I heard a similar story to this on this American life a few years ago.
Ahem... I'll go ahead assume that this is a rhetorical question.
Criming while black
This guy bought a house and started a family in 5 years? He must of done some serious work. Wtf am I doing with myself? Let them out. 98 years is bananas.
What the fuck? A robbery at 19 being sentenced to life in prison? While murderers and rapists get away with like 4 years, if not less than that.
98 years in prison for armed robbery seems harsh...I feel like there's something missing here or that judge was feeling particularly dickish on his sentencing day.
What did he get 8 sentences for? 98 years is quite insane for a robbery that no one was even killed. Is there more to this?:|
Why did he receive 8 sentences for one robbery to begin with? Isn't the max sentence 25 years?
Obama should pardon him. And his accomplice (assuming he's been doing well in prison). Perfect example of our broken criminal justice system.
Obama needs to pardon this guy RIGHT NOW. That sentence is insane, let him get back to his family and live a normal life.
The President can only pardon for federal crimes. It would be up to the Governor.
One key thing to keep in mind: Presidential pardons only apply to federal criminal acts against the United States.
So, the president cannot pardon a person for violations of any federal civil laws or state criminal or civil laws. For example, if a person commits armed robbery at a local gas station and is convicted under state law for armed robbery, that person cannot receive a presidential pardon. Why? Because that person committed a state criminal act, not a federal criminal act. However, if that person also robbed a U.S. post office (a federal facility), then he or she could petition the president for a pardon of the robbery at the U.S. post office.
I know right?! I googled the TAL episode thinking they were the same. I was like fuuuuuu it's a different guy!SHIT. I thought this was the same guy from that story...this happened again??
98 years for non-violent robberies by a 19 year old is extremely stupid.
I agree that 98 years is waaaay overboard, but robbing 2 stores with a gun is a violent crime, whether loaded or not.
Can you really categorize a crime as violent if it doesn't involve physical force?
Can you really categorize a crime as violent if it doesn't involve physical force?
Or it's because he's not white. I could be seriously wrong on that, but that's a WTF type of sentence and I have no other explanation.
Man mistakenly released from prison asks judge to reduce his 98-year sentence
I remember hearing about this man on NPR a while back. I have no idea what the judge will do in this case. It obviously seems the man has reformed-but it does seem unusual that the other two men would continue to serve their sentences.
.98 years. NINETY. EIGHT. YEARS. For a robbery with an empty gun where no one got hurt. Meanwhile we have rapists and people who have killed others with their negligence getting less than 20 (probably some less than 10 even). Fuck that, let him out. He proved that he's changed.
The original sentence is insanely excessive. Life in prison for a robbery committed at age 19 in which no-one got hurt.