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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|

Ya, it's kind of funny how much more humble pros are and more accepting of loses they are than the wanna be pros at most people's LGS.

Definitely. Patrick Chapin came down to gunsling at an event at one of my LGSs, dude was about as chill as can be. Politely explained to some new players why they should sleeve their cards, etc.
Definitely. Patrick Chapin came down to gunsling at an event at one of my LGSs, dude was about as chill as can be. Politely explained to some new players why they should sleeve their cards, etc.

It's the same thing with streams too. LSV realizes you can't win every game or people nut draw your get manascrewed or their deck stacks up better, etc. It's part of the reason I fucking HATE Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa with a passion. He constantly whines and bitches and says how things aren't fair when he loses. He makes excuses constantly because he thinks he never deserves to lose, especially to those people.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I now want to build an all lightning bolt deck.

I mean, who hasn't tried to put together a deck with nothing but burn spells at some point anyway? This isn't that different.


Definitely. Patrick Chapin came down to gunsling at an event at one of my LGSs, dude was about as chill as can be. Politely explained to some new players why they should sleeve their cards, etc.

Most drug dealers are chill people.
Seriously though, I respect the people who've got it but don't feel the need to flaunt. I find some of the most insufferable LGS personalities ones are those who've been at it for a long time and know the cards inside-out, but aren't particularly good players. Some of them can be really sore losers. It'd be funnier seeing grown men ragequit if it weren't so pathetic.

Anyway... two more days. Probably going Orzhov/Dimir Saturday, Simic Sunday. Hoping to move some Riders and Innistrad duals to complete my RTR shockland collection.

It's clear that retailers are expecting GTC to sell as well as RTR judging by the price gouging, but what are the opinions here? GTC is clearly less powerful than RTR, but will casuals care? I'm on the fence, myself; I love the art and flavor, but card-wise there's nothing that I can't pick up at a normalized price later down the road.


Seriously though, I respect the people who've got it but don't feel the need to flaunt. I find some of the most insufferable LGS personalities ones are those who've been at it for a long time and know the cards inside-out, but aren't particularly good players. Some of them can be really sore losers. It'd be funnier seeing grown men ragequit if it weren't so pathetic.
Yup. Yup yup yup yup yup.

Also, Boros Reckoner may be a pick up. (If you need a playset for Standard.) Getting a lot of positive feedback on the MTGS trade pages.


Tragic Slip is the best card ever. Every time I kill something with it, I imagine an entire Benny Hill-esque sequence of the creature's death, complete with Yakety Sax.


How hard is it to get into MTG online?

Takes a little while to get used to playing with any kind of RL speed as you have to pay special attention to each step. Just make sure you learn the F key shortcuts and put a stop at each step to make sure you don't miss doing something like flashing in a blocker after they choose attacks for example.


Another plus of playing on MTGO is that you'll understand how priority and phases work. I wish everyone would play like three games on there.


Do you start out with cards or do you have to buy them all?

Why not? Can you get singles? Can you trade in physical cards to get digital ones?

You have to buy them all like in RL. It's expensive. There is no link between paper magic and online.


Do you start out with cards or do you have to buy them all?

Why not? Can you get singles?

When you make your account you have to spend $10 to get a starter kit that comes with some random cards and a pack of the newest core set (unless this changed). So you do start with cards. After that buying from the store is the same as buying retail but card prices on singles from other players and bots varies. Singles from in-print sets are always cheaper which is why it's bad to buy packs with the intent of opening them. The reason they're cheaper is ease of selling and more importantly drafting is very popular.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Do they still do the "collect a virtual playset of an entire set, redeem it for the paper version" thing?

They do, but redemption is kind of limited to those who can afford them (i.e collectors/traders). For all intents and purposes the two games are separate.


I don't think you can really make money, but the dream is to 'go infinite' so you win so much you can cover all entry fees and don't need to put any more money in.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Do people make money online buy winning and selling tickets?

It's possible but difficult. There's no official way for players to "sell" their tickets, so it has to be done through some third party. The safest way to convert MTGO winnings into cash would probably be set redemptions, and then sell the cards to a store or sell them yourself.
So I play a lot of Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 with my friends, should the transition be fairly easy? Aside from the crap tons of money I'd have to spend.

It's possible but difficult. There's no official way for players to "sell" their tickets, so it has to be done through some third party. The safest way to convert MTGO winnings into cash would probably be set redemptions, and then sell the cards to a store or sell them yourself.

How do you sell the cards you get? Can you just drop them in some marketplace for other players? Can I just enter drafts, then pawn off all the cards I used to get more packs?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
So I play a lot of Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 with my friends, should the transition be fairly easy? Aside from the crap tons of money I'd have to spend.

Well, yeah and no. It's the next step for sure. But you'll have to learn about deck building and some minor stuff like mana curves.

Also, the MTGO is full of asshats.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So I play a lot of Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 with my friends, should the transition be fairly easy? Aside from the crap tons of money I'd have to spend.

It'll be easier than going straight from Paper -> MTGO, that's for sure. The main problem (and benefit) of MTGO is that it remembers ALL your triggers and other gameplay decisions for you, but it also means that you need to confirm each of them manually, whereas lot of paper Magic happens implicitly. Something like Second Breakfast is a nightmare in MTGO for this very reason, you can't just spread out your cards and start going off.

Something as simple as "Tap 7 lands, Blaze you for 6" in MTGO becomes:

Tap 7 lands (and everytime you tap a multicolor land you have a context dialogue that asks which color you want)
Cast Blaze
Choose a target
Choose X by clicking on mana symbols in your mana pool
Wait for your opponent to pass priority
Pass priority


How do you sell the cards you get? Can you just drop them in some marketplace for other players? Can I just enter drafts, then pawn off all the cards I used to get more packs?

MTGO uses "tickets" as currency. There is a marketplace with plenty of bots and a smaller amount of real people looking to buy cards for these tickets which can then be used for entry fees or to buy cards and packs from other bots or players.

Make sure you take the time to learn the value of some cards by looking them up in the marketplace so you get a fair deal when you look to sell.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So will all my cards get sold to bots or only certain ones? Would I be able to get rid of commons and stuff?

Bots will buy almost anything, although for the most part they deal in rares/uncommons. Most bots have a credit system so they can do amounts of less than 1 ticket (tix)


You need to also realize that real life prices don't reflect the online prices. For example, this is Supernova bot (one of the larger bots) buy/sell list.

For example, they buy Detention Sphere for .48 tickets (1 ticket is 1 USD), and sell it for .76 tickets. Meanwhile, Starcitygames sells Detention Sphere for 3 bucks. Snapcaster is a 7 ticket card, and a 20-25 dollar card in real life. In general, the less the set is drafted (which is how 90% of cards enter the card pool), the more expensive cards will be. Dark Ascension cards are more expensive in some cases online than IRL, for example, because I was only really drafted 1 pack for 3 months.
You need to also realize that real life prices don't reflect the online prices. For example, this is Supernova bot (one of the larger bots) buy/sell list.

For example, they buy Detention Sphere for .48 tickets (1 ticket is 1 USD), and sell it for .76 tickets. Meanwhile, Starcitygames sells Detention Sphere for 3 bucks.

And the opposite is true also, sometimes it's more expensive on MTGO than it is in real life.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
You need to also realize that real life prices don't reflect the online prices. For example, this is Supernova bot (one of the larger bots) buy/sell list.

For example, they buy Detention Sphere for .48 tickets (1 ticket is 1 USD), and sell it for .76 tickets. Meanwhile, Starcitygames sells Detention Sphere for 3 bucks.

Yes. Generally speaking, and especially in constructed play, MTGO is much cheaper.


I think the hardercore MTG community looks down on the Duels of Planeswalker game, or that was the taunting I got when I said that's how I learned to play Magic at a LGS.

I guess that's kinda like the 1.6 vs. Source argument in a way.

They suck at internet. Actual reason.

I was wondering if this was the case. I wasn't sure if the community just wanted it this way.

If I could trade my paper for MTGO versions, I would, I think. I tend to play a lot more online.

If MTGO wasn't an such an eyesore, I would as well. I want to play more Magic, but none of my friends are interested, I can't really get into MTGO, and the local community isn't really somewhere I want to spend my Friday night. Duels of the Planeswalkers is good but lacks deck building (trial & error) and the collecting aspect. I spose I'll have to man up and either go to FNM or embrace MTGO. I just think that WotC is missing out on a much bigger opportunity with online play. In it's current state, I don't think they are going to attract many new players.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
WotC doesn't get the internet. The company is run by 50+ year old mathematicians for christtsakes.

Their marketing? I want to be on their team so bad. I could make the company millions.


Yup. Yup yup yup yup yup.

Also, Boros Reckoner may be a pick up. (If you need a playset for Standard.) Getting a lot of positive feedback on the MTGS trade pages.

Wonder if they'd print Earthquake during Reckoner's standard run.


While it doesn't look pretty, I'd rather play with the MTGO interface. You couldn't play a competitive game of Magic in DotP in it's current state although it's probably easily fixed.

The trading and card organization is a bit of a mess though.
I guess that's kinda like the 1.6 vs. Source argument in a way.

I was wondering if this was the case. I wasn't sure if the community just wanted it this way.

If MTGO wasn't an such an eyesore, I would as well. I want to play more Magic, but none of my friends are interested, I can't really get into MTGO, and the local community isn't really somewhere I want to spend my Friday night. Duels of the Planeswalkers is good but lacks deck building (trial & error) and the collecting aspect. I spose I'll have to man up and either go to FNM or embrace MTGO. I just think that WotC is missing out on a much bigger opportunity with online play. In it's current state, I don't think they are going to attract many new players.

I do wonder how people will respond if they completely overhaul the interface. There's still slowdown at times in duel of the planeswalker and I can see some people getting mad since MTGO takes like no resources. So little even that a good amount of people play it through parallels on mac.

While it doesn't look pretty, I'd rather play with the MTGO interface. You couldn't play a competitive game of Magic in DotP in it's current state although it's probably easily fixed.

The trading and card organization is a bit of a mess though.

Ya, you would have to tweak the interface. There is too much missing from DotP interface to do a straight copy paste.
If MTGO wasn't an such an eyesore, I would as well. I want to play more Magic, but none of my friends are interested, I can't really get into MTGO, and the local community isn't really somewhere I want to spend my Friday night. Duels of the Planeswalkers is good but lacks deck building (trial & error) and the collecting aspect. I spose I'll have to man up and either go to FNM or embrace MTGO. I just think that WotC is missing out on a much bigger opportunity with online play. In it's current state, I don't think they are going to attract many new players.

This is why at the LGS I work at, we expanded Magic to Standard Thursdays, and Casual Saturdays. We've gotten some pretty good response from this. You might check and see if your LGS has players that meet up at other times if the online thing doesn't shake out (and I totally understand not wanting to sacrifice your weekends to nerds every week, lol)


Oh yeah. I wonder how many people actually do that.

A completely average friend of mine redeemed a full set of Planar Chaos about four years ago. I'm not sure how he did it (whether by winning enough cards to trade for the rest or by simply buying a copy of every card), but it amazed me, mostly because shipping all those cards to Argentina probably wasn't cheap.

Tragic Slip is funny over here as well because we mostly use english card names (despite all cards being in spanish), and "slip" is how we call briefs (the underwear item); therefore, we can always imagine the creature dying due to some underwear, which is strangely hilarious.

Speaking about card nicknames, I've heard Birds of Paradise being called "pollos" (chickens) for some strange reason, as well as Groundbreaker being called "bola de pasto" because it is Ball Lightning's colorshifted cousin (which is named "Bola de rayos" over here).


I do wonder how people will respond if they completely overhaul the interface. There's still slowdown at times in duel of the planeswalker and I can see some people getting mad since MTGO takes like no resources. So little even that a good amount of people play it through parallels on mac.

Ya, you would have to tweak the interface. There is too much missing from DotP interface to do a straight copy paste.

Well, DotP is available on OS X, so it is possible. Just very unlikely I guess. Maybe they are waiting for the right developer to come along?

This is why at the LGS I work at, we expanded Magic to Standard Thursdays, and Casual Saturdays. We've gotten some pretty good response from this. You might check and see if your LGS has players that meet up at other times if the online thing doesn't shake out (and I totally understand not wanting to sacrifice your weekends to nerds every week, lol)

Good idea. TBH it's not even the nerds that bother me usually. It's the elitists that act like they are too cool to be there. The nerds I can understand.


Oh yeah. I wonder how many people actually do that.

I did it for the first time with M13, after doing like 40 drafts of it I realized I was only missing 3 cards from a complete set- Liliana, Rhox Faithmender (I had 2 foil ones somehow but no regular), and..... Index(I'd take basic lands over it, i guess). It was pretty cool- it seems like they cut up a sheet for you, because most of the commons in my set were slightly miscut, to the point on some cards, like Crippling Blight, where part of the letters were cut off. They look really cool.
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