I guess BBD might be pretty good at Magic.
Lets see that deck!
When I get home you will see the two draft poolsDamn, dude. Well done! What were you playing?
10-5. Solid run for first GP.
Michael's deck is so absurd holy crap
10-5. Solid run for first GP.
I can't speak to the iPhone version, but on Steam when you do versus battle, you can pick from a matched battle (random) or invite a friend to play.downloaded Magic duels on my phone. is there an option to battle friends on this? or is just randoms.
3-0'd draft yesterday. Who knew 6/7 hexproof croc with cartouche trample was good?
Glad I bought my set of Torrentials. The weird ability to hit Memory from the graveyard surely is part of the reason for the spike.
Why would it? Aftermath only says it has to be cast from the graveyard which Fatcaster does. It works because if an effect asks you to cast a spell right now, it circumvents timing restrictions as it's part of revolving a trigger/spell.Why is this? I thought that aftermath was supposed to prevent this from happening?
I pulled a bunch of Torrentials in my Kaladesh packs.
I should set aside 4 and move the rest while they're high.
There is just one creature with Plainswalk in Legends.
Why did they make 2 hate cards for Plainswalk in Legends? Up to this day there's a grand total of 5 creatures with plainswalk, the last one from Shadowmoor.
There is just one creature with Plainswalk in Antiquities.
Why did they make 2 hate cards for Plainswalk in Legends? Up to this day there's a grand total of 5 creatures with plainswalk, the last one from Shadowmoor.
There is just one creature with Plainswalk in Legends.
Wooh ty for thisI can't speak to the iPhone version, but on Steam when you do versus battle, you can pick from a matched battle (random) or invite a friend to play.
Why did they make 2 hate cards for Plainswalk in Legends?
This is both a concession to Standard sucking AND the change to WotC PT scheduling.
Starcity are listening to their players, so the second half of the year is mostly Modern, with only two standard opens (the weeks that Hour and Ixaland release), two team construced and a bone thrown at the legacy people at washington. Neat, I like an extra 7 weekends of modern streams that I can look at.
Starcity are listening to their players, so the second half of the year is mostly Modern, with only two standard opens (the weeks that Hour and Ixaland release), two team construced and a bone thrown at the legacy people at washington. Neat, I like an extra 7 weekends of modern streams that I can look at.
Why did they make 2 hate cards for Plainswalk in Legends? Up to this day there's a grand total of 5 creatures with plainswalk, the last one from Shadowmoor.
There is just one creature with Plainswalk in Legends.
The Daze playmat that they'll have for their Legacy events is pretty hot.
Except it's a great combo withLandwalking in general is just a terrible mechanic and I'm so glad it's gone. It's either a mechanic that does nothing because your opponent isn't playing the right colors are has too many non-basics, or it makes it so that your opponent can't play around your creatures in combat. There's no strategy or thinking involved. WotC used to have real hard-on for Landwalking for whatever reason, and I'm glad that they got over it.
Seriously, remember the incarnation cycle from Judgment, and how each of them did something interesting, except for Filth?
Poor poor Filth. You'll see all of the other incarnations in EDH, but never Filth.
Seriously, remember the incarnation cycle from Judgment, and how each of them did something interesting, except for Filth?
Because they don't hand out 3 byes anymore. I loved them because they weren't cutthroat and payed the travel fees, but Wizards wants to cut them probably because Hasbro is cheap af.Has anyone made a good argument why they're cutting GPTs? Player attendance at the one I went to last Saturday was pretty solid and it felt like participating in a Game Day, but the format was Modern instead of Standard. I am very late to the party, but feel like I'm gonna miss them once they're gone.
They aren't afraid of control and you have no proof to back up your points. They don't like draw go decks if that's what you saying but they are a-okay with decks like UW control which uses planeswalkers, grixis which uses a creature for its beat down plan, jeskai Nahiri/Saheeli for the same reasons as uw, etc. If your only idea of control is travis woo decks then they are adamant about them. Also UW control is approaching eldrazi trons numbers and I have heard zero complaining.They're afraid of Control because any Control Deck that could post the same numbers as Eldrazi Tron would be warped beyond belief.
Doesn't mean that UW isn't absolute ass though in Modern compared to the other colors.
Bullshit on that last statement. From every source I've seen Eldrazi Tron is 11% to UW Controls 4%. That's nowhere near "approaching".They aren't afraid of control and you have no proof to back up your points. They don't like draw go decks if that's what you saying but they are a-okay with decks like UW control which uses planeswalkers, grixis which uses a creature for its beat down plan, jeskai Nahiri/Saheeli for the same reasons as uw, etc. If your only idea of control is travis woo decks then they are adamant about them. Also UW control is approaching eldrazi trons numbers and I have heard zero complaining.
Bullshit on that last statement. From every source I've seen Eldrazi Tron is 11% to UW Controls 4%. That's nowhere near "approaching".
Also, when they say Draw-Go they mean the one archetype from Standard years ago.
Jeskai Saheeli/Nahiri/Grixis/UW all combined still represent way less of the field then Eldrazi Tron/Death's Shadow lumped together, and those are just two decks vs an entire Archetype.
The swing they made to making threats better then answers has Universally made new cards in RBG see more modern play then UW, considering 80% of Burn's core creatures come from the past 5 years,Abzan became a deck of its own thanks to Rhino, Fucking Eldrazi came up and now represents more meta then Control combined.
Let me make that clear:
Blue and White are so weak in Modern that a Mono-Colourless deck has almost twice the share of the meta then UW Control/Midrange. Like, I'm sorry, in what world does that represent a balanced color pie? In what world should Red Black Green and Colorless have access to Legacy power-level cards (Bolt, Thoughtseize, Goyf, and the Eldrazi Suite) while White and Blue are denied anything on par with these cards to run in the main board?
Green gets the best card filtering(Serum Visions ain't got shit on Ancient Stirrings getting to look at 5 and pick the best vs Draw 1 then Scry 2) vs Blue having R&D worry that Ancestral Visions was too strong and that Sword of the Meek would turn Lantern Control into Tier 0. Black gets access to a 1 Mana 7/7 while White gets told it can't have Stoneforge Mystic because that would "Limit the design space of Equipment and we can't have that".
Blue/White is good in Standard right now because Standard isn't full of decks that are killing you Turn 4 through dismal Counterspells. The fact that we didn't get a Revolt Counterspell in AER is baffling to me.
Just unban Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise and JTMS. Just burn Modern to the ground. Burn it to the ground until there is nothing left. Make the people see.