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My prerelease pool: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/theros-prerelease-pool-1/
I'll post my list later.
It's literally the only card worth getting back.No Rescue from the Underworld saccing Grey Merchant.
I am disappoint.
Yup. VOLTRON DOGGIES: THE DECK. And it worked. Them + a bestow creature was very difficult to deal with - they were 2-3 turn clocks.Before this set rotates out, I swear I will Rescue from the Underworld a Grey Merchant of Asphodel by saccing another Grey Merchant of Asphodel.
So what was the battle plan? Get a two-head puppy out and put your bestow guys/ordeals on it?
And here's what got me 4-1. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/theros-prerelease-build/
Remember folks, it doesn't matter if your deck is bad if its got RIDICULOUS GIMMICKS!
There is definitely removal. But people weren't holding open the small removal to blow out the doggy.I'd say "dies to removal" flippantly but there is no removal!
The first pre-release I skipped since I came back to the game with M11 (The only one I had a shot to make was a Noon one on Sunday, and by the time I needed to leave I just decided I wanted to watch football).
Might do the Fat Pack challenge my LGS does 2 weeks from now, though. I just have such little interest in this set right now.
Why the lack of interest, out of curiousity?
I'm wracking my brain but I cannot think of any kind of deck that doesn't roll over to burn/counter or sweeper/revelation.
It's pretty annoying honestly. I want to have fun with Prophet of Kruphix, Thassa's Bident and Heroic.
Huehuehuehue I misread that as Thassa's bidet
BahahahaHuehuehuehue I misread that as Thassa's bidet
It took Thassa's bident to make me realized that there was an actual word for a two pronged spear.
Trident... bident... mono...dent?
Lands (24):
1 Steam Vents
3 Izzet Guildgate
8 Island
12 Mountain
Creatures (12):
3 Young Pyromancer
4 Guttersnipe
4 Spellheart Chimera
1 Chandra's Phoenix
Spells (24):
3 Spark Jolt
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Mizzium Mortars
4 Izzet Charm
2 Turn//Burn
1 Thoughtflare
2 Opportunity
2 Pithing Needle (planeswalkers/Aetherling)
3 Dispel/Negate (control in general)
2 Anger of the Gods (Voice of Resurgence, aggro in general)
Obligatory decklist:
I'm note entirely sure what I should do with the remaining sideboard slots, since I don't even know what I should be expecting. The pre-theros iteration did OK against midrange due to all the burn I run, but aggo often overwhelmed me before I could do much to stop it. Would maindeck Anger of the Gods help at all, despite it nuking my own side of the board and exiling Chandra's Phoenix?
I'm note entirely sure what I should do with the remaining sideboard slots, since I don't even know what I should be expecting. The pre-theros iteration did OK against midrange due to all the burn I run, but aggo often overwhelmed me before I could do much to stop it. Would maindeck Anger of the Gods help at all, despite it nuking my own side of the board and exiling Chandra's Phoenix?
If it had been at a competitive event I would've called a judge since you could probably get a game or match win.
I wouldn't play Anger of the Gods at all. What are you afraid of that the rest of your burn can't handle? Voice of Resurgence is just a bear that only allows you to play spells on your turn, which isn't a huge issue since you don't play counterspells.
I'd be more worried of 5/5 wurm tokens, meaning you'd need some form of bounce. I'd up the count of Chandra's Phoenix too. Play Frostburn Weird in the sideboard to stall until you can stabilize and wipe the board with Mortars. Side in Burning Earth against control and counterspells against control and midrange. Planeswalkers too if you have them.
You don't wanna be that guy... Who everyone wants to kick in he nuts and then in the teeth.
You don't wanna be that guy... Who everyone wants to kick in he nuts and then in the teeth.
I'm working on getting more Phoenixes, and was thinking about playing three at most, since I feel they're nice to have in mid to late-game but not that important otherwise, and I'll probably have to cut some burn to fit them in (Spark Jolts, I guess?). I haven't tried Frostburn Weird before, but I'll try adding three to my fifteen and see how things go.
For bounce, I've been thinking about the unsummon that scries for 1 or Cyclonic Rift (got one of these, and could probably get more). I'll see if I can get any Burning Earth and PWs, but I don't think I can get my hands on them for now. If I were to trade towards one of those cards, should I go for Ral first? It looks like he's way cheaper than Chandra, and deals nice damage with his -2 despite having an underwhelming +1 (it can accelerate mana while tapping a blocker for my elemental tokens, I guess?). I don't know how he compares with Burning Earth, though.
Anyone done any testing with Fleecemane Lion?
Anyone done any testing with Fleecemane Lion?
My sideboard would look something like this:
4 Frostburn Weird
2 Counterflux / Dissolve
2 Negate / Gainsay
3 Burning Earth
1 Turn // Burn / Cyclonic Rift
1 Electrickery / Spark Jolt
1 Ral Zarek
1 Jace, Memory Adept
The way I see it, the sideboard's geared towards better handling control decks since the deck already handles creature-based decks relatively well pre-SB, right? I never thought about using 3 CMC counterspells since I felt they'd be a bit clunky, but I guess now that most of my spells are instants it won't hurt as much as it did back when I was running lots of sorceries such as Pillar of Flame and Faithless Looting.
Outside the two PWs, Counterflux, the third Turn//Burn and Burning Earth, I think I've got everything from that list, and two of those cards I've got substitutes for. What puzzles me, however, is why there is a lone Electrickery/Jolt in there.