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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


Theros set design seems a little wonky from a Limited perspective. I'm having a really hard time getting a read on how it will play. I thought devotion was going to be a bigger part of the limited format, pushing mono-colored drafting, but that doesn't appear to be the case. And there are a ton of auras, but a lot of them seem to be terrible. Heroic aggro looks pretty strong though.

I'm definitely very curious to draft it. It looks to be quite different.

Monstrous and Bestow really seem like what defines the limited play. A bit like the invokers in Eldrazi, where you can blow out your opponent out late in the match. I haven't seen the whole spoiler yet, but I guess ramping will be premium strategy here.

OMG Warriors Lesson, what a fun limited card!



Based on what i've seen, and this is just a guess, I am going to hate this limited format. Too many combat tricks and too many auras, and not enough removal. It's not looking Avacyn bad, but I doubt i'll be going out of my way to make it to drafts for this set.


Based on what i've seen, and this is just a guess, I am going to hate this limited format. Too many combat tricks and too many auras, and not enough removal. It's not looking Avacyn bad, but I doubt i'll be going out of my way to make it to drafts for this set.

Well M14 is full of pants but control decks are still the best. I imagine that removal/bounce/pacify based decks are the best in Theros as well.
It kind of makes me laugh that I need to use this http://wiki.mtgsalvation.com/article/List_of_Magic_slang to even follow the conversation

At least you have a reference. Remember that Gucci Mane thread? I wish I had a reference for what the hell those tweets were saying.

And a lot of competitive games have their own jargon. It's just natural. Try delving into a LoL or DOTA or SC2 thread and you'll come back with a similar list of slang and acronyms you have to look up.


1: this is the weirdest limited format ever
2: creatures are MUCH bigger than we're used to at all rarities
3: removal, even shitty 6-drop removal, is at a premium. This is likely to try to speed up what would otherwise be a slower format than m14.
4: black has better removal than most colors, it seems, but except for Pharika's Cure it's all insanely expensive
5: agent of the fates should've been mythic for limited purposes. I cannot think of a card I would pick over it in this set, with all the inexpensive cantripping enchantments and good commons with Bestow
6: the common 'bestow' cycle are almost all first picks, the sheer value you get out of making a creature huge -- especially in a format almost entirely devoid of conditionless removal -- is obscene
7: the format is -probably- slow enough for stuff like slip of hemlock to be taken higher than it normally would, but it won't exactly be good. "Kill your 6/6 flier that's already got me nearly dead, you get a 2/2 flier back anyway" will not feel great.
8: bestow is an amazing mechanic in limited, and we have access to a ton of it. This is going to be a swingy-ass format, and there are TONS of combat tricks so it's impossible to know when it's safe to attack. Memorize them.
9: pick black or white at the prerelease, none of the other promos do anything relevant enough and black looks like it'll be pretty decent anyway
10: bounce is probably pretty good, considering how fantastic Bestow is. W/U tempo could be an archtype, so picking white and hoping to splash blue bounce spells to prevent your opponent from "going big" is legit.
11: sea god's revenge is the new Into the Void -- it's overcosted because the effect is nuts in such a swingy limited format. You want one in your sealed pool to top off your curve, but don't load up on them
12: 18 land decks are probably correct more often than not
13: defensive heroic abilities -- like wavecrash triton and agent of fates -- seem better than their offensive counterparts right now.
14: flying seems to have limited coverage across the colors, a lot of decks are going to be focusing on getting one or two massive bestowed creatures out. Blue can use Griptide, etc, to hold that creature back while swinging in with small fliers. Vaporkin.dec will be fun.
15: Pick heroic enablers up in the latter half of a pack if you want to go big with that mechanic, likely in W/r. The mechanic is narrow enough in offensive white (mostly in uncommons/rares) that I don't know how consistent this will be.


I fucking hate my luck in mocs finals, my rares are into the wilds, silence, bogbrew, oath of the ancient, shivan dragon, dismiss into dreams... only shivan is good. So now I built a into the dreams deck. sigh... all my commons and uncommons suck.

Edit: first match my opponent cast kalonian hydra, gameover right there.

Edit: Match 1 game 2. Played last, had 2 lands and didnt draw a land in 5 turns. Men fuck magic.

What are the prerelease promos?
those shit monstrosity rares for each color. Didnt WOTC use to give out good cards or mythics in prerelease?


those shit monstrosity rares for each color. Didnt WOTC use to give out good cards or mythics in prerelease?

I found them, they aren't all monstrous. I guess they aren't mythics anymore because you get to play with them in your sealed deck.
I agree with Lucario about colours, the white one is the best but the black one is still pretty good and I prefer the synergies within black. Will probably try those two if I can get to two events.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
With Bestow being one of the major lategame heroic triggers the green promo is in an awkward position where they tap out to play a Bestow card leaving no lands up to swing.

Red is just bad.

I think the blue promo is decent if your deck can survive that long. Definitely blowout once it gets monstrous.

The play I really want to make is Warrior's Lesson + Two-headed Cerberus. Dat card draw.


You will play Quicken and you will like it!

also rip rdw
Heh. I'm one of Quickens biggest fans. I realize there are better cards I should run, but I ran it in BU for awhile there and managed hit a Thundermaw with instant Supreme Verdict on multiple occasions and it was just the best.


SCG has bumped their Buylist on Chandra to 12.50 and their retail to 25 based on the Modern GP, where Jund is using her to blow people out. I highly recommend picking up 3/4 if you haven't already before they bump up. You can still get them in the 12-13 range.


SCG has bumped their Buylist on Chandra to 12.50 and their retail to 25 based on the Modern GP, where Jund is using her to blow people out. I highly recommend picking up 3/4 if you haven't already before they bump up. You can still get them in the 12-13 range.

Wow that's really surprising. Is it both her first abilities or mostly just riding the 0 ability behind protection for tons of value?


Am I right to think that Domri will be ridiculous with all the scry?

EDIT: Oh wow I got reimbused in MTGO because I got disconnected during deckbuild and ended up with sub-optimal deck. Nothing major, 19 lands and 1 extra card IIRC. So always remember to file reimbusement if you get disconnected during a draft. Full refund!


SCG has bumped their Buylist on Chandra to 12.50 and their retail to 25 based on the Modern GP, where Jund is using her to blow people out. I highly recommend picking up 3/4 if you haven't already before they bump up. You can still get them in the 12-13 range.

Glad I bought two of them last week. Just scooped up the foil I'll eventually need now.

I'm a little surprised she's blowing people out, but your explanation above makes sense. Been considering making a blue/red standard deck for rotation that makes use of her and Ral and Jace. Still considering it.


It's super Mickey Mouse that not only is there no video coverage of a NA constructed GP in a minor city, but that the feature match coverage is no longer play by play. They really need to get shit in house for next year if they want to view coverage as a marketing been venture


Am I right to think that Domri will be ridiculous with all the scry?

EDIT: Oh wow I got reimbused in MTGO because I got disconnected during deckbuild and ended up with sub-optimal deck. Nothing major, 19 lands and 1 extra card IIRC. So always remember to file reimbusement if you get disconnected during a draft. Full refund!
they reimbursed me when I lost a match due to restoing another angel. :p

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh man, for a bachelor party last night eight of us did a potluck draft where we threw in whatever random packs we found, and it led to some really awesome decks. Our pool was:
Avacyn x3
2014 x3
RtR x2
Gatecrash x2
Dark Ascension x2
Nemesis x2
Urza's Destiny
Dragon's Maze
Mirrodin Besieged
Time Spiral
Urza's Saga
Shards of Alara Premium Pack

Unfortunately I committed to a U/R control thing when I got passed stuff like Burn at the Stake, Rewind and Goblin Electromancer before realizing too late that there was not nearly enough low cost removal in those colors in the pool (thanks Avacyn and 2014), leading me to go 0-3 while discovering that all of my countermagic like Rewind and Syncopate was essentially functioning like lifegain (in the "doesn't advance you towards winning way") since I didn't have enough burn or enough threats to finish out. It was still an absolute blast though.
And here's another question..

I read one commentary that Voice of Resurgence will see competition from Fleecemane Lion. Do any of you really think that VoR is replaceable with Goldilocks?
I know that VoR does something different, and ol' Goldie would need activated to be really good so as to not get Doombladed... but it would save me a bunch of $$$! haha


And here's another question..

I read one commentary that Voice of Resurgence will see competition from Fleecemane Lion. Do any of you really think that VoR is replaceable with Goldilocks?
I know that VoR does something different, and ol' Goldie would need activated to be really good so as to not get Doombladed... but it would save me a bunch of $$$! haha

Personally I feel like two different decks would use those cards.
Am I right to think that Domri will be ridiculous with all the scry?

EDIT: Oh wow I got reimbused in MTGO because I got disconnected during deckbuild and ended up with sub-optimal deck. Nothing major, 19 lands and 1 extra card IIRC. So always remember to file reimbusement if you get disconnected during a draft. Full refund!

Yeah, I got locked up and DCed from a draft using the beta one time and they reimbursed me (and then somehow I also got to keep all the cards I drafted, which included a few I sold for over the price of admission), so that was awesome


The top 8 for Detroit (Ben Stark's Jund is listed twice, word on Twitter is that 8th is a pod deck):

BG Rock
BG Rock

As soon as this was posted my mtg Twitter feed exploded with responses and dismay.


Hope they look to unban first.
There are two Modern GPs in October, the meta could react and change pretty quickly.


Is it really warping the format, or is this just a really good showing for it
Jund was nowhere close to dominant at any point prior to it being printed. The card's way too good at fixing mana while also being able to dome your opponent for 2 a turn.


If WOTC had balls, they would ban the Fetchlands. It would reduce the amount of shuffling significantly, and would drastically alter the field. It would make DRS a fair card again.

And, it means they don't need to reprint them.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Jesus christ, I decided to look up the actual rules for Banding on a whim

702.21k During the combat damage step, if a blocking creature is blocking a creature with banding, or both a [quality] creature with "bands with other [quality]" and another [quality] creature, the active player (rather than the defending player) chooses how the blocking creature's damage is assigned. That player can divide that creature's combat damage as he or she chooses among any number of creatures it's blocking. This is an exception to the procedure described in rule 510.1d.

I understood most of it until I got to here


I'm the last person to defend Jund, but I just think it'd be hilarious if they banned DRS instead of tarmogoyf or dark confidant, not much later after the banning of bloodbraid elf.


I'm the last person to defend Jund, but I just think it'd be hilarious if they banned DRS instead of tarmogoyf or dark confidant, not much later after the banning of bloodbraid elf.
DRS is actually the big problem though. The deck was always good but not broken prior to it being printed. T2 Lili wasn't a thing.


DRS is good, but not BBE good. I didn't think Ancestral Visions, Wild Nacatl and Seething Song needed bans, but that's just my opinion.


DRS is good, but not BBE good. I didn't think Ancestral Visions, Wild Nacatl and Seething Song needed bans, but that's just my opinion.
AV = probably not
Wild Nacatl = definitely a good thing. Otherwise the "tempo" decks are just four color green decks.
Seething Song = probably a good thing, enables nothing but stupid stuff.


It's a kill on sight, stupidly versatile 1 drop. Really. GGT and Nacatl are banned, ban fucking DRS.
And Ooze is now legal for maindeckable GY hate anyway.
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