Whats the best and cheapest way to practice theros draft?
Wizards has a Core set simulator. I wonder if they will offer one for the expansions?
Whats the best and cheapest way to practice theros draft?
You don't have to expand on this, but I'd be interested to know more because the fetchlands were the worst kind of cards in ODY-ONS / ONS-MIR Standard, rares that pretty much every deck could (had to) use. IIRC, 3 of the 4 decks that played in the final of the World Championship in this era had them and Affinity (the only fetchland-less participant) was problematic for entirely different reasons. In fairness, I believe the Cunning Wake that won ODY-ONS only ran 2x Flooded Strands.
e: I was going through my collection over the weekend and was pretty aghast at how many Standard decks I ran from this period that had fetchlands.
Holy crap. Wizards is turning off all scheduled events on MTGO starting Wednesday until further notice...
"Because of these issues and your feedback, we are suspending all Daily Events, Premier Events, PTQs, and MOCS events on Magic Online beginning with tomorrow's downtime."
Holy crap that's huge.
Yeah, as a fellow developer I gotta feel for those guys since they'll probably be on perma crunch till this is fixed. That said, it is fucking ridiculous it has taken this long for them to buckle down and, hopefully, do something about it.Oh MTGO, why are you such a piece of shit :/
I do wish the team well in their efforts to right this ship. They are clearly underfunded and understaffed :/
Whats the best and cheapest way to practice theros draft?
I discovered last week that
A couple of these
One of these guys
Makes for a very fun time. Trying to figure out how to build a deck around these specific cards.
Go hella control. What'a that artifact that lets you sack a creature to gain 4 life along with doing a bunch of other things? Should go in there.
Today in reason's why you never scoop. Great match.
Bubbling Cauldron.
Thinking some Sphere of Safetys as well.
Are you sure he didn't mean Trading Post? Maybe not.
Yeah, Trading Post is the card. Discard a fatty creature with Trading Post, gain 4 life, and produce an Angel. Next turn, give it discarded creature haste with Whip, sac it to prevent it from getting exiled, repeat. Pretty mana intensive though lol.
Yeah, as a fellow developer I gotta feel for those guys since they'll probably be on perma crunch till this is fixed. That said, it is fucking ridiculous it has taken this long for them to buckle down and, hopefully, do something about it.
They're apparently incredibly profitable. The problem is getting the (massive) budget to expand or farm out the development.One gets the impression they've been crunching for over a decade with little result. I wish they'd just bite the bullet and throw real money at the problem.
One gets the impression they've been crunching for over a decade with little result. I wish they'd just bite the bullet and throw real money at the problem.
I was kind of under the impression that there was little urgency to fix stuff since MTGO, even in its current horrible state, presumably brings in the dough quite handily. But now that a big source of income is gone, the whip is going to start getting cracked.
That wouldn't work multiple times because a creature which is resurrected with whip is exiled if it leaves the battlefield for any reason.
This is 10 years of frustration with an inadequately funded system boiling over.The people jumping on the MTGO hate need to realize it is specific to large tournaments not the day-to-day experience drafting and playing in smaller events.
Modern needs help. They've banned mostly the right cards, but they didn't get the "right" ones off the bat and the format's degenerated.It doesn't look like local shops are going to run sanctioned Modern events due to lack of interest.
Local Magic players will invest heavily into Standard but not into tournament level Modern decks.
Modern needs help. They've banned mostly the right cards, but they didn't get the "right" ones off the bat and the format's degenerated.
Much better than Extended. Problem is that the format's pretty miserable.Is it more or less popular than Extended was?
I've played in store level modern events, I think the only time I did an extended one was in 1999, lol
Modern needs help. They've banned mostly the right cards, but they didn't get the "right" ones off the bat and the format's degenerated.
Wild Nacatl needs to be on there. Swords to Plowshares does not exist. The only cards that reliably trade effectively with it are Dismember and Bolt. It's too good.It's time to start taking a few cards off and seeing what happens. Things like Wild Nactl, Golgari Grave Troll and Ancestral Vision don't need to be on there.
Wild Nacatl needs to be on there. Swords to Plowshares does not exist. The only cards that reliably trade effectively with it are Dismember and Bolt. It's too good.
GGT/AV are obvious prunes.
Huh? The format's nothing but combo decks (and Jund) now.I'll be honest: I bought into Modern almost entirely to play Storm, or some other combo deck. The only combo that's left is Twin (and Pod, to a lesser degree), but that's not the kind of combo deck I like. If I just want to jam creatures against each other, I'll play Limited. I do enjoy playing Twin, but it doesn't excite me like Storm used to. I would have bought into Legacy Storm by now on MTGO if LEDs weren't $150 apiece...
Someone described Modern as feeling like it was still wearing training wheels. That's kind of how I feel about it too. That being said, the only reason I'm not still actively playing it is because of how miserable of an experience it is to grind constructed play on MTGO. For all of its faults, Modern isn't a bad format. It just feels like it could (should) be so much better.
They reduce the reliance of Legacy decks on Dual Lands. You would need to run a lot more in order to make decks function.
The relevant lands of the time are always going to appear to be the most popular cards because of the fundamental design of Magic (you need the right lands to be able to cast your spells).
The fetchlands are an elegant way to allow the construction of smooth manabases, which honestly just makes the game far more interesting and skill-based. Without fetchlands, the consistency of decks goes down and the construction of decks in "eternal" formats is pushed in an entirely different direction.
Is it more or less popular than Extended was?
I've played in store level modern events, I think the only time I did an extended one was in 1999, lol
Huh? The format's nothing but combo decks (and Jund) now.
Except they aren't just lands, they're also 0 CC tutors that almost cannot be countered. It's disingenuous to say they're on par with the comes into play tapped lands from Invasion. (Or even that block's enemy color painlands.) And I hesitate to describe tutoring as elegant given the number of tutors that have been restricted or banned throughout the years.
Deck construction is a skill too, players who advocate for less "chance" in favor of "skill" don't or won't grasp this.
What direction does Legacy go in without fetchlands? (I leave out the broader Eternal label you used because Type 1 has been about tutoring forever.) Pricing out a large playerbase a la Vintage? Seems like just banning dual lands would ameliorate that, though naturally then you start going down the road to banning anything that's old, on the Reserved List, and used in many decks.
Are you coming down?So far for Grand Prix DC I've loaned out:
1 Tarmogoyf
1 Volrath's Stronghold
1 Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
3 Volcanic Island
1 Tundra
And a complete Ad Nauseum Tendrils deck (led's, undergrounds and a few other duals, karakas, deltas, tarns, a grim tutor). Compared to how much I usually loan out for closer SCG's or for GP Providence 2 years ago, this isn't too bad.