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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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Back in 1999, Wizards of the Host held the "Create a Creature Contest." People were asked to describe the nastiest monster they could. The finalists had their creatures illustrated by Magic artists Arnie Swekel and Glen Angus. The winning entry, Spirit Monger, got featured on its own (awesome) card. Unfortunately, the original pages with the descriptions are gone and can only be seen using the Way Back Machine (Make sure to remove the "archive" part of the URL).

Here are the artist renditions of the 11 finalists.












And here's Spirit Monger.
I'm pretty surprised to see two different wrath effects previewed already. End Hostilities definitely seems like it will see more constructed play than Duneblast.

Sidisi seems pretty neat, and I really like the effect of getting zombies when you self-mill. This is the first time they've actually used the Naga creature type, right? With Kamigawa and such, they just called them Snakes.

Howl of the Horde is also neat. Interesting how it's a sorcery: if you cast it before combat so you can use it with Fling or whatever, you'll only copy it once, but if you do it after combat, you get two copies.

MaRo's article is interesting. Apparently the exploratory design of this block was the very first thing that the Great Designer Search 2 winners did. During the start of design, there were only four clans--one wedge, one shard, two ally color pairs--but they switched to wedges after the Sultai were added in by the creative team. The clans came before the color combinations were decided, and the choice of which color to focus on came from the flavor of the clans. And there is nothing particularly important about the draft order that made it necessary to build a block around; it was simply a way to approach the design that they hadn't done before.

EDIT: Jeez, Spiritmonger really lost a lot of its appeal once it was put into color, didn't it?


Oh wow, I love Sidisi. Sexy as hell at only 4 mana and she manages to play into UGB's gameplan perfectly by combining self mill and creature fodder.

It seems like all the Khans have an ability based on attacking. This leads to problems for some of them, but I think Sidisi works out better than Narset because of the lower mana cost.

So far the Khans are exactly what I thought they would be, Commander bait.
If Sidisi is Commander bait, she's some of my favorite Commander bait in a long time.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I like the fact that the newer PW have ultimates you could actually do in a non-Christmasland world.


Those are scg prices.

I believe I saw one for €500, but not sure about the condition. Emerald is the least playable with ruby I think.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So far I'm getting pretty excited about the possibility of doing something with a Team America build in standard. Keranos, the President and Sarkhan are all cards I'd like to find a way to play.
"God's Beard!"'s Weekend of Tournament Magic

Deck: Esper Control

Friday Night Magic(~25-30 players?)

  • Round One - vs Jund Planeswalkers: I have a lot of experience in this matchup, so it went pretty well. 2-0
  • Round Two - vs Hydra Tribal : This was a random kid from some Boy Scout group so I crushed him joylessly. 2-0
  • Round Three - vs Bg Devotion: Dude ran four maindeck stain the mind. Took my Sphinx's, verdicts and elspeth in the first game so I killed him with AEtherling. Took my Sphinx's and Elspeths in the last game so I killed him with Blood Baron. 2-1
  • Round Four - GB midrange: Pretty interesting games but my opponent was sloppy with his hand and shuffling so I got to play around extra cards I wouldn't have known about otherwise. I would have thought it was Bg devotion again if he didn't show me Nissa while shuffling. 2-1
  • Round Five - Mono U Devotion: Another typical matchup. Split for finals.
Final Standing: 1st place, yay Banishing Light promo and 12 packs of Ravnica/Gatecrash!

TCG Player Diamond 5K @ Channel Fireball
(~200 players)
  • Round One - Bye: mostly sit around watching a Mono U vs Esper match to get insight, notice the U player is running Fated Intervention for extra Master of Waves.
  • Round Two - Bye: Sat around drinking my root beer and listening to people chat with Paul Cheon about how unfair the bye system is.
  • Round Three - Mono U Devotion: Close matches, but I don't draw my threats before getting killed by double Mutavault. 1-2
  • Round Four - Mono U Devotion: Turns out this is the guy I watched in Round One so I was ready for his changes. Close matches again, I find a new sideboard strategy and the games run a lot better. -2 Ultimate Price, -1 Aetherspouts, -2 Syncopate, +1 Deicide, +2 Negate, +2 Nyx-Fleece Ram. 2-0
  • Round Five - Mono U Devotion(are you fucking serious?) Great matches, but I lose the crucial game one. My opening hand was Hallowed Fountain, Island, Island, 2x Supreme Verdict, 2x Sphinx's Revelation but I never drew the 2nd white source and lost uneventfully. My sideboard strategy is huge opening with double Nyx Fleece and win game 2. Game three I scry verdict to the top and banishing light his specter. He rifts my light end of turn, exiling the verdict during his combat and I never find a second one. I start missing land drops and he manages to resolve a Bident. I try to Rev for three to get him to sac his Judge's Familiar which is the only creature that can attack through my Rams, but he doesn't take the bait. Jace holds him off with +1's, but it's just not enough. Great game, but I couldn't close it out. 1-2
  • Round Six - Jund Planeswalkers: Again, a match that's hard but I'm very comfortable with it. I squeeze out game one uneventfully. I bring in my negates and open to a hand with double thoughtseize and no counters. I take both planeswalkers from his hand and force him into early top decks. He manages to get three early Rakdos' Retuns in a row emptying my hand and the rest of the game is an insane race towards the threats. He gets me down to 2 health and I hold him off for 8 turns with an absurd series of topdeck negates, dissolves and AEtherspouts until I finally hit Elspeth. A small crowd started gathering by the end, and it was my favorite match of the night. 2-0.
  • Round Seven - Mono B Devotion: Opening land was 3 lands, 4 spells including double verdict again, and literally never draw a 4th land and die to his third pack rat after I manage to sphere the first two. I bring in the 4 Blood Barons for the next two games which makes the guy completely lose his mind. He thoughtseizes me taking one, devour fleshes the other and I still top deck a third. He gets so frustrated that at one point he accidentally draws for his turn from my deck and a judge gets called, issuing a warning. 2-1
  • Round Eight - UW Cleansing Control: I thoughtseize him turn 2 on game one, revealing Sphinx's Revelation, AEtherling, Dissolve and Elixir of Immortality. I'm very counter-light at this point so I take the AEtherling. I manage to resolve my own AEtherling on turn 7 but my opponent manages to Azorus Charm it and otherwise protect himself until he starts ripping revelations while I'm drawing total bricks with a full 4 Supreme Verdicts and no counter magic in my hand at one point. I'm trying to dig to counters while forcing him to use elixir at bad points to reduce the chances of him recycling his AEtherling as much as possible. I never draw into my counters and after a grueling 44 minute game one he finally resolves AEtherling and defeats me. 0-1
Final Standing: Top 32, yay $50, a playmat and half a bye for the next tournament!

All in all it was a bunch of fun, and I think I played out my matches as well as could be expected. One of my good buddies got top 16 with Jund Planeswalkers which was pretty cool. Definitely interested in going to the next tournament like this.

One thing is that I never got to cast Deicide against anybody this weekend, which was kind of lame. I even D-sphered a Thassa one round and then top decked the Deicide which kinda sucked. I'm considering dropping the 4th Negate and the Deicide for two Gainsays but I'm pretty comfortable with my current configuration and probably won't make the change.
I thought Sidisi was really rad, but if I read correctly, if you mill more than one creature, you still only get one token? That makes it much less fun. I wanted to run it with Morality Shift, but what's the point?
I thought Sidisi was really rad, but if I read correctly, if you mill more than one creature, you still only get one token? That makes it much less fun. I wanted to run it with Morality Shift, but what's the point?

Huh, that it does. Definitely less interesting now, but I suppose it does prevent complete blowouts when you Traumatize yourself.

Also, I just found out that "durdle" is solely Magic lingo. It really feels like something that should be more common, but I suppose it really only does come up during card games.


Huh, that it does. Definitely less interesting now, but I suppose it does prevent complete blowouts when you Traumatize yourself.

Yea it totally kills the card. Which is unnecessary because basically every color has an answer to an army of 2/2s that would be there around turn 4-5, except maybe green.

The Adder

Playing a casual deck with my standard

Opponent gets Emrakul out (not cast, so no extra turn)

On my turn I thousand lashes my own creature, banishing light my thousand lashes, then banishing light my banishing light. When One Thousand Lashes re-enters I attach it to Emrakul.

This works, right?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't think so. Protection is ongoing, even if you did manage to somehow sneak One-thousand Lashes onto it, it would drop immediately due to prot-all-colors.

The Adder

I don't think so. Protection is ongoing, even if you did manage to somehow sneak One-thousand Lashes onto it, it would drop immediately due to prot-all-colors.

But it stops being a spell once it's on the field, right? Emrakul had pro colored spells.

The Adder

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";128019698]Yeah, you could just banishing light Emrakul because it's an ETB ability.[/QUOTE]

Where's the fun in that though? Also, if he hard cast another Emrakul having a Banished Banishing Light on the field would be helpful.


100 shock lands you are crazy bro.

I already had someone on the local MtG Players Facebook page hit me up as an interested party. He seems to have accepted the trade as fair and is checking to see if he has it all.

Also 100 shocks is a starting point for negotiations, it's not my bare minimum or anything


Seems like you have your ETB creatures figured out. Some way to tutor creatures can be nice or extra card draw. I always hate facing Krosan Grip and I always like Arcane Denial in my blue decks.

Most of the good creature tutoring is way out of my budget, but I could definitely swing some more card draw (Recurring Insight? Rhystic Study? Blue Sun's?) and Krosan Grip/Arcane Denial. What do you suggest cutting?

I've played EDH a grand total of once with a precon but I copied Cruel Ultimatum with Mirari which made me realize I probably need to play this format regularly because that was a special kind of hilarious.


Playing a casual deck with my standard

Opponent gets Emrakul out (not cast, so no extra turn)

On my turn I thousand lashes my own creature, banishing light my thousand lashes, then banishing light my banishing light. When One Thousand Lashes re-enters I attach it to Emrakul.

This works, right?

Banishing Light can only banish things opponents control.
Edh with a good playgroup is by far my favorite way to play Magic.

With a bad playgroup it's pretty awful, though. When I tried a commander pod at Gencon it was just the predictable Ux combo-fest that I detest.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";128030321]*sees commander, checks for mystic snake*

My man. Cancel and Gretel is one of my favorite creatures ever.[/QUOTE]

Honestly wish I had more ways of exploiting it - most of the reusable blink in the deck returns EOT. Was thinking about Nephalia Smuggler but most people who are using Roon decks seem unimpressed by it, and I get the impression that most of the flicker instants aren't worth the card.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Seems like you have your ETB creatures figured out. Some way to tutor creatures can be nice or extra card draw. I always hate facing Krosan Grip and I always like Arcane Denial in my blue decks.

Howl, attack with ornithopter, shrapnel blast BOOM!

Howl, attack with Scuttling Doom Engine, Shrapnel Blast, #dead


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";128030321]*sees commander, checks for mystic snake*

My man. Cancel and Gretel is one of my favorite creatures ever.[/QUOTE]
LOL, this is perfect.


Honestly wish I had more ways of exploiting it - most of the reusable blink in the deck returns EOT. Was thinking about Nephalia Smuggler but most people who are using Roon decks seem unimpressed by it, and I get the impression that most of the flicker instants aren't worth the card.
Momentary Blink. This was value town back in the day.

There's also a blue creature with the ability for six mana. Can't remember what it's called but it's from Avacyn Restored.
Honestly wish I had more ways of exploiting it - most of the reusable blink in the deck returns EOT. Was thinking about Nephalia Smuggler but most people who are using Roon decks seem unimpressed by it, and I get the impression that most of the flicker instants aren't worth the card.

I run it in my Zegana deck. The only blink effects I have are Ghostly Flicker and Deadeye Navigator, and I've been very happy with both of those cards. Smuggler seems kinda meh; a little too expensive for my tastes. Ghostly Flicker combos really well with Archaeomancer and Mnemonic Wall to do a good impersonation of Deadeye, and it's really sweet if you have both of those guys. I set up a soft lock the other day with Archaeomancer, Mnemonic Wall, Ghostly Flicker, and Counterspell. It was pretty sweet (for me).


Momentary Blink. This was value town back in the day.

There's also a blue creature with the ability for six mana. Can't remember what it's called but it's from Avacyn Restored.

I run it in my Zegana deck. The only blink effects I have are Ghostly Flicker and Deadeye Navigator, and I've been very happy with both of those cards. Smuggler seems kinda meh; a little too expensive for my tastes. Ghostly Flicker combos really well with Archaeomancer and Mnemonic Wall to do a good impersonation of Deadeye, and it's really sweet if you have both of those guys. I set up a soft lock the other day with Archaeomancer, Mnemonic Wall, Ghostly Flicker, and Counterspell. It was pretty sweet (for me).

Deadeye Navigator. I've found that obnoxious annoying things happen every time someone plays that card.

Deadeye was basically the first card I added when I saw it was like a dollar. Seemed like a no-brainer. I'm not doing anything too degenerate with it, at least.

I was mostly thinking about Momentary Blink and Ghostly Flicker since those get two ETBs out of one card, but I'm not really sure what to cut for them.
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