Patrick Buckland said:"Yes, you hit the nail on the head when you suggest that the lack of card removal was for reasons of deck balance. To be honest, I also felt the same way as you originally (being also a jaded old Magic player!), and fought against the decision during the design phase with Wizards. However they were adamant that the Live arena must not be dominated by players with the sort of mindsets that dominate the Pro tour. They wanted all players to have the fun of adding unlocked cards to their decks, without the ability to create killer decks that upset the balance online.
I think this is a very good reason for them to have not included full customization, but it's not a good reason for them to have implemented the unlocked cards as "adds" instead of "swaps." They should have given each deck a 15-card sideboard you could unlock a card at a time and make you swap cards for each other one-for-one.
NIN90 said:And Akroma isn't actually a very good card.
Akroma was played extensively both times she was legal. She's an excellent finisher for white control decks (which can use various tools to keep other creatures off the board until they can play her) and also one of the top five best creatures they've ever printed to use as a target for reanimation spells.