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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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I wonder if there will be another legacy staple in those commander decks. Would be cool if they pushed a planeswalker again


For those of you who want to get the black on black planeswalkers for retail price (aka everyone) -- don't forget to set up a diff checker on the Hasbro Toy Store website, the promos from SDCC should be up there any day.

Here's the page you should be auto-refreshing on -- http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/products/category/new-to-hasbrotoyshop
Here's the difference checker I use -- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/page-monitor/pemhgklkefakciniebenbfclihhmmfcd?hl=en

Make sure you're logged in, have your payment details saved on the hasbro site, and know how to check out. LMK you need any help.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm really curious about this. Did they find that there was better design space in one ally and one enemy relationship instead of in two enemy?

I think its because doing it this way means that every two-color combo "belongs" to a specific wedge. For example, Abzan is WBG centered on W; BW cards would always be Abzan, and not a Mardu one, even though Mardu includes both B and W.

If the color center was the enemy color, for example a BG card could be either Abzan or Sultai because B would be central in Abzan and G would be central in Sultai, with the other color as secondary.


Been playing my Esper Control deck for three weeks now and I'm having a great time going to a bunch of LGS for weekday nights Magic. I am enjoying the control playstyle a lot and hence, I am now seriously looking at constructing a Modern UWR deck. Should I do it or not?

The deck is expensive as hell so I was just wondering whether there's any smart way to go about this? I was thinking of just picking up a playset of staples such as Snapcaster, Cryptic Command and Celestial Colonnade that are unlikely to be reprinted and then slowly building up from there once Khans releases. How likely is it that the fetchlands will be reprinted in Khans? And are cards such as Snapcaster and Cryptic Command in danger of being banned in the format?

Umm reposting this because I got no response earlier. Would definitely appreciate some advice.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Umm reposting this because I got no response earlier. Would definitely appreciate some advice.

The reason for the title of the thread is because nobody has a clue when fetches are going to reprinted beyond the fact that it will happen at some point. I think Command will be in Modern Masters 2, though, whenever that comes out, but that could be years from now or next year. Unfortunately, we aren't often given a lot of information about what kind of things will be printed. But Modern Masters 1 didn't make Command all that much cheaper, nor did it have any kind of real long term impact on the prices of Confidant, Clique or Goyf.

If you're looking to get any of the cards for the deck you want, my thought is to not bother waiting for reprints because you can't time them, you can just get lucky. But Snapcaster I don't see getting a reprint very soon, I'd grab those now because they're only going to get more expensive. Neither Snapcaster nor Cryptic have a chance of being banned in Modern, in my opinion. I honestly think its more likely that Jace, the Mind Sculptor gets unbanned (and that isn't happening).


Thanks for the response, Grimace.

I fully agree that timing these things is really a matter of luck. Currently, my plan is to purchase some of the staples that are unlikely to be reprinted soon (Snapcaster, Cryptic, Clique and Celestial Colonnade) and then wait for Khans and rotation to pick up the other cards such as shocklands (expecting these to fall a bit once Standard players dump their copies), and hope that Khans reprint some of the other cards.

What irks me is that MMA didn't do seem to do anything for the prices of Clique and Cryptic. In fact, they are even more expensive now than they were pre-MMA.

The fetchlands are a huge dilemma because as you said, reprinting is a matter of when and not if. But these things are going for $60 or more per card. How much are they likely to fall if they get reprinted? Were shocklands going for so much before the RTR reprint?


Are we allowed to mention if we have stuff on Ebay right now or anything like that? Got a crazy-good promo from them so listed a few items on there cheap.


Are we allowed to mention if we have stuff on Ebay right now or anything like that? Got a crazy-good promo from them so listed a few items on there cheap.

I don't see why not. Could you PM me if you don't feel comfortable? Maybe Lucario and I would buy em.
Whoo, Rainbow Bogles is doing it. Got x-1 at the Modern weekly here ^_^

  • Burn 2-0
  • Bloom Titan 2-1
  • UR Twin 2-0
  • Junk 1-2

My 3-color splash cards all did work at the tournament, and the deck in general just felt way less vulnerable than when I played regular-ass bogles last week. Madcap skills is still way overperforming Spirit Mantle in 100% of my matches. The adjusted mana base actually hurts me less than I was expecting, taking maybe 1-2 more damage per game than the regular version.

Boros Charm won me a couple games, and Inquisition out of the sideboard just blew people out. I still think Thoughtseize is too greedy, but who knows. Maybe more testing will figure it out.

I was really sad the one round that I lost, though. I had Leyline against my junk opponent and inquisition revealed Golgari Charm and Tarmogoyf. I can't beat the charm so I chose that, but a bunch of bad draws meant I just couldn't get my creature over the goyf. So I wound up losing to the least threatening card in their deck. Oh well.


Thanks for the response, Grimace.

I fully agree that timing these things is really a matter of luck. Currently, my plan is to purchase some of the staples that are unlikely to be reprinted soon (Snapcaster, Cryptic, Clique and Celestial Colonnade) and then wait for Khans and rotation to pick up the other cards such as shocklands (expecting these to fall a bit once Standard players dump their copies), and hope that Khans reprint some of the other cards.

What irks me is that MMA didn't do seem to do anything for the prices of Clique and Cryptic. In fact, they are even more expensive now than they were pre-MMA.

The fetchlands are a huge dilemma because as you said, reprinting is a matter of when and not if. But these things are going for $60 or more per card. How much are they likely to fall if they get reprinted? Were shocklands going for so much before the RTR reprint?

1. The Shocklands may not fall very far, if at all. Just be cautious to not buy in too late. They're modern staples and are as flooded as they ever will be at this very point.

2. MMA was a failure in terms of making Modern more affordable. I got lucky and got a two Cliques and a Cryptic from my boxes, and the prices did temporarily drop. But not by much and not for long. Hopefully MMA2 will be printed a bit more heavily, but I expect them to leave out some cards, which really sucks.

3. If (or when, as it would seem) the fetches get reprinted they will fall. Even if the old versions stay expensive, the new ones will be affordable. It's been the biggest roadblock for me in terms of getting into either Modern or Legacy. I finished my set of duals like 4 months ago, but I don't want to pull the trigger on fetches if they're just going to get reprinted.

Are we allowed to mention if we have stuff on Ebay right now or anything like that? Got a crazy-good promo from them so listed a few items on there cheap.

I'd be curious in a PM as well.

Rainbow Bogles is doing it[/URL]. Got x-1 at the Modern weekly here ^_^

  • Burn 2-0
  • Bloom Titan 2-1
  • UR Twin 2-0
  • Junk 1-2

My 3-color splash cards all did work at the tournament, and the deck in general just felt way less vulnerable than when I played regular-ass bogles last week. Madcap skills is still way overperforming Spirit Mantle in 100% of my matches. The adjusted mana base actually hurts me less than I was expecting, taking maybe 1-2 more damage per game than the regular version.

Boros Charm won me a couple games, and Inquisition out of the sideboard just blew people out. I still think Thoughtseize is too greedy, but who knows. Maybe more testing will figure it out.

I was really sad the one round that I lost, though. I had Leyline against my junk opponent and inquisition revealed Golgari Charm and Tarmogoyf. I can't beat the charm so I chose that, but a bunch of bad draws meant I just couldn't get my creature over the goyf. So I wound up losing to the least threatening card in their deck. Oh well.

What is Bloom Titan? Decklist?


Already well known but just wanted to confirm, WG Convoke is busted in limited. The only card you have to watch out for is that black removal all non-black get -1/-1. There aren't many other answers in the format currently.
Are we allowed to mention if we have stuff on Ebay right now or anything like that? Got a crazy-good promo from them so listed a few items on there cheap.

PM'd for curiosity!

Thanks for the response, Grimace.

I fully agree that timing these things is really a matter of luck. Currently, my plan is to purchase some of the staples that are unlikely to be reprinted soon (Snapcaster, Cryptic, Clique and Celestial Colonnade) and then wait for Khans and rotation to pick up the other cards such as shocklands (expecting these to fall a bit once Standard players dump their copies), and hope that Khans reprint some of the other cards.

What irks me is that MMA didn't do seem to do anything for the prices of Clique and Cryptic. In fact, they are even more expensive now than they were pre-MMA.

The fetchlands are a huge dilemma because as you said, reprinting is a matter of when and not if. But these things are going for $60 or more per card. How much are they likely to fall if they get reprinted? Were shocklands going for so much before the RTR reprint?

Man this is reminding me how sad I am with how expensive it is to get into the older formats of this game. Last year through MMA I pulled three Cyrptic Commands, two Cliques and ended up with playsets of all the shocklands, and yet I still don't feel like my card base for a good Modern deck is there. I recently bought one Snapcaster at $25, but I don't have any fetches at all so I still feel like I'm a couple hundred bucks away from having enough for a good deck. I know fetches aren't *required* but I can't help but feel like I will be wasting potential without them.


I actually think shocklands will dip -slightly- when rotation occurs. They aren't always 4-ofs like they are in Standard, so i'm guessing they will all be $10 or less for a short while.

And in regards to Modern Masters not doing anything to make Modern cheaper, I wonder how expensive Kitchen Finks would be right now if it hadn't been reprinted in MM.


I think a lot of people that would have traded their shocks after rotation are looking at fetches right now and thinking "maybe I'll hold onto these".



Cool. Conceivably this means you could do prelim PTQs multiple weekends per season in your own immediate area instead of having to travel super far to grind them out. And then only if you spike one do you travel however far to your regional PTQ for a relatively reasonable chance of getting Top 4 (or possibly even Top 8) in a hundred player tournament. Might make the grinder life style a little easier.

And not a concern for me, but moving Grand Prix points payouts to be based on record instead of place is so wise. Especially if they're going to continue to do that stupid thing where they reset tie breakers on day two.

Also, more GPs! Yay!


•Each advanced store can run one Preliminary PTQ per season, open to anyone who wishes to compete.
•Stores can choose between running a Standard, Modern, or Sealed Preliminary PTQ during each season, regardless of the format the Pro Tour it leads to is.
•The winner of a Preliminary PTQ will qualify for the season's Regional PTQ.
•The first Preliminary PTQ season will run December 2014–February 2015, and the Regional PTQ will take place a few weeks after the end of the Preliminary PTQ season.
•Anyone qualified for that season's Regional PTQ is ineligible to compete in a Preliminary PTQ for that season.

The bolded seems huge if you like to buy-in/sell-out of Modern- no more "Modern season is ending, cards are cheaper"

That said, the dream of making it to the Pro Tour is now probably harder in practice, but "seems" easier. I can see myself winning a big FNM and then top8ing a small PTQ, which is what this sounds like, even though you now only get to play in 1 PTQ a season.



"the Top 8 at each Grand Prix—and the Top 4 of each Team Grand Prix—will receive invitations and airfare to the next Pro Tour"

About fucking time they brought this back.

The bolded seems huge if you like to buy-in/sell-out of Modern- no more "Modern season is ending, cards are cheaper"

That will happen a bit, but since Regional PTQs are still set formats (presumably the same format as the PT they feed), I would imagine most prelims will match formats. The change seems more for formats like the recent Standard where I've heard nothing but complaints (and thus I would imagine some attendance drop-off), so if a TO wanted to run them as Modern instead they now can.


One thing I saw on twitter that I didn't think about- if your a dealer who buys space at local PTQs and GPs, your probably fucked by this.
What is Bloom Titan? Decklist?


It's a type of combo-ramp deck that has unusual win conditions:



1. The Shocklands may not fall very far, if at all. Just be cautious to not buy in too late. They're modern staples and are as flooded as they ever will be at this very point.

2. MMA was a failure in terms of making Modern more affordable. I got lucky and got a two Cliques and a Cryptic from my boxes, and the prices did temporarily drop. But not by much and not for long. Hopefully MMA2 will be printed a bit more heavily, but I expect them to leave out some cards, which really sucks.

3. If (or when, as it would seem) the fetches get reprinted they will fall. Even if the old versions stay expensive, the new ones will be affordable. It's been the biggest roadblock for me in terms of getting into either Modern or Legacy. I finished my set of duals like 4 months ago, but I don't want to pull the trigger on fetches if they're just going to get reprinted.

The problem with MMA was that they had two clearly conflicting objectives. They wanted to increase the circulation of expensive staples and yet keep the collectors' happy with the value of the cards. So they ended up with a half-assed and completely pointless solution of not only making the boosters more expensive but also making it a very limited production run. It's ridiculous and they seriously need to think it through more intelligently. You can't achieve both at the same time.

Did the MMA boosters even sell for MSRP on day one or did vendors just price them at whatever the hell they wanted?

I don't get the whole FTV series either. Why release something like that and set a MSRP for it when you are not going to force vendors to sell them at that price. What's the point then?

I actually think shocklands will dip -slightly- when rotation occurs. They aren't always 4-ofs like they are in Standard, so i'm guessing they will all be $10 or less for a short while.

And in regards to Modern Masters not doing anything to make Modern cheaper, I wonder how expensive Kitchen Finks would be right now if it hadn't been reprinted in MM.

I am now seriously considering buying a playset of every shockland in case I want to build other decks in Modern. I already have a playset of Hallowed Fountains as well as 2 of Watery Grave and Godless Shrine. The Modern decks I've seen so far tend to not play a complete set of these lands so I'm not sure if I should be buying playsets or just 2-ofs for now.

Are shocklands, taplands and fetchlands the undisputable must-have land cards in for top tier Modern decks based on what's already out there? The scrylands seem to be useful as well but don't seem to ever feature in Modern decks.


The problem with MMA was that they had two clearly conflicting objectives. They wanted to increase the circulation of expensive staples and yet keep the collectors' happy with the value of the cards. So they ended up with a half-assed and completely pointless solution of not only making the boosters more expensive but also making it a very limited production run. It's ridiculous and they seriously need to think it through more intelligently. You can't achieve both at the same time.

Did the MMA boosters even sell for MSRP on day one or did vendors just price them at whatever the hell they wanted?

I don't get the whole FTV series either. Why release something like that and set a MSRP for it when you are not going to force vendors to sell them at that price. What's the point then?

I am now seriously considering buying a playset of every shockland in case I want to build other decks in Modern. I already have a playset of Hallowed Fountains as well as 2 of Watery Grave and Godless Shrine. The Modern decks I've seen so far tend to not play a complete set of these lands so I'm not sure if I should be buying playsets or just 2-ofs for now.

Are shocklands and fetchlands the undisputable must-have land cards in for top tier Modern decks based on what's already out there? The scrylands seem to be useful as well but don't seem to ever feature in Modern decks.

The Filter lands from Shadowmoore/Eventide, the Fastlands from Scars of Mirrodin, the Painlands from Ice Age/Apocalypse and the Manlands from Worldwake are all played. The first 3 come into play untapped, and the latter, while entering play tapped, can end the game by themselves if they are not answered. The reason stuff like the Scrylands, the checklands from M10, ect don't really see much play is because they come into play tapped, which is too much of a drawback

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The problem with MMA was that they had two clearly conflicting objectives. They wanted to increase the circulation of expensive staples and yet keep the collectors' happy with the value of the cards. So they ended up with a half-assed and completely pointless solution of not only making the boosters more expensive but also making it a very limited production run. It's ridiculous and they seriously need to think it through more intelligently. You can't achieve both at the same time.

Did the MMA boosters even sell for MSRP on day one or did vendors just price them at whatever the hell they wanted?

I don't get the whole FTV series either. Why release something like that and set a MSRP for it when you are not going to force vendors to sell them at that price. What's the point then?

I am now seriously considering buying a playset of every shockland in case I want to build other decks in Modern. I already have a playset of Hallowed Fountains as well as 2 of Watery Grave and Godless Shrine. The Modern decks I've seen so far tend to not play a complete set of these lands so I'm not sure if I should be buying playsets or just 2-ofs for now.

Are shocklands, taplands and fetchlands the undisputable must-have land cards in for top tier Modern decks based on what's already out there? The scrylands seem to be useful as well but don't seem to ever feature in Modern decks.

Making the boosters more expensive was an awful, awful idea.

I'm just now getting into Modern (I mostly play Standard and Vintage), but it seems like it really depends on the deck. The U/B Faeries list I run has 0 fetches, but its also not a Tier 1 deck.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Bloom had a special place in my heart because it felt like Green Eggs.

There's nothing I enjoy more in Magic than playing lands and untapping lands to play more lands.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";123174188]Have they gotten rid of byes for grinders and top players yet? Or are they just fine with not having honest competitions?[/QUOTE]
They're fine with it as a marketing expense. Hitting 2 byes is doable with PWP tho.


I still have MMA packs from doing Holiday Cubes and they're worth a little over two tix. :lol What am I supposed to do with them?


Also, real curious to see how this new PTQ system gets applied to MTGO. It almost seems dedicated to preventing those tournaments from crashing (ie, multiple small events vs 1 gigantic event)


Just to understand this whole fetchlands thing a bit more. If there's any reprint, it's likely to be allied fetchlands first right? The reasoning being that there's no allied fetchlands that are legal in Modern right now so it's "due" for a reprinting. But if the allied fetchlands get reprinted, does it necessarily mean that the enemy fetchlands will get reprinted in the same set or block?

So what happens if allied fetchlands get reprinted in the next set and enemy fetchlands are not? Does this mean that Modern decks will be able to tweak their mana base around these allied fetchlands so they can drop the pricey enemy fetchlands and still be just as effective as before? Will such a scenario even cause the price of enemy fetchlands to drop?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I still have MMA packs from doing Holiday Cubes and they're worth a little over two tix. :lol What am I supposed to do with them?

Wait for MMA drafts to show up again or just wait until they appreciate.


Just to understand this whole fetchlands thing a bit more. If there's any reprint, it's likely to be allied fetchlands first right? The reasoning being that there's no allied fetchlands that are legal in Modern right now so it's "due" for a reprinting. But if the allied fetchlands get reprinted, does it necessarily mean that the enemy fetchlands will get reprinted in the same set or block?

So what happens if allied fetchlands get reprinted in the next set and enemy fetchlands are not? Does this mean that Modern decks will be able to tweak their mana base around these allied fetchlands so they can drop the pricey enemy fetchlands and still be just as effective as before? Will such a scenario even cause the price of enemy fetchlands to drop?

They now tend to do dual lands in all 10 pairings to make deckbuilding more interesting. If WOTC cares about Legacy and Vintage (which i'm pretty sure they don't), than the Onslaught fetches have needed a reprint for ages. If they were only to reprint the ones currently modern legal, They would probably do something like what they did to the painlands in M15 (Have enemy pairs be one cycle in one set, have allied pairs be a cycle in the next set).

I'm still of the opinion that they only reprint the enemy, Modern legal ones, because having all 10 legal makes for some stupid mana base possibilities (IE, a mono white deck with 5 Planes and 20 fetchlands that can get planes).


Just to understand this whole fetchlands thing a bit more. If there's any reprint, it's likely to be allied fetchlands first right? The reasoning being that there's no allied fetchlands that are legal in Modern right now so it's "due" for a reprinting. But if the allied fetchlands get reprinted, does it necessarily mean that the enemy fetchlands will get reprinted in the same set or block?

So what happens if allied fetchlands get reprinted in the next set and enemy fetchlands are not? Does this mean that Modern decks will be able to tweak their mana base around these allied fetchlands so they can drop the pricey enemy fetchlands and still be just as effective as before? Will such a scenario even cause the price of enemy fetchlands to drop?

I don't think enemy fetchlands will drop that much. Some decks will still prefer misty rainforests and scalding tarns in modern and legacy. I think we won't see enemy fetchlands until Zendikar 2.0, since they printed the enemy painlands already in M15. Enemy fetchlands will still be worth a good amount for at least one year.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Just to understand this whole fetchlands thing a bit more. If there's any reprint, it's likely to be allied fetchlands first right? The reasoning being that there's no allied fetchlands that are legal in Modern right now so it's "due" for a reprinting. But if the allied fetchlands get reprinted, does it necessarily mean that the enemy fetchlands will get reprinted in the same set or block?

So what happens if allied fetchlands get reprinted in the next set and enemy fetchlands are not? Does this mean that Modern decks will be able to tweak their mana base around these allied fetchlands so they can drop the pricey enemy fetchlands and still be just as effective as before? Will such a scenario even cause the price of enemy fetchlands to drop?

They would eventually do all of them, but I don't know if they would do it in a single set, because shuffling takes a lot of time. They've said they won't print partial cycles, but then they printed enemy pains in M15 anyways.

I don't think enemy fetchlands will drop that much. Some decks will still prefer misty rainforests and scalding tarns in modern and legacy. I think we won't see enemy painlands until Zendikar 2.0, since they printed the enemy painlands already in M15. Enemy painlands will still be worth a good amount for at least one year.

I play Scalding Tarn and Misty Rainforest in Vintage, but I wouldn't even bother to change it even if the allied fetches came back, really. Gush Storm is nominally a BUG deck, but its really U/B with a green splash to cast Fastbond, so all it really needs to do is fetch islands and shuffle away Brainstorm/Ponder/Preordain cards I don't want. Not printing the ONS Fetches isn't even a big deal. All they need to do is fetch islands or swamps.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No no, Hive Mind is just one win con. What makes Bloom Titan unique is its engine, which uses the original Ravnica bouncelands and Vigor Amulet to ramp. It can put out 2 Primeval titans on like, turn 3, and then bash your face in with Sunhome, or dig up Hive Mind instead.


I know it would eat up too much design space to ever be feasible, but I would like to see a system where the allied colors got possibly slower, but damage free duals (Checklands, Fastlands, Filterlands, ect), and enemy colors got painful duals (Painlands, Shocklands, Fetchlands, ect), as a way to show allies and enemies off
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