So I finally saw it today
I lied before, feel free to ban me if you want Duckroll I don't care.
I loved it.
I absolutely loved it. I'm aware a lot of people don't like it and I can see why. This isn't necessarily the superman that stays by the status quo made back by the Reeves movies or even the Routh movie.
I loved it however, man Cavill is so great. There's a good amount of humor, not terrible humor like say the Nolan Batman films but whatever.
I seriously really loved it, it's wonderful. I have no need to compare it to the marvel movies and I'm judging it on it's own merits. I love it.
Maybe it went too far with
But I did love every fight and confrontation and I know everybody and their momma has said it but man Faora was gorgeous.
Exciting, great and man I'm satisfied.
Superman is quite possibly the greatest superhero ever.