Etrian Oddity
It'll discourage a terrible, terrible archetype, so it's a good thing. Draw-go control is bad for the game because if it's strong. RDW/Atarka is basically all that can compete against it. There's a reason why Dang's deck got super popular about the same time Yasooka's deck got in vogue.If they only ever allow control to do one thing at instant speed, it can't function. You can't sit there and hold up mana for a counter when you're opponent knows that the only thing you can do- likewise whats the point of holding up mana for instant speed draw if it's the only thing you can do; doing it at sorc speed serves the same purpose.
Instant speed draw is fine. Instant speed on the power level of DTT is not. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
The whole "they'll learn and not do DTT/TC" doesn't work because they clearly don't want to learn. They LOVE buffing blue draw-go. R&D needs to throw the baby out with the bathwater because they have no self-control.
Draw and counter are the two most powerful abilities in Magic, I don't think anyone will argue that. They need to realize both cannot be strong at the same time. It needs to be a pendulum.