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Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean

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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
what about a vortex that lead them into a different party of the universe?

Highly likely. We'll find them in ~10,000 years.

But the communications weren't shut down, if the engines were sending data to Boeing.

Yeah, this is the part I don't get, admittedly because I don't fully understand what channels this data is being sent on and what exactly was still up and shut down.

So.. There's this guy on twitter that seems rather convinced that the plane landed in China. Apparently to acquire the Freescale employees.

*shrug* anything is possible!

Is this true? Rolls royce confirmed it?

No idea. Hopefully it is confirmed or denied soon.


Totally impossible. A plane lasts minutes flying with a fire..

I don't know how this reports are sent but i'm sure they're sent independently of the systems the pilots have acces to..

Thought so, which means if this new information about 4 hours of flying is true, the fire theory can be ruled out? Or no?


Assuming the Rolls Royce data is accurate, and the flight did continue for ~5 hours without following its original course, this does bring options down to:

  • Cockpit depressurisation rendering at least the crew (and potentially passengers) unconscious, autopilot taking over and flying until they ran out of fuel. Issue: This does not explain why tracking/communications were shut off while hours of flight remained, nor why the flight seemed to branch off course.
  • Hijacking: Outcome of craft impossible to gauge with current data: may have crashed or been crashed, may have landed somewhere (that however seems unlikely to me).
  • Technical/structural issues: Enough so that damage prevents pilots from responding (eg: unconsciousness/death) and shuts down communications/radar, yet leaves enough tech functioning for autopilot to fly until it's starved of fuel. Situation requires too many specifics to be probable, in my opinion.
  • Malicious intent by pilots: deliberate suicide/murder, off the radar. I feel this is the most unusual and unlikely scenario.

5 long fucking hours in and out of consciousness, completely powerless as hell breaks loose around you and your family before the unavoidable crash. This is terrifying. :(

Cabin depressurization accidents are definitely something that happened before.

And the time of "useful consciousness" is short: 15 to 20s only at an altitude of 12km (40k feet). Maybe that's when the mumbling that was heard by another pilot happened?


Assuming the Rolls Royce data is accurate, and the flight did continue for ~5 hours without following its original course, this does bring options down to:

  • Cockpit depressurisation rendering at least the crew (and potentially passengers) unconscious, autopilot taking over and flying until they ran out of fuel. Issue: This does not explain why tracking/communications were shut off while hours of flight remained, nor why the flight seemed to branch off course.
  • Hijacking: Outcome of craft impossible to gauge with current data: may have crashed or been crashed, may have landed somewhere (that however seems unlikely to me).
  • Technical/structural issues: Enough so that damage prevents pilots from responding (eg: unconsciousness/death) and shuts down communications/radar, yet leaves enough tech functioning for autopilot to fly until it's starved of fuel. Situation requires too many specifics to be probable, in my opinion.
  • Malicious intent by pilots: deliberate suicide/murder, off the radar. I feel this is the most unusual and unlikely scenario.

The Lowyat Malaysian forum had a good explanation for the cockpit/cabin depressurisation. Basically the SATCOM situated on top of the fuselage exploded, which turns off all comms, created a small hole in the fuselage and lead to depressurisation.



So.. There's this guy on twitter that seems rather convinced that the plane landed in China. Apparently to acquire the Freescale employees.

I'm still leaning towards the aliens theory.

At this point alien abduction seems like one of the more pleasant outcomes. If the plane was going to land in China anyways then what was the point of creating this huge international incident? Wouldn't it be a lot simpler to just take each individual employee after they leave the plane?


The Lowyat Malaysian forum had a good explanation for the cockpit/cabin depressurisation. Basically the SATCOM situated on top of the fuselage exploded, which turns off all comms, created a small hole in the fuselage and lead to depressurisation.


That would have to be the unluckiest plane, ever.

At this point alien abduction seems like one of the more pleasant outcomes. If the plane was going to land in China anyways then what was the point of creating this huge international incident? Wouldn't it be a lot simpler to just take each individual employee after they leave the plane?

Maybe they had a security detail when they landed? Or maybe they wanted a plane thrown in with the employees, to carry out their plan. Wild thinking.


If so, my best explanation could be a slow depresurization not noticed by the crew (strange thing, but like the Helios flight showed, not impossible) and a failure in the communications of the aircraft. If they were hypoxic, they could also turn off the transponder themself for any reason.

Helios Flight 552 did not suffer from depressurization - due to a pilot error, the cabin was never pressurized to begin with.
If the cabin is pressurized (= the systems that monitor the pressure are on), I find it hard to believe that a slow loss of pressure could go unnoticed and incapacitate the crew.


Hypothetical basic question regarding Auto-Pilot systems and how they work; if depressuration / knocking out of comm's happened quickly (say 15 - 20 seconds), incapacitating the crew and passengers, what would be the Auto-Pilots standard response / action / trajectory if:

- They were on their original flight plan


- They somehow changed direction from their flightplan for reasons unknown, then were incapacitated.

Just to fly in a straight line at a constant altitude / speed?


At this point alien abduction seems like one of the more pleasant outcomes. If the plane was going to land in China anyways then what was the point of creating this huge international incident? Wouldn't it be a lot simpler to just take each individual employee after they leave the plane?

Yea. If it was an espionage/information thing I would guess that China had the means to do it more quietly by either abducting the engineers somewhere or hacking Freescale (Which they probably have done already :p).

Making a plane disappear just seems like a lot of work, and has the possibility to blow up horribly when US intelligence tracks down the plane (assuming they haven't done that already).

BUT.. It seems like this guy is connected, and he has had more or less the same story since the plane disappeared.


I don't want to be "that guy" but isn't it possible that China knows what happened and quickly covered everything up?

Sadly in the absence of facts and conflicting reports, nothings off the table. Its sad though that minds wander and things slide - I'm watching CNN right now and they're using on-screen graphics that categorically state and point 'DEBRIS SPOTTED' when using the Chinese Released photos (from Sunday) despite casually mentioning in speech during the piece that it is NOT CONFIRMED AND THEY ARE NOT STATING THAT IS IS DEBRIS FROM THE PLANE.

Man I hate journalism sometimes.


Hypothetical basic question regarding Auto-Pilot systems and how they work; if depressuration / knocking out of comm's happened quickly (say 15 - 20 seconds), incapacitating the crew and passengers, what would be the Auto-Pilots standard response / action / trajectory if:

- They were on their original flight plan


- They somehow changed direction from their flightplan for reasons unknown, then were incapacitated.

Just to fly in a straight line at a constant altitude / speed?

God, this is so unsettling. It really freaks me out that we don't know what happened to all of those people. With the recent information, the search really does seem hopeless.


That would have to be the unluckiest plane, ever.

Maybe they had a security detail when they landed? Or maybe they wanted a plane thrown in with the employees, to carry out their plan. Wild thinking.

Why would the Chinese be concerned about a security detail in Chinese territory? It would be like taking candy from a baby at that point. They don't need a plane either. The only way this would make sense to me is if there was a group within China working without direct approval from the Chinese government. If I go that far into speculation though, I might as well say aliens did it.



is this for real?


Guys... I have some bad news....

Flight MH370 were crashed along the Selat Melaka, reaching nearby Indonesia border. 230 people were confirmed dead. Another 9 is either missing or been treated to nearby undisclosed location.

I got this info from my sis. She texted me saying that she received a "memo" from the ATM (Angkatan Tentera Malaysia). In that memo, what its written were "Sediakan 230 beg mayat dan hantar ke pangkalan" something like that about the body bag for the dead.

About the nelayan found the life raft were also true. It is identical as the one i saw from my sisters bf fb page (sis bf used to work for MAS, hence he got a picture of the training going on with the raft).

This is really2 sad... seems like the negotiation gone wrong, and the hijacker (super power country) wanted to leave no trace of evidence, hence the crash of our flight MAS MH370.

I hope people can dish out other theories of flight fuselage failure, decompression of fuselage and radar not working and all. It is all due to of sabotage that Msia received for no reason. We sort of being blackmail by other country for their personal agenda WITH other country.



I am in China and people here seem to be saying that the pilot went to school with one of the 9/11 bombers? Doesn't really mean anything but is something to add to this bizarre story.


Gold Member
Posted this a few days ago

Chittagong said:
Let’s see the current known facts

- All tracking of plane shut down at 1:21AM
- Last radio communication with pilots was around 1:30AM (not precise time, so could be also 1:21AM)
- Plane changed course and flew across and over Malaysia
- Plane lowered altitude
- Plane flew definitely for another hour
- Plane had fuel for a maximum of 6 more hours

From the known facts it's pretty easy to imagine two pretty different scenarios.

1 – Technical failure renders plane completely unable to communicate
2 – Pilots change course of plane in an attempt to land it somewhere and lower altitude to ensure cabin pressure
3 – Pilots become unconscious or plane otherwise becomes uncontrollable
4 – Plane continues on its last trajectory for 1-7 hours
5 – Plane plunges to sea

1 – Someone purposefully shuts down all communications equipment in plane
2 – Someone changes the course of plane for unknown purpose and lowers to lower altitude for unknown purpose, possibly to avoid detection
4 – Someone flies the plane for another 1-7 hours
5 - ???
6 – Plane plunges to sea or is landed somewhere (highly unlikely)

These two scenarios are still the likely ones, I think. Mechanical failure would require bad luck of epic proportions (lose all comms AND cabin pressure BUT remain capable to fly) while malicious requires extraordinary knowledge of 777 to hide it like that.

One thing is for sure, at this point the case is likely to be solved by data or accidental discovery, not deliberate search.


that puzzling face
I am in China and people here seem to be saying that the pilot went to school with one of the 9/11 bombers? Doesn't really mean anything but is something to add to this bizarre story.

How is that even possible when both of them are Malaysian nationals, vs Saudi Arabian, Lebanese, UAE and Egyptian?

Also considering how hilariously Islamophobic certain groups of people are you'd think that a 'fact' like that would have been picked up by at least a few of the shittier news sites by now. Seriously stop with the random unsubstantiated shit being shared by random idiots. Lord knows the official word is already confusing enough.


How is that even possible when both of them are Malaysian nationals, vs Saudi Arabian, Lebanese, UAE and Egyptian?

Also considering how hilariously Islamophobic certain groups of people are you'd think that a 'fact' like that would have been picked up by at least a few of the shittier news sites by now.

I think by bombers he means the CIA that destroyed the WTC with controlled demolition?


Ok, just too much confusion all around.

Can someone please tell me if the plane changing course and lowering altitude is CONFIRMED? Last I head that was debunked?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ok, just too much confusion all around.

Can someone please tell me if the plane changing course and lowering altitude is CONFIRMED? Last I head that was debunked?


That's basically the extent of professional, public confirmation/denial of information.


Ok, just too much confusion all around.

Can someone please tell me if the plane changing course and lowering altitude is CONFIRMED? Last I head that was debunked?

I asked this a couple of posts before, but what happened to the oil rig guy? Was he debunked? Just forgotten?



So in theory a situation whereby the crew were enitrely incapacitated and the report that data was sent saying the plane flew / was active for a further four hours is accurate, there would have to be other variables at play since the crash location cannot be where the Chinese released photos of potential debris since the Auto-Pilot cannot do course corrections or circular motions?

Could the crew have put the plane in a circular holding pattern that the auto-pilot would have followed? I know nothing about Auto-Pilot systems so am genuinely interested


I asked this a couple of posts before, but what happened to the oil rig guy? Was he debunked? Just forgotten?

I have no idea, although not saying its right, but I guess its not exactly their priority to check up on every story that seems plausible from public.

BUT for the changing course/lowering altitude part...I thought it was first confirmed to shown up on Malaysia's military radar to be changing course. But later that day it was debunked by Malaysia government themselves? And now I'm seeing everyone stating the plane changing course/lower altitude as a fact now??!


So in theory a situation whereby the crew were enitrely incapacitated and the report that data was sent saying the plane flew / was active for a further four hours is accurate, there would have to be other variables at play since the crash location cannot be where the Chinese released photos of potential debris since the Auto-Pilot cannot do course corrections or circular motions?

Could the crew have put the plane in a circular holding pattern that the auto-pilot would have followed? I know nothing about Auto-Pilot systems so am genuinely interested

IIRC the Helios flight autopilot did assume a holding pattern when the aircraft reached Athens. Pretty sure they can do more than just fly in a straight line - modern systems can even land a plane.

EDIT: Re: course - change: my understanding is that the malaysian military spotted an unidentified radar contact sometime after communication with MH370 and the Transponder signal was lost. Given the position of that contact, it could have been MH370 on an altered course, or something completely different.
So is this now the biggest air mystery since the Valentich disappearance? Thinking about that still gives me the willies. Same with that plane in the 1940s that disappereaed with a final transmission that just kept saying "stendec".


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
  1. Rolls royce and boeing claim the reports are inaccurate about the engine data

    [*]Chinese embassy said the sat images were released by mistake and did not contain any debris related to the plane.


that puzzling face
Malaysian Press Conference 2014-03-13

Will update this post with points from PC

- 5-hour engine data transmissions (4 hours after disappearance) report is false, MAS corroborated this with Boeing and Rolls Royce representatives in Malaysia.

- FAA service records: Everything is in order, plane was fit to fly

- Main effort still in South China Sea, but assets in Straits of Malacca due to the possibility of turnback (Military Radar still inconclusive on identity of plot) - same stance as yesterday's PC

- Malaysia has nothing to hide, didn't turn down any international help, cannot reveal certain information till they are corroborated, owe it to families not to provide false hope, main effort has always been finding MH370

Engine Data- was reported that engine data was reported after disappearance, but according to MAS last engine data was received 1:07AM

So far all the answers in Malay are repetitions/translations of previous answers, no new info.

holy shit some of these questions are so vapid. "We heard the plane has be found at ____ IS THIS TRUE?" (what kind of answer were you expecting mouthbreathing neanderthal? "Oh hahaha you got us we have info that the plane has been found but wanted to save that information for the end of the press conference and you totally found us out by asking this question ^____^")

Malay answer: Every person on the manifest is being investigated by appropriate parties, even international ones.

Proposed media briefing tomorrow by military and ministry of complete technical breakdown on assets deployed.

Malay answer: Appreciative of all the prayers from around the world, both Islam and otherwise.

Question about terrorist report: Never heard that one, but don't believe it's true (durr)

Malay answer: Regarding needing to corroborate every report beforehand, because we owe it to the families. re: Chinese satellite imagery, according to Chinese govt's subsequent recent statement: Was premature, not corroborated.

Question about point of disappearance point, whether it was going off the edge of radar or disappearing within range: Answer regarding the type of radar (transponder) just going dark at the point of transfer to Vietnamese air control.

Another question about engine data: MAS answers, neither Rolls Royce nor Boeing received anything after 1:07AM

Question regarding other possible systems to track: No other systems

Question regarding cellphone data: "We are still doing investigation on that"

Military radar: Did the plot travel in a straight line or change course? - preliminary reiteration that it's not confirmed that the plot was MH370, and the radar data is being analyzed by experts in FAA and NTSB (raw data not normally shared, but this is a unique circumstance)

Question about specific timestamps on military radar: Need to check on that

Question about integrity of radar systems, do you have confidence in them? - "I do" also there are international assets e.g. US (????? wasn't this a question about the radar?)

Is it possible for someone to manually turn off signals from the engine: "Anything is possible, e.g. total electrical failure -> no more signal"

What is the result of investigating profile of crew members? - Awaiting police investigation.

Conference ends

Didn't bother with a bunch of other stupid questions or reiterated answers.

FALKRANT (keyword for thread search, ignore)
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