Guys, I'm having second thoughts of playing R/u Devotion in a Grand Prix of 7+ rounds. I've been playtesting it for months and it feels like the only bye is mono red aggro. Boros Burn is not a good matchup, Blue Devotion is not a good matchup, Black Devotion is like 40-60 unless they stumble on mana, U/W Control is kind of the same, but less scary since the don't run Pack Rats and win random percentages. Some hands of Jund Monsters you just can't beat. Green Devotion is way more explosive than you, especially if they get a Garruk, Caller of Beasts in play. Planeswalkers in general are problematic. I'm not really confident I can make day two with it.
So I've been looking for an alternative and stumbled upon a Japanese red aggro deck with Goblin Rabblemasters and Hall of Triumphs. The reason I feel this is a good metagame deck is because one of the best ways to beat Black Devotion and U/W/x Control is to overrun them with weenies and they will add to a good percentage of the field. Against green-based midrange decks, you have Hall of Triumph, Dynacharge, Firefist Striker and Legion Loyalist to make blocking difficult. Here's the list:
20 mountain
1 mutavault
4 rakdos cackler
4 firedrinker satyr
4 foundry street denizen
4 legion loyalist
4 ash zealot
4 burning-tree emissary
4 firefist striker
4 goblin rabblemaster
4 dynacharge
3 hall of triumph
4 chandra's phoenix
4 skullcrack
2 searing blood
2 chandra, pyromaster
1 mutavault
2 harness by force
Problem is every time I choose the mono red deck for big events, I draw horribly against the attrition decks. Not much else that appeals to me though. Boros Burn maybe, but I'm not confident I can pilot it well.