which already have good enough covers). So if they included for example, a MGS3 cover, it would be a waste (at least to me) because it already has good art. So now you've gone from 12...to somewhat less than 12.
Even AAA titles can get poor boxarts. Kakusha is proof positive that better boxarts can exist for even the best of games.

3. Then of course there is the issue of actually owning the game. With 3 systems out there now it is becoming difficult (I'm speaking for most people and not myself) to keep up with every release and if you don't even own the console that the game belongs to...well then thats even fewer covers that you can actually use. So now you've gone from somewhat less than 12 to like 3-4 at best for the average person...which is still better than nothing...but its so few that some might ask "why even bother".
This wouldn't be any different than say the freebie posters offered inside major mags periodically. There's also the option of console centric mags like OPM that could offer such a thing with a higher rate of success.

IMO, what I would like to see, is perhaps a subscription service where you pay like $30 (for each system) a year and they send you 10 alternate covers each month for each system you signed up for. They could have maybe 3 covers a month devoted to games that were released that month and the other 7 would be for older games (since there are so many of them). I'd sign up for something like that in a second.
I don't like this idea simply because it means me spending more money when it's potentially possible to get free through a publication. I spend enough money on mag subscriptions each year as is.
FortNinety said:
I think a good a solution would be the have them online as high resolution files (300 dpi) so you can print them yourselves.
Not all of us have good enough printers (or any printer in my case) :(


I think a good a solution would be the have them online as high resolution files (300 dpi) so you can print them yourselves.

Not gonna happen. With the piracy problem, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, or whomever is NOT going to put up high-res, printable versions of their game boxes with logos and all. Add a disc label and pirates have a ready-made legit-looking ebay solution for their warez.

Even getting this through as a mag supplement would be tough, but that WOULD be grand.

Until then, reverse your Growlanser Generations covers to your hearts content.


wow, that is quite cool. that'd make me buy game magazines, actually.

and although my inkjet printer is capable of good quality, professionally printed > home printed
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