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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Saw this on twitter. Sadly I agree.

And Solo's review is dead on. Another rewrite or two and it would've been great. It has all the beats, checks all the boxes, but came out undercooked.

That is the dumbest shit Ive ever read and I'm not even relating it to MOS. Thankfully it was some random twitter person.
Saw this on twitter. Sadly I agree.

And Solo's review is dead on. Another rewrite or two and it would've been great. It has all the beats, checks all the boxes, but came out undercooked.

Seems like a chicken and egg criticism. Most movie villains are a result of the hero's presence or interference. "Iron Man would never have had any robot villains if he never made his suit" ergo we're worse off for Iron Man existing in that world. Its just a backwards way of looking at the problem.
interestingly, some claim the first half was the bad part but that they were rewarded for sticking it out with the second part. It seems to me Goyer is the most to blame here but didn't someone else work on the screenplay when Goyer was busy with Godzilla movie? I forget his name...

Just got back from watching the film. Got to say, that first 30 minutes was such a boring pile of shit, I was ready to walk out. Made worse by it being summed up in a 5 minute montage later on. Should have been cut entirely, the montage made it redundant and bloated.

Past that, I really enjoyed it. Thought Caville looked great as superman, Faora was just awesome to watch, Zod was serviceable. Now I'm someone who really can't stand super heroes, hated the Donner films and most super hero films in general (TDK was the only batman I liked). So gotta give Snyder credit for actually getting me to like Superman.

Hahaha. Awesome.


Zimmer's score (which I'm listening to now for the first time) works to greater effect outside of the film. You done goofed here, Snyder.



Professional Schmuck
Seems like a chicken and egg criticism. Most movie villains are a result of the hero's presence or interference. "Iron Man would never have had any robot villains if he never made his suit" ergo we're worse off for Iron Man existing in that world. Its just a backwards way of looking at the problem.

I think you're missing the point. It's that Superman's role on Earth is messianic, redemption, show-them-the-way. All Earth got was a giant battle of aliens. Humans learned nothing. There was no moment where Superman stood for something (other than a token
"I think he's on our side!
), where humanity thought better of itself, where humanity learned to embrace equality or justice or goodness. That's why Earth was no better off for Kal arriving, and that's why that criticism stings so badly. Superman failed!


interestingly, some claim the first half was the bad part but that they were rewarded for sticking it out with the second part.

Well the second half has all the action which may be a draw for some. I don't mind the action as it displays the level of destruction Zod and his army is able to inflict on earth. All Kryptonians were really able to display their physical strength and Supe did not seem neutered. However it would have bee nice to see Supe thinking about the lives of civilians more and collateral damage.


Well in fairness, I think Solo is blocking out the first 30 minutes when referring to the first half. The wandering Superman bit is really good and should have been fleshed out more, but it feels like that intro ate into that.

Nah, I really liked the
stuff. It was very similar, if not as affecting, as the
cold open of Star Trek 2009
, which I also loved.
I think you're missing the point. It's that Superman's role on Earth is messianic, redemption, show-them-the-way. All Earth got was a giant battle of aliens. Humans learned nothing. There was no moment where Superman stood for something (other than a token
"I think he's on our side!
, where humanity thought better of itself, where humanity learned to embrace equality or justice or goodness. That's why Earth was no better off for Kal arriving, and that's why that criticism stings so badly. Superman failed!

I think this is portrayed in the movie
in his scream as he is not supposed to kill but did even though he was the hope for humanity and a supposed shining example for them. but he killed zod thus setting a bad example, a human example, an example that humanity got the best of Kal-el and he succumbed and became like them in the end


I do think the critics who had it out for Zach Snyder saying he was a hack are really being unfair here.

He shot the shit out of this movie.

A movie director's role is not really limited to defining how the film is shot. That is actually more of the DP's roles. The director's responsibility is in the overall vision and execution of the entire movie. He dictates who shoots the film and how its shot, who edits and how its edited, how actors portray their roles and when a scene is good enough, and also what changes he wants to the script to fit his vision of the film.


Since more people have seen this movie, I have a few questions if you don't mind answering them:

1) Do you agree this is the Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga in live action?

2) Do you agree that the Lois/Clark relationship aspect sucked in this movie?

3) Do you agree Kevin Costner as Kevin Costner was a highlight in the movie? Maybe even the My-Cocaine of this?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think this is portrayed in the movie
in his scream as he is not supposed to kill but did even though he was the hope for humanity and a supposed shining example for them. but he killed zod thus setting a bad example, a human example, an example that humanity got the best of Kal-el and he succumbed and became like them in the end

But we don't get to see any of the reprecussions of that. This movie spends a lot of time setting up various themes and then doing nothing with them


Should have had a full fight between Superman/Zod/Faora out in the open (farm setting). Throw each other around while making giant craters in the ground and generally just beating the shit out of each other rather than having most of the fights take place near crowded areas. Would have cut down on some of the explosions and made for nice change in scenery. At least Superman should have tried to draw them to a less crowded area.
Nah, I really liked the
stuff. It was very similar, if not as affecting, as the
cold open of Star Trek 2009
, which I also loved.

So wait you hated the second's half mindless CG action but liked the intro's mindless CG action? Different tastes I suppose.

I do agree with most your assessment though, it's a competent film that was competently directed, but doesn't go beyond being okay. Faora action scene being the exception. :p
A movie director's role is not really limited to defining how the film is shot. That is actually more of the DP's roles. The director's responsibility is in the overall vision and execution of the entire movie. He dictates who shoots the film and how its shot, who edits and how its edited, how actors portray their roles and when a scene is good enough, and also what changes he wants to the script to fit his vision of the film.

That's fine. But going by what most people said to be the movie's weakness, it's just a weird tonal shift going from one end of the spectrum to the next.

Mistake maybe, but doesn't mean he's a talentless hack by any stretch of the imagination.


Super Member
Since more people have seen this movie, I have a few questions if you don't mind answering them:

1) Do you agree this is the Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga in live action?

2) Do you agree that the Lois/Clark relationship aspect sucked in this movie?

3) Do you agree Kevin Costner as Kevin Costner was a highlight in the movie? Maybe even the My-Cocaine of this?
1) People need to stop attributing stuff to Dragonball Z, especially content in Superman stories. ;p

2) Maybe, but there's more to characters than being love interests. Showing Lois's competence is a higher priority. I wanted to see her interact with the Daily Planet crew more.

3) He did a good job as a father figure. There's not a lot to cite other than his moral example, since he keeps dying in the comics.

So wait you hated the second's half mindless CG action but liked the intro's mindless CG action? Different tastes I suppose.

I do agree with most your assessment though, it's a competent film that was competently directed, but doesn't go beyond being okay. Faora action scene being the exception. :p
Krypton's screentime is not mindless. It was solid world-building. I like Star Trek 09, but it treated Romulus, Vulcan, and Earth as very minor backdrops. What's Cybertron? Where was the place those aliens came from in Avengers? Who cares?

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
With respect to the differing opinion, this just reads as crazy talk to me. I haven't wanted to walk out of a movie more since The Spirit. The fight in Smallville and the final fight were good in concept, if not choreography, but overall it was a floppy, kludgey, bloated, boring mess. Why was
the first 10 minutes on Krypton even in the movie when it could be (and is) easily explained when Clark reaches the ship?
Screams "we need an action scene at all costs" and possibly studio interference.

I hope they give Cavill another shot, because there was a flash of Christopher Reeve-level charisma in
his final scene with the general,
but he had nothing to work with most of the time. I liked Superman Returns better, and I hated Superman Returns. Maybe next time they'll finally do a new and interesting story, as opposed to an inferior remake/rehash of a Donner film.

What in the hell? Felt what? It was so goddamned sterile when it wasn't being blatantly maudlin. I want to see the movie you guys saw.

I don't want to see the movie you saw. But as soon as I can I shall rewatch the awesome movie I saw today.


Since more people have seen this movie, I have a few questions if you don't mind answering them:

1) Do you agree this is the Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga in live action?

2) Do you agree that the Lois/Clark relationship aspect sucked in this movie?

3) Do you agree Kevin Costner as Kevin Costner was a highlight in the movie? Maybe even the My-Cocaine of this?

1) Not really. The similarities were always there with Superman, but I think it's really just that - some superficial similarities which make for a good internet joke.

2) Yeah, sucked. Lois comes off as a stalker fangirl, and Clark latched on to her like she's the first woman to actually be interested in him. Pretty stupid, shallow, no real development.

3) Nope. I think he gave a fantastic performance, but the material was pretty weak.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Since more people have seen this movie, I have a few questions if you don't mind answering them:

1) Do you agree this is the Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga in live action?
Perry, Lois, Jenny Olsen, the general dude=Z fighters

man, it really is a live action Saiyan Saga.

Dragon Ball basically takes a lot of stuff from Superman, so I'm not surprised. Goku is the JPN version of Superman.


Duckroll, I was gonna say something since you didn't treat KC with the respect he deserves as the saviour of Man of Steel, but you have become part of the brethren for hating on Lois/Clark so I'll let it lie.

Perry, Lois, Jenny Olsen, the general dude=Z fighters

man, it really is a live action Saiyan Saga.
Insert brofist here.

When I watched the movie, I can still remember thinking, 'This is as close to DBZ being done justice as you'll ever get. Cherish this moment Verendus, for it is indeed once in a lifetime.' I then took a moment of silence to reflect.

I'm hoping someone out there will edit the movie, and dub it with DBZ once the movie is out on home video.
Man, Lex in the sequel will seem like a come-down from Zod. Maybe they'll go with the 2 villain approach.

I'm hoping they do Lex as a villain working in the background, and Brainiac or something similar as the main villain. Have Lex rebuilding Metropolis while also harvesting fallen Kryptonian technology and he ends up awakening or creating Brainiac.


Super Member
We will never get a good live action DBZ. You let me live my dream!
It's not gonna have Emmy Rossum so it's a lost cause anyways.

As long as we're doing DBZ comparisons, I'd liken Zod to Broly and Mon-El to Vegeta.

Anton Sugar said:
I don't understand how Goyer is revered in Hollywood. Dude is gonna ride his TDK rep until he's raw.
Batman trilogy had a bunch of its own problems. The difference is no one listened then.

Now people are taking frustrations built from other movies and piling them on Man of Steel. It deserves some criticism but it's gone a little overboard.


Batman trilogy had a bunch of its own problems. The difference is no one listened then.

Now people are taking frustrations built from other movies and piling them on Man of Steel. It deserves some criticism but it's gone a little overboard.

What is this..... I don't even....

No, just no. That's not how movies work. People don't repress negative feelings on one film only to dump them on another. These are Olympian-level mental gymnastics you're performing here.


Interesting to see if WB uses the $12 million from Thursday in their OW numbers. Right now they're separating it but they may use it to claim the June record if it cannot be achieved over the 3 days. Regardless, $56.1 million is impressive.


Yeah, I think this is the only way to do Lex.

I think Lex is going to create Kryptonite in the sequel. Looking at how Superman's "weakness" is established in the movie, he is weakened by an environment which similar to Krypton. If an enemy of Superman on Earth had unlimited resources, he would probably design a material which emits such properties. I think that makes more sense than it being some sort of space rock.


I think Lex is going to create Kryptonite in the sequel. Looking at how Superman's "weakness" is established in the movie, he is weakened by an environment which similar to Krypton. If an enemy of Superman on Earth had unlimited resources, he would probably design a material which emits such properties. I think that makes more sense than it being some sort of space rock.

I'd subscribe to this newsletter.
There would be no Joker without Batman. :)

True, but Batman didn't bring crime to Gotham. Gotham was corrupt, so he tried to fight it. Then 'escalation' happens, as the films refer to it.

But in MoS Kal-El's presence brings a whole heap of pain and destruction down on Earth. Earth protected him more than he protected Earth.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
For as disninterested as I am in the general Superman mythos man I really want to see Brainiac on screen with this kind of budget. Especially if they go with the Animated Series supercomputer angle
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