Never was a serious Magic player, and I haven't played since like Odyssey or Mirrodin or whatever. Old friend of mine wanted to learn how to play so I bought a few packs this week. He insisted on playing black, so I picked my second favorite color, white. And the last pack I opened this week had an Archangel of Thune in it.
So I have a rules question: if I have a Staff of the Sun Magus out and play the Archangel, does the +1/+1 ability trigger? I've been assuming it does not, but it has not come up yet in a game either.
When you cast Archangel, you are casting a white spell so the staff trigger will go on the stack. At this point, the staff trigger resolves gaining you 1 life, but the Archangel is still on the stack and not the battlefield.
So in short, no you don't get counters for casting her