I'll throw my two cents in, because it's fun to re-read it a month down the road and see how embarrassingly wrong I was:
Newest format staples (not including temples):
-Bile Blight - Everything black wants, huge blowouts possible, kills most relevant creatures.
-Brimaz - Self-explanatory.
-Courser of Kruphix - Though not totally nuts, this guy smooths out land draws/lets you pseudo-dig, dodges a lot of the removal right now, and gains you life. He's not super aggressive, but he will find a nice home.
-Xenagos - I'm actually a bit iffy on this guy still, but his ability to possibly make you win the turn he comes down out of nowhere is certainly crazy. Plus every creature you play after him just gets bonkers.
-Unravel the Aether - Instant way to deal with D-Sphere, Gods, etc.
Cards becoming more useful:
-Doom Blade - While Bile Blight is great, it can't kill some of the new threats (cough -Brimaz -cough)
-Hammer of Porphoros - Already a good card, with control getting some new goodies it will be imperative to have a way to constantly interact with them, be it haste or making a basher each turn.
-Voice of Resurgence - Again, already good, but will start getting even better with so much strong sweeper removals going around like Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow.
-Cyclonic Rift- A way for mono blue or similar decks to stop the Gods and Kiora, this card will probably find a solid place in the Kiora decks as well, using green to accelerate into its Overload.
Cards going down:
-Nightveil Specter - Basically just used for devotion anyway, this card is becoming outclassed.
-Pack Rat - Too susceptible to Bile Blight. Was already meh anyway.
-Master of Waves - See above.
-Mutavault - Weird, I know, but with so many dual lands open now, a lot of colors will be splashed and manabases will need to get tighter. Will still see a lot of play, just not in every deck ever like it is now.
-Tribute to Hunger - Not seen nearly so much anymore anyway, but black's removal is getting tighter and other decks are starting to play out more guys in a faster span. Edict effects are becoming harder to manipulate efficiently.
-Fated Retribution - It won't hike up too much, but will see some play, almost guaranteed.
-Ephara, God of the Polis - This card's ability feels weird in these colors, but it generates some good and mostly reliable advantage and I think could fit in a blue splashing white devotion deck.
-Eidolon of Countless Battles - Not right now, but this card will be a pretty good player in various decks in the future, be it white weenie or in a new Aura based deck.
-Fated Conflagration - I don't see this being a major player, but a couple on the side to deal with basically any planeswalker in standard will probably be a thing.
-Herald of Torment - Great card for mono black in almost every way, surprised it's still so low.
I'm still a little on the fence about Kiora. In all my playtesting, she seems pretty crazy, actually. The problem is her CMC is weird because control wants to play Jace on that turn (if a walker at all), and ramp decks will usually just not bother with her and go straight to fatties. I think that she will find a nice home in a Simic or Bant deck that does moderately okay, but doesn't consistently put up overbearing results, and as such will dive down to a $12-15 card.