A Serious Man
Jesus that's an expensive deck.
And it costs about $200 less than most Esper Dragons builds. Jace and Ojutai double-teaming ya wallet.
Jesus that's an expensive deck.
Jesus that's an expensive deck.
Jesus that's an expensive deck.
Ah. That's not so bad then.I opened a fair number of deathmists and den protectors, so I didn't need to shell out much for them. I lot of the other cards I had already owned. The only cards I specifically need to buy for this deck are the Hangarbacks and Canopy Vistas. Basically, I'm actually playing this deck so I don't play one of the other wallet killers that are popular right now haha
These full-arts look fucking great.
Island is the best card in the set. (I love awaken as an ability).
it's ovahWhere is the stream?
Damnit was away from my PC all weekend if I sign on now can I still get th cards?
Damnit was away from my PC all weekend if I sign on now can I still get th cards?
New to MTG and am wondering if there is a community thread for MTG where you can post deck lists for advice or is here fine?
Here is fine!New to MTG and am wondering if there is a community thread for MTG where you can post deck lists for advice or is here fine?
This is the community thread, lol. We're bouncing it temporarily to OT as an experiment.
Here is fine!
Yes.Oh my fucking god does everyone let the damn game sit on their combat response window with no untapped lands for like five fucking minutes?
If my opponent can play a Woolly Thoctar on t3 then all the power to him/her. Magic is a game of variance after all and drawing two different basics and a panorama isn't that outlandish. The WGR restricion is very real, and it's an uncommon in a big set, so it shouldn't come up often. Alara draft might be tempo-based at times, but sealed certainly wasn't. Contrast that to RTR sealed where you can still be aggressive because of stupidly powerful cards like the Guildmages.Populate is extraordinary dumb. Either you have the token generators to make it work or you don't in which case it does completely nothing. And Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage does both. And don't get me started on Pack Rat. That should be a crime against good set design.
But I guess you've shifted it towards Khans now. :lol Khans had better uncommons, and morphs, but it still had unfair 3colour cards you could open with like Mantis Rider, Savage Knuckleblade, Butcher of the Horde, Siege Rhino, Anafenza. They might be rarer, but they're much more powerful than freaking Woolly Thoctar and Tower Drake. You also had the Charms and Ascendancies. My point is, Shards is still a good set despite the mana intensive cards. You do have influence on what you draft. And complaining about Exalted is a bit like complaining about Convoke in M15. Or tokens in MM2015. Or G/W in Innistrad. Or B/R in Zendikar. There will always be draft archetypes that are stronger than others.
BFZ Sealed Simulator
BFZ Draft & Sealed Simulator
Running through these a handful of times, I feel like RG is typically where you want to be in this format. I'm sure my opinion will change after I've played it a few times for real.
You can. After declaring attackers, each player gets priority, then you move to declare blockers, then each player receives priority, then you move to damage, then each player receives priority, then you move to end of combat, where each player receives priority, then you move to main phase 2.MTGO is teaching me that I don't understand combat timing at all. So I can't play instants after I declare attackers?
MTGO is teaching me that I don't understand combat timing at all. So I can't play instants after I declare attackers?
You have to set stops on all the phases during which you might want to cast instants, otherwise the program assumes you have passed that phase. You can set stops by clicking the little arrows under / above the phases.
Edit: beaten
I think it's only turned on for certain places by default. Like your main phases and beginning of combat.It is so dumb that is not turned on by default
It is so dumb that is not turned on by default
I agree with you that RTR and Khans are better, more carefully thought out sets, but they are a bit, how should I put this, safe. They aren't as raw as the original Ravnica and Shards. Let me explain this.If you like Shards of Alara that's ok, more power to you. But there are real flaws with its design: bad fixing, cards and mechanics in the set that exasperate those shortcomings, tons of straight up bad cards (hello NWO being retroactively fit unto the set), unbalanced shards and shard mechanics, etc. This isn't a minority opinion either. RTR is a better designed general multicolor set and Khans is just a better designed 3 color set - which makes sense as they've learned a bunch of stuff since then.