You are the one who thinks that not calling them terrorists will "break" their "tactics" and now you are projecting your bad logic onto others.
Sorry it's quite late here and English is also not my mother language.
I meant for example: some terrorists are supposed to hate our freedom. Which means if they do something horrible and anyone limits our freedom, they actually won. It won't matter if "we" kill tens of thousands or not. We got less freedom equals they achieved their goal. If we don't let anyone limit our freedom == they lost.
Same with being terrorized. That's the main goal of a terrorist. Get as many people as possible into terrorized state. Being frightened of being killed by a terrorist attack. Although chances are in fact minimal at least in western countries. Give in to their demands. That's their goal.
Which means a terrorist losing his life in one way or another and just being called a murderer and getting locked away without anyone being frightened is the worst possible outcome for an actual terrorist. Because that won't get him anywhere. He will not have achieved anything but a few kills. Which would be great for a murderer, but horrible for a terrorist.
This is where you ramble on a tangent like a crazy person. If you really think that terrorists don't prefer to think of themselves as "freedom fighters" than "terrorists" then you should get out more.
Thank you. Insult me. I hope it helps.
Although you don't contradict me. TERRORISTS THINK OF THEMSELVES as the GOOD SIDE. Exactly. They don't care what WE think about THEM, because THEY assume that they are good and we are bad.
Before I go to sleep, let me ask you something: Do you think Iraqi think good about us here? I would rather believe that they think we (as in the countries that invaded Iraq) are the bad guys. I mean "we" killed quite a few of them. By accident of course. Do you feel worse now? I don't think so. Although we actually should feel pretty bad. And I guess our politicians definitely don't give a shit. If they would, they would have already stopped it. And if even our politicians don't care, why should a terrorist care.
That explains it. There is probably some misunderstanding here, but I'm telling you that what you're saying doesn't make sense in English. It is a simple matter of fact that no one wants to be called a terrorist, that word has a universally negative connotation in the English language.
Actually you don't read what I'm posting. I'm saying that "terrorists" just don't care what we are saying or thinking about them. If WE were on THEIR SIDE, they would care in case we labeled them good or bad. But terrorists are always not on "our" side. If they were, they would be labeled freedom fighters by "us".
Osama Bin Laden for example definitely was a terrorist and also knew that western countries called him a terrorist. Using your logic he must have thought to himself "well shit, I should stop all of this, because they say that I'm a terrorist and now I feel bad.". Do you really believe in this?