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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


I have a blue-green Flash deck in standard that builds up to Cyclonic Rift overloads to stabilize the board. It's a dirty deck. Dies almost instantly to aggro, though. Gotta figure out how to stop that...

Edit: Fuck, last post on a page. No responses incoming lol

Thragtusk. Splash white for Supreme Verdict! You just need to gain enough life to stabilize.

Went 3-1 at FNM with Boros Humans. Lost to R/G which just had better synergy than my deck. At least my deck has performed pretty consistently the past few weeks.


Did you see my BUG flash deck? So far it has performed okay against aggro decks, and I guess it'd be cheap to build if you don't count my singleton Liliana of the Veil and Snapcaster Mage (plus the shocklands, I guess). Ever since I saw the two-colored split cards, I realized that Far/Away was by far the best of the bunch, since it doesn't require jumping through hoops to get 2-for-1s like Turn/Burn (which is still good), and the rest range from merely decent (Boros, Gruul and Rakdos) to clunky (Golgari, Simic and Selesnya) to downright awful (Azorius and Orzhov). I'm not running Cyclonic Rift because I have enough removal to keep the board under control, and even if I wanted to hit several things at once, I'd rather run additional copies of Gaze of Granite.

What do you guys think about the whole "run Maze's End and guildgates to avoid missing land drops" tactic? My mana-hungry BUG deck often gets to seven mana (enough for a protected Aetherling), but I rarely hit many more lands than that despite running 25, which is sometimeas a problem when I want to play stuff while holding removal and/or counterspells for backup, or when I need to cast Gaze of Granite for a high X value.

I have a slight black splash for the Deathrite Shamans I have, but I was trying to keep to green/blue for the ability to cast my spells consistently. I don't have any Lilianas sadly, but Far/Away might be one to think about.

Thragtusk. Splash white for Supreme Verdict! You just need to gain enough life to stabilize.

Went 3-1 at FNM with Boros Humans. Lost to R/G which just had better synergy than my deck. At least my deck has performed pretty consistently the past few weeks.

I have the 'tusk in. I thought about a white splash for Rev, but I was trying to keep everything as close to instant speed as possible, so I didn't consider the Verdict.

Making decks is hard lol


Maybe you could splash red instead for Bonfire. It's not necessary instant speed for Mircale but it deals with aggro really well. Plus it gives you access to Pillar of Flame which deals with all that undying crap or Voice of Resurgence. Either way, G/U alone will be hard to deal with aggro. Actually, what does your deck even look like lol.


I don't have the exact list, but here's a guesstimate

4 Snapcaster
4 Unsummon
3 Cyclonic Rift
2 Rewind
2 Negate
2 Aetherling
2 Skylasher
3 Wolfir Avenger
2 Acidic Slime
? Thragtusk
1 Progenitor Mimic
4 Simic Charm
2 Deathrite Shaman
4 Hinterland Harbot
4 Breeding Pool
1 Watery Grave
1 Overgrown Tomb
X Islands/Forests

Obviously it's a delay/bounce until I can land an Aetherling or Slime/Mimic combo

The Skylashers are particularly uninspired after playing against some decks. Also, for aggro, I was thinking about a Fog Bank/Fog combo for sideboard purposes.

It tends to whoop on the slower decks. Reanimator usually can't deal with my Shamans. I like it against those. But a fast deck like G/W humans eats it alive.


I don't have the exact list, but here's a guesstimate

4 Snapcaster
4 Unsummon
3 Cyclonic Rift
2 Rewind
2 Negate
2 Aetherling
2 Skylasher
3 Wolfir Avenger
2 Acidic Slime
? Thragtusk
1 Progenitor Mimic
4 Simic Charm
2 Deathrite Shaman
4 Hinterland Harbot
4 Breeding Pool
1 Watery Grave
1 Overgrown Tomb
X Islands/Forests

Obviously it's a delay/bounce until I can land an Aetherling or Slime/Mimic combo

The Skylashers are particularly uninspired after playing against some decks. Also, for aggro, I was thinking about a Fog Bank/Fog combo for sideboard purposes.

It tends to whoop on the slower decks. Reanimator usually can't deal with my Shamans. I like it against those. But a fast deck like G/W humans eats it alive.

Oh run Young Wolf/Rapid Hybridization. Cheap and easy and get so much value outta the two.


This is how my draft is looking tonight. We'll see how it goes.


Getting mana screwed right now first game. -_-


Considering the number of white cards you have and how early you want access to white mana I'd say you're running too few white sources. Also, why are you running the Rakdos Guildgates in the main? I don't see any red cards in your maindeck nor do I see any "Gates-matter" cards. They are just CITP swamps in this deckj :(


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Considering the number of white cards you have and how early you want access to white mana I'd say you're running too few white sources. Also, why are you running the Rakdos Guildgates in the main? I don't see any red cards in your maindeck nor do I see any "Gates-matter" cards. They are just CITP swamps in this deckj :(

Yea definitely needs more white, and you have literal 0 reason to run those gates.

Eteric Rice

So, I'm looking to play casually with some friends on the cheap. Something under $50. Might do some FNM with them here and there.

Any ideas?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I would love a Damnation reprint. Black needs a consistent and reliable 'kill everything' spell. Pretty sick of black being the crapped on color.

...how is black the crapped on color?

I'd love to see an environment w/ damnation (and without comparable low-cmc white wraths) to really get a read on how the game plays with those roles reversed. I suspect it might be an improvement.

Hmm, what do you mean roles reversed? What is white going to get to make up for losing it's strongest spell effect? If you remember, white was pretty awful most of the time from Mirrodin till Lorwyn, with some exception during Ravnica block (Ghazi-Glare). That included when Damnation was around, and it lost even the crutch of Wrath... there was virtually no reason to play white (e.g. UB Teachings).

Given that a large chunk of its color pie is already clogged up with garbage effects like +0/+X, bad combat tricks and bad life gain/damage prevention, I don't see why the color needs to lose one of its absolute signature aspects.

It also eminently makes sense to me not to have one color be massively superior in both sweepers and targeted creature kill. It over-centralizes creature removal and I don't think it's a good way of distributing the color pie, just as I take issue with the extreme over-centralization of counterspells in one color, and having that be the only/primary way of interacting with instants and sorceries.


I don't have the exact list, but here's a guesstimate

4 Snapcaster
4 Unsummon
3 Cyclonic Rift
2 Rewind
2 Negate
2 Aetherling
2 Skylasher
3 Wolfir Avenger
2 Acidic Slime
? Thragtusk
1 Progenitor Mimic
4 Simic Charm
2 Deathrite Shaman
4 Hinterland Harbot
4 Breeding Pool
1 Watery Grave
1 Overgrown Tomb
X Islands/Forests

Obviously it's a delay/bounce until I can land an Aetherling or Slime/Mimic combo

The Skylashers are particularly uninspired after playing against some decks. Also, for aggro, I was thinking about a Fog Bank/Fog combo for sideboard purposes.

It tends to whoop on the slower decks. Reanimator usually can't deal with my Shamans. I like it against those. But a fast deck like G/W humans eats it alive.

Your creature base is very similar to mine, but the spells department is where our builds diverge.

I'd recommend adding Arbor Elf and Farseek to your deck, since that'd make the black splash incredibly easy to attain. You shoud also run Abrupt Decay and Putrefy over Simic Charm and Unsummon, as you have access to straight removal spells rather than some filmsy tempo cards, and Far/Away is the ideal card for a deck that likes playing spells on the opponent's turn.

On your mana curve's high-end, you should have effects that provide serious threats to your opponents. Thargtusk looks nice, but Acidic Slime and Progenitor Mimic look way too clunky and slow for their own good; the combo, if you ever assemble it, requires both creatures to stay alive and still lets your opponent attempt a last stand while you very slowly nuke her lands.

In my own experience, you still need quite some turns to win once Aetherling hits the battlefield, since your opponent will often end up racing it or forcing you to blink it out as you attack and after you've pumped mana into it to make it stronger and unblockable, but your targeted removal and Snapcasters will help quite a bit in that department. That said, I'd consider adding a third Aetherling, since you aren't running any card-drawing spells or abilities like other control decks.

I added Dreadbridge Goliaths replacing my Wolfir Silverhears to great success, as it's a huge roadblock for most creatures, is relatively cheap to cast, and scavenge is an awesome tool you can use once it's dead to make virtually any creature you draw into a threat.

I think Skylasher is way too weak for the deck, since there aren't that many decks that run blue creatures you can block with it (and Aetherling slips right past it). Shambleshark might be an odd creature, but I assure you that it's some nice cannon fodder, and can evolve thanks to your Avengers and high-end creatures (and also has some cute synergy with Aetherling and its blinking). Yeva, Nature's Herald might be a bit weak for the deck since most of your creatures already have flash, but I think even as a vanilla 4/4 with flash for 2GG it's good enough to warrant running one or two copies, as it crashes straight through even Restoration Angels (but not wurm tokens).

I don't have any Rewinds, but I think they're a good choice for the deck (I think they're even better than Plasm Capture, which also has the problem of being very picky about the mana you can cast it with). Negate doesn't seem like a good choice when what you'd probably want to counter early are creatures, though, so I'd recommend either Dissipate or Syncopate; then, just pack four Dispels in your sideboard to use against control decks, since they're awesome in that match-up.

The main-deck Deathrites could probably moved over to the sideboard to make some extra MD room, unless your metagame is flooded by Rites decks (mine isn't, so I keep my lone copy sitting in the SB). He won't be blocking anything early on, even though I guess the life gain could be good coupled with the removal suite you'd be running.

Gaze of Granite so far has been fantastic in testing; it's worth casting it even though it often forces you to tap out on your own turn, as the card advantage it can generate is really tempting (and it even hits planewalkers). You could probably run two copies, since you don't want to draw them early, anyway.

The way I built the deck, it has some easy sideboarding choices. For example, I often remove most targeted removal against creature-light control decks, and sideboard in all four Dispels and three Durresses I have in my SB; against creature decks, I like boarding in a fourth Far/Away and some Aetherize, but other than that I don't have anything against them in the side, sadly (I've tried Vampire Nighthawk, but it didn't work out due to its black-heavy mana cost and the fact that it didn't have flash like the rest of my creatures).

If I had any other planeswalkers, I'd probably run some (mostly Jace, I guess) to get some incremental card advantage while I keep the board clear in the first few turns of the game.

Currently, I think I've reached a farily stable build (if you don't count the weak sideboard plan against aggro decks), and I'd definitely recommend trying it out. It probably isn't powerful and reliable enough to be a tier 1 deck, but I certainly have faith in it (until Theros shows up, that is).

I'm kind of worried about Voice of Resurgence (even though most people at my LGS are unlikely to own any simply because of its humungous price tag), since the deck currently has no way to reliably take it out of the way without taking a huge tempo hit. We could try running that black spell from Innistrad that exiles the creature it hits and has flashback, but it's a 3B sorcery, so I'm unsure if it'd be the right choice for the deck.

I hope this helped, as I really like the BUG flash archetype and want to test it and make it grow until it's a better tuned deck, even if it doesn't end up being powerful enough so that people'd consider bringing it with them to win a Grand Prix.


Wish me luck magic gaf, in the hospital with possible appendicitis, although, being here really mkes me wish for mtgo for the ipad


Wish me luck magic gaf, in the hospital with possible appendicitis, although, being here really mkes me wish for mtgo for the ipad

I had to go through apendicitis when I was a lot younger, and the symptoms (ie: being unable to move out of the bed because of excruciating pain) begun exactly the day after my mom had left on a vacation trip, so it was quite a mess. Luckily for me, mom had remembered to give grandma my medical care card, so we went to a medical insitute later that day and I got interned there once they spotted my appendix was really swollen and could burst at any time. It seems like my operation took longer than foreseen because I had the appendix in a slightly different position than the surgeon had expected, but luckily all went fine and I recovered without any problems, and being visited and getting calls from many relatives and friends.

I'm happy that this was the direst event I've had to endure in my life so far, since the operation and the recovery weren't that complicated. I did frown when I had been asked if I wanted spaghettis for my first lunch by the medical staff, only to receive some chicken and rice with barely any condiments on them, as they had made a mistake regarding the food they were allowed to bring me.

It was during that operation that the surgeon spotted a Meckel diverticle (which is what it's called in Spanish, but I guess it might have a different name in English, so please forgive me if it does), and I was later told that they'd have to extract it if I ever showed symptoms similar to those of appendicitis, but that I wouldn't need to get it extracted unless that happened. So far, so good!

Anyway, good luck!

Back on topic, I'm still waiting for Wizards to announce a release date for DotP 2014. I really want them oozes to add them to my collection, and I guess they'd be interesting cards to add to my BUG deck.


I had to go through apendicitis when I was a lot younger, and the symptoms (ie: being unable to move out of the bed because of excruciating pain) begun exactly the day after my mom had left on a vacation trip, so it was quite a mess. Luckily for me, mom had remembered to give grandma my medical care card, so we went to a medical insitute later that day and I got interned there once they spotted my appendix was really swollen and could burst at any time. It seems like my operation took longer than foreseen because I had the appendix in a slightly different position than the surgeon had expected, but luckily all went fine and I recovered without any problems, and being visited and getting calls from many relatives and friends.

I'm happy that this was the direst event I've had to endure in my life so far, since the operation and the recovery weren't that complicated. I did frown when I had been asked if I wanted spaghettis for my first lunch by the medical staff, only to receive some chicken and rice with barely any condiments on them, as they had made a mistake regarding the food they were allowed to bring me.

It was during that operation that the surgeon spotted a Meckel diverticle (which is what it's called in Spanish, but I guess it might have a different name in English, so please forgive me if it does), and I was later told that they'd have to extract it if I ever showed symptoms similar to those of appendicitis, but that I wouldn't need to get it extracted unless that happened. So far, so good!

Anyway, good luck!

Back on topic, I'm still waiting for Wizards to announce a release date for DotP 2014. I really want them oozes to add them to my collection, and I guess they'd be interesting cards to add to my BUG deck.
Luckily the pain isnt excrutiating, im hoping it's just my IBS and not theother, of if it is an infection its so,ething they could cure without a surgery


Luckily the pain isnt excrutiating, im hoping it's just my IBS and not theother, of if it is an infection its so,ething they could cure without a surgery

Man good luck!

Your creature base is very similar to mine, but the spells department is where our builds diverge.


A lot of good info here. I'm going to read over this a few times and think about your choices versus mine... they seem to be really well thought out.


Luckily the pain isnt excrutiating, im hoping it's just my IBS and not theother, of if it is an infection its so,ething they could cure without a surgery
Every time pain down there turns out to be terrible gas instead of something worse I'm very, very relieved.


^^^ Just saw your tweet in the SCG stream when I logged in to watch the match lol
The play was soo bad. He has the ability to wipe Brad's board there, doesn't take it, then gets blown out.

Then he doesn't side out Militants in G2. Guy is NOT a good player.


The play was soo bad. He has the ability to wipe Brad's board there, doesn't take it, then gets blown out.

Then he doesn't side out Militants in G2. Guy is NOT a good player.

Yeah it hasn't been very good for him. Doesn't help that Brad seems to be playing really well though.

And now I will follow you on Twitter.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder

This has got to be one of the hardest wins I've gotten. Guy was playing this ridiculous brew where he ramped out all his mana by turn 4 or 5 and then starting firing off crazy X spells. Mind Grinded most of my library away, did that orzhov x spell that drains life for lethal but I managed to sphinxs rev for 2 life to keep alive. With no cards left I managed to get a lethal swing in with the aetherling and had the dissipate backup.

Crazy crazy game. The fact that I drew 3 snapcasters made it winnable, since he loaded my yard with all my cards.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
That junk aristocrats is a sexy, sexy, sexy deck. I will be piloting some version of Aristocrats until rotation.

I'm glad you're still alive Jarate.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder

As for brewing, here is the Bant delver deck I've been working on. So far it's pretty sweet. Flipping delvers off of 5/5's is just dirty in all the right ways.

Also the feel good play of the year is end stepping a snapcaster into a wurm adding 7 unexpected power to the board on their end step. Soooo good.



As for brewing, here is the Bant delver deck I've been working on. So far it's pretty sweet. Flipping delvers off of 5/5's is just dirty in all the right ways.

Also the feel good play of the year is end stepping a snapcaster into a wurm adding 7 unexpected power to the board on their end step. Soooo good.[/QUOTE]

Hm. I could build that easy.

Why only one Aetherling?


Love love love Brad Nelson's Junk Aristocrats deck. Need the lands but I might go buy the today.

Just an initial build, he's more of an alternate win con if the wurms don't get it done. I could easily see myself adding a second.

Gotcha. I was also wondering why no Runechanter's Pikes. Works well without it I'd guess?


I think you are stretching your curve too much with Aetherling and the planeswalkers. Vanilla 3/3s don't really go that well with that kind of huge bomb. I'd cut them, the Farseeks and a land or two for Thoughtscours and Runechanter's Pike.


Lots of really cool inclusions and it seems like it'll be a lot of fun to draft the one time I'll ever see actual product in person. Shame they had to add in some duds, would have been awesome if they just skipped M14 and had this as the summer set.
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