I don't think that a vacuum is always a good way to evaluate a card. We'll see, but I think this guy will probably see some Standard play.
I'm pretty sure this is worse than Lord of Innestrad, a card that never lit standard on fire.
I don't think that a vacuum is always a good way to evaluate a card. We'll see, but I think this guy will probably see some Standard play.
I'm pretty sure this is worse than Lord of Innestrad, a card that never lit standard on fire.
Courser of Kruphix spiking hard. Wish I bought my 8 copies last week...
It is worse than Lord of Innistrad, but I still think it will see some play (I certainly don't think its going to light Standard on fire). I've been wrong a lot about cards before, though.
Any planeswalker that he's never seen some play? With the exception of that weird RR one.
He's a bit inferior to the Lord of Innistrad and his token making ability is a bit weak but the pump/lifelink seems nice enough.
Already up 2 dollars. I saved/made you money!I bought them last night on eBay while drunk because Kirblar told me to. =/
MaRo's been hinting that they'd start to be doing more block inter-connectivity in storytelling. I think this is the start of that.
Nah, it'll be a more varied cast of characters. Plus you can have PWs show up without needing to devote a card to them.It just seems unlikely to me that they'd go to two block structure to be able visit more places and stories and then immediately do a six set long story with the same general cast of characters with just a Core set break.
It's a four mana wind drake that gains you 2+ life. Almost a blind hunter!I don't think that a vacuum is always a good way to evaluate a card. We'll see, but I think this guy will probably see some Standard play.
I don't understand how Outlast is ever supposed to be worth it or good.
It's okay in a Limited stalemate. For constructed? Basically never. A card would have to be really good even without Outlast for the ability to see any play.
I decided to try to start scooping up Shocklands today. With everyone out of town for events, I could only find two people with shocks :-\ I did manage to pick up a foil Watery Grave though.
Anyone think Deathrite Shaman is a good investment? It's at 10 right now, and I can't see it ever going down. Do you think it'll go up over time?
There are 20 nonbasics in this set?So there's 10 more lands left to spoil - are we expecting typed dual taplands or something? That would make some sense given that Maro said there's a ton of fixing in the set (and fetches are pretty weak fixing if all you can fetch are basics and there's no other mechanic to support it).
Don't we already know tri lands at uncommon?
Ya. 20 is a lot, though. This is where the +20 uncommons really comes in handy.Don't we already know tri lands at uncommon?
Full cycle of fetches in Khans maybe? Wizards plz
Full cycle of fetches in Khans maybe? Wizards plz
I wouldn't invest heavily in it, but I would make sure to have a play set and a spare for trade if you like long term targets. I only see it getting reprinted in a specialty product, since it is banned in Modern. A similar card might be Stoneforge Mystic, since it was printed pretty heavily as a two of in an event deck, and that has seen some gains recently.It's okay in a Limited stalemate. For constructed? Basically never. A card would have to be really good even without Outlast for the ability to see any play.
I decided to try to start scooping up Shocklands today. With everyone out of town for events, I could only find two people with shocks :- I did manage to pick up a foil Watery Grave though.
Anyone think Deathrite Shaman is a good investment? It's at 10 right now, and I can't see it ever going down. Do you think it'll go up over time?
Are you suggesting they want to ensure the second set of the best selling second set of all time? Putting Goyf in this set would depress fetchlands to sub $10 levels.So which clan is Tarmogoyf going to be in =V
They don't put 10 rare lands in a set unless the set is enormous, like 300+ cards.
It seems like the design is Present day Tarkir --> Past Tarkir ---> Present, altered Tarkir. I assume we'll see ZEN fetches in the last set, and instead of dead dragons the art will have live ones flying around and shit.
It seems like the design is Present day Tarkir --> Past Tarkir ---> Present, altered Tarkir. I assume we'll see ZEN fetches in the last set, and instead of dead dragons the art will have live ones flying around and shit.
There are really good $ reasons not to put 10 "good" rare lands n the same set- it'll suck all the box value into those cards.
But Wizards sell more boxes and that's very important for them. Why would they care so much about the value of the other cards in the set, especially in the near term.
I don't think it was a coincidence that enemy painlands were announced as a last minute addition to M15 around the time Hasbro's poor Q2 earnings came out and Magic was cited as having weak earnings. The pressure to meet financial targets is very real at these listed companies, especially in the US. It's pretty clear by now that the painlands were added to pave the way for the allied fetches in KTK which is a low hanging fruit when it comes to meeting earnings targets at Wizards.
They work a year out, this was decided long in advance. The problems with "everything comes into play tapped" are very real when you look at the other lands in the format pre-painlands.But Wizards sell more boxes and that's very important for them. Why would they care so much about the value of the other cards in the set, especially in the near term.
I don't think it was a coincidence that enemy painlands were announced as a last minute addition to M15 around the time Hasbro's poor Q2 earnings came out and Magic was cited as having weak earnings. The pressure to meet financial targets is very real at these listed companies, especially in the US. It's pretty clear by now that the painlands were added to pave the way for the allied fetches in KTK which is a low hanging fruit when it comes to meeting earnings targets at Wizards.
I just got back from PAX and as part of the swag they were giving out some Magic Intro decks. I've been interested in the game for a while but never really put any thought into it and figures that hey free deck may as well see whats up with this. I know that there are five different types of card plus multi colored and neutral and that you have to pay mana for stuff but that's as much as I know.
Spending 10 mana and 3 turns to incrementally piece together a (tapped) 4/5 and three 1/1s is not even good in Limited except in the slowest and grindiest of games. Your dork can't even attack or block thanks to Outlast, so the ability actually means "dump your mana into this incredibly marginal upgrade if you really have nothing else to do." It's not like level up set the world on fire and this is so much worse.Also, for outlast, it seems like the intended playstyle is not to use it as soon as possible, but rather wait until you have some other creatures on defense and then pump up an outlast guy until it's stronger than whatever your opponent has.
But Wizards sell more boxes and that's very important for them. Why would they care so much about the value of the other cards in the set, especially in the near term.
I don't think it was a coincidence that enemy painlands were announced as a last minute addition to M15 around the time Hasbro's poor Q2 earnings came out and Magic was cited as having weak earnings. The pressure to meet financial targets is very real at these listed companies, especially in the US. It's pretty clear by now that the painlands were added to pave the way for the allied fetches in KTK which is a low hanging fruit when it comes to meeting earnings targets at Wizards.
Spending 10 mana and 3 turns to incrementally piece together a (tapped) 4/5 and three 1/1s is not even good in Limited except in the slowest and grindiest of games. Your dork can't even attack or block thanks to Outlast, so the ability actually means "dump your mana into this incredibly marginal upgrade if you really have nothing else to do." It's not like level up set the world on fire and this is so much worse.
I just got back from PAX and as part of the swag they were giving out some Magic Intro decks. I've been interested in the game for a while but never really put any thought into it and figures that hey free deck may as well see whats up with this. I know that there are five different types of card plus multi colored and neutral and that you have to pay mana for stuff but that's as much as I know.
BUG control was the best deck in block.Anyone else think BUG will be a good control shell post rotation? Courser and fetches have great synergy. Prophet of Kruphix could work great in the deck too.
BUG control was the best deck in block.
That edict that hits the biggest critter is squarely aimed at Prognostic Sphinx.