Okay, got in on a playset for 22. Let's see how this goes.
Like, just now? From where?
Okay, got in on a playset for 22. Let's see how this goes.
23.49 on Ebay, I got a set for 21.50 on TCGP moments ago, might be able to get under Ebay still using them.Like, just now? From where?
The best performing standard decks were still two color gw megamorph(including one with zero- !!!- Gideons)
So it'll increase by a few dollars in a decade or so. I want ROI now dagnabbit!23.49 on Ebay, I got a set for 21.50 on TCGP moments ago, might be able to get under Ebay still using them.
Angels have a lot of casual appeal, its a mythic from a low-opened set, etc. I don't see it going down any further and any Mythic from Origins has spike potential.
Yasova's available for .25 each w/ free shipping from Happy Viking Games on TCGP, seems like a good chance to grab a playset in case a bud ever needs to build Atarka.So it'll increase by a few dollars in a decade or so. I want ROI now dagnabbit!
still kicking myself i didn't get a set of jaces
I moved all my pulls at the card shop friday including gideon.
Idk how magic has this randy guy casting. Even as a newbie, i cant stand him. Maybe magic people love him tho.
I like almost everyone else. Still watching the draft vods.
I had to walk away, what happened just now in the last match?
Buehler's wife works for WotC and prevents him from actually playing so he's a guy who they don't really have anything better to do with because he's stuck in limbo.I've disliked listening to Buheler ever since I've come back to Magic. He's awful.
Buehler's wife works for WotC and prevents him from actually playing so he's a guy who they don't really have anything better to do with because he's stuck in limbo.
Because they're not married.
That would be gross.
2x posting for visibility edit: Wingmate Roc- if you want to play G/W/x decks, you may want to jump on it today, its $5 copies were just bought out on TCGP.
And Takimura won, holding up the new master, same as the old.
Is it just me, or was this one of the lamest Top 8s we've had in a while?
Buehler's wife works for WotC and prevents him from actually playing so he's a guy who they don't really have anything better to do with because he's stuck in limbo.
edit: Wingmate Roc- if you want to play G/W/x decks, you may want to jump on it today, its $5 copies were just bought out on TCGP.
You get punished hard for stumbling- play things that increase consistency. G/W is insane on that front, decks with Jace use him to smooth out, etc.So is the mana just not as good as advertised? Should everyone just be playing Megamorph?
So is the mana just not as good as advertised?
Yep! I think Jeskai black is the best deck if everything goes your way and even if things don't, as long as the mana works with you. If not, you just get worked. Same with all the other 3+ color decks.I dunno, I've never found Randy particularly annoying. Plus Vintage Super League was his idea so he's got some points to start from me.
If it were possible I'd just want Marshall and Ian to do every match tho.
The percentage of games where you can fix your mana correctly for four colors is still high enough to go with, it's just that in the four color decks during the games where the mana doesn't come together it's a complete blowout.
Finally pulled an expedition land! The pic doesn't do it justice.
Also got the legendary vampire. Pretty lucky draft. Ended up going 2-1 losing to a sick BW ally deck. Dude had at least 10 allies and had March from the Tombs ever game. Allies looks tiny but geez all that draining adds up.
Because Flashback's a block mechanic and there's room for t?It's a little thing, but do you know what grinds my gears about the promo Snapcaster Mage? It has reminder text. Why?
I'm sorry, but I think the actual Expedition art is so fucking shoddy and terrible. The BfZ tangolands look better than the faux-impressionist crap.Finally pulled an expedition land! The pic doesn't do it justice.
Also got the legendary vampire. Pretty lucky draft. Ended up going 2-1 losing to a sick BW ally deck. Dude had at least 10 allies and had March from the Tombs ever game. Allies looks tiny but geez all that draining adds up.
So just how bad are the bfz lands when fetches are gone? Are we going to go from one of the best standard manabases ever to one of the worst?
It's kinda ridiculous when you take into account for what kind of event it's given away.
DTT rotating should help.I would rather endure a root canal than deal with the displeasure of a grindy, trolly Blue/Black deck. It only attracts the cocky asses who think they're smarter than they are because Wizards loves overpowering Blue's color pie.
WotC, stop encouraging this draw-go bullshit. Good fucking lord. /vent
They're just gonna reprint more bullshit instant-level draw.DTT rotating should help.
I'm sorry, but I think the actual Expedition art is so fucking shoddy and terrible. The BfZ tangolands look better than the faux-impressionist crap.
They're just gonna reprint more bullshit instant-level draw.
That's really the problem. Either have instant draw, or counterspells. You cannot have both.
Besides, we still have Scatter to the Winds, Clash of Wills, and Scorn.