I don't understand this argument at all; 'Scry 2' is not strictly better than 'draw a card'. If you're a control/midrange deck that wants to hit land drops, it's just straight-up worse in most situations.
Read the Bones is a very strong card and fits into more decks, but Painful Truths is a much better choice in the lists that can support it.
That is a real creature with real abilities, first exciting card I've seen in awhile. Can't be chump blocked either, potentially a 7/7 but more likely a 6/6 trample , and plays defense as well.
Is this possible or a mistake? I haven't played any non-PC MTG since, hmm, probably Mercadian Masques (ugh) except for one Onslaught booster draft (great fun). Are there now ways to spend 5 different colours of mana on a 4 CMC creature? Do you get lands that you can tap for dual-mana like those weird split-mana symbols on spells or something?
Also, MTG looks fucking weird these days, 'old man yells at cloud', etc...
I'd much rather have scry 2, draw 2, lose 2 than draw 3 (at best) lose 3 in pretty much any case tbh
On one hand, Nahiri last showed up in a set that plucked characters from throughout time and space, and on the other, I think the last Uncharted Realms she showed up in implied she was basically immortal even as a neowalker.
Assuming the block Planeswalker population can handle her, odds are okay-to-goodish.
Also good waifu choice
Too advanced for my 20th century MTG brain.
I wish they'd reprint this, just so there's a version with colored mana symbols in the text box.
It'd be a great reprint for BFZ. Doesn't fit in the number crunch though![]()
Too advanced for my 20th century MTG brain.
I wish they'd reprint this, just so there's a version with colored mana symbols in the text box.
Did not realise this was a thing. Kinda want one for my 5 colour deck now.
Haha, I do love LSV cracking jokes about vampires in his recent MOCS legacy cube draft recording session. "They're all high-powered cards, well, with the exception of these." *hovers mouse above vampires*Got excited for Horribly Awry, then read it again and realized it only counters creature spells. Lame. I do love my counters.
Tried out the new MTGO Legacy cube list last night, pretty nice update. I guess they got rid of the vampires. Started drafting R/G/W then found a Force of Will on pick 5 or 6 somehow. Ended up making a UR control deck with some fun stuff. Consecrated Sphinx is too good.
Did not realise this was a thing. Kinda want one for my 5 colour deck now.
That card is even more than ten years old.
Well, shit. I didn't think it had been that long, but it is about 13 years since I last played with actual cards.
I had to read up the rules on regeneration after playing Magic Duels Origins and being like, "Why did my guy go to the graveyard? Why didn't it let me regenerate him?" Damn kids with their fancy new rules.
Is this possible or a mistake? I haven't played any non-PC MTG since, hmm, probably Mercadian Masques (ugh) except for one Onslaught booster draft (great fun). Are there now ways to spend 5 different colours of mana on a 4 CMC creature? Do you get lands that you can tap for dual-mana like those weird split-mana symbols on spells or something?
Also, MTG looks fucking weird these days, 'old man yells at cloud', etc...
did it die due to damage or to a -/- effect? Don't think regeneration rules changed just generally when damage and stuff is applied
Damage isn't going on the stack anymore, so that may be where the confusion lies.
I originally misremembered what the card said and it's base p/t. It is possible to pay for it with 5 colors if you have something that can make creature spells cost 1 colorless more like grand arbiter.
but Painful Truths is a much better choice in the lists that can support it.
Why not dream bigger?
Needs satyr wayfinders tho
Tooth and nail costs a million mana. See the Unwritten also fills your graveyard, which is great.just a worse tooth and nails
I thought the previous mention of her, when Sorin and Ugin were talking, implied that Sorin had done something to her and/or for her that Ugin might not like. Whether she was Vamp'd or whatever.
Also, hold up a second. When Ugin and Bolas fought last in Fate Reforged, they were both old walkers right? And then Ugin took the long nap in the crazy hedron grave and woke up, and he's a neowalker now, right? And he didn't notice or remark on this change in his power and nature? Unless I'm misremembering?
Well, shit. I didn't think it had been that long, but it is about 13 years since I last played with actual cards.
I had to read up the rules on regeneration after playing Magic Duels Origins and being like, "Why did my guy go to the graveyard? Why didn't it let me regenerate him?" Damn kids with their fancy new rules.
Don't you have to, like, preemptively regenerate now ? I'm kind of out of the loop tbh too, stopped playing around ravnica block (basically before going to high school) and just recently picked up again
Yeah there's a reason they're phasing regeneration out of the game
The problem with damage on the stack was that although it's a fun interaction, it's both unintuitive for new players and actually reduced the depth of the game.This was another confusing thing, but I looked up the change to regeneration and my problem was with an older change. No more bouncing your own guy back to your hand after assigning damage, though.
When do you have 3 different colors available when digging for lands, what if the top 3 cards in the library aren't lands?
Even in decks that can support the converge you shouldn't underestimate the costs of having to pay 3 different colored mana.
fastphantom asked: Hey Mark! It's finally my birthday, and I wondered if you had any cool info/story about my favorite set Prophecy?
Prophecy was lead designed by a person who, to the best of my memory, never served on another design team - William Jockusch.
Happy Birthday!
They were both old walkers at the time. THey mentioned it in the story panel for Fate Reforged and in several articles and/or blog posts and/or videos.I think by the time of their fight the mending had already happened, it was only 1000 years ago and we're past that now for "how long its been since Time Spiral"
Plus the whole "old/new planeswalker" think is something Wizards doesn't really want to acknowledge
retreat to coralhelm + sakura-tribe scout + any moonfolk (meloku?)
it's jank but I still like it
I think by the time of their fight the mending had already happened, it was only 1000 years ago and we're past that now for "how long its been since Time Spiral"
Plus the whole "old/new planeswalker" think is something Wizards doesn't really want to acknowledge
Of all of them
I like White, Black and Blue, red and green is meh, red more so than green
I do have a Landfall Moonfolk deck.