I'll post the list I ended up taking here in a bit. Went 0-3 drop, 80~ people ended up showing up, more than was expected.
Was playing Merfolk, and just wasn't getting good opening hands at all.
Match 1: 4C Hatebears?, not really sure what the deck was.
Game one I kept a hand with 2 Cursecatchers, 2 Islands, Mutavault, a lord and a Dismember. He was able to get gifts out on turn 3, as I picked up lands and a Spreading Seas. Turn four Elesh Norn kept me from getting back in the game. Game 2 kept a bad hand and lost a race, died Turn 6 with Townshipped Finks, Scooze and Birds. Pretty sure he sided out a Gifts package since I didn't see any Islands the second game.
Match 2: Knightfall.
Lost game one on a turn three Combo. At this point wishing I ran relic main instead of Dismember. Game two he won extending faster than I could and with a Gavony Township hitting his ramp creatures (2 Heirachs and a BoP). Was wishing I had a Vapor Snag when I got him to one life.
Match 3: Affinity.
Game one I lost to the nuts. Dude had two Galvanic blasts and finished up on turn 3. Game 2 I could have won when he misplayed, but I let him go back, knowing it would kill me. Was by far the best hands I had picked up for the day in this match, but just didn't really care since it seemed like today was not my Magic day.
Overall think I should have spent more time with the deck before going. Sounds like all decks were represented there. Will go back next week, will probably put Vapor Snag or Echoing truth in the 75 somewhere.