I don't understand why you guys have a problem with devoid. If anything, I thought it was odd that the drones in ROE were colored.
I thought it was fine because it further emphasized the difference between the drones and the "true" Eldrazi.I don't understand why you guys have a problem with devoid. If anything, I thought it was odd that the drones in ROE were colored.
Right, it's not at all apparent why we care about colorless or why colorless matters. There's just not enough cards to justify it.
I don't understand why you guys have a problem with devoid. If anything, I thought it was odd that the drones in ROE were colored.
It is pretty close to a waste of a mechanic. It allows you to attach a ghostfire blade to a colored creature, dodge Ugin's minus, dodge protection (which they just all but removed from the game) and almost nothing else. It's the marquee mechanic of the set, should be impactful on the level that morphs were in Kahns, but it just kinda does nothing.
As for Devoid itself, it's a bad mechanic in my eyes because in the majority of contexts it barely matters. I've seen comparisons to colored artifacts, but the fact is that a lot more cards care about whether something is an artifact than whether something is colorless. So for Devoid to matter, you need a lot of "colorless matters" cards in the set, which feel redundant with the rest of Magic where almost every colorless card is an artifact.
Morph in the last block helps, but I still feel like Devoid was a poor design solution.
Someone on twitter mentioned this set feels just like New Phyrexia to them and...
.....yup. LOL.
I think you have it backwards. Cards were made to look for colorless cards instead of just Eldrazi so that they could better interact with artifacts from older sets, and Eldrazi were made devoid to work with Limited and for flavor. Devoid is parasitic, but the "colorless matters" cards are not.
For example, Forerunner of Slaughter could have given just Eldrazi haste, but it helping colorless creatures makes it less parasitic.
Besides, MaRo has stated that for most of design and development, devoid wasn't actually a mechanic, but rather they just used the color indicator. Thus, it isn't actually a marquee mechanic.
And that counter is devoid because?
And that counter is devoid because?
So I guess we are never getting any lands that make tokens without sacrificing themselves ever again? I can get the power level concerns to a degree in theory but I don't think it happens that often in reality. Like Urza's Factory and Vhitu-Ghazi, the City Tree were STRONG cards but not degenerate. Given how nerfed LD has been though maybe there is no other option.
this land is insane doesn't come into play tapped, produces coloured mana, can spawn tokens when you need them at instant speed, ramps you from 7 to 9
nvm it doesn't produce coloured mana, disregard everything the scan just looked so blue I assumed it did.
Don't misunderstand, I know this card and Foundry of Consuls are quite good, I was just talking about a change in design philosophies at WOTC R&D
It's starting to look like maybe this set did need the full art lands to sell.
I'm super casual but I was going to buy a couple fat packs or a box for a kitchen table draft after Pax because stuff started off looking neat. Everything since then has been really unexciting, so I'll probably keep not buying much Magic.
And that counter is devoid because?
Devoid isn't just a bad mechanic, it's a total cop-out. Remember when Maro was talking about how it was a problem that they couldn't make cheap dragons with the lore of Tarkir? Why not just take random elves and warriors and give them "Dragonvoid: This creature counts as a dragon"? That's just as bullshit to me as taking cards with a colored mana cost and declaring them to be colorless. Couldn't make enough wedge cards for a full block? No problem: Just stick "Abzanvoid: This card is white, black, and green" on Glory Seekers and mana elves. SO ELEGANT!
This set is such a fiasco. The planeswalkers and expeditions are the only good things about it so far, at least for constructed.
Anafenza shuts graveyard resources downIs there any proper graveyard hate in standard atm?
Anafenza shuts graveyard resources down
The hope is that what's next will crush.The frightening thing is that the day will come when Khans rotates out and we're left with this abortion of a block.
Yeah, this set isn't exactly getting me excited for the Pre-release/drafting it. I mean, a good Draft Deck is mostly commons/uncommons, but the rares are still a great part. All I'm seeing that I'd like to pick up once the set drops is a Zada, the new Merfolk guy, and Gideon.
Let's see, if I don't do my one draft a week of MTG for BFZ the entire time it's in draft(6 months, right? Spring Set comes out April/May usually), I'd have roughly $450 in extra money. I'll have to think on this more, but that'd be enough to get a Trostani EDH Deck and about 3/4ths of a cheap Modern deck.
Don't forget, lands are colorless. The colorless-matters stuff also works with awaken.I think you're right on everything here. Colorless tribal is, in the case of this block, Eldrazi tribal, but has better hooks to the last core set and last block. I think it works well.
Like if you had only shown me the name and artwork, I would not in a million years have guessed it's for a counterspell.
Horribly Awry
Who gets paid to write this stuff?
Like if you had only shown me the name and artwork, I would not in a million years have guessed it's for a counterspell.
Horribly Awry
Who gets paid to write this stuff?
I would have guessed counterspell... Just not a creature-only counterspell.Like if you had only shown me the name and artwork, I would not in a million years have guessed it's for a counterspell.
Horribly Awry
Who gets paid to write this stuff?
The frightening thing is that the day will come when Khans rotates out and we're left with this abortion of a block.
Is there any proper graveyard hate in standard atm?
How is the transition to 3 blocks working with Khans? Will we get Khans - Zen - Whatever's next or will they rotate Khans out as soon as the 2nd 2 set block hits and we won't have a full size standard until the third 2 set block lands?