a) Standard being crappy ever since Dragons of Tarkir and the new model started up (hurting Standard attendance a LOT)
b) Blowing through mechanics at a very fast pace without letting them breathe eating up design space
c) Blowing through settings at a very fast pace requiring a lot more creative staff (aka much larger labor budget required.)
This is a list of three problems, one of which is in significant part a false correlation (the things that made Standard bad are mostly a result of bad development process rather than fundamental to the two-block world), one that's trivially solvable (just don't print 22 new mechanics or eight major mechanical themes a year), and one that they're mostly locked into now (going in and unceremoniously firing ten people from the Creative team now is just gonna blow up the single marketing vector they've had the most success with the last 2-3 years, plus hurt future product development efforts even if they cut a block.) All of these problems are less bad than the problems that led them to switch in the first place, none of which they have an alternate solution for.
Like, it's clear why building a core set that's a full, draftable set that they expect people to buy is a long-term losing proposition, right? And why it's guaranteed to be miserable for players to try to squeeze three sets out of each block idea when they've literally never done that successfully?