Boy it sure is too bad that Wizards hates Modern and is killing it off right after they printed this set that will let so many new people start playing it
This is actually my biggest personal hobby-horse hype for the set, it's been making me crazy for years that only some of the new signet art had made it to print -- even with two more checked off by C16 we still weren't finished. Now here they all are together finally!
Yes, it's hard to take this set list as anything but a clear rebuke to the thought process (if one could call it that) behind MM2.
I'm really surprised MTGGoldfish doesn't offer a live tracker of this, and it's hard to see where everything settles for opening week given that the packs and the cards are all jumping around in value right now, but almost assuredly yes. It was stupid high early on with just the first few reveals + blanks, and a lot of stuff has been revealed since that dramatically increases it.
They can't really tank it very effectively that way unless they do something ridiculous like print it in all five Commander decks one year. This card is like an optimal example of cards they never should have allowed to get as pricey as they did, because now they have a crappier set of options to address it.
The ideal thing for something like this is to reprint it in a booster-based supplemental product without a $10 pricepoint -- i.e. something like Conspiracy -- but they don't have one of those coming up any time soon.