Some thoughts on the 3DS version (played on the New 3DS XL) from a big fan of the original:
It's...really good!
I was worried about some of the changes, but they turned out well in the end.
Deku Scrub's spin attack's momentum is a slight disappointment, but he feels better this time around so that's ok. He has some cute animations added in like when he has the shield up and when an enemy is nearby. Also, it feels like his spin attack is more effective.
Goron Link is pretty much exactly the same, the change is done to make the C-stick accessible while controlling the rolling link, and it works well in that regard.
They....well, kind of fucked up Zora Link. He's worse in almost every way. Swimming sucks now when I used to adore it on OG release and everything that requires using him feels worse in this game (he was my favorite in MM) so that's a shame. The worst change by far.
I like that they changed up the bosses in the game, usually for the best. They are closely tied to Majora himself now, which is a neat touch. The only bad one (again) is because of Zora Link.
The Twinmold fight is too good, probably one of the best boss fights in the entire franchise now.
I am a bit disappointed that Majora didn't change at all though. The fight is identical to the original release.
The bomber's notebook is a great change as well. I never used it in the original release, but it's super helpful now. Makes you feel like your making progress now.
The bomber kids giving you hints is great too, especially since it's optional.
The rest of the changes are the same as OoT 3D. Touch screen and gyroscope are fantastic additions, map always being there is helpful. Looks great, some of the best visuals on the system (despite some weird slow down)
The game doesn't feel like it was made with the 3DS in mind. No performance boost, no texture upgrades, ZR/ZL are useless (could've been mapped to the two extra item slots, tbh), and the C-stick allows the camera to clips through most things. A shame, really, seeing how long the remake/port took.
Great game though, best version of one of my favorites.
Wish it did more, like a mirrored hero mode or being able to play as Kafei (even if it's just a visual change)
but the base of Majora's Mask is still a fantastic experience.
It makes me want to re-experience this game for the first time, though. I knew it by heart. I've seen all the scenes, heard all the stories.
I hope Nintendo makes something like this again someday