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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|

Finkel sucks, he hasn't done much in a while. Plus I don't really like his attitude. In the deck techs and stuff I've seen more recently he comes off as cold. I really don't get the following he has.
I'd say he's up there with Kibler and maybe Kai Budde as names synonymous with Pro Magic success, but I agree that Kibler seems like the cooler dude to hang with.


I'd say he's up there with Kibler and maybe Kai Budde as names synonymous with Pro Magic success, but I agree that Kibler seems like the cooler dude to hang with.

Yeah, I've never gotten that impression from Finkel at all. But Kibler, getting a beer with him would be awesome. I really need to dig up that drunk draft now, haven't seen that in ages.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I haven't read anything about him since high school so I have no idea what he's like these days, but I remember reading some article years ago that made it seem like Kai Budde was strongly disliked in the world of mtg and seen as a whiny, unappreciative, foolishly arrogant little fuck.

This was from a looong time ago though, when he was still pretty much a kid.
Was my 3rd FNM last night, and I ended up coming 3rd! It's actually the first night I've even won a match. Made my own deck too, feels pretty good.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Was my 3rd FNM last night, and I ended up coming 3rd! It's actually the first night I've even won a match. Made my own deck too, feels pretty good.

Definitely a great feeling to do well. It sounds geeky as hell, but the first time I ever took first place at a serious tournament with top notch players, I felt like a fucking badass for a week.
Definitely a great feeling to do well. It sounds geeky as hell, but the first time I ever took first place at a serious tournament with top notch players, I felt like a fucking badass for a week.

Yeah it's great. I lost my last couple matches because I was tired and wasn't paying attention... I tried to target a hex proof creature with an instant card... But it was still a good time.

Would it be acceptable to post my deck in here and get some feedback sometime? Haven't really kept up with this community since I started playing.


Yeah it's great. I lost my last couple matches because I was tired and wasn't paying attention... I tried to target a hex proof creature with an instant card... But it was still a good time.

Would it be acceptable to post my deck in here and get some feedback sometime? Haven't really kept up with this community since I started playing.

Please do!

Trying to target a hexproof creature reminds me when we were playing type 4 years ago. My friend had a few of the "gotcha" cards from Unhinged (that come back to your hand when an opponent says a certain word), and was abusing the counterspell one. We got fed up with it, so once the game ended we pulled it from it's sleeve and tore it in half. So satisfying.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Please do!

Trying to target a hexproof creature reminds me when we were playing type 4 years ago. My friend had a few of the "gotcha" cards from Unhinged (that come back to your hand when an opponent says a certain word), and was abusing the counterspell one. We got fed up with it, so once the game ended we pulled it from it's sleeve and tore it in half. So satisfying.

haha we used the red one, the burn spell. Great fun.
Also used the cheese stands alone in the deck, and booster tutor (which was everyone's favorite card as long as we remembered to have boosters ready for it).

The most abusive card that made people rage was whispers of the muse and any other card with buyback really.



While the prerelease will likely end up with 70-80+ players, I think I know what most of the serious players will be playing (Each started at 21)
So this is my deck at the moment, the first deck I've actually tried to put some thought into since I started playing a few months ago. I did well with it at FNM last night but I'm sure there's room for improvements. I want to add some Woodland Cemetarys and Overgrown Tomb, and maybe use another Rancor or 2.

Also considering a few other particular cards once I have some more money:

Death's Presence
Necropolis Regent
Predator's Gambit

But yeah, I'd really appreciate some suggestions on how to tighten this deck up, any suggestions to add or remove, keeping it all Standard.


I was forced to stick with only Boros colors. On turn 5, I swung with the 3/1 Battalion flyer, a frontline Medic, and the boros keyrune. He took the dmg. I blood rushed the keyrune with the +5/+1 creature so I did 18 dmg in one turn to finish him off lol.


Can anyone explain how transmute exactly works, lets say i have an card that transmutes for 1BB, could i for example search a card that has BBB or does it have to be the same amount (in this case 1BB)?

Another one, if the transmute value is 1UU could i look up an BBB card, or 1BU card?


2 Merciless Eviction, Lord of the Void, B/W Guildmage, Boros Reckoner, Treasury Thrull.

Yeah, that's an X-0.

Ghost Council, Medic, 2x Treasury Thrull, 2x b/w Guilemage, 1x swords to plowshares on a 4/7 vig body, and enough great cards to only need the 2 colors. 100% game win percentage up until the finals where I decided to split since it was very cold at the shop.

+20 packs :p


Reporting in.. Will go ahead and include the TL;DR first! Sorry for the long post but hope it can help anyone out!

TL;DR: Boros just has everything at its disposal. It has aggression, evasiveness, defense, removals, and combat tricks. Best guild imo.

Went Boros and 4-0 tonight. Store didn't want to play it out any further. Outta the 6 sealed packs, these are the rares I pulled.

1xMolten Primordial
1xBoros Reckoner
1xFrontline Medic
1xSepulchral Primordial
1xFanthom Mage
1xPrime Speaker Zegana

3 rares for my Boros, 4 if you add the Promo which is probably the best outta Gatecrash, plus I had 3 R/W gatelands and 2 Boros Keyrune. I was going to splash green but there
were no room for it, so I stuck with R/W.


1xMolten Primordial
1xBoros Reckoner (Great 3 drop)
1xFrontline Medic (Great 3 drop)
1xFoundry Champion

2xSkyknight Legionnaire (I was regularly able to activate Battalion on turn 4 with this guy)
1xWorjek Halberdiers
1xDaring Skyjek
1xSyndic of Tithes
1xAssault Griffin
1xZarichi Tiger(Was too defensive for the most part and usually sideboarded it out for better defensive cards)
1xGuardian of the Gateless (All-star)
2xBomber Corps (There's a lot of 2 toughness creature. Would've been great to have two of these at the same time and ping them but never had them out at the same time. Just a
chump guy to trigger Battalion with)
1xSkingrand Goblin
1xScorchwalker (Shined with my Boros Keyrune)

1xBoros Charm (Lives up to the hype. Indescructible or Double-strike was too good)
1xArrows of Justice
1xHoly Mantle
1xAerial Manuever
1xBoros Keyrune (This plus Bloodrush/combat tricks = so strong)
1xMugging (Lots of annoying 2 toughness creatures this takes care of)
1xHoming Lightning
1xMartial Glory

3xBoros Guildgate

Sideboard (Basically these sideboards was when I had to go a little more defensively)
1xAngelic Edict (Side-boarded in when I felt their creatures were more aggressive)
1xSkullcrack (for Orzhov, but never had to sideboard it in)
2xFurious Resistance
1xShattering Blow

Basically, the plan was to be super agressive and sideboard defensively next game if I was losing to their creatures.

Round 1 vs Ohrzov: 2-0
Boros is too fast and overwhelming for Ohrzov. In this one turn, I had a Daring Skyjek, a Frontline Medic, and the 1/1 Boros Keyrune strking. My opponent had 18 life with a
creature with 2 toughness. My creature were indestructible thanks to Frontline Medic’s Battalion, so he just took the damage. I Bloodrushed my 1/1 Keyrune with Scorchwalker’s +5/+1,

so he was a 6/2 double-strike. He took 18 dmg in one swing and was peaced out lol.

Round 2 vs Boros+Gruul: 2-1
His Paladin with Madcap Skills Absolutely destroyed me first game. A 5/2 first strike along with needing two creatures to block and Bloodrush guys to pump him up? GG game one. I
side boarded in Angelic Edict. Great thing that I did because he had the same set up game two, but I was able to exile it away. Game two and three I was just able to flood the board and overwhelm.

Round 3 vs Gruul+Boros 2-0
His combo was really aggressive at the start, having Madcap Skills attached to his creature. Damn, that card was annoying! He had me all the way down to 6 vs his 27 life. I
finally got to play Guardian of the Gateless which was an all-star. Foundry Champion and several creatures later, I was able to take him out. Game two he jumped ahead again and got to play Aurelia. I put on a pokerface and acted devastated, but I had Arrows of Justice in hand.

Round 4 vs Simic 2-0
He had no removals for my guys, who were evasive enough to play around his defenders. I also got rid of any mages that would’ve gave him card advantage with my removal spells.


Had a pretty awesome night last night! Played against one of the better players at my shop with a deck I cobbled together last night and won. I played cavern of souls and named demon and everyone turned their head to me and where like "wut?" The whole shop ended up watching our game.

I had a 10/10 desecration demon that had double rancor and was unblockable from rouge passage. I dont think the deck was particularly good but it was completely unexpected with cards that arent top tier.

Excited for today! Boros here I come!!!!


Unconfirmed Member
I was forced to stick with only Boros colors. On turn 5, I swung with the 3/1 Battalion flyer, a frontline Medic, and the boros keyrune. He took the dmg. I blood rushed the keyrune with the +5/+1 creature so I did 18 dmg in one turn to finish him off lol.

I can top that.

Turn 1: Nothing
Turn 2: Daring Skyjek (3/1)
Turn 3: Madcap Skills on Skyjek, they can't block because they need two creatures, swing for 6. (14 life)
Turn 4: Use Mugging on one of their creatures so it either dies or can't block. They can no longer block because of Madcap Skills (again), Scorchwalker Bloodrush the Skyjek, swing for 11. (3 life). Opponent gives up.

I won at least 5 of my games with absolutely no deviation from that method, and ended up going 6-0 and winning the tournament. For reference's sake, I managed to pull 3 Daring Skyjeks, 2 Madcap Skills, 2 Muggings, and 2 Scorchwalkers. Of the 40+ people playing, I won so quickly that half the time I was either the first person or very nearly the first to report my win. Boros isn't good, it's fucking insane. The only Boros rare I pulled was Firemane Avenger. Admittedly, I did Splash Green for Domri Rade and Rubblebelt Raiders, but I only played them once each: Rubble belt won me a game, I lost the game I played Domri Rade.

Considering Madcap Skills, Scorchwalker, Mugging, and Daring Skyjek (or Wojek Halberdiers, no difference) are all common, this deck will go off in draft. I can't even imagine how easily I would have one if I had pulled a Boros Charm or two.


Like I mentioned, Madcap Skills was the only nightmare I was up against. Thankfully, I had several removal spells to eventually deal with it. But still, if I had that card, I also would've played it.

Believe the hype in Boros Charm, especially in limited. With no fog effects to worry about, I finished most of my matches giving double-strike to a creature for huge dmg. Add blood rush to it, and I was doing at least 10 points of dmg often.

Wish our store played it all the way out because I felt like my deck would've taken it. Oh well. If I play again, I was going to play Simic but I may stick with Boros again lol.


So my deck was pretty unreal

1x Thrull Parasite
1x Dutiful Thrull
1x Guildmage
2x Basilica Guard
1x Court Street Denizen
1x Kingpin's Pet
2x Syndicate Enforcer
2x Assault Griffin
1x Alms Beast
1x Treasury Thrull
1x Deathpact Angel

2x Smite
3x Grisly Spectacle
2x Debotor's Pulpet
1x Devour Flesh
1x Undercity Plague

3x Guildgate
8x Swamp
6x Plains

....So of course I didn't win a single game. Opponent Milled me out in game 1 of the first match, and in the next game I only cast 1 spell after a mulligan to 5. Match 2 I had mulligans to 6 and 4 respectivly, and cast a total of 3 spells in the entire match. Such a frustrating day.
So does smite kill the creature before the blocking creature actually takes damage? Or do you actually have to block an attack and take damage first?

Edit: Also, when you win packs at these pre releases, can you actually win gatecrash packs, or do you have to pick something else?


So does smite kill the creature before the blocking creature actually takes damage? Or do you actually have to block an attack and take damage first?

Edit: Also, when you win packs at these pre releases, can you actually win gatecrash packs, or do you have to pick something else?

1. Yes

2. Yes, Gatecrash packs.
I had a great time hanging out with my buddies and opening my packs. I didn't have it in me to play In the tournament. I'm still too new and a little intimidated.

I wanted Boros but they only had 12 packs so I went with simic. Got a planeswalker and a few other cool cards.


Like I mentioned, Madcap Skills was the only nightmare I was up against. Thankfully, I had several removal spells to eventually deal with it. But still, if I had that card, I also would've played it.
Mad Skills definitely seems to be the MVP common of this set in limited. I've run two events so far, and it's won so many people so many games.

Believe the hype in Boros Charm, especially in limited. With no fog effects to worry about, I finished most of my matches giving double-strike to a creature for huge dmg. Add blood rush to it, and I was doing at least 10 points of dmg often.
There is one fog effect: Hindervines. I've seen a few simic players get really good value out of that card a few times.


Mad Skills definitely seems to be the MVP common of this set in limited. I've run two events so far, and it's won so many people so many games.

There is one fog effect: Hindervines. I've seen a few simic players get really good value out of that card a few times.

Ah, I can see that being played as a sideboard vs non Simic decks. Will keep that in mind.


Lost an extremely close final game to drop me to 3-2. Simic was really fun to play. My MVP cards were Cloudfin Raptor, like you'd expect, and Forced Adaptation which just made stuff huuuuge. The evolve deck is crazy good when it curves out.


Went 5-1 with Simic.
0 bombs in the deck but a lot of evolve cards and a great curve carried me through the games.
Lost to an insane orzhov deck featuring Deathpact angel, a 2/2 that doubles black mana with a splash for that new fireball/orim's chant.
Loved evolve, it can be absurdly aggressive if you get a good curve.

My favorite card, which was unexpected, was the blue instant that destroys a creature and gives a 3/3. So many great tricks with that and evolve, specially when the opponent is not waiting for it.


My lgs did 4-round flights, and I went 3-1 with boros splashing into orzhov (my black and b/w was insane). My deck's plan was basically play dudes early and then enchant them with something like Gift of Orzhova and ride it to victory. The deck was pretty good, but it came apart the last round when I tried to actually use Batallion and it backfired (such a useless fucking mechanic for me). I played legacy/edh afterwards rather than another flight, but it was a good time. I pulled a Breeding Pool in my initial packs and traded in a Gideon and other stuff to get a few more shocklands (which are the main things keeping me from playing modern), so it was a good day.


Went 5-0 with Boros, had insane rares of Firemane Avenger and Assemble the Legion, sadly only playable things I got. Only one guildgate that was appropriate but most of my commons and uncommons were decent. Madcap Skills is totally busted in an appropriate deck. More than once I would blow out my opponent with one of those on a decent 3 drop and just remove their other dudes.

Also Assemble the Legion is hilariously overpowered with not only the Boros prerelease card but the sorcery speed all your creatures get +2/+2 card. At least three different times I swung in with over 10 hasted 3/3's.

Toughest match up for me all day was this Orzhov deck that was 99% commons and uncommons. Extort is actually really bullshit once you start getting a few of them together to cast a one drop and then extort two or three times. Makes every card essentially live damage.

Anyway, wound up splitting the last round with the only other 5-0 person to get out there quicker, opened 24 packs and only opened 2 shock lands, the worst mythics in the set and no Frontline Medics or Boros Reckoners. Ah well, maybe some of this other junk can be worthwhile someday and I still had lots of fun today.


Went 5-0 with Boros, had insane rares of Firemane Avenger and Assemble the Legion, sadly only playable things I got. Only one guildgate that was appropriate but most of my commons and uncommons were decent. Madcap Skills is totally busted in an appropriate deck. More than once I would blow out my opponent with one of those on a decent 3 drop and just remove their other dudes.

Also Assemble the Legion is hilariously overpowered with not only the Boros prerelease card but the sorcery speed all your creatures get +2/+2 card. At least three different times I swung in with over 10 hasted 3/3's.

Toughest match up for me all day was this Orzhov deck that was 99% commons and uncommons. Extort is actually really bullshit once you start getting a few of them together to cast a one drop and then extort two or three times. Makes every card essentially live damage.

Anyway, wound up splitting the last round with the only other 5-0 person to get out there quicker, opened 24 packs and only opened 2 shock lands, the worst mythics in the set and no Frontline Medics or Boros Reckoners. Ah well, maybe some of this other junk can be worthwhile someday and I still had lots of fun today.
I opened up nearly a whole box (8-0-1'd two flights.) and got barely enough to cover my entry fees. Set is assss.


Unconfirmed Member
First flight I pulled a Shockland, Domni Rade and Firemane Avenger and sold the 10 Boosters I won for $50, and second flight I got a Boros Reckoner and went 4-1. Breaking even ain't bad, but I should have quit when I was ahead.
Played in my first tournament ever and came out 3 and 1! Got 5 packs for winning 3 games. Sadly though, my first opponent didn't show up so I got a free win, so I didn't exactly earn it. But damn is doing a prerelease tourney fun. Never played anything other than casual games with friends, but making a 40 card deck on the spot and seeing it actually work out was really enjoyable.

Boros rules by the way. If you can hit the ground running no one can really catch up. So many great cheap creatures available, and I was doing tons of combat tricks. Throwing in red bloodrush guys is great as well.

Had a really great time, the only way it could have been better is if the only mythic I pulled was something other than Gideon (didn't get him for the tourney, but in the 5 packs I won).

Really, really fun time though, I gotta see what draft tourneys are like now


I traded my foil Aurelia's Fury for a Jace and a Snapcaster. So that paid for today. Maybe could've gotten a little more for it, but shrug.


I went 5-1 and got fourth place in my pre-release with Boros. Made a horrible mistake and lost to a simic deck.

My deck was absolutely bonkers. I couldn't believe the pulls that I had.

Pulled a Firemane Angel, FOIL Aurelia, Blind Obedience as my playable rares, and a Breeding Pool for extra value.

My common/uncommons were also nuts.
3 Skyknight Legionnaire
2 Sunhome Guildmage
2 Madcap Skills
2 Syndic of Tithes
2 Mugging
Fortress Cyclops
Homing Lightning
2 Zhur-Taa Swine (light green splash)

Honestly, I coasted my way to the top 4.

I don't think my pulls will ever be as good as that ever again.

Hilarious interactions:
Madcap Skills and Blind Obedience = you win, your opponent can't block ever
Madcap Skills and Fortress Cyclops
Madcap Skills and Aurelia
(I think I'm seeing a pattern here)
Aurelia and Fortress Cyclops = LOL


I opened up nearly a whole box (8-0-1'd two flights.) and got barely enough to cover my entry fees. Set is assss.

Yeah, I should've just booked packs for Dragon's Maze or got store credit or even just sold packs at 3 bucks a piece to some players at the LGS afterwards.

Set really is ass. I don't know how development thought Gatecrash was a good follow-up to Return to Ravinca. The GTC guilds are so fucking bad in comparison with the exception of Boros. Maybe in Dragon's Maze they'll even it out but I doubt it.
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