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Majora's Mask 3D |OT| Remakes are a Nice Thing to Have… Heh, heh

Big One

They removed every single Triforce in the game. Even that weird inside out Triforce

It was cool and mysterious, why Nintendo, why? :(
I heard there's still Triforces in some of the areas inside the Moon.


Well, one Goron has mad cravings for some famous Dodongo's Cavern rock.

Yeah, I don't think that means anything especially significant but the comment has always struck me as an error or slightly flippant call on the localization staff's part. Or there's just another famous cavern with dodongos in Termina, which is not hard to believe given you find several of them.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Cremia still has a triforce symbol on her belt.

Ya done goofed, Grezzo. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Okay, I'm like 5 pages behind on this OT, but I kept noticing people referring to the bank guy as a "she"... It's a guy, isn't it?


Man, that's an epic combo, playing OoT and MM, each for the first time, back to back with their superior 3DS remakes. Good stuff. You should make an LTTP when you're done. :)
It definitely is an epic combo, especially considering that once I'm done with majoras mask I'm going to move on to wind waker hd (my first time playing that as well). Let's just say before these past couple months, the only Zelda games I've ever played and beat was the first one for the nes and a link between worlds.

Majoras Mask is seriously becoming one of my favorite games ever.


The Elegy of Emptiness is so creepy.

I mean, the statues for the masks all show them dead. But the Link one is just this extremely unsettling smiling creep thing, what the hell is up with that?

You should check out BEN Drowned, especially the videos associated with it (linked on the right-hand side of the text throughout).

And then once you're done or give up, check out the special finale which is better than all of the rest combined.


I think termina is an alternate universe Hyrule where the other doesn't exist.

I like that the triforce and Gannon are no where in this


Hey everyone! So I have been trying so hard to unlock the Keaton Mask but I am just so freaking stumped. I have quite a few hours already logged in the game but haven't really gotten too far.. I have the checkpoint at the first dungeon and have collected 8-9 heart pieces. I have 3 masks so far (Deku, Great Fairy, and Bremen [which I have no idea the use of, haha]). I remember seeing a post that one can obtain like 7 or more masks without even leaving the town so I have been running around trying to figure stuff out.

Well here I am, hours into the game and still no freaking idea how to get that bastard's Keaton mask. I have seen him walking about at mailboxes like once, and I have rang the bell to either be met with him briefly coming outside or not being inside his house. Can someone maybe spoiler a very light hint for me? Or if you think I should be able to get it without a hint, just tell me.
Start by talking to everyone in the mayor's office (both rooms) on the first day.
I pushed the clock to its limit doing the Frog Choir sidequest. I had completed Great Bay Temple, so I knew the Gekko was now a frog. I thought to myself, "Eh, do I really want to go back through there to get that frog?" So with less than a day left (iirc), I beat Goht again to bring spring to the mountains, then went to Woodfall for one frog, the swamp for another, Great Bay for its frog, and then the Laundry Pool for the last one. With the skies red and the moon about to crash, I conducted the choir with Don Gero's Mask and got one of the most complicated Heart Pieces in the game. :)
I'm about to try and see if I can do this quest and the Anju/Kafei one simultaneously :) I keep messing up the Anju and Kafei quest and I've been wanting to do this one so we'll see!


never left the stone age
Huh. Bizarre.

Since I'm on a "horribly undetailed post" spree, what that should have said was.

Boss Tactics Spoiler:
To make him fall over on his side, so the eye is on the ground, you have to hit him on the ground a couple of times. If you use the ramps it only takes one hit, but then you need to use arrows to hit the eye

You should check out BEN Drowned, especially the videos associated with it (linked on the right-hand side of the text throughout).

And then once you're done or give up, check out the special finale which is better than all of the rest combined.

That's ancient history :p. I'm more curious what the thought process behind making the Link statue so creepy was. Did they just do it for the heck of it? Is the face based on someone real? What gives, Nintendo!?


Is there a list of how many masks you can have at each point of the game? (though not which ones, specifically)

I love searching around and figuring it all out on my own, but I don't like the idea of searching endlessly for something that's actually impossible until I progress.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
this might be sacrilegious, but I actually really like using the giant truth stone to let me know if I missed any heart pieces in an area.


Maturity, bitches.
Is there a list of how many masks you can have at each point of the game? (though not which ones, specifically)

I love searching around and figuring it all out on my own, but I don't like the idea of searching endlessly for something that's actually impossible until I progress.
The bombers give you hints for things you can currently do.
I love Romani Ranch. Everything about it is so pleasant (besides Them). Especially the Doggy Race Track. I could spend all day there just watching them run around and bark at stuff. Gawww they're so cute. I swear that black dog is jinxed though. I have three different copies of this game, and in every one that black dog keeps coming in dead last nearly every race. If he feels "unstoppable," he'll get 5th. Or dead last anyways. I find it hilarious.

Since I'm on a "horribly undetailed post" spree, what that should have said was.

Boss Tactics Spoiler:
To make him fall over on his side, so the eye is on the ground, you have to hit him on the ground a couple of times. If you use the ramps it only takes one hit, but then you need to use arrows to hit the eye

I figured that's what you meant, but thank you for the clarification all the same. It's still really bizarre to me that it was changed at all.


Maturity, bitches.
this might be sacrilegious, but I actually really like using the giant truth stone to let me know if I missed any heart pieces in an area.
I used it as well since you can just get a general area hint without being told where its exact location is or how to get it. Just saves you from running around the whole world.
The theory was that the Terminians are mocking the Hylian gods. Hence why the Stone Tower blocks depict grotesque creatures licking the Triforce.

Termina is a parallel universe; there's absolutely no indication that they are aware of Hyrule's existense, or vice versa. If Hyrule was known, you'd think at least one person might mention attempting to flee there considering that Termina is going to be destroyed in a matter of days.


I love Romani Ranch. Everything about it is so pleasant (besides Them). Especially the Doggy Race Track. I could spend all day there just watching them run around and bark at stuff. Gawww they're so cute. I swear that black dog is jinxed though. I have three different copies of this game, and in every one that black dog keeps coming in dead last nearly every race. If he feels "unstoppable," he'll get 5th. Or dead last anyways. I find it hilarious.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that the different dogs actually each have a "base stat" in addition to their mood on the day - in my experience the dark blue dog appears to be the worst, while the yellow dog is the best (followed by the white dogs).


Beat the 4th dungeon. I was dreading it, but it wasn't as difficult as remembered. I think I have 4 (maybe 5?) fairies to collect--I am pretty sure I made all the chests appear, I just have to go back in and mess around with the flipping mechanic. I'm kind of feeliing too lazy to do it though. Still 6pm on my second night, so maybe I will give it a go tomorrow.

4th dungeon was fun, but boss fight was kind of a drag.
Man, I have no idea how you guys beat this game back in the day without online guides and what not, must have been frustrating.

Take for example, I'm just about to explore under the well in the canyon and I happened to be looking at a guide just before then to see if any heart pieces were in the area, and it mentions right there a huge list of things I need before exploring the well, such as milk, fish, a powder keg etc. Without having a guide to tell you that, I can imagine that being rather annoying in the past to have to keep coming out the well everytime to get a different requested item.

There were online guides, but even those were SO. FRICKING. ANNOYING.

Think AOL dial-up, print things out, but there's no pictures and the instructions sucked for half the guides.

More importantly, the Bombers Notebook was a lot less useful, IIRC.
Found something new and interesting the other day. Not sure if it's in the original game, but I'd assume it is.

When you finish the Oceanside Spider House on Day 1, a gentleman comes to the entrance and gives you
the Giant's Wallet
, and mentions something about buying the property now that the curse is removed.

If you exit the house and come back, he seems to be gone from the entrance. But, if you slide down the hill, you'll see him huddled in a corner, shaking. He mentions that there are X days left, praying to the Goddess of Time. It seems he was looking for an underground shelter to survive the moon falling. Thought it was a bit morbid.


Playing the first dungeon, beat the boss, dusk on the third day, still have to find faries and I figure out, oh I forgot to slow time. . . Never before has a Zelda game made me feel like such a buffoon.
Dang it, I overextended myself in the Great Bay dungeon.

Got to the 2nd phase of Gyorg and went F it. No way I could do that with 6 in-game hours left.

Now I'm at the dungeon entrance with 1 in-game hour left and trying to reach the Great Fairy in time so I can at least bank the 15 stray fairies.

I think I'll take a break from the game afterwards for a bit >___<
Gah the swimming controls are absolute garbage. I shouldn't have to get Chateau Romani just to counter that terrible decision to change them.

Found something new and interesting the other day. Not sure if it's in the original game, but I'd assume it is.

When you finish the Oceanside Spider House on Day 1, a gentleman comes to the entrance and gives you
the Giant's Wallet
, and mentions something about buying the property now that the curse is removed.

If you exit the house and come back, he seems to be gone from the entrance. But, if you slide down the hill, you'll see him huddled in a corner, shaking. He mentions that there are X days left, praying to the Goddess of Time. It seems he was looking for an underground shelter to survive the moon falling. Thought it was a bit morbid.

That's the name of the game here. Try talking to various people on the 3rd day: the mayor's wife in the bar, the postman in his place, Cremia, the Master Swordsman (he's hiding behind the poster in the back of his place), the guards at the four exits of Clock Town, it's clear that these people don't believe they'll survive. Even the senior carpenter in south clock town is just masking his despair. The whole game is morbid. You peel back the layers and find that nobody has any hope left.
Lol, the
Mask took me three tries and I knew that quest line by heart.

First time,
Sakon spotted me looking over the rock. lol.
Second time,
I goofed on Kafei's block puzzle and pushed the block onto the red switch.
Third time's the charm...thank the lord for the new Song of Double Time....


Lol, the
Mask took me three tries and I knew that quest line by heart.

First time,
Sakon spotted me looking over the rock. lol.
Second time,
I goofed on Kafei's block puzzle and pushed the block onto the red switch.
Third time's the charm...thank the lord for the new Song of Double Time....

I remember failing on that in the N64 version, I was sooo pissed off. But yeah thanks to the new save system and song of double time it will be less stressful.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You know? In think about it one of the biggest reason why I love Majora's Mask is because it
ends with a wedding... I like wedding, they're fun.

Probably why I like doing the Kafei and Anju side quest before heading off to face off against Skull Kid.

I also like it how when you look through the telescope over the three day you can see Skull Kid
slowly becoming corrupted by the Majora's Mask.
it's the little touches that makes this game so amazing.

Inded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tsu5kbcn7k

(Or just the 3rd day) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yyTmaifEzs

If you look through the telescope after the clock tower opens on the third day, you will see him floating above the tower, casting his spell on the moon


Its always amused me how the moon somehow manages to destroy the world in a firey explosion when its falling at such a slow speed

Its only the size of clock town too. So really, all that should have happened is it just lands on clock town and everyone who got out would be like "ah well, let's go live elsewhere"

And it somehow seems like that's what's going on, too, given everyone is making a fuss about leaving or not leaving or hiding at Romani Ranch. It seems a bit inconsistent.
Gah the swimming controls are absolute garbage. I shouldn't have to get Chateau Romani just to counter that terrible decision to change them.

That's the name of the game here. Try talking to various people on the 3rd day: the mayor's wife in the bar, the postman in his place, Cremia, the Master Swordsman (he's hiding behind the poster in the back of his place), the guards at the four exits of Clock Town, it's clear that these people don't believe they'll survive. Even the senior carpenter in south clock town is just masking his despair. The whole game is morbid. You peel back the layers and find that nobody has any hope left.

Yea I always found Anju and Kafei's final quote to be a little somber too. They're welcoming the morning together, even though they both know they're about to die. Really harkens back to Game Theory's video on the game. Even 15 years later, I'm finding new little things in this game. Love it!
And it somehow seems like that's what's going on, too, given everyone is making a fuss about leaving or not leaving or hiding at Romani Ranch. It seems a bit inconsistent.
Some people are more in denial than others. The guy with the chicks at Romani Ranch freely admits that the Ranch will offer no sanctuary.


Man, i feel like i'm having more difficulties now that when i played the game originally. I can't remember what i need to do in order to reach Snowhead Temple, and i've barely collected any masks D:
First time. And I'm *trying* to go for almost 100%. I haven't decided if I'll do literally everything yet, but I'm trying to do most things (at least get all the masks, bottles, and most pieces of hearts).

100% means All 6/7 Bottles, All 52 Heart Pieces, All 20 non-transformation Masks.

You're on the right track, kid.


Reminder about the real 100% (click here for fishing thread) -- please share your experiences in that thread so that I don't become an unbroken chain of me talking to myself!

Now then, a couple pics:

Man in the Moon:


Give me one good reason to not do it:


How are you supposed to kill the white wolfos? The damn things block all of my attacks.
Wait for them to take a swing at you, then hit them before they hit you.

Alternatively, pound the ground as the Goron.
Finally picked this up the other day and got started. I'm nearly to the boss of the Swamp and I'm really enjoying it so far.

Are you expected to use the Song of Slow Time? I have been, but if it's just supposed to be an easy mode button, then I'll stop.
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