There's no doubt that Mai Shiranui and Chun Li has a famous rivalry. Mainly because Mai was, back in the day, seen as SNK's version of Chun Li, who in turn was the first playable woman in a fighting game. Mai however, quickly got a reputation for being a skank. This is most due to this:
It's all about the tits. Because if you look at both Chun Li's and Mai's lower bodies, they dress pretty much the same. Chun Li also wears a thong and shows it off frequently during jumps and kicks in the original Street Fighter II. Yet pretty much no one back then accused Chun Li of being a skank. Because people didn't care about butts.
Then came King of Fighters 96 and introduced this:
Look at the sheer size of her butt! One ass cheek as bigger than her head - impressive. Also, not only does her butt jiggle, but her thighs jiggle as well. Look closely and you'll see the pixels on her thighs moving back and forth. Yes, I do pay attention to detail.
The whole butt jiggle thing didn't get famous at the time, because 1) Several home console versions had the animation removed due to RAM constraints of PsOne. 2) People were still obsessed with tits.
However, in hindsight this butt jiggle animation has become legendary as the first ever time a game actually animated butt jiggle. Then Jennifer Lopez butted in after the millennia and in her wake, we got tons of butt focus in games such as Soulcalibur II, P.N.03 and Rumble Roses, just to name a few.
I believe Mai never got rid of her skank stamp. I still find that weird, because you have tons of female characters in fighting games who have just as little clothing as she does, yet only Mai is the skank? It's all about her jiggling tits, isn't it? I mean, Cammy isn't seen as a skank, and she wears less in the back than Mai, but more in the front. We shouldn't forget that despite the obvious sex appeal, Mai is also a skilled kunoichi, a female ninja. Interesting titbit: the way you draw the kanji for "female" in Japanese, is three strokes: "ku", "no" and "ichi". It's debatable if Mai is as skilled as Chun Li. Chun Li is physically stronger, as we can clearly tell from Mai's jiggling rear end, but that doesn't necessary mean Chun Li has more skill.
So, what is your take on Mai? Is she a skilled, female ninja, or is she only out there to try to charm Andy into marriying her? And why is she the only character in the King of Fighters series who has a jiggling booty? Why not Angel? Yuri? Athena? Also, how does she stack up to Chun Li, and which character do you like the best -and most importantly - why?

It's all about the tits. Because if you look at both Chun Li's and Mai's lower bodies, they dress pretty much the same. Chun Li also wears a thong and shows it off frequently during jumps and kicks in the original Street Fighter II. Yet pretty much no one back then accused Chun Li of being a skank. Because people didn't care about butts.
Then came King of Fighters 96 and introduced this:

Look at the sheer size of her butt! One ass cheek as bigger than her head - impressive. Also, not only does her butt jiggle, but her thighs jiggle as well. Look closely and you'll see the pixels on her thighs moving back and forth. Yes, I do pay attention to detail.
The whole butt jiggle thing didn't get famous at the time, because 1) Several home console versions had the animation removed due to RAM constraints of PsOne. 2) People were still obsessed with tits.
However, in hindsight this butt jiggle animation has become legendary as the first ever time a game actually animated butt jiggle. Then Jennifer Lopez butted in after the millennia and in her wake, we got tons of butt focus in games such as Soulcalibur II, P.N.03 and Rumble Roses, just to name a few.
I believe Mai never got rid of her skank stamp. I still find that weird, because you have tons of female characters in fighting games who have just as little clothing as she does, yet only Mai is the skank? It's all about her jiggling tits, isn't it? I mean, Cammy isn't seen as a skank, and she wears less in the back than Mai, but more in the front. We shouldn't forget that despite the obvious sex appeal, Mai is also a skilled kunoichi, a female ninja. Interesting titbit: the way you draw the kanji for "female" in Japanese, is three strokes: "ku", "no" and "ichi". It's debatable if Mai is as skilled as Chun Li. Chun Li is physically stronger, as we can clearly tell from Mai's jiggling rear end, but that doesn't necessary mean Chun Li has more skill.
So, what is your take on Mai? Is she a skilled, female ninja, or is she only out there to try to charm Andy into marriying her? And why is she the only character in the King of Fighters series who has a jiggling booty? Why not Angel? Yuri? Athena? Also, how does she stack up to Chun Li, and which character do you like the best -and most importantly - why?
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