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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Interesting dilemma time. A wizard comes along and tells you that if you want he can give you all the powers of Superman. Here's the catch. If you accept these powers then one other person on the planet will also be given the powers of Superman. This person is currently serving time in prison for murder and rape. Refuse the powers and neither of you will get the powers. Do you take the powers or not?
Interesting dilemma time. A wizard comes along and tells you that if you want he can give you all the powers of Superman. Here's the catch. If you accept these powers then one other person on the planet will also be given the powers of Superman. This person is currently serving time in prison for murder and rape. Refuse the powers and neither of you will get the powers. Do you take the powers or not?


Fuck the earth we'll both be bad guys
I'm really surprised there was no scene written of the Kent's finding Kal. Seems to be a pretty important moment in the story

Apparently Zack Snyder said that there is actually a 3 hour cut of the film. I'm sure that would be a version released on Bluray/DVD. Maybe that scene is in that version.


I thought it was pretty good. I don't really understand all the negative reviews. The only part I really didn't like was the dumb
tornado scene.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
It didn't bother Superman in Man of Steel.

Completely different. Superman didn't choose that. Yes Supes was the reason Zod came. Supes had no way of knowing any actions he would take would cause Zod to come. If he had known he surely would have stayed at home. My scenario is different. If someone chooses to accept the powers they know for a fact that it would cause a murderer with godlike powers to be out there.

Also it did bother him. When he actually did choose to kill he was devastated. Dat scream.
They "assemble" the shots into the correct sequence. Then they cut out the unnecessary stuff and that is what is referred to as a fine cut.

You probably wouldn't want all the garbage they cut out.

I'm an editor and this is basically the gist of it. A lot of times you're trimming shots down, or cutting a shot out here or there, you're generally not cutting out scenes in their entirety, and if you are, it's because it doesn't work, or it's causing pacing problems.

Plus the assembly cut wouldn't have music scored for it, wouldn't have been sound mixed or color corrected and most likely wouldn't have had visual effects done. The assembly cut is basically the first draft, it's still super rough.

Now, if there had been a cut that was 37 minutes longer that the director was happy with, and the studio wanted it trimmed way down, then that would be a different story. The most we might get to hope for is a deleted scene or two.
Finally got a chance to see Man of Steel last night. It was okay, at best. A few too many of the action scenes looked like Michael Bay was directing, and the editing to me was very blah, but I liked the story for the most part.

And I'll say it, I still like Superman Returns better. I think Man of Steel sets up way better sequels down the line but could have been better.
Watched the movie for a second time, and with a bunch of family members this viewing. Was just as enjoyable as the first time, and the pacing didn't bother me as much. The younger ones in the group enjoyed the movie quite a bit, but my dad called it a "one time movie" lol. He was never into the superhero thing.

Edit: I did notice the shaky cam more this time, after reading how people had a problem with it. Yeah there was definitely no reason for it in some scenes, but I didn't mind the zoom ins too much.
Saw it on a real IMAX in 3D this afternoon. Quick thoughts

Amy Adams was unbelievably terrible casting: too old, too boring, not sexy.

Cavill was great.

Michael Shanoon was satisfactory.

Small town fight scene was great cinema; big city fight scene was snoozeville.

Too many damn flashbacks.


Neo Member


Snyder has taken such a beating but i have a sneaking suspicion he's smiling right now, he has proven critics that he is a good director. Say what you want, but a director's main goal is to make $$ and MOS has delievered. Snyder rules....

I thought the director's main goal was to put all aspects of a movie into a coherent whole by collaborating with the crew, managing timetables and meeting deadlines, and executing the vision from the script and storyboards (which he or she may have had a big part on).

I think the 'make $$' goal is probably the executive producer's job.

Anyway, in my opinion, Snyder is a good visual director, but really bad at everything else. It seems like only he can make spectacular and epic scenes seem so lifeless and boring (300 had this problem too).


Finally saw this today. Will post some random thoughts later.

Good, but not as good as I'd have liked. I agree with the praise and criticisms at the same time.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Amy Adams was unbelievably terrible casting: too old, too boring, not sexy.


You SUCK. I don't care how old she is. I've had a major crush on Amy Adams ever since Enchanted. I was also super shocked when I first found out how old she is. She looks MUCH younger than her age. Also, nobody should be allowed to complain about a Lois Lane not being sexy when we had to put up with Kidder for multiple movies. *shudders*


Saw it last night and i really enjoyed it.

I really was emotional during the whole Krypton scenes and how the planet was destroyed with the Kryptonians not standing a chance. By far the best part of the entire movie. We finally got a chance to see Krypton as it was
I liked the movie, but that is about it.

I thought the pacing was off. It kept getting better towards the end of the movie but in the beginning I was confused at was what happening all the time, because nothing was really given the screen time that it needed. How the movie just went from the spaceship crashing down into the earth to Clark doing some shit on a boat was so weird.

The dialogue was pretty bad, but hey, what do you expect. Russell Crowe's lines were epic, but then again they were taking one on one from a Superman comic so whatevs. Michael Shannon did a pretty good job at being angry but he doesn't seem like a nemesis guy to me. Probably have to wait for Lexy Lex in the sequel for that.

My main gripe with the movie is that it was all so fucking serious. Jesus Christ Clark, can you for a moment not look so constipated. I know you are destroying half of New York and killing millions, which doesn't seem like a good thing, but you don't have to be so sad about it. Lighten up for fucks sake. The 'It gets worse after the first kiss' line made me realize that this was probably one of the two jokes in the movie. In the trailer the S-joke already seemed off and in the context of the entire 2.5 hours it seemed even weirder. I like my fun....

Overall, well made movie, loved the 3D mercury visual things, great interpretation of Superman as a character, but the contrast between the serious tone and the ridiculous dialogue and action was too much for me.


The boxoffice on this completely collapsed on Friday. It fell a massive 71% yesterday from last friday. Going to have well over a 60% drop this weekend, the chances of it hitting 300 mil are dead now. Crazy, looks like word of mouth is similar to that of the reviews. Massive fall off.
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