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Making gigantic super-thick pancakes with a rice cooker

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If you’re familiar with electric rice cookers, you know their major appeal is that the cooking process in entirely automated. The same goes for using them to make pancakes, and once you’ve done the prep work, you can leave the rest up to the machine.

To start, simply toss your pancake mix and any other ingredients it calls for into the rice cooker’s pot.

Next, stir everything together until it reaches a uniform consistency.

After that, hit the start button, and your role is done. As with making a pot of rice, the pancake should take about 45 minutes to cook. Once the process is complete, flip open the lid and claim your delicious prize.

First-timers should be careful not to fill the pot too high, though. Doing so can cause the top of the cake to fuse with the lid, making it difficult to open. Also, trying to cook too much at once can leave the pancake’s core gooey, although this can be salvaged with some time in the microwave.

As you can see, making a whole batch as a single solid block results in an incredibly thick pancake. It can also end up having a pretty large diameter, depending on the size of the rice cooker you use.





As tempting as these all look, though, the single greatest advantage to making your pancakes this way isn’t the flavor, but the ability it gives you to enjoy a hot meal as soon as you wake up.

All rice cookers have timers and a function where low heat is used to keep the rice warm after it’s finished cooking. Mix your batter the night before, hit the start button just before you go to bed, and come morning, you can be enjoying your fluffy pancakes almost before your eyes are completely open.

Rice cooker pancakes aren’t just great for lazy people, either. Some inventive gourmands have spruced theirs up by adding special ingredients

Chunks of chocolate and sliced bananas:


Cocoa powder:


Sweet black beans:


Adding maple syrup to the batter, along with brown sugar and sweet potato:


Combining the pancake mix with cream cheese, sugar, and lemon juice:



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I need a rice cooker. If not for this UFO of a pancake, then for those other recipes listed on Buzzfeed.


I've got a ricer cooker I've never taken out of the box stashed in the cupboard, it's coming out now.

Dunno about the overnight tip though, I'm always wary about leaving cooking appliances of any kind turned on overnight.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Is there anything gigantic and super thick that isn't good?


I'm not at home and can't check right now, but does anyone know what the average temperature of a rice cooker is? If it's between 250-300 and not any higher, you could put something nice in that batter.


That's not a pancake, that's bread. Doesn't look very appealing, tbh.

I'm gonna try it first chance I get
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