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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|

It's hard for me to build a pool without being able to lay it out, but...

Green is obviously out. There's a lot of red, but it's pretty janky. I would probably go base black, then have a hard choice between blue and white. The Burnished Heart provides some amount of mana fixing, although it is a little slow. The white stuff is more easily splashed, so my instinct would be to build BU, then splash a little white for some number of Divine Verdicts.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Rough, you have great Bant bombs but not the support, while you have some great Black cards but not the bombs.

I'd probably go UWg with Prophet and Daxos. Once you get Prophet out all your Bestow cards suddenly become insane, only problem is your bestow cards are ass. Or UBwg.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No Rescue from the Underworld saccing Grey Merchant.

I am disappoint.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Before this set rotates out, I swear I will Rescue from the Underworld a Grey Merchant of Asphodel by saccing another Grey Merchant of Asphodel.

So what was the battle plan? Get a two-head puppy out and put your bestow guys/ordeals on it?


Before this set rotates out, I swear I will Rescue from the Underworld a Grey Merchant of Asphodel by saccing another Grey Merchant of Asphodel.

So what was the battle plan? Get a two-head puppy out and put your bestow guys/ordeals on it?
Yup. VOLTRON DOGGIES: THE DECK. And it worked. Them + a bestow creature was very difficult to deal with - they were 2-3 turn clocks.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'd say "dies to removal" flippantly but there is no removal!
I used removal on the cerberus in a match I won, just because I knew that bastard was going to get bestowed sooner or later, and I didn't want to deal with it. It was probably too early to burn the removal, but it was one of the games that my deck decided to go all aggro, and I didn't want to give him a chance to bounce back.

I was mostly Golgari, with a splash of blue. I had both the bow and the whip. The whip did some serious work for me. Especially coupled with two Commune with the Gods. The untap-land satyrs were pretty solid for me too, let me get to my Hemlock, Whip, and Green Promo chica earlier. I splashed blue for that flash Chimera with trample and life gain on card draw, as well as the heroic merfolk that locks an opponent's creature down. Those two cards won me at least a game each, so I think the splash worked out.

My toughest choice was if I should go green/black or green/red. Black had the whip and a generally strong pool. and red had the dragon, but not much on the cheap side. I think I made the right call, but I'm too lazy to put the pool up here and get confirmation :)


Had some fun with the Trojan Horse, until my opponent played the 5BB devotion to black creature that makes bats. I thought, 'oh god, he's gonna sac my horse' and proceeded to sac all his bats. lol


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Can I just say how much I've been enjoying Theros in limited/sealed type environments. So much flavour, such long juicy games.

Also, I'm pretty happy with my pulls this weekend (from two prerelease events):


Also ended up with a Fleecemane Lion, Medomai, the bow, the whip and a couple of other fun rares. Didn't win a ton of matches, but had a lot of fun anyway.


The first pre-release I skipped since I came back to the game with M11 (The only one I had a shot to make was a Noon one on Sunday, and by the time I needed to leave I just decided I wanted to watch football).

Might do the Fat Pack challenge my LGS does 2 weeks from now, though. I just have such little interest in this set right now.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
The first pre-release I skipped since I came back to the game with M11 (The only one I had a shot to make was a Noon one on Sunday, and by the time I needed to leave I just decided I wanted to watch football).

Might do the Fat Pack challenge my LGS does 2 weeks from now, though. I just have such little interest in this set right now.

Why the lack of interest, out of curiousity?


Why the lack of interest, out of curiousity?

1. While at this point in my life, fantasy is more of a deterrent to my enjoyment of stuff than a helper. I only play Magic now because I think it's an awesome game, and don't really bother with the flavor. This set, being heavily Greek Mythology, is actively impairing my ability to enjoy it, because the flavor is so blatant, and thus annoys me. The last time they did a flavor rich set was Innistrad, which was fine to me because it was horror, not fantasy.

2. I honestly think Hexproof is the worst mechanic still in use today, not just because of how ridiculously powerful (and undercosted) it is, but because of the kind of behavior it encourages. This is a set designed to have you throw aura's on creatures like crazy, and use combat tricks like candy. When you factor in weaker removal, it leads to the type of gameplay that I despise. I loved M13 limited so much because every color got playable removal at common, and there was an abundance of removal spells in all colors except green. I have a feeling that this format is nothing like that.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm wracking my brain but I cannot think of any kind of deck that doesn't roll over to burn/counter or sweeper/revelation.

It's pretty annoying honestly. I want to have fun with Prophet of Kruphix, Thassa's Bident and Heroic.
I'm wracking my brain but I cannot think of any kind of deck that doesn't roll over to burn/counter or sweeper/revelation.

It's pretty annoying honestly. I want to have fun with Prophet of Kruphix, Thassa's Bident and Heroic.

Huehuehuehue I misread that as Thassa's bidet


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
It took Thassa's bident to make me realize that there was an actual word for a two pronged spear.

Trident... bident... mono...dent?
Went to a prerelease two-headed giant event yesterday with a buddy. i wanted to go double red for the promo, but went with double black instead.

had 3 drain life guys, 2 of the discard devotion, 4 of the 2/4 millers, a whip, and the 5 mana reanimate spell. overall the black deck with blue splashed for the 1/2 flyer that forces creatures to attack was fairly solid.

we lost the first round to a team who had worse decks. apparently the one guy is a level 1 judge who proceeded to cheat by activating heroic multiple times thanks to his partner which I found out is illegal. kind of sucks but i wasn't too bothered.

second match i drained life for 20 (hits both heads), then they attacked, I blocked, then whipped him back to play for the kill


So, yesterday I went red/blue yet again, with a more tempo-based deck that performed relatively well. Still, we all agreed that we'd all get two booster packs, so we just played for fun.

A guy right beside me opened the green god from his special booster, and then proceeded to rip the RG and UB planeswalkers, as well as that pro-red blue mythic creature; then a second guy opened the green god, the mythic dragon and some other awesome card and a store regular got a foil red god. I got some regular crappy rares, like I usually do, and the colors were all spread out (I got my second Anger of the Gods, which was good, and a second rare minotaur lord, which wasn't).

I did manage to get my hands on the four Magma Jets I wanted foy my izzet deck, and it looks like they'll be making great substitutes for Faithless Looting. I think I'll be replacing Steam Augury for a singleton Thoughtflare as a cheaper Opportunity (since I'm already running two of those). I'm thinking about running three copies of Spark Jolt over Shocks, since I already have enough 2 damage burn.

Obligatory decklist:
Lands (24):
1 Steam Vents
3 Izzet Guildgate
8 Island
12 Mountain

Creatures (12):
3 Young Pyromancer
4 Guttersnipe
4 Spellheart Chimera
1 Chandra's Phoenix

Spells (24):
3 Spark Jolt
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Mizzium Mortars
4 Izzet Charm
2 Turn//Burn
1 Thoughtflare
2 Opportunity

2 Pithing Needle (planeswalkers/Aetherling)
3 Dispel/Negate (control in general)
2 Anger of the Gods (Voice of Resurgence, aggro in general)

I'm note entirely sure what I should do with the remaining sideboard slots, since I don't even know what I should be expecting. The pre-theros iteration did OK against midrange due to all the burn I run, but aggo often overwhelmed me before I could do much to stop it. Would maindeck Anger of the Gods help at all, despite it nuking my own side of the board and exiling Chandra's Phoenix?


I ripped 5 scry lands!!!!!!!!! =(

Still had fun

First event went Blue, played Blue/Green went 3-1. Lost to a red deck that curved out a hammer and god into gas for days.

Annul is amazing.

Second event went Green because no one picks green, played Red/Green went 2-2. Needed something under 4 to fix up slow games due to mana issues.

Green promo blows.
I had to help judge my store's event today so I couldn't play. (Hoping to make it up with some drafts!).

I didn't realize Bestow was going to be as confusing for new players as it was. It's a shame, since I think its an otherwise fun and flavorful mechanic. By about 4 or 5 the questions cooled down a bit.
in the prerelease event, a guy called a judge on me, though he was wrong.

I went monstrous on the that one 5/3 that said creatures my opponent controls without flying cannot block. this means i win right there.

he thought that creating a 3/3 with that red artifact rare meant that this new creature couldn't block. i deduced that he thought this trigger of monstrous only checked for creatures currently in play. he thought that since this creature entered play after the triggered effect that he could block.


Obligatory decklist:

I'm note entirely sure what I should do with the remaining sideboard slots, since I don't even know what I should be expecting. The pre-theros iteration did OK against midrange due to all the burn I run, but aggo often overwhelmed me before I could do much to stop it. Would maindeck Anger of the Gods help at all, despite it nuking my own side of the board and exiling Chandra's Phoenix?

I wouldn't maindeck Anger of Gods with your creatures. You have plenty of spells that should take care of aggro. I would run Hammer of Purphoros in the sideboard if I'm running Anger of Gods. Wipe the board if aggro overwhelming and start making tokens!

Hmm, maybe Hammer of Purphoros will have a place in Team 'Muricah. I will have to test it.

Didn't do so hot in these sealed events. 2nd time, I went Boros aggro and went 2-2. I think aggro still have a place in limited, but if you can't trigger your Heroic, they are going to have a tough time. The Ordeal cards are surprisingly hella playable in limited. The fact that the +1 counters stays on makes it so good. It's weird to me that white got the shaft in fliers compared to blue. That 2/1 flier for 2cmc in blue is so aggressive for blue and seem outta place.


R/B minotaurs is a legit aggro deck. No heroic required. All haste, removal and, of course, minotaurs.

I'm note entirely sure what I should do with the remaining sideboard slots, since I don't even know what I should be expecting. The pre-theros iteration did OK against midrange due to all the burn I run, but aggo often overwhelmed me before I could do much to stop it. Would maindeck Anger of the Gods help at all, despite it nuking my own side of the board and exiling Chandra's Phoenix?

I wouldn't play Anger of the Gods at all. What are you afraid of that the rest of your burn can't handle? Voice of Resurgence is just a bear that only allows you to play spells on your turn, which isn't a huge issue since you don't play counterspells.

I'd be more worried of 5/5 wurm tokens, meaning you'd need some form of bounce. I'd up the count of Chandra's Phoenix too. Play Frostburn Weird in the sideboard to stall until you can stabilize and wipe the board with Mortars. Side in Burning Earth against control and counterspells against control and midrange. Planeswalkers too if you have them.


I wouldn't play Anger of the Gods at all. What are you afraid of that the rest of your burn can't handle? Voice of Resurgence is just a bear that only allows you to play spells on your turn, which isn't a huge issue since you don't play counterspells.

I'd be more worried of 5/5 wurm tokens, meaning you'd need some form of bounce. I'd up the count of Chandra's Phoenix too. Play Frostburn Weird in the sideboard to stall until you can stabilize and wipe the board with Mortars. Side in Burning Earth against control and counterspells against control and midrange. Planeswalkers too if you have them.

I'm working on getting more Phoenixes, and was thinking about playing three at most, since I feel they're nice to have in mid to late-game but not that important otherwise, and I'll probably have to cut some burn to fit them in (Spark Jolts, I guess?). I haven't tried Frostburn Weird before, but I'll try adding three to my fifteen and see how things go.

For bounce, I've been thinking about the unsummon that scries for 1 or Cyclonic Rift (got one of these, and could probably get more). I'll see if I can get any Burning Earth and PWs, but I don't think I can get my hands on them for now. If I were to trade towards one of those cards, should I go for Ral first? It looks like he's way cheaper than Chandra, and deals nice damage with his -2 despite having an underwhelming +1 (it can accelerate mana while tapping a blocker for my elemental tokens, I guess?). I don't know how he compares with Burning Earth, though.


You don't wanna be that guy... Who everyone wants to kick in he nuts and then in the teeth.

Dude, I'm not one to try and scum people out for wins, but if someone went and tried to present me a stacked deck that they just overhand shuffled a couple times I think that is a pretty legitimate reason to call a judge.


prerelease/FNM -- shuffle it for them, if you feel like it you can tell them 'yo, if you do that at a higher level event you might get a game loss so be careful'
GP/PTQ/IQ/whatever -- call a judge

have the same policy when people pile shuffle then present their deck


I'm working on getting more Phoenixes, and was thinking about playing three at most, since I feel they're nice to have in mid to late-game but not that important otherwise, and I'll probably have to cut some burn to fit them in (Spark Jolts, I guess?). I haven't tried Frostburn Weird before, but I'll try adding three to my fifteen and see how things go.

For bounce, I've been thinking about the unsummon that scries for 1 or Cyclonic Rift (got one of these, and could probably get more). I'll see if I can get any Burning Earth and PWs, but I don't think I can get my hands on them for now. If I were to trade towards one of those cards, should I go for Ral first? It looks like he's way cheaper than Chandra, and deals nice damage with his -2 despite having an underwhelming +1 (it can accelerate mana while tapping a blocker for my elemental tokens, I guess?). I don't know how he compares with Burning Earth, though.

My sideboard would look something like this:
4 Frostburn Weird
2 Counterflux / Dissolve
2 Negate / Gainsay
3 Burning Earth
1 Turn // Burn / Cyclonic Rift
1 Electrickery / Spark Jolt
1 Ral Zarek
1 Jace, Memory Adept


Anyone done any testing with Fleecemane Lion?

yes, but only in a few matchups where it was kind of naturally going to be insane (against midrange mirrors and various control decks)

it was nuts.

naya domri rade is quite a fun deck, and it has a role in there -- certainly helps your control matchup, as it becoming monstrous is GG. Against aggro, it profitably blocks 2/1s all day long, but there's probably better cards to be playing there.

I like it, it will see an amount of competitive play, but I certainly wouldn't be buying at $8.
I was thinking of selling some old pokemon cards to finance some Theros action, anyone know a good place to sell them? 99 rares, and they're pretty much all promos and base set.


My sideboard would look something like this:
4 Frostburn Weird
2 Counterflux / Dissolve
2 Negate / Gainsay
3 Burning Earth
1 Turn // Burn / Cyclonic Rift
1 Electrickery / Spark Jolt
1 Ral Zarek
1 Jace, Memory Adept

The way I see it, the sideboard's geared towards better handling control decks since the deck already handles creature-based decks relatively well pre-SB, right? I never thought about using 3 CMC counterspells since I felt they'd be a bit clunky, but I guess now that most of my spells are instants it won't hurt as much as it did back when I was running lots of sorceries such as Pillar of Flame and Faithless Looting.

Outside the two PWs, Counterflux, the third Turn//Burn and Burning Earth, I think I've got everything from that list, and two of those cards I've got substitutes for. What puzzles me, however, is why there is a lone Electrickery/Jolt in there.


The way I see it, the sideboard's geared towards better handling control decks since the deck already handles creature-based decks relatively well pre-SB, right? I never thought about using 3 CMC counterspells since I felt they'd be a bit clunky, but I guess now that most of my spells are instants it won't hurt as much as it did back when I was running lots of sorceries such as Pillar of Flame and Faithless Looting.

Outside the two PWs, Counterflux, the third Turn//Burn and Burning Earth, I think I've got everything from that list, and two of those cards I've got substitutes for. What puzzles me, however, is why there is a lone Electrickery/Jolt in there.

It serves as an extra burn spell against aggro, specifically r/x aggro. Sometimes people want a fifth card of something, even if it's an inferior version. I prefer Electrickery since it'd allow blowouts if they're greedy. Plus, if they know you have it in your deck, they may not overextend even if you don't actually have it in your hand. How do they know how many you have in your deck, right? Magic is largely a game of chance. Bluffing is an often overlooked part of it.

Edit: also, remember to play your burn in the declare attackers step. Some lists run Rubblebelt Maaka.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";83320361]I was thinking of selling some old pokemon cards to finance some Theros action, anyone know a good place to sell them? 99 rares, and they're pretty much all promos and base set.[/QUOTE]

Give them to a child who will appreciate them. If they are pre 2005ish, they are pretty much worthless because WOTC lost the license to The Pokemon Company, and all older cards are not tournament legal anymore.
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