I'm buying 4 Hallowed Fountains, 4 Jace AoT, 4 Revelations, and finishing off a play set of Verdicts. What else should I grab for new standard?
I bought all the same stuff, as well as everything below:
Azorius Charm will probably hit $2-3 at some point, if you can unload uncommons easily I'd go deep on it.
2 Aetherling, because, well, you need them. Doubt it'll go too far above $5.
Slaughter Games. The Aetherling decks hate it, it takes out Verdict if you draw redundant copies, and it's generally pretty insane in sideboards, especially in formats we can't really predict.
Mizzium Mortars is really important as a boardwipe in non-UW decks. It takes out Loxodon Smiter (which we both kind of missed the boat on) like a chaaaaamp.
I cannot recommend Underworld Cerberus more. It's going to be a staple in every creature-heavy deck capable of supporting it, and it's mostly ignored right now. Pick it up while you can still win sets for under $40.
Boros Reckoner is a great short-term spec while people are building janky devotion decks.
Angel of Serenity as a second (or possibly third) win condition for U/W. We can't just scoop to a resolved Laughter Games. I don't think she'll go up, you just need one.
All of the shocklands are, of course, amazing buys. The more popular will hit $15~, the less popular will stay roughly the same. None will have huge drops when RTR rotates, though, which is the important part.
Pithing Needle. See Aetherling, Jace, etc.
Lifebane Zombie. This is the format's best 3-drop.
Loxodon Smiter. This is the only deck that's genuinely obnoxious to U/W, and all the pieces are pretty cheap. Already a little late to the party, though.
Rakdos's Return. Obvious reasons.
Chandra, Pyromaster. Red is a thing, scry is in Theros, this is a card advantage engine.
Perimeter Captain. We're losing some decent two drops, this is a great follow up for Boros Elite in Brave the Elements aggro, and it's like 0.40. Go for it.
Mindsparker. It's a really awkward boros reckoner that's more likely to get in
some damage against U/W
Underworld Connections. Sideboard/maybe mainbord card for midrange.
Vraska. Removal kind of lingers nowadays -- she can deal with that.
Domri Rade. If G/R has any more support at all, you're going to see this fucker a lot-- you want planeswalkers against control.
literally every god, but put 1-2x thassa in your sideboard for the U/W mirror
chained to the rocks (VERY strong, fits in too few decks to keep the $5 price tag going)
pretty much every other preorder