Played in a Legacy all-foils tournament today (the prizes for top 8 were MM Bob, FTV Jace, Deathrite, Top, Rav Loam, Prere Emrakul, FTV Maze of Ith and Textless Bolt, all foil), playing Punishing Jund of course. About 30 people, so 5 rounds and cut to top 8.
Round 1: Dredge
I lose the die roll and keep a solid hand. He goes LED, Careful Study, win. Game 2 was a bit slower, but I got rolled.
Round 2: Lands
Game 1 was really close, going back and forth. He gets low and drops a Chasm to hold me off, but I have just enough damage and DRS life loss to finish it. Game 2 he stalls a bit, which gave me the opening I needed to seal the deal.
Round 3: Imperial Painter
Game 1 I dont know what he's on and get screwed by Blood Moon. Game 2 I have basics but nothing really going on, so he drops a blood moon and then a painter (naming blue), with nothing left in hand. EOT, I Red Elemental Blast his Blood Moon (taking him by surprise and approval) and then Decay the Painter, drop a Goyf and get there. Game 3 was similar, I got an early big goyf and enough removal to keep him off balance.
Round 4: UR Delver
I take a close game 1. I think he's on straight burn at first and get worried, but UR delver is easier since my removal staves off a lot of damage. Game 2 I'm in a good position (15 life, 6 lands, 1 being a Wasteland). I play Bloodbraid into Goyf. He dazes and I dont pay so I can next play a Hymn to Tourach (he has 3 cards in hand). Since I'm tapped out, he responds to the Hymn with 2 Price of Progress to kill me (I figured even if he had 1 I was safe, woops). Game 3 I'm playing the long game but pull it out.
Round 5: Enchantress
I knew he was on enchantress, and I have a lot of practice with this matchup since a friend has played it for ages. I won the die roll and went fetch-> Deathrite, turn 2 Hymn, turn 3 Hymn Hymn (leaving 1 card in hand and 1 land), turn 4 Goyf Goyf. It felt damn good. Game 2 was a bit more interactive, but since I played my 4 thoughtseizes 4 turns in a row (getting Enchantress, 2x Green Sun's Zenith, and the GW tutor thing) it wasn't really close.
Standings were announced, and at 4-1 I was in 2nd place. Yay being on the play!
Quarterfinals: Esper Affinity (tezz and stoneforges along with normal affinity things).
This was the dude I drew with at the GPT I won to get into top 8 then, so I knew his general build. I take game 1 pretty handily. Game 2 he gets a quick Etched Oracle with Plating that gets there. Game 3 he had 3 Tezz's in a row and I couldn't deal with the 3rd, so it was over for me.
I ended up in 5th place and left with a foil Ravnica Life from the Loam. Had a good time, and looking forward to a legacy 1k at another nearby store tomorrow.