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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
They should just ditch the core set concept entirely. Core sets are boring.

They are specifically designed to help new people get into the game. They aren't really aimed at serious players outside of the few staples they stick in there each year.

There is a reason it's release and DOTP's release are together.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They are specifically designed to help new people get into the game. They aren't really aimed at serious players outside of the few staples they stick in there each year.

There is a reason it's release and DOTP's release are together.

Nobody likes the formats they don't play.


However, I think spending ten rare slots over three sets by placing dual lands within blocks rather than core sets would be better, since it'd mean five to ten slots that'd be freed up for the latter.

However, if that were to happen, they'd have to come up with other ways to make core set packs worth opening. I haven't looked into how M14's doing so far, though, so I could be wrong there.

They could stop wasting rare slots on lands. Would be nice to get good lands at uncommon for a change. Just a thought.


I just recommended someone play EDH over in that gaming side CCG thread. I feel like a traitor.

(Am totally going to give EDH a fair shake when those new decks come out.)


EDH is fun when you find people with decks of a similar power level.

Unless you're all competitive (which is terrible in multiplayer) or all using precons (probably the most fun you'll have playing EDH), you have to communicate with your playgroup about what is/isn't acceptable.

It's lawyer magic.
So if I'm reading you guys correctly, there is possibility that Scavenging Ooze and DRS are getting banned from Modern?

I haven't yet got into modern, but completely plan to eventually and this kind of stinks for me! hah

I've invested in these cards for the long haul to be able to play them after Standard and now I possibly can't.



Don't know what modern deck to buy now :/

If you're not in a huge hurry, just pick up generic staples you need until GP Brisbane. If after that it looks like DRS is too dominant (since you know there will be a big backlash after Detroit against BGx), you're still in a good position to pick a different deck.

So if I'm reading you guys correctly, there is possibility that Scavenging Ooze and DRS are getting banned from Modern?

I haven't yet got into modern, but completely plan to eventually and this kind of stinks for me! hah

I've invested in these cards for the long haul to be able to play them after Standard and now I possibly can't.


If they do get the hammer, join us in the dark side and play them in Legacy.


So if I'm reading you guys correctly, there is possibility that Scavenging Ooze and DRS are getting banned from Modern?

I haven't yet got into modern, but completely plan to eventually and this kind of stinks for me! hah

I've invested in these cards for the long haul to be able to play them after Standard and now I possibly can't.


Scooze, absolutely not, at least not for a long while -- and that's if it becomes scary. Wizards has shown time and time again that they don't like to ban cards that are in print. Scooze is still a good investment.

Deathrite, absolutely should be/needs to be banned. Bloodbraid elf was a lame compromise.

I'm stocked up on deathrites too. If they get the axe a few months from now, they still won't go too far below what we picked them up at. We're talking about what is likely the best 1-drop creature of all time.

Pick up pod. Not pod staples, just pod itself.

Also consider picking up other staples, like Spellskite.
Stormbreath... twenty bucks a pop. ;_;

I know that I want to pick up a play set of Goldilocks Lion.
Maybe Temple of Abandon, Sylvan Caryatid, and Underworld Cerberus.

Those alone would be about $90. Not a terrible investment I don't think... unless the prices drop like crazy after the pre-release.

I hate the gamble! I suppose it's safer to wait?
Scooze, absolutely not, at least not for a long while -- and that's if it becomes scary. Wizards has shown time and time again that they don't like to ban cards that are in print. Scooze is still a good investment.

Deathrite, absolutely should be/needs to be banned. Bloodbraid elf was a lame compromise.

What's remarkable is that banning BBE did diversify top 8/top 16 standings for quite a while. I was hugely in favor of a DRS ban post-RTR, and was very skeptical of the BBE ban, but it seemed like it was working. Until this event.

Maybe it's just a blip? We'll see. There's a while yet until the next B&R update, with a few GPs in between. Maybe things will sort themselves out (although I doubt it).


Based on GP reactions, I should start paying attention to Top 8s to know what not to build since winning strategies deserve to be BANNED.


Stormbreath... twenty bucks a pop. ;_;

I know that I want to pick up a play set of Goldilocks Lion.
Maybe Temple of Abandon, Sylvan Caryatid, and Underworld Cerberus.

Those alone would be about $90. Not a terrible investment I don't think... unless the prices drop like crazy after the pre-release.

I hate the gamble! I suppose it's safer to wait?


99% of cards will be dropping like rocks in less than a month

99% of cards will be dropping like rocks in less than a month

Okay... thanks for reeling me back in.

However, it seems the other cards that I'm looking for have increased in 'ebay' price since the weekend. I haven't seen a 'deal' since Saturday. Everything seems to be up.

And ebay is pretty stupid at times... considering people bid things up above what you could just buy the card for from online stores.
How available are fat packs and intro decks post-release generally? I'd like to get both for Theros but need to sell a few cards for credit to afford them first, so it'll be a couple of weeks.


How available are fat packs and intro decks post-release generally? I'd like to get both for Theros but need to sell a few cards for credit to afford them first, so it'll be a couple of weeks.
You can find them pretty easily at Walmarts and other big box stores.
Okay... thanks for reeling me back in.

However, it seems the other cards that I'm looking for have increased in 'ebay' price since the weekend. I haven't seen a 'deal' since Saturday. Everything seems to be up.

And ebay is pretty stupid at times... considering people bid things up above what you could just buy the card for from online stores.

This market is really wonky and extremely sensitive to tournament results. That, and the general Magic population is terrible at evaluating cards. Cards move up and down all the time and especially before a set comes out. From what I've seen though, cards taper off in price real hard after the first few weeks when the cards don't actually perform as some people thought they would, and especially if the card doesn't appear top 8 lists.


Based on GP reactions, I should start paying attention to Top 8s to know what not to build since winning strategies deserve to be BANNED.

What? Banning DRS won't kill modern Jund and Melira Pod. Although it's probably a futile endeavour since they will drop us another creature that's completely bonkers sooner than later, because lolnewworldorder.


What? Banning DRS won't kill modern Jund and Melira Pod. Although it's probably a futile endeavour since they will drop us another creature that's completely bonkers sooner than later, because lolnewworldorder.

Banning deathrite and unbanning bloodbraid would probably diversify the format while keeping Jund strong.

I'd prefer to keep both banned, but it would probably put a dent in the 'grindy boring midrange crap' archtype.


Banning deathrite and unbanning bloodbraid would probably diversify the format while keeping Jund strong.

I'd prefer to keep both banned, but it would probably put a dent in the 'grindy boring midrange crap' archtype.
Jund was strong pre-deathrite, with BBE.

With DRS, it was fucking unreal.


What? Banning DRS won't kill modern Jund and Melira Pod. Although it's probably a futile endeavour since they will drop us another creature that's completely bonkers sooner than later, because lolnewworldorder.

Every GP people say the decks that show up in the top 8 are a problem and begin talking about bannings. Last GP combo dominated and was called a problem. DRS makes a huge showing and is called a problem. Instead of getting creative people want to just ban something after every high profile event.


Jund was strong pre-deathrite, with BBE.

With DRS, it was fucking unreal.

I know, I played a ton of modern at the time. The format has shifted a ton since then, though, and BBE is a serious punisher for control decks.

I don't know what'd happen if they just did the right thing and changed the BBE ban into a DRS ban. I assume control would die on the spot, and we obviously can't have that.

Every GP people say the decks that show up in the top 8 are a problem and begin talking about bannings. Last GP combo dominated and was called a problem. DRS makes a huge showing and is called a problem. Instead of getting creative people want to just ban something after every high profile event.

There's a huge difference between complaining about combo -- which was never dominant or even remotely a problem -- and 27 copies of a card being spread across a top 8.

The 'get creative' argument was applied to jace, skullclamp, stoneforge....
Every GP people say the decks that show up in the top 8 are a problem and begin talking about bannings. Last GP combo dominated and was called a problem. DRS makes a huge showing and is called a problem. Instead of getting creative people want to just ban something after every high profile event.

You're not giving us (on this board) nearly enough credit. We all supported a DRS ban during Jund's dominant period, and have continued to maintain that it is dangerous for the format. Nobody here called for Pod bannings, or any other bannings (other than the unfortunate, yet necessary banning of Second Sunrise) since.

Yes, there is a kneejerk contingent. But Kirblar, Lucario, myself, etc - not among them. You sound like you've been reading MTGS. I've basically left that thread (the Modern banned list) alone at this point; it is a truly remarkable mess of some extraordinarily passionate idiots.
DRS is broken in legacy, it's probably even worse in modern where t1/t2 combo isn't around to really punish it and people play plenty of four drops and use fetchlands just as much for mana fixing.

Card is just stupid. It's ramp when you need it, hate when you need it, and reach when you need it. All for a casting cost that is easier to reach than a llanowar elf.


Every GP people say the decks that show up in the top 8 are a problem and begin talking about bannings. Last GP combo dominated and was called a problem. DRS makes a huge showing and is called a problem. Instead of getting creative people want to just ban something after every high profile event.

WotC dug themselves into this hole by taking a ban-heavy approach with Modern.
And for what it's worth, I wanted DRS banned over BBE. In this very thread even. So I've been part of the DRS hate-train for a while already.


There are two problems right now.

One emergency. One more subtle, but the cause of one of the complaints before this happened

The emergency is Jund. If it's as good as it appears, then yeah, something needs to be done. DRS shoulda been banned a year ago and wasn't, and it's now still wreaking havoc. T1 DRS into T2 Lili into T3 Chandra is ridiculously stupid. There was a match from the previous GP where a bloodmoon locked player was able to use one DRS to essentially win the game. Super super gross.

The second major problem is this:


The format had previously devolved into a combo-dominated format, in large part due to Melira-Pod's easy access to infinite life. Anger of the Gods might be enough to help with this, so I'm ok with just banning DRS and seeing what happens at this point.

I do, however, want SSG gone because it does nothing but enable the dumbest nut draws out of otherwise relatively ok combo decks. T1 Cycle a dude T2 Fulminator, T3 Living End T4 Avalanche riders? come on.



There's a huge difference between complaining about combo -- which was never dominant or even remotely a problem -- and 27 copies of a card being spread across a top 8.

There were 6 copies in GP KC. 9 in GP Portland. Also there were complaints on this thread about combo dominating that GP.


There are two problems right now.

One emergency. One more subtle, but the cause of one of the complaints before this happened

The emergency is Jund. If it's as good as it appears, then yeah, something needs to be done. DRS shoulda been banned a year ago and wasn't, and it's now still wreaking havoc. T1 DRS into T2 Lili into T3 Chandra is ridiculously stupid. There was a match from the previous GP where a bloodmoon locked player was able to use one DRS to essentially win the game. Super super gross.

The second major problem is this:


The format had previously devolved into a combo-dominated format, in large part due to Melira-Pod's easy access to infinite life. Anger of the Gods might be enough to help with this, so I'm ok with just banning DRS and seeing what happens at this point.

I do, however, want SSG gone because it does nothing but enable the dumbest nut draws out of otherwise relatively ok combo decks. T1 Cycle a dude T2 Fulminator, T3 Living End T4 Avalanche riders? come on.

Reid Duke playing chandra in jund was awesome.

I just want to point that out.
You know what this format needs, more than anything else?

It needs Star City behind it. Or something equivalent. It needs high-profile weekly tournaments so there are actually enough data points to know how to properly handle the banned list. A handful of GPs, a PTQ season, and MTGO data is just not good enough.
yeah I need sound less.... certain of my opinions in this thread

i'll shut up for a little while =\

Oh - sorry! I wasn't speaking directly of you. More of, well, everybody on the internet I suppose. Myself included.

The vast majority of people spouting off about Modern don't really get to play it outside of MTGO, and I honestly think that grinding 4-round events where just about anything can dodge enough bad matchups to 4-0 is skewing opinions.


going to SCG worcester

how the fuck do I play team sealed


build one insane deck, one okay deck and one bad deck and have the best player play the worst deck and the worst player play the best deck

guaranteed to have


This is stupid, nobody is dying from Jund on turn 3. It's just a really really good deck. Do we really just want to ban any good deck in modern? Acceleration is part of green, wtf is wrong with that? dsr can be killed by bolt anyway.


This is stupid, nobody is dying from Jund on turn 3. It's just a really really good deck. Do we really just want to ban any good deck in modern? Acceleration is part of green, wtf is wrong with that? dsr can be killed by bolt anyway.
Eternal formats can't survive a deck turning into THE deck to beat due to card accessibility issues. Standard can because it self-corrects over time, but even something like Caw will force a ban.


I do, however, want SSG gone because it does nothing but enable the dumbest nut draws out of otherwise relatively ok combo decks. T1 Cycle a dude T2 Fulminator, T3 Living End T4 Avalanche riders? come on.
I'm trying to figure out what SSG stands for and I cannot.


going to SCG worcester

how the fuck do I play team sealed

I'm still disappointed that it is Team Sealed/Standard instead of Legacy on Sunday. It wont happen, but I really want attendance to bomb so they don't try that shit again in the Northeast (it made sense last time as a prelude to GP Providence, this time it's just bullshit).

I'm trying to figure out what SSG stands for and I cannot.

Simian Spirit Guide.


No spoilers anymore really... :(
Uh, the full set's out?

Also, I'm thinking I may be wrong on my guess for the fall 2015 set. Thought it would be Return/Reign of the Eldrazi, but it's possible that may be 2014 instead. With the return/new/return/new pattern recently it'd allow them to keep it going.
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