Mulldrifter is back!
Very strong for limited, but it seems like we're mostly done with burn that can hit face.
Woooooo basically Mulldrifter. Evoking it has always been giving up anyway.
And Blue/White possibly having a flicker subtheme excites me. Because that's my favorite mechanic.
Honestly, I see this as marketing's problem and not design's problem. Magic has been a fairly diverse game since its inception. There's always been experts brought on for world design, and there's always been a fairly diverse representation of races and orientations on cards. The only difference now is that marketing is seeing that they can slap buzzwords on it and get all kinds of attention for it. I shudder to think how hard they'd lean into Volrath if his storyline showed up today (check out the art for unmask for the short and sweet on that). I also noticed that Kaladesh wasn't actually particularly Indian, which means it probably shouldn't have been marketed heavily as that, but the political climate gives them huge incentive to do it anyways.
Very strong for limited, but it seems like we're mostly done with burn that can hit face.
We've been over this - burn cards that have a limitless ceiling on the damage they can do but a fixed mana cost tend not to be able to hit players because its too easy to just blast people for like 10 damage for 3 mana. Imagine the version of this card that can hit players and creatures in Affinity. Sounds terrifying no?
We've been over this - burn cards that have a limitless ceiling on the damage they can do but a fixed mana cost tend not to be able to hit players because its too easy to just blast people for like 10 damage for 3 mana. Imagine the version of this card that can hit players and creatures in Affinity. Sounds terrifying no?
Gee, I have no idea how they came to that conclusion.Fuck burn is so bad
They really hate face burn now
And creature burn comes at a high price
Hey, removal that isn't total garbage!
Were searing spear type cards so good in standard in a world where we get powerful midrange cards at 3-4 mana every set?
We've been over this - burn cards that have a limitless ceiling on the damage they can do but a fixed mana cost tend not to be able to hit players because its too easy to just blast people for like 10 damage for 3 mana. Imagine the version of this card that can hit players and creatures in Affinity. Sounds terrifying no?
Hey, we fired him, but let's write premium articles about him anyway
What's the story about BBD?
What everyone's been waiting for, a CoCo variant. But like also probably bad, outside some weird combo w/ flickering.
Noble Hierarch jumped this week, huh?
BBD moves to Roanoke VA from Seattle and signs a lease for a year to work at SCG after having worked there for some time
SCG promptly fires him for no good (public) reason
I could see it in a deck with big huge fatties that have harsh upkeep costs that your opponent wouldn't be able to pay, so they'd end up just sacking their stolen creature on their upkeep anyway.
The other issue here is that you need a certain density of creatures in order to hit, just like CoCo. Unlike CoCo, you have to hit two otherwise your opponent gets one and you get nothing. Creating a deck with 20+ expensive fatties with upkeep costs doesn't seem like a recipe for success.
Gruul Charm gets your permanents back.
What everyone's been waiting for, a CoCo variant. But like also probably bad, outside some weird combo w/ flickering.
Modern fatties!
There you go. Now that's an idea I can get behind. You essentially have to hit one of these to make it work though. Wish Homeward Path was legal in Modern.
Isn't this just an inconsistent, underpowered Tooth & Nail in Modern?
I've noticed that blue cards spoiled so far are oddly lacking in set mechanics. The only one to use any so far is Thriving Turtle, with energy. (And I suppose the blue Puzzleknot, also with energy).
It's CoCo for Commander. You give you and a friend each a critter.Isn't this just an inconsistent, underpowered Tooth & Nail in Modern?
But no one is going to make noise about Angels or Djinn.
Honestly, I see this as marketing's problem and not design's problem. Magic has been a fairly diverse game since its inception. There's always been experts brought on for world design, and there's always been a fairly diverse representation of races and orientations on cards. The only difference now is that marketing is seeing that they can slap buzzwords on it and get all kinds of attention for it.
Another common:
As a person of color, I will say that I think the way they handled Kaladesh being Indian was completely correct. You can't please everyone, but someone is going to complain that its either "too Indian" or "not Indian enough" regardless and this was the much safer route than having Loxodons and Rakshasa and such.
I don't buy the argument that the Indian setting is just "window dressing" because the setting for every non-top down designed set is window dressing to some degree.
Man, remember the days when you could kill damn near anything for 2 mana and people were a okay with that game state?Hey, removal that isn't total garbage!
As a white person I do feel like I would have liked to see them skew a bit closer to what they did with Tarkir then they appear to have so far. Tarkir did have some more pronounced influences from various southeast asian cultures
This probably just replaces Disenchant in Eternal sideboards, right?
Edit: Oh but it misses Batterskull. That's probably relevant.
And disenchant is an instant. Right. Reading all of cards.
As a white person I do feel like I would have liked to see them skew a bit closer to what they did with Tarkir then they appear to have so far. Tarkir did have some more pronounced influences from various southeast asian cultures