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making mp3s from MDs?

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Whats the best way to get tracks off my MDs and into mp3 for itunes/ipod usage?

Ideally I'd like to keep the track name/info from the MDs.

The MDs were recorded on a non-NETMD.

If I borrow a NETMD, can I rip them off digitally and convert to mp3?
Original MDs were analog transfer only. you'd have to find a cable, hook it into your sound card and one by one record them. Of course, the quality'd more than likely be garbage (how many consumer grade sound cards have decent recording capabilities?)


sure, understood about his current MD player.

But if he borrowed someones NETMD player, could he use that to rip the files back to the computer digitally and somehow make the ATRAC files mp3?
'Fraid not. The only Net MDs that support digital transferring of recorded files (and this is a huge flaw until now) are the new Hi-MDs.


so you can transfer *to* high speed usb blah blah, but not off again?

I guess they figure you already have the songs on the computer so don't need to.


Thanks anyway
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