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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


My LGS is having a MM draft Friday for $21 but I have a wedding rehearsal at 4 and a wedding rehearsal soon after. Worst timing ever. Still thinking of going, rare drafting, and immediately leaving since the church is only ~10 minutes from my LGS and I can probably bullshit my way to being late to the dinner.


No Remand huh? That's like one of the main uncommons that needed a reprint.

I thought the same thing, but maybe we'll see it in M14 or Theros-block. There are definitely a few notable omissions I was shocked to find missing so I'm holding hope for that.


I thought the same thing, but maybe we'll see it in M14 or Theros-block. There are definitely a few notable omissions I was shocked to find missing so I'm holding hope for that.

It seems a bit too good for Standard though.

I personally was hoping for Cruel Ultimatum because it's such a cool card but I guess it didn't fit into the cycles they had going with the gold cards. It's pretty much a bulk rare though so no biggy.
The rare I most want to open is Cryptic Command, a Vendilion Cliques or two wouldn't be bad either :D Looking at my Modern Cruel Control brew there aren't actually that many cards in the set I really need.


I want to brew... Bant-Token. This is going to happen.

It seems a bit too good for Standard though.

I personally was hoping for Cruel Ultimatum because it's such a cool card but I guess it didn't fit into the cycles they had going with the gold cards. It's pretty much a bulk rare though so no biggy.
The rare I most want to open is Cryptic Command, a Vendilion Cliques or two wouldn't be bad either :D Looking at my Modern Cruel Control brew there aren't actually that many cards in the set I really need.

I'll gladly take any Bobs or 'Goyfs you don't want ;)

I think this set is going to be a ton of fun.


How would blue deal with Voice of Resurgence or Strangleroot Geist? I think you have to run red to be able to Pillar of Flame them. I just don't have a set of Steam Vents yet. I like Augur of Bolas in there as a cheap blocker, though I know you probably want to run as few of creatures as possible. Or maybe run Detention Sphere?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
How would blue deal with Voice of Resurgence or Strangleroot Geist? I think you have to run red to be able to Pillar of Flame them. I just don't have a set of Steam Vents yet. I like Augur of Bolas in there as a cheap blocker, though I know you probably want to run as few of creatures as possible. Or maybe run Detention Sphere?

Blue can just counter. Also, I saw unsummon effects used a lot. People don't care about getting rid of their Voice, so they'll attack into death or use a sacrifice outlet to get the token. Then you Azorious charm it on attack, or play Unsummon.

With Strangleroot you can just sort of ignore it for the most part. Charm, Sphinx's Rev, Tamiyo tap down, hands of binding can help if it's a real issue for you
I can see Remand getting reprinted in a Standard legal set. It's not that ridiculous in power, and I can see Wizards willing to throw counter-fans a bone.
So I've drafted Dragon's Maze and Return to Ravnica and for better or worse I've chosen to run an Azorius deck. My play group has decided to run standard decks and this is what I am thinking of running.

Any suggestions appreciated.

9 Plains
4 Azorius Guildgate
8 Island
21 lands

2 Skyline Predator
2 Judge's Familiar
4 Deputy of Acquittals
2 Skymark Roc
1 Palisade Giant
1 Archon of the Triumvirate
4 Azorius Arrester
2 Isperia, Supreme Judge
2 Lavinia of the Tenth
20 creatures

1 Blind Obedience
2 Psychic Spiral
2 Mizzium Skin
4 Inaction Injunction
2 Detention Sphere
2 Search Warrant
2 Lyev Decree
4 Dramatic Rescue
19 other spells


So I've drafted Dragon's Maze and Return to Ravnica and for better or worse I've chosen to run an Azorius deck. My play group has decided to run standard decks and this is what I am thinking of running.

Any suggestions appreciated.

9 Plains
4 Azorius Guildgate
8 Island
21 lands

2 Skyline Predator
2 Judge's Familiar
4 Deputy of Acquittals
2 Skymark Roc
1 Palisade Giant
1 Archon of the Triumvirate
4 Azorius Arrester
2 Isperia, Supreme Judge
2 Lavinia of the Tenth
20 creatures

1 Blind Obedience
2 Psychic Spiral
2 Mizzium Skin
4 Inaction Injunction
2 Detention Sphere
2 Search Warrant
2 Lyev Decree
4 Dramatic Rescue
19 other spells

For the most part, you should settle on whether you want to apply mid-game pressure or holding your opponents off until you get to play late-game bombs. I think your current deck looks more like an aggo-midrange deck, so I'll make my card choices accordingly.

Out: 16 cards
-2 Isperia, -1 Palisade Giant and -1 Archon of the Triunvirate: These cards' main problem is that they're way too slow for the rest of your deck; if you're trying to play start attacking early, then you'd be much better off replacing these late-game bombs with cheaper creatures. If you really wanted to keep some of them, I'd suggest an Isperia and the Archon
-2 Psychic Spiral: it kind of does nothing here, and you shouldn't be worrying about getting milled to death if you're going for an even moderately aggressive deck
-4 Inaction Injunction and -2 Lyev Decree: Detain spells don't provide nearly as much value as you should be getting, since at least you can combine detain creatures with Deputy of Acquitals to get their bonus a second time
-2 Skyline Predator: It can be a fun flyer, but is way too expensive for my taste
-2 Search Warrant: Looking at your opponent's hand and gaining life isn't that hot, and the Azorious have way juicier cards at their disposal

Suggestions (so card amounts aren't used):
  • Lyev Skyknight: an awesome card that provides a strong evasive body as well as detaining stuff
  • Martial Law: not the best or most efficient card, but it lets you stops your opponent's most threatening creature every turn without paying any additional mana
  • Hands of Binding: I know you'd be borrowing a card from an opposing guild, but it's really awesome at removing blockers out of the way while blunting your opponent's counterattacks over and over, as long as you make sure the encoded creature can get past your opponent's blockers. You should always encode this card onto your flying creatures unless you really need to do otherwise
  • Azorius Charm: you can use its lifelink-granting mode to get ahead of your opponent's attacks, deal with a pesky attacker while basically nullifying your opponent's next draw, or drawing a card in a pinch
  • Smite: you could surprise your opponents with some of these, as you'd be able to trade with any creature as long as you can block it
  • New Phrav Guildmage: not the strongest creature, but it gives you something to do with your spare mana
  • Syndic of Tithes: he's one of the Orzhov guys I wouldn't mind inviting to your Azorius party if you want a more midrange-y deck, as the extort triggers will often let you push some vital damage through while also gaining you life; the extort sub-strategy would depend on keeping a low mana curve, though
  • Hussar Patrol: it's a bit more expensive than I'd like, but if you want a flash surprise blocker, then this is certainly a good option
  • Knight of Obligation: another interesting white extorting guy, the Knight is awesome in that he has vigilance and high toughness, and the extort ability is a nice plus as well
  • Soulsworn Spirit: it's a small creature, but it has the best kind of evasion out there, and gives you a juicy detain trigger when it enters the battlefield, taking your opponent's best creature out of the picture until your next turn
  • Voidwalk: a strange cypher spell that you could possibly use both to remove blockers or reuse your creature's enters the battlefield triggers (just remember not to target the encoded creature unless you really have to); you can also be tricky with it by targeting one of your own creature with the cypher copy once you've hit your opponent to have it exit and re-enter the battlefield at the end of your turn, untapped and ready to block your opponent's creatures on their turn
  • More basic land: Your land count right now is akin to that of some hyper-aggresive decks which barely run spells that cost over three mana, so you should up the count to 24 as soon as possible (and up to 25-26 if you want to run Isperia and the Archon)


Neo Member
I won't be including Sphinx's Revelation. Maybe I'll luck out and draft it.

Instead of drafting, you could just save the money to buy a Revelation. It probably won't go down until it rotates out of standard. It arguably might go up depending how Theros turns out.


Instead of drafting, you could just save the money to buy a Revelation. It probably won't go down until it rotates out of standard. It arguably might go up depending how Theros turns out.

It's possible that they'll have a hoser in M14 like they did for Thragtusk Vs Delver in M13. And then Sphinx decks won't be a thing and then... sorry. Getting carried away, we all know this isn't going to happen.


Neo Member
It's possible that they'll have a hoser in M14 like they did for Thragtusk Vs Delver in M13. And then Sphinx decks won't be a thing and then... sorry. Getting carried away, we all know this isn't going to happen.

They've already tried that with Skullcrack and Notion Thief. Hate cards aren't going to stop blue control decks from playing 4 Revelations. And looking at how the standard metagame is panning out to be, they probably don't need to print any powerful hosers.

And Thragtusk didn't do anything against Delver. Sure it made Vapor Snag worse, but Delver could just not interact with it and still win. And there was also Phantasmal Image I guess.


It's possible that they'll have a hoser in M14 like they did for Thragtusk Vs Delver in M13. And then Sphinx decks won't be a thing and then... sorry. Getting carried away, we all know this isn't going to happen.

I thought the entire DGM set hosed Rev already?! ;)


^^^ That's the part that scares me. I don't see her dropping with rotation ^^^

They've already tried that with Skullcrack and Notion Thief. Hate cards aren't going to stop blue control decks from playing 4 Revelations. And looking at how the standard metagame is panning out to be, they probably don't need to print any powerful hosers.

And Thragtusk didn't do anything against Delver. Sure it made Vapor Snag worse, but Delver could just not interact with it and still win. And there was also Phantasmal Image I guess.

You kidding? It warped the entire format when it landed. Delver-dominance definitely let up when M13 came out, and it was in a big part due to the big green dumbo. Even post-rotation, Ponder could easily have become Index and Vapor Snag could have easily become Unsummon. But five life and a beast-per-bounce made it nearly impossible to keep up the tempo.


Neo Member
^^^ That's the part that scares me. I don't see her dropping with rotation ^^^

You kidding? It warped the entire format when it landed. Delver-dominance definitely let up when M13 came out, and it was in a big part due to the big green dumbo. Even post-rotation, Ponder could easily have become Index and Vapor Snag could have easily become Unsummon. But five life and a beast-per-bounce made it nearly impossible to keep up the tempo.

No BR Zombies was the deck that nearly curbstomped Delver to the side (Delver decks had to start maindecking Mirran Crusader to combat this).

When you have a turn 2 3/2 flyer and a turn 3 Geist of Saint Traft backed up with Restoration Angel, Thragtusk on turn 4 or 5 isn't gonna do anything but Fog a turn for you.


^^^ That's the part that scares me. I don't see her dropping with rotation ^^^

You kidding? It warped the entire format when it landed. Delver-dominance definitely let up when M13 came out, and it was in a big part due to the big green dumbo. Even post-rotation, Ponder could easily have become Index and Vapor Snag could have easily become Unsummon. But five life and a beast-per-bounce made it nearly impossible to keep up the tempo.

Index? Let's not be crazy here.
^^^ That's the part that scares me. I don't see her dropping with rotation ^^^

You kidding? It warped the entire format when it landed. Delver-dominance definitely let up when M13 came out, and it was in a big part due to the big green dumbo. Even post-rotation, Ponder could easily have become Index and Vapor Snag could have easily become Unsummon. But five life and a beast-per-bounce made it nearly impossible to keep up the tempo.

Tusk was indeed format warping, but even without it, Ponder was such a linchpin for Delver decks. Index doesn't replace itself, nor does it allow for the last ditch shuffle which was incredibly relevant.


No BR Zombies was the deck that nearly curbstomped Delver to the side (Delver decks had to start maindecking Mirran Crusader to combat this).

When you have a turn 2 3/2 flyer and a turn 3 Geist of Saint Traft backed up with Restoration Angel, Thragtusk on turn 4 or 5 isn't gonna do anything but Fog a turn for you.

Ponder rotating was what really did Delver in, let's be honest. B/R Zombies was what capitalized on its lack of consistency.

And you're underselling Thragtusk's impact. Tusk+Phantasmal Image was awful and everywhere.


Tusk was indeed format warping, but even without it, Ponder was such a linchpin for Delver decks. Index doesn't replace itself, nor does it allow for the last ditch shuffle which was incredibly relevant.
That deck's "dominance by ridiculous consistency" is almost certainly what led to a lot of changes in though regarding cards like Ponder, Preordain, and other "variance reducing" mechanics.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
A Delver being flipped off a Mana leak on your opponents first draw was the worst feelings in the entire universe.

"Well, that's 9-12 damage I'm taking."


I know Index is really, really awful. But it seemed like the natural replacement to me at the time.

WW is right, too. Mana Leak was HUGE for that deck.


I know Index is really, really awful. But it seemed like the natural replacement to me at the time.

WW is right, too. Mana Leak was HUGE for that deck.

Index is a good test card. It's completely unplayable, and realizing that is a step to understanding the value of a card. Anytime someone cast that card against me in either limited or constructed, i would breath easier, because I knew I was a better player than them.


I'm kind of blown away that Remand, Thoughtseize, Noble Hierarch, Damnation or Mutavault aren't in Modern Masters. I think those are the only money cards left in Modern that weren't printed in this set and no way are these five cards enough to hold back to entice people into a hypothetical MM2. Either somebody at WOTC is silly or some of these cards are getting reprints in upcoming T2 sets. That the only thing that makes sense. Though that doesn't explain Noble Hierarch as Exalted prevents it from being reprinted in a set sans the mechanic.

Edit: Original post was a bit too harsh. Sorry :(
I'm kind of blown away that Remand, Thoughtseize, Noble Hierarch, Damnation or Mutavault aren't in Modern Masters. I think those are the only money cards left in Modern that weren't printed in this set and no way are these five cards enough to hold back to entice people into a hypothetical MM2. Either somebody at WOTC is braindamaged or some of these cards are getting reprints in upcoming T2 sets. That the only thing that makes sense. Though that doesn't explain Noble Hierarch as Exalted prevents it from being reprinted in a set sans the mechanic.

Those cards by themselves, no, but along with stuff out Zendikar, Scars, maybe even Innistrad block would potentially be enough for a MM2, even if they had to double dip from 1.

Another thought may be that some or all of those cards will be on the chopping block.


I'm kind of blown away that Remand, Thoughtseize, Noble Hierarch, Damnation or Mutavault aren't in Modern Masters. I think those are the only money cards left in Modern that weren't printed in this set and no way are these five cards enough to hold back to entice people into a hypothetical MM2. Either somebody at WOTC is braindamaged or some of these cards are getting reprints in upcoming T2 sets. That the only thing that makes sense. Though that doesn't explain Noble Hierarch as Exalted prevents it from being reprinted in a set sans the mechanic.
Hierarch and Crucible have relatively recent Judge Foil printings, which may have played into it.

Mutavault, Thoughtseize, and Damnation are all Standard-reprintable. (As are the previous 2 cards, actually.)
For the most part, you should settle on whether you want to apply mid-game pressure or holding your opponents off until you get to play late-game bombs. I think your current deck looks more like an aggo-midrange deck, so I'll make my card choices accordingly.

Out: 16 cards
-2 Isperia, -1 Palisade Giant and -1 Archon of the Triunvirate: These cards' main problem is that they're way too slow for the rest of your deck; if you're trying to play start attacking early, then you'd be much better off replacing these late-game bombs with cheaper creatures. If you really wanted to keep some of them, I'd suggest an Isperia and the Archon
-2 Psychic Spiral: it kind of does nothing here, and you shouldn't be worrying about getting milled to death if you're going for an even moderately aggressive deck
-4 Inaction Injunction and -2 Lyev Decree: Detain spells don't provide nearly as much value as you should be getting, since at least you can combine detain creatures with Deputy of Acquitals to get their bonus a second time
-2 Skyline Predator: It can be a fun flyer, but is way too expensive for my taste
-2 Search Warrant: Looking at your opponent's hand and gaining life isn't that hot, and the Azorious have way juicier cards at their disposal

Suggestions (so card amounts aren't used):
  • Lyev Skyknight: an awesome card that provides a strong evasive body as well as detaining stuff
  • Martial Law: not the best or most efficient card, but it lets you stops your opponent's most threatening creature every turn without paying any additional mana
  • Hands of Binding: I know you'd be borrowing a card from an opposing guild, but it's really awesome at removing blockers out of the way while blunting your opponent's counterattacks over and over, as long as you make sure the encoded creature can get past your opponent's blockers. You should always encode this card onto your flying creatures unless you really need to do otherwise
  • Azorius Charm: you can use its lifelink-granting mode to get ahead of your opponent's attacks, deal with a pesky attacker while basically nullifying your opponent's next draw, or drawing a card in a pinch
  • Smite: you could surprise your opponents with some of these, as you'd be able to trade with any creature as long as you can block it
  • New Phrav Guildmage: not the strongest creature, but it gives you something to do with your spare mana
  • Syndic of Tithes: he's one of the Orzhov guys I wouldn't mind inviting to your Azorius party if you want a more midrange-y deck, as the extort triggers will often let you push some vital damage through while also gaining you life; the extort sub-strategy would depend on keeping a low mana curve, though
  • Hussar Patrol: it's a bit more expensive than I'd like, but if you want a flash surprise blocker, then this is certainly a good option
  • Knight of Obligation: another interesting white extorting guy, the Knight is awesome in that he has vigilance and high toughness, and the extort ability is a nice plus as well
  • Soulsworn Spirit: it's a small creature, but it has the best kind of evasion out there, and gives you a juicy detain trigger when it enters the battlefield, taking your opponent's best creature out of the picture until your next turn
  • Voidwalk: a strange cypher spell that you could possibly use both to remove blockers or reuse your creature's enters the battlefield triggers (just remember not to target the encoded creature unless you really have to); you can also be tricky with it by targeting one of your own creature with the cypher copy once you've hit your opponent to have it exit and re-enter the battlefield at the end of your turn, untapped and ready to block your opponent's creatures on their turn
  • More basic land: Your land count right now is akin to that of some hyper-aggresive decks which barely run spells that cost over three mana, so you should up the count to 24 as soon as possible (and up to 25-26 if you want to run Isperia and the Archon)

Thank you.

I actually intended to have Lyev Skyknight in this deck but it must have been lost in the shuffle.

I was trying to run a detention based deck, but maybe that isn't the way to go. I like Skyline Predator because he is a good creature to get out on your opponents turn. He is 1cmc to expensive though.

Need to build and play to see what what works.


Neo Member
Ponder rotating was what really did Delver in, let's be honest. B/R Zombies was what capitalized on its lack of consistency.

And you're underselling Thragtusk's impact. Tusk+Phantasmal Image was awful and everywhere.
I was referring to BR Zombies with Ponder + Delver in the format. That deck dismantled UW Delver.

Vapor Snags, Gut Shots, Dismembers, Gitaxian Probes, and Mana Leaks were all bad cards against the deck because of all the resilient zombies and Mortarpod shenanigans all backed up by Cavern of Souls.

It wasn't uncommon at all for Delver decks to drop down to 16 life by turn 2 in order to get consistency going, but that's a death sentence against an aggro deck lol.

Upcoming PTQ, trying to decide between Gruul Aggro and Bant Auras. How much does Bant Auras suffer without Voice of Resurgence?
I would not bother playing Bant Auras if you don't have Voices because that card makes the Supreme Verdict matchup manageable.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Yeah, if you're playing anything with G/W and you're not playing Voice right now....you're going to have a bad time. Which is funny, because it's not that hard to play against. I mean, Augur of Bolas just fucks with it all day long. Then oops, unsummon your token.

I kinda love unsummon effects right now.
I've been doing little drafts with friends like mad. I've opened a TON of packs now. Not a single Voice. Only one Ral. Ohhhh, but I have 5 EACH of Deadbridge Chant and Savageborn Hydra. I'm really sad about not seeing even one Voice so far. I hate that price for a single.


I've been doing little drafts with friends like mad. I've opened a TON of packs now. Not a single Voice. Only one Ral. Ohhhh, but I have 5 EACH of Deadbridge Chant and Savageborn Hydra. I'm really sad about not seeing even one Voice so far. I hate that price for a single.
I had to emergency buy 3 @ 20 as they started to climb to $30. That GY trigger is just stupid.
Instead of drafting, you could just save the money to buy a Revelation. It probably won't go down until it rotates out of standard. It arguably might go up depending how Theros turns out.

How does it work? say you draw seven cards into your hand of three cards, you cast one card, when do you need to discard to 7?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No, you just discard down to 7 at the end step.

That might be confusing, it's better to say it like this:

- Your max hand size is 7
- Your max hand size can be changed by effects
- At the end of your turn, you need to discard cards until you reach your max hand size
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