Everything is a net deck now. I wouldn't even worry about it honestly, since no matter what you do, if it is good and has been out for more than a month it has probably been posted online somewhere and if it is good you will be accused of net decking if it wins, unless you were the first person to post it.
Learned this during Innistrad, made a cool UR deck and my friend got butthurt and said anyone can netdeck, so his deck is better and didn't want to play against that deck anymore. The deck really built itself at the time and I didn't optimize it or anything, just took my red deck wins deck and added blue to it.
I never looked up a list after that for the deck and just worked on my Vampire deck. Also not a net deck, but at a FNM ran into a kid with the same deck. His list was different than mine, but he thought we went off the same list. Once again pretty much just got told that my deck was net decked. Gave up after that.
So, really, just who cares. Embrace the community aspect of the game and play what you like. There is almost always enough space in any deck to Add your 'flavor' to it, so do whatever you want. Aetherworks Marvel should be enough to show you that it doesn't really matter. The deck kind of builds itself if you understand the card and see the rest of the set. If you run it unoptimized, not net decked and win with it, your opponent still will think you net decked it.