No, it's leagues better, I agree - I didn't mind drafting it, and I think we were doing 1xSHA 2x CON a lot too.3xSHA is debatable, but 2xSHA 1xCON is a solid draft format. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.
People liked Alara? Really??
Yeah, I think we did that too at some point. All the protection bears! Also, Fusion Elemental was legit in 5c control.No, it's leagues better, I agree - I didn't mind drafting it, and I think we were doing 1xSHA 2x CON a lot too.
In Jace's case (tee hee) he was already hatedNah, see they hit puberty and then some stressful situation activates theirX-Genespark and they find themselves with strange and unusual powers that causes them to be hated and feared by humanity.
In Jace's case (tee hee) he was already hated
I don't doubt Rosewater on this one.I want to see the market data showing Jace is the most popular
I own that book because they were literally selling copies at GenCon one year for $5. I don't think I've ever opened itI hated jace ever since they did that Bait and Switch in the book with him. Immediately put it down and never touched it again.
The bajillion versions of him don't help.
I own that book because they were literally selling copies at GenCon one year for $5. I don't think I've ever opened it
Bbbububu blue mana heroes are the face of the gameI hated jace ever since they did that Bait and Switch in the book with him. Immediately put it down and never touched it again.
The bajillion versions of him don't help.
Great appeal with the mythics.Was Avacyn really that bad? Honest question, since I dropped out of Magic before the set got released due to personal problems. Seems like it still has five really broken cards or so, that are useful in Legacy and Modern. Infinitely times more than BFZ at least.
It's biggest sin is being probably the single worst Limited format of the modern era of design. It has lots of individual interesting or powerful cards for many formats, its just really really junk taken as a wholeWas Avacyn really that bad? Honest question, since I dropped out of Magic before the set got released due to personal problems. Seems like it still has five really broken cards or so, that are useful in Legacy and Modern. Infinitely times more than BFZ at least.
Was Avacyn really that bad? Honest question, since I dropped out of Magic before the set got released due to personal problems. Seems like it still has five really broken cards or so, that are useful in Legacy and Modern. Infinitely times more than BFZ at least.
I hated jace ever since they did that Bait and Switch in the book with him. Immediately put it down and never touched it again.
The bajillion versions of him don't help.
Daedardus said:Was Avacyn really that bad? Honest question, since I dropped out of Magic before the set got released due to personal problems. Seems like it still has five really broken cards or so, that are useful in Legacy and Modern. Infinitely times more than BFZ at least.
Bbbububu blue mana heroes are the face of the game
I mean, wotc wants them to be, but white mana heroes always take the spotlight, see Gerard and Gideon, holy shit two g's
Kamahl was always a favorite tho. The fucking Conan of Dominaria
What is this referring to? (I didn't read the book, but am always looking for new Jace-hating ammunition.
Like I said, Shards wasn't as fast a format as RTR which was dominated by bears. The panoramas were fine. Most of the common three colour creatures cost 5 mana.
Comparing uncommons to commons. The cluestones would be a better analogy. The cluestones were unplayable even in the five colour decks, whereas it wasn't unheard of to play the obelisks up until Conflux.
Standard playersdid Mantis Rider just become the best creature? No replacements for Lightning Strike or Bile Blight in BFZ. The new "Hero's Downfall" is a sorcery. There are other ways to kill it but nothing as efficient or ubiquitous as those two were.
I know, I know, Siege Rhino is probably still #1, sigh...
Also, no u/r or r/w manland makes me sad. Am I going to have to play gainlands in my Jeskai deck?
Yeah, the problem with Mantis Rider is that Jeskai's mana base got worse while a lot of other color combinations' got better. With no Lightning Strike I'm really questioning whether it's still worth playing red at all, when Bant or Esper have such superior mana bases.
I wonder if Reave Soul is going to be a card now that Lightning Strike/Bile Blight is gone.
Cascade being horrible probably has something to do with why they aren't revisting it
What does Evan leaving mean?
Was Avacyn really that bad? Honest question, since I dropped out of Magic before the set got released due to personal problems.
I want to see the market data showing Jace is the most popular
Was Avacyn really that bad? Honest question, since I dropped out of Magic before the set got released due to personal problems. Seems like it still has five really broken cards or so, that are useful in Legacy and Modern. Infinitely times more than BFZ at least.
If my opponent can play a Woolly Thoctar on t3 then all the power to him/her. Magic is a game of variance after all and drawing two different basics and a panorama isn't that outlandish. The WGR restricion is very real, and it's an uncommon in a big set, so it shouldn't come up often. Alara draft might be tempo-based at times, but sealed certainly wasn't. Contrast that to RTR sealed where you can still be aggressive because of stupidly powerful cards like the Guildmages.Populate is extraordinary dumb. Either you have the token generators to make it work or you don't in which case it does completely nothing. And Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage does both. And don't get me started on Pack Rat. That should be a crime against good set design.A) Even if you want to describe RTR as a faster format, that doesn't change the fact that Alara had a lot of aggressive draws. Because the mana is worse in Alara, you are more likely to fumble on colors and have cards stranded in hand. If your opponent opens with a good Exalted draw or went Plains, Mountain, Forest into Thoctar and you were still trying to fix your mana with Panoramas or Obelisks you wanted to kill yourself. That's one of the big reasons the fixing in the format was such a drawback.
Yeah, the problem with Mantis Rider is that Jeskai's mana base got worse while a lot of other color combinations' got better. With no Lightning Strike I'm really questioning whether it's still worth playing red at all, when Bant or Esper have such superior mana bases.
I wonder if Reave Soul is going to be a card now that Lightning Strike/Bile Blight is gone.
I just assume Jace is probably a fat neckbeard who uses illusion powers to make himself look more like a badass.
I wasn't complaining about power level, I was complaining about it being inappropriately strong in a set that's supposedly designed for 3-color decks.If my opponent can play a Woolly Thoctar on t3 then all the power to him/her. Magic is a game of variance after all and drawing two different basics and a panorama isn't that outlandish. The WGR restricion is very real, and it's an uncommon in a big set, so it shouldn't come up often. Alara draft might be tempo-based at times, but sealed certainly wasn't. Contrast that to RTR sealed where you can still be aggressive because of stupidly powerful cards like the Guildmages.Populate is extraordinary dumb. Either you have the token generators to make it work or you don't in which case it does completely nothing. And Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage does both. And don't get me started on Pack Rat. That should be a crime against good set design.
But I guess you've shifted it towards Khans now. :lol Khans had better uncommons, and morphs, but it still had unfair 3colour cards you could open with like Mantis Rider, Savage Knuckleblade, Butcher of the Horde, Siege Rhino, Anafenza. They might be rarer, but they're much more powerful than freaking Woolly Thoctar and Tower Drake. You also had the Charms and Ascendancies. My point is, Shards is still a good set despite the mana intensive cards. You do have influence on what you draft. And complaining about Exalted is a bit like complaining about Convoke in M15. Or tokens in MM2015. Or G/W in Innistrad. Or B/R in Zendikar. There will always be draft archetypes that are stronger than others.
But the exalted decks are still 3 colour? You can rarely draft two colours in Shards and Bant has a bunch of playable cards like the exalted bird.I wasn't complaining about power level, I was complaining about it being inappropriately strong in a set that's supposedly designed for 3-color decks.
I just call him Ertai 2.0
Even though they aren't part of SCG? I thought Evan did them on his own. They're what got me into competitive magicAlso, no set review for fans of those.
Well that's a relief. It's the only set review I care about.Apparently this one is coming, per his patreon. Dunno about the future tho.
nilhir asked: It really does feel like BFZs greatest challenge was to fit everything that was beloved from a whole block into a single set. Kind of sad that only two colors got an invoker, but you take what you can get. Super thrilled for BFZ.
One of the hardest parts of design was we were really trying to cram two completely different sets into one set.
As obvious as this I suspect this is going to be a very relevant quote in the next year
I imagined the move to the two set stucture would be rocky and this just confirms it. Maybe BfZ block started out as three sets? That would explain a lot.