Onslaught/Mirrodin were nowhere near the price of today's decks, and Odyssey/onslaught was even cheaper because UG Madness and Psychatog were pretty cheap, as was Monoblack control where the only expensive card was really murari. Onslaught/ Mirrodin you had goblin bidding which was a bit pricy due to bidding, pile driver,siege gang, shatpshooter and fetches. Astral slide and UW control were under $250, the eternal dragons, exalted Angels, wraths and fetches were each about $10-15, then came broodlord/ravager affinity which were 90% common and uncommon outside of chrome mox, glimmer void and ravagers which all told was maybe $150. Big Red played...arc slogger which was a 2 dollar rare and tooth and nail was a dirt cheap deck as well. Then there was the brief run of darksteel where every tribal deck ran 4 $1 skullclamps and just went to town with a $15 deck of garbage. The prices were way, way cheaper than nowadays.